Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 191: True Copy (8)


The reptiles roared and rushed into the room.

At this time, no one was in the mood to argue anymore, and the four of them entered the vent one by one. Xia Yihui leads the way, Zhang Qingyu is second, Xin Zhu is third, and Mei Youqian is behind.

After crawling along the ventilation duct for a while, the road became more and more open, as if it had been opened by someone, and it gradually became tolerable for people to walk straight.

As everyone walked forward in silence, the sounds of the reptiles became smaller and smaller, until there was almost no sound in the end. At this time, everyone has come to the 'end' of the road.

There is a narrow road in front of you, and there are countless crawling species below.

Mei Yougan glanced down, and said with difficulty: "I suggest that we sit down and rest where we are, and stop messing around."

Xin Zhu laughed, "Why, dare not climb?"

Mei Yougan raised her eyebrows and said, "Which eye of yours sees that I don't dare to crawl, I don't even blink when I kill reptiles, so how can you be afraid of such things!"

Xin Zhu rolled his eyes and said, "Then you are crawling."

"..." Mei Yougan looked embarrassed, and looked at Xia Yihui as if asking for help.

Xia once understood, and looked around.

When he climbed the ventilation pipe just now, he had been in doubt. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that he had been going downhill. There are several forks in the road that have been manually excavated, but no matter which direction you go, there seems to be only the difference between 'down' and 'more down'.

I don't know why there is such a huge hole under the ventilation duct. In front of you is a 'bridge' made of iron chains. This one is tied to the ventilation pipe opening, and the other end is hung on the opposite side with an iron hook.

That is to say, everyone is basically trapped in a dead situation now, with the reptiles behind them, no way to go, and the one-way bridge ahead, if they want to get out, they have to climb diagonally upwards.

The problem is that the iron chain bridge is not stable, it is seriously decayed, and the bottom is full of sewage and crawling species, which are almost close at hand. If you want to climb it, you need to make a huge psychological construction.

Maybe if one accidentally falls, it will be torn apart and eaten by the crawling species that are ready to go.

Xin Zhu and Mei Yougan walked on flat ground with their footsteps sloppy, and there was no way to maintain balance at all. Xia Yi thought about it and suggested to rest in place and wait for the tide of crawling species to recede.

Mei Yougan didn't want to climb in the first place, so he naturally agreed with it. The other two were silent for a while without any objection.

Happened to be idle and had nothing to do, so Xia Yihui pinched his fingers and calculated. Soon, he found that for so long, he was either completing the task, or he was on the way to complete the task, and the rest time was almost a handful.

Even the rest at the moment is not peaceful, the left ear is filled with crawling roars, making people flustered. There are also many reptiles trying to climb up the smooth tiles, but every time they are scared and dangerous, they are repelled by Zhang Qingyu's blow.

As for the right ear, it is the sound of huskies demolishing houses made by reptiles in the distance.

The sound was very far away, but the oppressive force given to Xia Yihui was far greater than that of the reptiles who were close at hand, and it was a kind of oppression close to the soul.

He felt as if he was trapped in a sealed plastic bag. He wandered for a long time and couldn't find the source. It was a similar place wherever he went. At this moment, he couldn't even breathe, basically his whole body was limp and unable to move.

The other people were in a similar situation, all looking tired.

Zhang Qingyu found a place opposite Xia Yihuixie and sat down. No matter where the reptile came from, he would protect Xia Yihui immediately. Xin Zhu stayed close to Xia Yihui's side, no matter which direction the reptile came from, he could live and die with Xia Yihui.

Mei Yougan didn't get involved, he sat a little closer to the iron chain, his face was blue and his eyes were blurred, he kept shaking his head and muttering some words that others couldn't understand.

After sitting in place, supplement with food supplements and rehydrate with supplements.

After Mei Yougan ate and drank enough, she sat on the spot for a while, then got up suddenly, and staggered towards Xia Yihui.

"… What are you doing?"

Xin Zhu raised his head instantly and looked at Mei Yougan warily.

It's not because of Xin Zhu's bad attitude, it's because Mei Yougan's reaction is really weird.

Strictly speaking, Xin Zhu was infected earlier than Mei Yougan, but the states of the two are completely different.

Xin Zhu's face was pale, his hands were blotchy, and he walked a little vainly. Other than that, he is just like a normal person, he can walk and jump, and when he has nothing to do, he looks like a bully, and when he turns around, he is the coquettish little clingy next to Xia Yihui.

On the other hand, Mei Yougan...

He gathered all the weird points of Xin Zhu, on top of which, there are purple meridians outside his lips showing near the skin, which can be clearly seen from the side, which is extremely frightening. His eyes were also so red that you couldn't see his black eyes unless you looked carefully. The palm... There were no signs of human beings. The whole palm was more than three times swollen, and the nails turned into hard and long pointed nails. At first glance, I thought a reptile had sneaked into the team.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Mei Yougan is thrown under the iron chain by the crawling wave, he will never seem to have the slightest sense of disobedience.

Seeing that Mei Youqian did not respond, Xin Zhu also fell silent.

Zhang Qingyu on the opposite side stood up slowly, raised his hand and held the gun, with a dignified expression.

Xin Zhu also took out a gun from the space, not forgetting that Chaoxia stuffed one in his hand once.

Mei Yougan didn't seem to have any sense of the crowd's movements, he just stood there frowning, his eyes were tightly closed, and there was a hissing sound from his throat.

Seeing his situation, Xia Yihui's heart skipped a beat, and he said after deliberation: "Old Mei, if you can still hear me, you should respond."

Mei Yougan: "..."

Xia Yi stood up against the wall, perhaps because he had been sitting for too long, the moment he stood up his eyes went dark, his head felt heavy and painful, and he almost fell down on the spot.

After slowing down for a while, Xia Yihui finally felt a little better, no longer dizzy.

He was a little scared. If Mei Yougan launched an attack in the few seconds just now, he would have no way to dodge it and could only bear it passively.

Although I don't want to doubt my teammates, but when things come to an end... I have to doubt.

Xia raised the gun once, his hands trembling slightly.

What to do, do you really want to shoot

Xia Yi asked himself, but still couldn't get an answer.

On the left and right sides were the roaring sounds of reptiles, which were so close at hand, but seemed so far away that they couldn't disturb the people present at all.

There is a sound of 'Gada'.

Xia Yihui broke out in a cold sweat. He almost thought that someone had fired a gun. He was stunned for a few seconds before realizing that it was the sound of Xin Zhu pulling out the bolt.

Obviously, as long as Mei Yougan made the slightest movement, Xin Zhu would shoot without hesitation and kill her with one blow.

"... Mei old dog?" Xia Yihui's hand holding the gun trembled slightly, and he could hardly aim. After he had done enough mental training, he loudly shouted: "Mei Yougan!!!"

Maybe it was because the sound was loud enough, Mei Yougan felt his whole body trembling, opened his eyes and raised his head abruptly.

The red light is revealed, which is particularly conspicuous in the dark.

Mei Yougan took another small step forward.

At this moment, Xia Yihui was about to pull the trigger immediately, but the sliver of reason still in his heart made him collapse dangerously, at least he didn't shoot.


Mei Yougan looked around the three of them in a daze, and said in a daze, "What are you doing, are you trying to kill me for a 3P?"


Xia Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and collapsed to the ground. Only at this time did he realize that even when he was avoiding the creeping species just now, he was calm and calm, but now his back was already wet, and his clothes stuck to his back, which was wet and uncomfortable.

Xin Zhu still refused to close his gun, and stood on the spot and said vigilantly, "Do you still remember what happened just now?"

Mei Yougan said: "Remember, we avoided the reptiles and got all the way here..."

Xia Yihui interrupted him: "Do you remember what happened after you sat down and rested?"

"..." Mei Yougan also realized the seriousness of the problem, and said, "... Did something else happen later?"

There was silence and no one answered.

Mei Yougan's health was already very serious, and everyone present except him was aware of this problem, but they tacitly did not mention it.

Xia Yi felt a burst of sadness in his heart in vain.

He has experienced the reptile crisis ten years ago, but because of his memory forgetting, he always has his original intention and is full of hope for the future. But after experiencing too much in this reality dungeon, and at the moment when his comrades were slowly disappearing, he suddenly realized that hope will not exist forever, just as things cannot always develop in the direction that people hope.

In the past, Xia Yihui often wondered why he sacrificed his ego to benefit the public ten years ago. Now that he has seen more, he seems to understand a little bit, but he doesn't seem to understand at all.

On the other side, Mei Yougan seemed to realize something, wiped his face, his voice was a little hoarse, and he said, "I just had a full meal, and I feel really happy when I'm full."

Xia Yi pursed her lips, and the tip of her nose felt slightly sour.

Mei Yougan took out food supplies, water supplies, and medical supplies from the space, stuffed them into Xia Yihui's arms, and continued: "I have too many things in my space, and it's hard to find them. Please help me keep them." , I still have to pay it back in a few days."

Xia Yi was silent for a while, he didn't stuff the supplies into the space, but he didn't return them either.

Although Mei Yougan's words are still positive, the meaning behind these words is too heavy. What was piled into Xia Yihui's hands didn't look like materials, but was like a weight, pressing heavily on Xia Yihui's heart.

On the other side, Mei Yougan smiled wryly, without saying anything, he took out another object from the space, which was the small serum medicine bottle that he took out from the airdrop just now.

Xin Zhu's eyes instantly glued to him, and the implication of his eagerness was very clear. In the past, he would have snatched it without saying a word, and there would be no more pressing.

But this time for some unknown reason, he seemed to remember something, a trace of guilt and fear flashed in his eyes, staring at Xia Yihui's back, did he go up to snatch it after all.

Xia Yihui's mind was also very confused.

Mei Yougan's condition worsened, but Xin Zhu was indeed the one who was infected earlier. The physical condition of both of them is urgent, but there is only one serum. This life-saving thing...who should it be given to

The author has something to say: I don’t know if you still remember the little game that Xia Xia played in the werewolf killing dungeon, which was to use corpses to farm or something. Many, many people said that they wanted to read articles on that topic, but Shi Shi was too busy at that time to write a copy (crying with a headache)