Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 189: True copy (6)


Will Zhang Qingyu be tricked by Xin Zhu

After carefully thinking about the possibility, Xia Yihui felt that the biggest possibility was Xin Zhu's evil tricks, Zhang Qingyu directly fought back, and in the end both of them suffered losses.

In any case, the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, to get rid of the unexplainable feelings in my heart, on the one hand is the younger brother who has been with me for many years and is like a relative, and on the other hand is the comrade-in-arms who has broken through several ghost gates together through life and death, no matter which side is injured, Xia Yihui doesn’t care. feel good.

Mei Yougan said in a muffled voice, "You want to find them?"

Xia Yihui didn't answer immediately, but looked up at Mei Yougan without any trace.

The latter leaned on the back of the chair and got up, his face was extremely pale, and while shaking, he quietly put his hands behind his back.

Just a quick look, the red spots on his hands have become more and more vivid, dotted densely on the palm and the skin of the tiger's mouth, and even the fingers are slightly purple and swollen.

Xia Yihui frowned and said, "Are you okay?"

Mei Youqian closed his eyes tiredly, opened them again after a few seconds of delay, and said firmly, "I'll do what you want!"

In all fairness, if Xia Yihui put himself in such a very dangerous situation, then he would definitely not go out casually. On the other hand, Mei Yougan, although on the surface he seems to run the train with his mouth full of heart and heartlessness, but at critical moments, he is more reliable than anyone else.

Thinking of this, Xia Yi turned his heart slightly, staring at Mei Yougan in a daze, not knowing what to say.

Mei Yougan shuddered twice, and said with a weird face: "Stop looking at me with such disgusting eyes, I've said it before, I'm not gay."

Xia Yihui: "..."

No matter how tragic the atmosphere was, it would be completely destroyed by Mei Yougan, this funny sand sculpture. Xia Yihui took a deep breath, and walked out of the room first, leaving Mei Yougan swaying and grinning behind him.

Maybe it was due to the weather, the real world dawned very early, before seven o'clock, the window was already full of light.

The stairway is quiet, only the footsteps of Xia Yihui and Mei Yougan are left. It is worth noting that the two have been walking several floors, and neither of them encountered any reptiles.

Once the surrounding environment quiets down, some people can't stay idle.

Mei Yougan retracted the gun to the space, took out the knife instead, and babbled non-stop: "I only have three bullets left, the gun can't be used casually, it can only be used on the knife edge, I really envy those of you who have wireless bullets." of."

"By the way, where do you think your boyfriend and younger brother will go to battle? Could it be a rooftop dance, hahaha..."

"Wucao, why are you so clear about your route? Could it be that there is really a telepathy between you, and you know where those two people went... Hey, I was talking to you, why are you ignoring me!"

Xia Yi frowned and looked back at Mei Yougan, his eyes full of disgust.

Mei Youqian: "...?"

Xia Yihui shook the watch on his wrist, sighed and said, "Could it be that the reptiles bit off your brains? Don't forget that we also have positioning watches. The red light represents the airdrop, and the green light represents the player's position."

Mei Yougan suddenly realized, quickly raised his wrist to take a look, and said in shock, "They are really on the roof?!"

Xia Yi nodded and said, "It's upstairs, it's almost there."

Mei Youqian said: "Could it be that I'm really dancing for you..."

Xia Yihui said indifferently: "Shut up immediately."

Mei Yougan was instantly as quiet as a chicken.

After walking up for a while, the door on the top of the building was pushed open, and the morning sunlight shone into the dark stairwell, dispelling a lot of moisture and musty smell.

Before he had passed the corner, he heard Xin Zhu's presumptuous laughing voice, Mei Yougan looked serious, and immediately rushed ahead of Xia Yihui, walking out of the corner first.

Xia Yihui followed closely behind, and when he saw the scene of the platform clearly, he was suddenly dazed. Originally, his idea was similar to Mei Yougan's guess, and it was just Xin Zhu's plan to call Zhang Qingyu out to have a showdown.

But things seem to be beyond the imagination of the two.

The platform is vast, perhaps due to years of disrepair, the solar panels have aged, and there are many newly drilled shoots on it, which look lush and green, and each one is more vigorous than the other.

There were also a lot of waist-high weeds on the ground. If there was not a building of the same height opposite, Xia Yihui could hardly tell whether he was on flat ground or a high-rise building, and he couldn't see the edge at all.

Xin Zhu was sitting on the edge of the building, his body was covered by weeds, only a fluffy white head was exposed. His hair is very dazzling in the sun, that kind of feeling is not pure white sanctity, but a kind of sickly paleness, which makes people feel very moved.

At the same time, Zhang Qingyu was standing four or five meters behind him, his back was also facing the door on the top floor, his body was very stiff, no matter how loud Mei Yougan made his voice, he didn't look back.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yihui breathed a sigh of relief unknowingly.

Before going upstairs, he had actually prepared for the situation where the two of them would fight each other and blood would flow from each other. He never thought that the relationship between these two people was much more harmonious than expected, and they didn't even fight each other.

Mei Yougan obviously had the same idea, he immediately quickened his pace, wanting to get closer to the two of them. Unexpectedly, just after taking two steps, Zhang Qingyu's voice came over with a hint of chill.

"Stay away, there are explosives buried in the grass."

Mei Yougan was taken aback and froze in place.

Xia Yihui looked very ugly, and said to Zhang Qingyu, "Did you step on explosives?"

Zhang Qingyu nodded and said, "I stepped on the catheter."

Xia Yihui: "..."

Stepping on the catheter is worse than stepping on the explosives. The latter will explode directly, while the former will explode if you move away. I don't know how long Zhang Qingyu stood here, if he didn't wake up in the middle of the night, he might have to stand for most of the day.

A hint of anger surged in Xia Yihui's heart unknowingly. On the one hand, it was the guilt towards Zhang Qingyu, and on the other hand, it was the helplessness towards Xin Zhu.

The end of Japan is full of crises. Even if you fight against countless reptiles, you can't fight against others who want to harm you.

On the other side, Xin Zhu seemed to have just discovered Xia Yihui's arrival, turned around and smiled lazily, and waved at the latter: "So it's my brother who's here~"

Xia Yi stood where he was, looking at Xin Zhu blankly.

Xin Zhu's expression changed, and he suddenly said uneasy: "Why is my brother looking at me with that expression? Could it be that Xin Zhu has made my brother unhappy again?"

Xia Yihui frowned and said: "The one who harms others will always harm them. Why can't you tolerate Zhang Qingyu so much that you deliberately designed to harm him?"

"..." Xin Zhu froze for a moment, and said, "In your heart, I am so unbearable?"

Xia Yi pursed his lips, it wasn't that he thought about Xin Zhu badly, it was that the latter had a lot of criminal records, and the truth in front of him was really irrefutable.

It wasn't Xin Zhu who harmed Zhang Qingyu, could it be that Zhang Qingyu lied to frame Xin Zhu

Firstly, Zhang Qingyu didn't bother to do that, and secondly, Zhang Qingyu was really not the kind of person who could do such a thing. He usually sees who is not pleasing to the eye, and fights with real swords and guns, so he will not be too aggressive with others.

Thinking of this, Xia Yi didn't answer for a long time, almost acquiescing.

"… understood."

Xin Zhu covered his face with a laugh, staggered up from the ground, and was half a body taller than the weeds. It can be clearly seen that he seems to have taken a step forward, his thin body looming in the weeds.

Mei Yougan seemed to have remembered something, pointed at Xin Zhu and shouted, "Stop him quickly, the edge of the floor is over there! He wants to commit suicide!"

Want to commit suicide

Xia Yi was stunned for a while, unable to react for a long time.

He really couldn't associate Xin Zhu's character with the word 'suicide'.

In my impression, this child smiled sweetly and innocently when he met everyone. As far as performance is concerned, although Xin Zhu is young, he is really gifted in seeing the situation clearly. Such a person can always easily find his own position in a complicated situation, and immediately use the appearance to confuse others and seek his own advantage. best interests.

Xia Yihui knew Xin Zhu's temperament very clearly, so he was always confident in the conversation, firmly believing that Xin Zhu was guilty and that the crime was unforgivable.

But no matter how clearly he felt it, Xia Yihui forgot the most fundamental point, that is, Xin Zhu is human after all. No matter how many thorns there are on the outside, it is still a defense against outsiders... His inner softness was only revealed to Xia from the beginning to the end.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui suddenly had a trace of panic and a sense of unreality in his heart.

Ten years ago, No. 57 Jin Bao also fell from a tall building and died on the spot. Ten years have passed, is this tragedy going to happen again to No. 1 Xin Zhu

The moment his thoughts whirled, Xin Zhu was already standing on the edge.

Xia Yihui's fingertips kept trembling, and he spent ten thousand times of energy to force himself to calm down, and said loudly: "Xin Zhu, you come back first! If you have something to say, talk it out!"

Xin Zhu stood on the edge, said softly without turning his head, "Brother, I've been infected, and I won't live long."

Xia Yihui clenched his fists, not knowing what to say for a while, so he could only shake his head.

Xin Zhu lowered his eyebrows and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Instead of being a time bomb next to you, it's better to walk smartly, and it can be regarded as repaying the mistakes made ten years ago."

Before Xia Yihui had time to speak, Mei Yougan rolled his eyes and opened his mouth first:

"Bai Mao, what you said made Lao Mei a little unhappy. Aren't you not fully infected yet? If you have the time to commit suicide here to grab Brother Xia's attention, you might as well rush to the street and kill a few more crawling ones." You can still escort Brother Xia before it completely mutates."

"What do you know?!" Xin Zhu raised his hand violently, seeing the swollen and deformed hand, his expression flashed with pain, and said: "I was infected earlier than you, and the condition is much more serious than yours. I know I can't hold on anymore, so how can I continue to follow my brother and be a burden?!"

Mei Yougan was already dizzy due to the infection, but now she just sneered coldly when she heard Xin Zhu's words, and retorted, "Then you shouldn't have buried catheters around, who knew you were trying to pretend to commit suicide to gain sympathy, You still deliberately murdered us. Let’s not talk about Brother Xia, aren’t Zhang Qingyu and I the objects of your hatred?”

Xin Zhu was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly turned his head to look at Xia Yi, and asked, "Even you think I'm seeking sympathy now?"

Xia Yihui's mind was in a mess, and the successive shocks made him unable to think. At this moment, he could only instinctively express his inner thoughts: "I believe you, you didn't win sympathy."

"It's enough to have a brother." Xin Zhu smiled and blinked at Xia Yihui, and said: "The catheter is fake, I just teased him. Also, when you leave later, remember to use the side door. "

After finishing speaking, Xin Zhu opened his arms and slowly leaned outward. His trembling voice came from the air:

"There is my dead body at the main entrance, brother—don't look at it."