Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 185: True Copy (2)


Zhang Qingyu was seriously injured, this was Xia Yihui's first thought.

Facts have proved that his idea is correct. Zhang Qingyu was indeed seriously injured, his clothes were stained with blood, and the skin of his tentacles turned cold, and his fingertips were stained red when he touched it.

As soon as Xia Yihui squatted down, Zhang Qingyu turned over to him without any reservation, and seemed to be completely exhausted.

"Zhang... Zhang Qingyu?"

Xia Yihui was dazed for a while, and then he touched the other person's breath foolishly. When he found that he could still feel the weak heat between his fingers, he hurriedly carried Zhang Qingyu into the room with his arms, straight and straight. Helped to the sofa.

Taking out the remaining medicine in the dungeon in the space, Xia Yihui picked up another pack of anti-inflammatory medicine and gave Zhang Qingyu to take it together. About half an hour later, his complexion was much better, but the effect of the medicine was not as effective as before.

This may be the difference between the real world and the game. In the game, it takes only a moment for the medicine to take effect. However, in the real world, it takes a long healing period to heal the wound, and there are various taboos after recovery.

Xia Yihui bandaged Zhang Qingyu distressedly, and kept thinking: "Such a powerful person, why was he accidentally injured? Logically speaking, a few reptiles shouldn't be able to hurt you, and you can't hurt me either." I will not take the risk of running into places where reptiles are dense, so how did this injury come about... "

After chanting for a while, the content of the broken thoughts was completely crooked.

"Sleeping Beauty must look like you, her eyelashes are really long, she looks so good-looking, but she is still not as good-looking as me hahahahahaha... For the sake of my bandaging, you are not allowed to die... Don't worry..."

An hour later, 'Sleeping Beauty' Zhang Qingyu woke up leisurely.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Xia Yi realized it, and quickly stopped his mouth that had been chasing him for a long time.

The moment he stopped, the surrounding area became eerily quiet.

Xia Yihui bit the bullet and said, "Your injury...what's going on? Was it stabbed by a creeping species?"

Zhang Qingyu moved, as if he wanted to get up from Xia Yihui's lap. It's just that before he could take action, the wound on his abdomen became unhappy first, and blood spread from the gauze.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Xia Yi pressed Zhang Qingyu's forehead, and pushed him back with a 'dong' sound.

Zhang Qingyu, who was forced to sleep between the legs of his sweetheart: "..."

Zhang Qingyu said, "It's not a reptile."

Xia Yihui nodded, the expression on his face was not very surprised.

When treating Zhang Qingyu's wounds, he noticed that those wounds were not saw-sawed, but neatly cut, that is to say, the wounds were not bitten by claws or teeth, but most likely came from similar.

Xia Yihui lowered his face and said, "Who hurt you?"

Zhang Qingyu said, "No one."

Xia Yi was ready to take a knife to avenge Zhang Qingyu, but when he heard this, he was a little confused.

"No one hurt you?"

Zhang Qingyu was silent.

Xia Yihui said, "Then how did you get this injury?"

Zhang Qingyu remained silent.

Xia Yihui joked, "Could it be possible that you can still stab yourself a thousand times?"

Zhang Qingyu: "..."

Xia Yihui: "..."

After being silent for a few seconds, Xia Yihui was shocked: "Did you really make it yourself?"

Zhang Qingyu's face was expressionless, but embarrassment appeared in his eyes.

Xia Yi turned a serious face: "If you don't talk about it, I will take off your clothes and look at the wound."

If the barrage in the live broadcast room is still there, the same sentence should be swiped at this time: One thing falls one thing.

Zhang Qingyu said sullenly: "A car accident."

Xia Yihui: "...?"

Zhang Qingyu continued: "When I woke up, I was in the suburbs, and you weren't there. All the means of transportation were stopped. I found a car with air in the tires, smashed up the gas station to fill up some gas, and drove all the way to S City at high speed. On the way Encountered a reptilian raid, turn the steering wheel, and then... "

"Okay, needless to say." Xia Yihui raised his hand to stop, pursed his lips and asked, "You've been looking for me for a day?"

Zhang Qingyu nodded sullenly, as if unable to resist the effects of the medicine, he soon fell into a coma.

There was no way to get out of this state, Xia Yi closed the door of the room, quickly dealt with the crawling species in the bedroom, endured the nausea in his heart, and cleaned up the slaughter scene.

The sheets in the bedroom were covered with dust and damp. Under special circumstances, there is no way to wash the quilt, but it seems a bit inhumane to throw the bright and mighty Zhang Dashen on the moldy quilt.

Xia Yihui removed the sheets, took out a few winter thick cotton clothes from the closet, and spread them on. Although there is still a musty smell on it, it looks like a place where people can sleep.

When helping Zhang Qingyu to the bedroom, there was a low murmur in his ear, as if to say 'you're not here' or something.

Xia Yi touched Zhang Qingyu's forehead, and it was extremely hot to the touch. He comforted repeatedly with distressed words: "I am here, I am by your side right now, you can see it when you open your eyes."

The sick Zhang Qingyu was very different from usual. If it is the usual, I will suffer all the sufferings and difficulties by myself, and rarely show it. But now he is frowning again with uncomfortable face, and mumbling something vaguely.

Xia Yihui stayed by the side for a while at night, watching it also felt uncomfortable, while thinking brokenly in his heart: "If you can get out alive in the end, I must find a bottle of wine and pour you hard. If there is no accident, you will see the truth." , When he wakes up, he looks like a stuffed gourd, and when his mind is not clear, hey, everything is exposed."

Just continuing to be in a daze like this, Zhang Qingyu seemed to open his eyes when he was in a daze.

Xia Yihui's whole body was jolted up, and he became energetic in an instant, and threw himself on the bed: "What, are you hungry or thirsty? Do you still feel uncomfortable now?"

Zhang Qingyu frowned, and said confusedly: "Unfortunate..."

"How could it be? My technique of bandaging wounds is very professional." Xia Yi looked up and down anxiously, and said, "What's so uncomfortable?"

Zhang Qingyu said, "I feel uncomfortable."

Xia Yihui: "..."

Xia Yi asked tentatively, "Why do you feel uncomfortable again?"

Zhang Qingyu blinked, looked at Xia Yi for a long, long time, and opened her thin lips: "I want to see you live."

Xia Yi turned his eyes slightly red, reached out and touched Zhang Qingyu's head, forced a smile and said: "I'm so stupid. What do you mean by watching me live? You have to live too, we can all live in the end."

Zhang Qingyu pursed her lips: "It's still uncomfortable."

Xia Yihui asked patiently: "What else is uncomfortable?"

This time Zhang Qingyu was silent for a long time, looked at Xia Yihui with eyes like a big dog, and muttered something.

"What did you say?" Xia Yi didn't hear clearly, so he leaned forward and put his ear close to Zhang Qingyu's lips.

"Don't talk to No. 1 in the future."

As soon as the voice fell, there was heat in the ears and a little pain.

Xia Yihui was startled for a moment, sat up straight in an instant, and said with a smile: "Speak well, why bite people."

Zhang Qingyu looked seriously: "Don't talk to him."

Wow, it seems that Zhang Qingyu is really burnt out.

Xia Yihui suppressed his smile, what else could he do at this time. Who made Zhang Qingyu a patient, so he can only be pampered, right

"Okay, okay, I will definitely not talk to him in the future."

"It's not allowed to look."

"Isn't it allowed to see?"


"Okay, then I won't watch... Can I touch it?"


"Where's my dear?"

"It doesn't work either."


"...That is absolutely not allowed!"

Xia Yihui raised a smile on his lips, and joked: "I can't see, I can't talk, I can't touch, I can't kiss, I can't even do that. Then how should I treat him?"

Zhang Qingyu seemed to be stumped by this question, frowned and thought hard for a while, then said, "Send him to the mountains."

After a pause, he added, "It's best to disconnect from the Internet."


Xia Yi almost burst into tears from laughter, it took a long time to calm down, and said: "Master Zhang, why didn't I find you so funny before?"

Zhang Qingyu tilted his head and looked at Xia Yihui in confusion. He seemed to be extremely tired, his eyelids were trembling, and he waited until Xia Yihui said "yes" with a serious face, before he closed his eyes in peace and fell asleep within a few seconds.

The wound medicine has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the wound, but it is a pity that it has no fever-reducing effect.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Qingyu burned even worse.

The environment this time is really the worst since entering the game. Xia Yi ran to the toilet and kitchen to check, and found that the inside was completely dry, not a drop of water left.

He had no choice but to sit by the window and stick his wrists out of the window. When the cold wind blew outside, his fingers were numb from the cold.

When he was so numb that he couldn't feel it, he withdrew his hand and placed his cold hand on Zhang Qingyu's hot forehead, while the other hand continued to stretch out the window to blow the cold wind.

Not to mention, this method is really useful.

When the sky was turning pale, Zhang Qingyu's high fever finally showed signs of fading. Although it was still a bit hot to the touch, it was comforting that it was no longer a human-shaped stove.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, the electronic speaker sounded.

[Start shrinking the circle.]

[The places outside of city S are all poison circles. For the sake of precious lives, please rush to the safe area as soon as possible. Each player can get a watch, on which the player and the source of air investment are marked, the green light is the player, and the red light is the source of air investment.]

As soon as the voice fell, two objects in midair were falling vertically. Xia Yihui took it quickly, and raised his hand to see that it was exactly two watch-shaped objects.

There are many green lights on the dial, roughly hundreds of them. On the contrary, there are none of the sources of air investment mentioned by Electronic Voice.

Confused for a moment, Xia Yihui's attention was quickly attracted by another thing.

There are many lines drawn on the dial, which looks familiar. After thinking hard for a while, Xia Yi was taken aback: Isn't this the map of City S drawn on it

"Look where we are..."

Fingers drew on the dial for a while, and soon Xia Yihui found his location, but soon, another problem appeared later.

There is another green light on the dial, which is rapidly approaching their position. Xia Yihui zoomed in on the map again, and he was sure that the other party's destination was not the same area, nor the same street, but the house where he was.

Before he could figure out how to transfer Zhang Qingyu, there was a knock on the door, no, it should have been smashed.

Those who knew this movement thought it was knocking on the door, and those who didn't know thought it was setting off firecrackers.

Xia Yihui was instantly alert, walked out of the bedroom in a few steps, and slowly approached the door.

While clutching the gun, he said in a low voice, "There are people inside."

The voice outside the door was hoarse and weak: "Nonsense, why am I here when there is no one?"

Xia Yihui frowned: "Who are you?"

"As soon as Xia returns to your motherfucker, you won't recognize anyone if you don't see him for a few days." Outside the door: "I'm your uncle!"

Xia Yihui: "..."

Well, although the voice can't be heard, the accent is very recognizable.

As soon as Xia opened the door, a smell of alcohol came to his face.

Mei Yougan couldn't take it anymore, and hit the ground with a 'boom', coughing violently, raised her hand while coughing and said, "I have medicine, don't waste yours!"

After closing the door, feeling the overwhelming smell of alcohol in the room, and there was a seriously injured alcoholic who was as drunk as mud on the ground, Xia Yihui sighed deeply.

Here comes another wounded...

After finally kicking and rolling Mei Yougan onto the sofa, Xia rolled her eyes in anger.

"Crawlers are running rampant outside, wouldn't it be good to just find a place to hang around? You all really think of yourself as superheroes, and you will go all the way to where there is danger."

Mei Yougan took out a bottle of wine and a packet of deformed cigarettes from the space, took a sip of the wine, and after a while, he raised his head and said, "Who else came to your place?"

Before Xia Yi could reply, Mei Yougan suddenly felt blessed, and said, "Your husband is also here?"

"Where is it, where is it?" Mei Yougan stretched his head and looked around, curiously looking in the direction of the bedroom.

"What husband... you can calm down a little bit." Xia Yihui was speechless for a while, rolling his eyes while helping Mei Yougan treat the abdominal wound.

His wound was obviously completely different from Zhang Qingyu's. Zhang Qingyu had obvious cuts and scratches, while Mei Yougan had the standard 'bitten by a dog' injury.

It was no joke that a large piece of meat was dug out. Although Xia Yihui had skin on his mouth, his hands did not slack in the slightest. Disinfect with the white wine brought by Mei Yougan, stop the bleeding, and quickly bandage it up.

Mei Yougan pulled the bandage, and said seriously: "The business is good, and I will come to you next time I get injured."

Xia Yihui sneered: " can come next time, I just happen to kill you directly."

Mei Yougan laughed a couple of times indifferently, touching the abdominal wound, he hissed, and lit a cigarette conveniently.

There was silence in the room, and after a while, it was filled with smoke.

"Are you a dog nose, sniffing my scent all the way?"

Xia Yihui has been wondering how Zhang Qingyu got here. Now Mei Yougan seems to have used the same method to find them, and this question happened to be asked together.

Mei Yougan said: "I have seen your novice dungeon, and I probably remember the terrain of the scene clearly. I followed it and touched it."

"No..." Xia Yihui said doubtfully, "It's fine for Zhang Qingyu to look for me, why are you looking for me?"

Mei Yougan gave Xia a weird look, and said, "Are you really stupid or fake?"

Xia Yihui was speechless: "I'm not stupid."

"Then you're just pretending to be stupid." Mei Yougan stifled the cigarette in his hand, and said, "Now who doesn't know that this game is based on you. It was so obvious in the last dungeon, I really didn't know A freezer can have so much power, it took your old Mei backtracking nearly a hundred times to succeed."

Xia Yihui was stunned: "Nearly a hundred times?"

Mei Yougan smiled wryly: "Those of you who cleared the level early fell asleep after clearing the level, and when you closed your eyes, you couldn't control anything. Do you know that those of us who follow behind to drink vegetable soup can be called a joke?" , it took two months to get through the customs one after another, and the boil can kill people alive."

Xia Yihui said, "Where are the others?"

Mei Yougan's expression froze: "Dead."

Xia Yihui said: "But those bullet screens..."

"Games can be fake barrage." Mei Youqian said in a depressed mood, "I'm dead, what else do I want to do?"

After speaking, Mei Yougan's eyes turned red, and she suddenly leaned back to cover her eyes with her hands.

"Fortunately, I chose December 22 in the last dungeon. You know, I heard that people who chose the other option... all died. That problem is an elimination item. The game has no intention of giving those who make mistakes Those who choose will be released."

Xia Yihui said: "I know. When the dungeon started, it said that there were only 300 people left, so I guessed a little."

"No, you don't know, you can't imagine how miserable those people's deaths were." Mei Yougan wiped away the tears on his face with the back of his hand, choked up and speechless.

Seeing the blushing nose of this always cheerful man crying, Xia Yikui also became depressed. He reached for the cigarette case, lit a cigarette and smoked it.

After a long time, most of their emotions recovered, and they talked about cross talk while smoking.

Amidst the smoke, the bedroom door was slammed open.

Mei Yougan was so frightened that he saw that it was Zhang Qingyu, and he reflexively said, "Your little one wants to smoke by himself, I didn't bring it."

Without moving his eyes, Zhang Qingyu walked straight to Xia Yihui and looked at him with his head down.

"...?" Xia Yihui's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

Zhang Qingyu closed his eyes, threw himself on Xia Yihui's body, and knocked out the cigarette from Xia Yihui's fingertips.

Said: "Xiang."

Just by looking at him like this, you can tell that he is still awake.

Xia Yi looked at the cigarette in Mei Yougan's hand like a laser beam, and the latter was choked up by the dog food, and reluctantly pinched off the newly lit cigarette.

Seeing this, Xia Yi patted Zhang Qingyu's head, and immediately coaxed in a soft voice: "Okay, okay, stop smoking. You have a good sleep, we have to fight side by side when we wake up."

Zhang Qingyu let out a muffled snort, stretched out his arms to hug Xia Yihui, and wrapped him in his arms.

Xia Yihui broke free for a while, but couldn't break free no matter what, he shook his head helplessly and laughed out loud.

This before and after comparison!

This attitude change!

It's the end of the world and eating dog food, Mei Yougan pinches his nose with a look of despair, and almost shouts angrily: Obviously you guys are more smoked!

The author has something to say: In the last chapter, many cuties were worried about saying "he" in a broad sense, and the cuties were confused about whether it was an open ending. Hahaha, don't worry. It's fun to read the pictures, I like to watch Hollywood-style happy endings, and I can only write about this kind of writing.

To put it more seriously, all real characters will be happy and happy, without exception.

ps: If you write be, you will be caught by the main god and travel through the world to pay for your sins. Shi Shi is so timid, how dare Shi Shi! (serious face.jpg)