Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 184: True copy (1)


There was a bang of 'Boom'.

Stones fell, ceilings collapsed, and the Institute was reduced to ruins. Looking at the 'home' in front of him, Xia Yihui was in a trance for a moment, but he quickly coordinated himself.

[A player has successfully cleared the level]

[Second person to clear customs: Huaguo District, Xia Yihui]

[The third person to clear the customs: Huaguo District, Zhang Qingyu]


Xia Yihui had this dream for a long time.

In the dream, he saw many things.

There is a big willow tree planted in the research institute. In summer, the instructor always takes the children of the research institute to play by the willow tree. These children have apprentices and experimental subjects.

Later, the tree was cut down, and the dream woke up.

He can't remember anything.


Xia Yihui was woken up by a loud 'boom', and opened his eyes suddenly, only to find that his whole body was stiff and unable to move.

The brain was still in the daze of just clearing the level, accompanied by bouts of dull pain, Xia Yi turned his eyes and observed the surrounding situation with difficulty.

This is a one-bedroom homestay. The structure is very strange, it doesn't matter if there is no separate bathroom and kitchen, there is no furniture in the living room, and the whole hall is empty, like a new house that has not yet been renovated.

Xia Yihui is now in the living room, the door of the bedroom is behind him, less than three meters away from him.

Directly opposite him was the gate of the house, which was ajar, and the situation outside could not be seen clearly. There is also a large freezer next to the door, which is against the half of the door, preventing the door from being opened smoothly.

The scene in front of me... is so familiar that I can't say it. I remember that when I first entered the dungeon, it was the same room, and all the interior decorations had not changed.

Even the crack in the door against which the freezer stood was the same.

The only difference is... the live broadcast room is gone.

[Welcome to the real world]

Xia Yihui's eyebrows twitched, and he faintly felt an ominous premonition.

[I'm very sorry, for the customer's game experience, the official of the infinite escape game lied to you.]

[The total number of participants in this game is more than 7 billion, and the remaining 300 people will enter the real world. You are all one-in-a-million candidates. In this world, it will be up to you to compete in the final battle.]

[The list of survivors will start playing next.]

[Xin Zhu, Xia Yihui, Zhang Qingyu, Lucian, Vladimir Ilyich, Lin Xiu, Li Anan, Ivanovich Ivanov, Ivanovna Ivanov Baby, Yunpanshan, Nilovna...]

Xia Yihui supported the sofa behind him, feeling dizzy in his brain. He can understand every word of the electronic sound, but it is a bit confusing to connect them together.

What is 'told a lie'

What is 'The Last Rivalry'

What is the 'survivor list'

What are you doing, the Human Clearance Project or Thanos Invasion? Even the two of them didn't do so absolutely.

There are a total of 7 billion people in the world, even if Thanos still retains half of the people, there are at least 3.5 billion people. How come there are only 300 people left in the infinite escape game

What about those who were eliminated, didn't they return to the real world to be keyboard warriors? If the current Xia Yihui is called the real world, then where are these eliminated people going

Or... they didn't go anywhere at all.

To die is to die, the body turns into territory, blends with the mud, and is eaten by the crawling species. Maybe these players who died in despair did not get a new life after despair, but closed their eyes forever.

The door frame was knocked by the crawling species, and Xia Yihui only felt chills all over his body, which was much worse than the first time he entered the dungeon. At that time, it was only the physical function that was hindered, but now it is the heart that has suffered a major blow.

Just imagine, if you are suddenly told that there are only 300 people left in the world including you, and the outside is full of reptiles that are no different from zombies, how would you feel

Collapse, despair, hesitation... Or should I eat and drink with a meaningless look

After all, the latter is a minority, and most people still account for the former. With such a strong psychological quality as Xia Yihui, Rao couldn't bear this situation.

The environment is harsh and reptiles are rampant.

Maybe the missiles that were thrown at City S were not successfully launched at all, or maybe the research on the frozen man was not successful, and the root of the reptiles has not been completely eliminated. Then the current situation can have a good explanation.

—Humanity is finished.

Xia Yi turned his head dizzy for a while.

He touched the space subconsciously, it was very good, everything was there, and there was nothing missing.

Seeing that the reptiles outside the door were about to rush in, his fighting instinct made him draw his gun and shoot the reptiles in the head.

With a sound of 'collapse', the brain was splashed, black juice flowed everywhere, and a disgusting smell came to the nostrils.

Every time the battle is over, Xia Yihui will habitually glance at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

If you stay alone for a long time, you will like to watch things full of life. Maybe there are trolls, maybe there are insults, so what? Only these fresh things can Xia Yihui feel that his blood is still hot, his existence is extremely distinct, he is still a living person, not a frozen living dead.

The place where the barrage should have been was empty, and after the reptiles were killed, the only thing in this space also disappeared.

During this period of delay, the list of survivors of the electronic sound has been played.

After that, the electronic voice didn't say anything more, but fell into silence. It was quiet all around, as if the whole world had been abandoned by the busyness of the human world.

Xia Yihui closed the door and sat on the seat for a while without making any sound.

In the past at this time, he would watch the live broadcast to entertain himself, and if he made jokes, the time would slip away in no time. However, now that he was really alone, he just found that the dungeon was so hard to bear.

I remember fighting reptiles and running into the bedroom when I was almost killed, but who knew there were seven or eight reptiles in the bedroom.

Xia Yihui stood up and approached the bedroom.

There was a gurgling sound inside, and there was a tiny sound of paws rubbing against the ground.

After standing there for a while, Xia Yihui walked back to the edge of the sofa, and slowly sat down expressionlessly.

It's not that he can't be killed, but that he doesn't want to kill. The feeling of being alone is really scary.


The time was spent in Xia Yihui's dizziness. He even fell asleep on the way, and when he woke up, it was still pitch black.

Xia Yihui couldn't tell how long he slept this time, probably from today to tomorrow, from the first dark night to the second dark night, which was exactly one day.

Going on like this is not an option. After getting up and sitting there for a while, Xia Yihui ran to the window, lifted the curtain and took a look outside.

Outside the window is... a landscape of life and death.

Just like the European and American zombie blockbusters, there are many cars parked on the street, which seem to have been abandoned for many years. From this angle, the windshield is covered with dust.

From time to time, one or two suspicious creatures scurry by on the street, and even a thin black mark is left behind where they ran. If one word is used to describe the scene in front of me, it must be 'wasteland'.

When Xia Yihui frowned and thought hard, the electronic sound suddenly sounded.


... Feel like you haven't done anything yet, and it's already the second day

[The list of survivors will start playing below.]

Xia Yihui couldn't help but tremble at the tip of his heart.

If there is no accident, it is estimated that the list of survivors will be played every day. But there is one thing that makes people quite concerned. If only 300 people survived safely, it would be a huge problem to get these people together. How could there be a reduction in personnel

Before he could figure it out, the electronic sound had already started.

[Xin Zhu, Xia Yihui, Zhang Qingyu, Lucian, Vladimir Ilyich, Lin Xiu, Li Anan, Ivanovich Ivanov, Ivanovna Ivanov Baby, Yunpanshan, Nilovna...]

After patiently listening to the list, Xia Yihui counted the number silently in his mind, always paying attention to the familiar names.

Zhang Qingyu, Li Bai, Xin Zhu, Lucian, Mei Laogou... These well-known players all survived safely. Not only that, even other players were not eliminated.

There are 300 people, but one is not a lot.

Xia Yihui really wanted to know how other players survived from the barrage in the live broadcast room, but unfortunately now that the live broadcast room has disappeared, he can only speculate by himself.

Logically speaking, the environment faced in the dungeon at the beginning is just a trivial matter in front of players who have already experienced a lot of practice. Even if other players face different room types, the estimated difficulty of the crisis should be similar.

So referring to Xia Yihui's own handling method, there should be some people who stayed in the room for a whole day, so that they passed the first day safely.

The safety of this method is indeed in place, but the random problem is the food problem.

After experiencing several dungeon ghost cards, everyone didn't get replenished items in the cultivation space, but instead, they closed and opened their eyes directly to the real dungeon.

"There are still 12 bottles of milk, 7 pieces of bread, and 3 bottles of medicine..." Xia Yihui put the supplies back into the space one by one, frowning: "Under the condition of ensuring combat effectiveness, these things are enough for me to last for 6 days."

It is conceivable that after six days, Xia Yihui will probably go out to fight hungry. Worse, he may even starve to death if no new supplies are found.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui's whole body trembled.

No! Can't spend it here!

If you want to survive, you have to go out and face the reptiles. Some things can't be avoided by hiding.

The house was searched vigorously and the house was in disrepair for a long time. The food had been corroded and could not be eaten.

Only some medicines have a long enough shelf life, and Xia Yihui didn't pick them at all. As long as they were useful, he picked them up in the space as if they were rags.

After everything was ready, Xia Yihui carefully opened the door of the house.

The heavy door made a 'cracking' sound, which was very clear in a silent space.

It was pitch black outside, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

He just took two steps outside when suddenly, something wet grabbed his ankle.

"who is it?!"

Xia Yihui was taken aback, and reflexively drew and loaded his gun, pointing the muzzle at the man who was leaning against the edge of the door with his head down. If he hadn't heard that familiar grunt, he would have almost pulled the trigger directly!

The author has something to say: Zhang Dashen may be late, but he will never be absent!

Changed the book, be forewarned, this book will 'kill' many people. But don't worry, the ending is broadly defined he, a Hollywood-style happy ending, everyone will be very happy~