Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 186: Three true copies (three)


Finally, Zhang Qingyu was coaxed back to the bedroom to rest. When the night got darker, Zhang Qingyu finally managed to reduce his fever, and his complexion was much better than before.

Seeing this situation, Xia Yihui was relieved a lot.

At about zero o'clock, the electronic pitch sounded.


[Start broadcasting the list of survivors]

[Xin Zhu, Xia Yihui, Zhang Qingyu, Lucian, Vladimir Ilyich, Lin Xiu, Li Anan, Ivanovich Ivanov, Ivanovna Ivanov Baby, Yunpanshan, Nilovna...]

The ranking order is not much different from that of day2, but after counting, the number of names is less than 300, only 298.

Mei Youqian also noticed this, he raised his head to look at Xia Yihui suddenly, and asked in surprise, "Does this mean that two people died?"

Xia Yihui nodded vaguely: "It should be."

Mei Yougan's face turned ugly: "The game reported the name too quickly, I didn't catch it clearly. Did you hear who died?"

Xia once raised his watch and glanced at the number of street lights, there will be 298 street lights on it. After comparing his memories, he pursed his lips and said, "The ones who died should be two foreign names, not Chinese."

Hearing this, Mei Yougan breathed a sigh of relief, but then he became worried.

Now there are only 300 people left in the world, and these 300 people are all gathered in this fallen capital. It is no exaggeration to say that no matter what nationality the person died, it is a loss to mankind.

After the late night, the sky will soon be white.

This time, Xia Yihui paid special attention to the time. At about 9:00 in the morning, the electronic voice began to issue a new round of rules.

[The airdrop of food is now being distributed, and 300 food will be randomly distributed throughout the city. The food airdrop is replaced by a red light. Players can determine the location on the accompanying watch. Once the airdrop is moved, the red light will go off immediately.]

There was the sound of a glider whizzing by outside the window, Xia Yihui and Mei Yougan exchanged glances, they jumped up from the sofa at the same time, and rushed to the window in three steps at a time.

The sky was white, with no clouds or planes. Those airdrop boxes tied with small parachutes seemed to pop out of the cracks in the rocks, and landed in every corner of the city.

"I saw one!" Mei Yougan stretched out his hand and patted Xia Yihui's shoulder wildly, and said excitedly, "It just fell behind that house. Sure enough, it's right to follow you. Isn't this an airdrop that smashed your face? Let's go pick it up." !"

"If the food is airdropped...we still have some left." Xia Yihui hesitated for a moment: "It's very dangerous outside now."

"Silly baby, what do you have left? Food is such an important resource that you still have too little. We can't drink the Northwest Wind when we have nothing to eat, right?"

Mei Yougan continued to say with a look of resentment: "With that one, why are you afraid of danger? The reptiles should be afraid of you."

Xia Yi shook his head, just about to say that Zhang Qingyu was seriously injured. The bedroom door was pushed open with a 'clack'. Zhang Qingyu held onto the door frame and said calmly, "Let's go, go get the airdrop."

Looking at Zhang Qingyu's peaceful appearance, he should have regained his sobriety.

Facing Zhang Qingyu, who is not clear-headed, the two can still make waves, but facing Zhang Qingyu under normal conditions, it feels like there is an invisible pressure on their shoulders. Behavior, the eyes of condemnation will be pierced on yourself in an instant.

Therefore, the two people in the room behaved a lot.

In the end, Mei Yougan was the first to break the tranquility: "Why are you standing there, let's go!"

After all, he hurriedly walked out, as if he was afraid that the airdrop would be robbed.

These two people didn't look like injured people at all, and their walking pace and frequency were much faster than Xia's once.

Xia Yihui followed behind the two of them, still worried and asked: "Is your injury okay?"

Zhang Qingyu replied: "It's okay, you can fight."

Xia Yihui's mind moved: "By the way, do you still remember what happened last night?"

Zhang Qingyu paused, and Zhao Xia, whose eyes were inch by inch, moved over, "What happened?"

Xia Yihui choked for a moment: "You really don't remember anything?"

Zhang Qingyu frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Mei Yougan's whispered urging came from the stairway.

"What are you doing, you're just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"

Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu looked at each other for a few seconds, skipped the topic at the same time, and hurried on their way quickly.

It was sunny, but there were not many reptiles on the way. Even if there was a single one, it was quickly killed by Xia Yihui with one blow.

After about a few minutes, the three walked around the building.

The back of the building was empty, and there was no airdrop as Mei Yougan mentioned.

"Eh?" Mei Yougan turned around in shock for a while, then turned around and said, "I really saw the airdrop falling this way, I didn't lie to you."

"Don't worry." Xia reassured Mei Yougan, raised his wrist and glanced at it, and said, "This one has a red light on the watch, and there is indeed an airdrop."

Mei Yougan scratched her head anxiously: "But there aren't any on the street."

Xia Yi glanced around, and finally settled on an open-air balcony on the second floor. Since the airdrop is dropped from the sky and there is no such thing on the street, the only possibility left should be the open-air balcony.

The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he pouted his chin towards the open-air balcony, "Go, go up to bask in the sun."

Before Mei Yougan could react, Zhang Qingyu understood Xia Yihui's meaning very quickly. He wrapped his arms around Xia Yihui's waist with one hand, and grabbed Mei Yougan's collar with the other hand. The tip rises slightly from the ground.

"Puff, cough, cough... cough, cough..." Mei Yougan, who was strangled by the collar of his clothes, yelled murder.

There was a 'bang' sound, and the dust rose.

This was the sound of Mei Yougan being ruthlessly thrown to the ground.

Rubbing his buttocks and standing up, Mei Yougan raised his eyes and saw Xia Yihui being gently put on the ground by Zhang Qingyu, he immediately rolled his eyes angrily, and complained: "Obviously I am the wounded, can you be kind to the wounded?" A little basic respect!"

Zhang Qingyu raised his eyelids slightly, and gave him a blank expression.

Mei Youqian faltered instantly, slapped himself on the mouth and said, "I'm physically disabled! Don't respect me!"

Zhang Qingyu: "..."

Xia Yihui ignored the small interaction between the two of them. In the tens of seconds just now, he had roughly checked the surrounding environment.

This is a balcony that has been abandoned for a long time. It occupies a small area. A few large potted plants and a set of wicker chairs for guests are already full.

I don't know how long it has been tempered, the plants in the potted plants are only dry and isolated, and they look very depressed. The rattan chair has not been used for a long time and lacks care. After a few rains, it has been covered with moss. If you look closely, you can still see some green onions and weeds that have emerged.

"What about the airdrop???" Mei Yougan was confused: "Could it be that this airdrop has its own invisibility?"

Xia Yihui shook the watch on his wrist with a stern expression, and said, "The red dot has disappeared."

Mei Youqian: "... Damn!"

If you can't react at this time, you won't mix until the last stop. Mei Yougan turned cold instantly: "Someone jumped the airdrop!"

Xia Yi looked back slowly, the door above the open-air balcony was tightly closed, the answer was self-evident.

The other two were still able to hold on, but Mei Yougan was impatient, and went up and knocked on the door frantically, "bang bang bang".

After calling the door for a long time and no one answered, Mei Yougan rolled up his sleeves and was about to kick the door.

Xia Yihui hurriedly grabbed him, frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

Mei Yougan said, "Kick the door."

Xia Yihui: "No, why are you kicking the door hard? The door is so tight, if you kick the door twice and it won't open, the crawling species may attract a large crowd."

Mei Yougan said: "If you don't kick the door, I will eat you in the next few days?"

Xia Yihui: "..."

During the dispute, the door lock made a 'click'.

The two arguing turned their heads together. Zhang Qingyu was standing in front of the door with a face full of calm, his slender fingers were pressing on the doorknob, and with a slight push, the door slowly pushed back.

Very good, you can stop making noise.

The difficult problem has been easily ko by Zhang Dashen who doesn't talk too much.

The airdrop box must have been brought in by someone, and the traces of dragging along the way were very conspicuous.

"I don't understand," Mei Yougan whispered, "Is this person stupid? Why didn't he just stuff the airdrop box into the space?"

Xia didn't even raise his eyelids, and said, "Do you think you can think of things that others can't think of? If you don't put it in, there must be a reason for not putting it in. Either there is something wrong with the person's space, or... it must be a game." It's messing up."

Mei Youqian asked doubtfully, "What the hell can a game do?"

Xia Yihui shrugged: "Ghost knows, if you go in and have a look, you will understand."

The few people were speechless, and after checking the equipment, they were ready to go in to find out.

This time, Zhang Qingyu took the lead and walked in the front, Xia Yihui followed closely behind, in the middle, and Mei Yougan was behind.

Once inside the house, Xia Yihui immediately pinched his nose.

Although it was dark at the beginning and I couldn't see anything clearly, I could imagine what it was like just by smelling the smell.

It's really bad!

It was as if an old rotting corpse suddenly broke out of the ground, fermented and sour. It is no exaggeration to say that taking a deep breath here can immediately perform a death in place.

After walking a certain distance, Zhang Qingyu suddenly stopped when he reached an inflection point, and stood motionless on the spot. The two people behind were shocked for a moment, the one who drew his gun drew his gun, and the one who drew out his knife drew out his knife, but they dared not make any noise.

Zhang Qingyu's pause was so long that Xia Yihui couldn't hold back anymore. He secretly stuck out his head and glanced forward.

The more capable people in the game will improve their physical fitness, and the corresponding dynamic vision will also be strengthened. At the same distance, things that Zhang Qingyu can see may not necessarily be visible to Xia Yihui.

Squinting his eyes for a long time, Xia Yi only saw a lot of long strips on the ground. There must be more than 50 of them, all tangled together, dark and smelly.

Just as he was about to ask about the things on the ground, Zhang Qingyu suddenly moved his feet and continued to explore the way forward. Helpless, Xia Yihui had no choice but to forcefully suppress her curiosity and obediently follow behind.

Anyway, after walking a few more steps, I will know, and I don’t need to worry about it for a while—this idea was completely cut off after walking a few steps. It turns out that even if I walked to the center of those long objects, Xia Yihui couldn’t tell whether it was What.

The only thing I know is that it stinks, very stinks.

"Excuse me!" Mei Yougan screamed.

Xia Yihui raised his eyebrows and looked back, only to see that Mei Yougan didn't dislike the stench at all, bent down to dig under a long strip for a few seconds, and came out holding a spherical object with hair.

"Look what I picked up," Mei Yougan said with surprise on his face, "It's a head!"

"Head?" Xia Yi was stunned.

He looked around subconsciously, and all he could see were long objects. Look carefully, it seems that you can see things similar to thighs and forearms connected to long strips.

"These are all humans, no, should we say these are reptiles?" Mei Yougan hesitated, "Why don't we go back, the killing method on the opposite side looks a bit scary..."

Xia Yihui bent down to look carefully at the reptile's body, shook his head for a while and said, "The wounds are all bite marks. It seems that these reptiles were not killed, but killed each other."

After a pause, he raised his eyes and said, "Someone told them to kill each other."

Mei Yougan was full of disbelief, and said with a sneer, "Are you kidding me? Whose skills are so amazing that they can even make reptiles kill each other?"

Xia Yihui pursed his lips slightly: "I know there is such a person."

Mei Youqian was taken aback: "Who is it?"

The traces of dragging continued to the end of the corridor, where there was a door. At this time, the door was half-closed, and it seemed that it could be easily pushed open without any effort.

Xia Yi crossed Zhang Qingyu and walked straight to the door.

There was a dead silence in the air.

After a long time, a slightly trembling voice sounded.

"A child who will make you see...fear."