Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 188: True copy (5)


After calming down, the four of them sat in a circle.

There are several sticks of red wax in the middle, which have been burned to the end. The wax oil slid down the candle to the ground little by little, and there were puddles of oil stains on the ground.

Xia Yihui sat with Xin Zhu on his left. The latter leaned back against the wall, and the hair rope had been lost somewhere. At this time, his shoulder-length white hair was half-clad in a mess on his face, making his expression more and more tired.

Zhang Qingyu was sitting on Xia Yihui's right hand, violently destroying the airdrop box with his bare hands. The flickering candlelight left a dull color on his face, making it difficult for others to see his thoughts clearly.

The one with the most emotional fluctuations among the four is obviously Mei Yougan. For a while, he looked up at his palm in disbelief, and then touched his own forehead. Chaoxia said with a look of panic, "Help me quickly." Look, do I have a fever?"

Xia Yi tried it seriously and said, "I don't have a fever."

After a while, Mei Yougan said in horror again: "I feel a little nauseous, am I going to turn into a zombie soon?"

Xia Yihui: "..."

Xin Zhu opened his eyes like a cat, and said lazily, "I won't have a fever after being infected, and I won't feel like vomiting. I just have red spots on my palms and uncontrollable irritability."

Mei Yougan gasped: "What should I do, I feel very irritable right now!"

Xin Zhu said bluntly, "You have a bad mentality."

Mei Youqian said angrily: "I can't handle it, can you? I don't know who pushed my brother hard just now. If it wasn't for Zhang Dashen's quick response, you might not even see your brother!"

On the one hand, it is annoyance, and on the other hand, it is the gap after comparing with Zhang Qingyu. Xin Zhu felt a chill in his heart, suddenly raised his eyes, and looked fiercely at Mei Yougan, as if he was about to devour him.

Mei Yougan strangled her neck, and said with a sneer, "Why, do you still want to fight?"

The atmosphere between the two was tense, and they were about to fight. Xia Yihui suddenly interrupted: "Stop making noise."

His tone was flat, but unexpectedly effective. Xin Zhu shrank back immediately, frowned and looked at Xia Yi aggrievedly, as if silently accusing Mei Yougan.

Seeing his appearance, Mei Yougan suddenly became angry, turned his head away with a 'hum', and stopped talking.

Seeing that the two finally calmed down, Xia Yihui breathed a sigh of relief, raised his wrist and glanced at his watch.

The green lights above are densely packed, and the number of people has not decreased too much, but none of the red lights can be seen. It seems that all the airdrops have been taken away.

The combined inventories of the four of them could not last more than ten days, and the only hope now was the airdrop box in front of them. At this time, Zhang Qingyu had already broken open the airdrop box, and the four heads stretched above the box to look inside.

Seeing the objects inside, Mei Yougan sat slumped on the ground, slapped his head with his palm and said, "It's over!"

There are only 10 bottles of milk and 10 pieces of bread in the airdrop, which is enough for one person for five days, but if four people share it equally, it is very likely that there will be nothing in one day.

Obviously, they were so busy grabbing this airdrop that they forgot one very important thing. That is, there are a full 300 airdrops, one for each person, but the four of them... After grabbing this one, they actually sat down to rest

There were not enough resources and too many people. The situation that followed was very embarrassing. Everyone stopped talking and sat quietly in place, waiting for the night to fall.

Near midnight, the electronic voice finally began to broadcast the list of survivors.

This time Xia Yi listened very seriously, and after reading a string of names, he immediately raised his watch to check.

After a pause, Xia Yihui said, "27 people died this time."

Mei Yougan was completely immersed in the pain of being infected. He wiped his face sadly and said, "These 27 people must have all been infected and died by the reptiles."

Xin Zhu sneered: "People die for money, birds die for food, why don't you suspect that these people died because of fighting for airdrops?"

Mei Yougan said, "Do you think everyone is as aggressive as you?"

Xin Zhu said: "I know that in this game, each person is assigned an airdrop box, and I am willing to share the food with Brother Xia. Whether others are as aggressive as me is another matter, at least not everyone is as dull as you, thinking that the box There are many things that are bulky.”

Both of them are the best among logical geniuses, and they are so powerful that they can't tell the difference for a while. Arguing and arguing, maybe anger caused the speed of infection to speed up, their faces became paler, and even their eyes drifted a little.

Later, when they got tired of arguing, they themselves felt that it was meaningless, so they shrank aside and stopped making any noise.

A night watchman was assigned in the middle of the night. Because of Xin Zhu's strong interference, Xia Yihui and Xin Zhu were divided into a group and guarded in the first half of the night. The other group is Mei Youqian and Zhang Qingyu, who will guard the rest of the night together.

In the dead of night, Xia Yihui moved a chair and sat by the window.

The street was in a state of depression, and it was so pitch black that it was impossible to see anything clearly. Occasionally, a few fat mice like cats fled past, found a corner similar to a sewer, and shrank back.

Xia Yihui glanced at the place three meters away, and said with a smile: "What are you doing so far away from me?"

Xin Zhu curled up to the side, and said sullenly, "You can see more from a distance, which can strengthen your defense."

Xia Yihui laughed and said, "You're lying."

Xin Zhu raised his eyes to look at Xia once, and after a long silence, he said, "Brother can always see right through me."

Xia Yihui patted the chair beside him, motioning for Xin Zhu to sit down.

There was a glint of light in Xin Zhu's eyes, as if he really wanted to sit there, but after thinking for a few seconds, he still shook his head slightly and said, "I'm afraid of hurting you."

Xia Yiyi didn't force her, she turned her head to look out of the window and stopped talking. About two hours later, without waiting for his invitation, Xin Zhu came over and grabbed Xia Yihui's sleeve.

After a pause, he said, "Has my brother recovered his memory?"

Xia Yihui said, "Part of it has recovered."

Xin Zhu's expression suddenly felt guilty: "Then what do you know now?"

Xia Yi turned to look at Xin Zhu: "I know you are No. 1."

Xin Zhu tentatively said, "What else?"

Xia Yi glanced at Xin Zhu and said, "It's you... who used the potion that's still under study."

Xin Zhu: "..."

Xin Zhu lowered his head, his white hair brushed at the ends of his eyes, covering part of his expression.

"Back then, No. 57 and I were too young to understand the importance of research. I thought that if I framed her, my brother would expel her. I didn't expect that potion... would cause such serious consequences."

Xia Yihui said, "How did number 57 die?"

Xin Zhu said blankly, "Jump off the building and commit suicide."

Xia Yihui narrowed his eyes and said, "Of course I know she committed suicide by jumping off a building. I mean why did she commit suicide by jumping off a building?"

Xin Zhu said in a muffled voice: "People have been dead for more than ten years, is it meaningful to say these now?"

Xia Yihui said: "Of course it makes sense. Do you know that when I was preparing to change the research subject, I had so many experimental subjects under my command, why I only brought No. 57 with me?"

Hearing these words, Xin Zhu's pupils shrank.

This time, Xia Yihui was on the right track, the topic turned around, and the more he talked, the more he stabbed Xin Zhu's heart.

Taking away No. 57 back then and abandoning him was no different from abandoning him in Xin Zhu's eyes, and it almost trampled his heart on the ground to the greatest extent.

Xin Zhu said angrily: "My brother can take whoever he likes, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Is it really okay?" Xia Yi looked out of the window, imagining how he would die tragically if he fell from this height. After a few seconds, he turned his head to look at Xin Zhu again, and asked with a very serious expression, "Then why did you force her to death?"

Xin Zhu suddenly turned his head: "You know it's me..."

Xia Yihui said: "The research topic back then was 'all diseases can be cured', and Huaguo brought together our cutting-edge talents to study this topic. If the research is successful, then the human red blood cell rejection and self-healing ability will be improved. Huge improvements."

"Cancer, uremia, massive blood loss... all seemingly incurable diseases will become less frightening with the popularization of research results."

Xin Zhu said: "... So what? What does this have to do with your insistence on taking away No. 57?"

Xia Yihui let out a long sigh and was silent for a long time before he frowned and said, "She is the only one who has reached the standard in the clinical trial."

"..." Xin Zhu raised his eyes slowly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

This is not over yet, Xia Yihui quickly threw out another heavy message, "Do you think research medicine is so easy to tamper with and not be discovered?"

"Because the drug mechanism has my DNA and the DNA of No. 57, so you deliberately injected the DNA of No. 57 into the medicine, and I didn't find out. In other words, as long as the little girl and I can survive, I believe that the study of serum is not difficult .”

Xin Zhu's expression was blank for a long time, until it was almost time to replace the night watchman, he raised his head in a daze, his voice hoarse.

"Brother, what you mean is that I am the source of this crisis. I am the only hope to wipe out the crisis?"

Xia Yi looked out the window, "This research itself is very difficult to succeed, you don't need to blame yourself too much."

Xin Zhu covered the wound on his abdomen, pressed his lower lip firmly, and did not speak this time. Judging from his expression, it seems that he is very complicated and tangled, and he has been completely silent in his own world.

At about three or four o'clock in the morning, Mei Yougan and Zhang Qingyu went back to Xia, and Xin Zhu changed the guard on time.

Ever since he came to the real world, the physique that was able to remain energetic even without sleep for ten days in the game has long since disappeared. Xia Yihui was a little bit out of energy just after carrying it for the first half of the night, and fell asleep in a daze after leaning against the corner. die past.

On the way, nightmares continued, and I fell asleep in extreme panic. At about six o'clock in the morning, Xia Yihui woke up again from his sleep.

Looking back, Xin Zhu was no longer where he was, and even the place where he stayed was already icy cold.

Looking at the boundary on the other side of the night watch, Mei Yougan held his head in a daze, and Zhang Qingyu had disappeared.

Xia Yihui hurriedly got up, picked up the drowsy Mei Yougan, and said with a strange expression, "Where are those two people?"

"Hmm..." Mei Youqian woke up startled, looked at Xia Yihui with a dazed expression, and said, "The one with white hair said he had a stomachache and wanted to go to the bathroom. He didn't come back after going there for a long time, and Zhang Dashen was worried about him." When something unexpected happened, I went to find him.”

Xia Yihui said, "How long has Zhang Qingyu been there?"

Mei Yougan was stunned for a moment, then slapped his thigh, his face full of regret: "It's broken! It's been half an hour since I went there, and I haven't come back yet, I must have been tricked by the white-haired boy!"