Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 192: True Copy (9)


In the silence, Mei Yougan said with difficulty: "Can the serum be diluted? This white hair and I are half of each other. Maybe we can last for a while and find the next bottle of serum."

Xia Yihui was about to answer, when Xin Zhu stepped aside and said: "The watch shows that the red lights are all gone, and the airdrops have been taken away. Now the remaining bottles of serum are unknown, and we have no chance of finding you The so-called 'next bottle of serum'."

Xia Yihui tried to speak with difficulty: "Wait, listen to me first..."

Mei Youqian frowned and said, "You can also wait for the next airdrop."

Xin Zhu interrupted directly, and said impatiently, "How do you know that the next airdrop will be serum?"

Mei Youqian froze on the spot, no longer speaking.

Although Xin Zhu's actions are crazy and capricious, they only focus on matters related to Xia Yihui. On other issues, he always pays more attention to comprehensiveness and safety. Put aside the prejudice against Xin Zhu and think about it carefully, what he said is actually very reasonable. After all, the first airdrop is food and water supplies, and the second is serum. Who knows what the infinite escape game will drop next time? Well, maybe a weapon, or something.

In any case, you should not place your hope on diluting the drug. Doing so is too risky, and it is very likely that the final situation will be that two people die together.

Mei Yougan suddenly raised his head, looked at Xin Zhu and said, "Don't think everyone else is stupid, I'm a whole round older than you, so if you have something to say, just say it, don't play tricks with Lao Mei and me."


Xia Yi secretly yelled that it was not good, because of the infection, the two of them are very bad-tempered now, and they are almost on fire. Thinking of this, Xia Yihui tried to pull the hem of Racine Zhu's clothes, signaling him to speak up and not to be angry.

Xin Zhu seemed indifferent, his expression remained unchanged, but a cold smile flashed across his eyes: "What do you mean?"

Mei Yougan sarcastically said: "If you don't want to dilute the serum and two people live together, then you just want to swallow it alone. To be honest, who doesn't want to survive, if this medicine is given to brother Xia and Zhang Dashen, then I have no objection, one and two All of them are upright and look like saviors. It’s better for them to survive than me. But you... "

As she said that, Mei Yougan snorted and laughed, showing undisguised disdain for Xin Zhu.

Xia Yihui interjected: "That serum..."

"Oh?" Xin Zhu sneered, and amplified his voice, "What's the matter with me, am I better than you dawdling?"

Mei Yougan sneered: "Even if I just dawdle, I won't be so crazy that I would drag an entire city into the water."

Xin Zhu's eyes flashed, and there was an undisguised killing intent on his face.

Mei Yougan didn't give in at all, she straightened her neck and looked back sarcastically, "Why, do you want to kill me if I say it right? I need to think about whether to give you this bottle of medicine, or one day you will kill me with a knife behind my back. I, to defend against the enemy, I have to defend against you, I don’t have the energy.”

Xin Zhu sneered, and retorted, "How much better are you than me? Look at the silk scarf around your neck, why don't you ask yourself how many people have you killed?"

"How many people I kill is none of your business!!!"

Mei Yougan seemed to have been offended by something, and directly stepped forward to grab Xin Zhu's collar. With a force of his arm, the latter was lifted up and his heels were off the ground.

The lethality of Xin Zhu's words was too powerful, not only Mei Yougan, but even Xia was quite moved when he heard it.

Originally, everyone thought that people who died in the game could return to reality unscathed, so they did not hesitate to shoot. It can be said that the people left in the reality dungeon have more or less hundreds of lives at hand. Not capped.

I remember that I learned from the barrage before that Mei Youqian once entered a large animal cage. In that joke game, he activated his skills for the first and only time, and the wind tunnel swept the entire Colosseum in an instant, and thousands of lives were eaten by the wind tunnel.

Thinking about this incident afterwards, no matter who it is on, it can drive people crazy.

In the silence, Xin Zhu slightly raised his head and sneered, stretched out his hand and patted Mei Yougan's shoulder, straightened the silk scarf around his neck for him, squinted his eyes and said, "I'll return the same to you, don't worry." Be yourself."

After a pause, he elongated his voice:


Mei Yougan: "..."

He raised the gun abruptly, put the muzzle against Xin Zhu's forehead, and pressed down hard. Because of his extreme anger, his wrist was shaking so much that he looked like he was going to pull the trigger in the next second.

Xin Zhu didn't resist either, with a strange smile on his face all the time, and a red mark appeared on his head after a while.

"Don't move the gun!" Xia Yihui immediately went up to La Mei Yougan's hand, and before he touched his clothes, Mei Yougan pushed him violently, and fell to the side unsteadily.


It happened so fast that no one could react, including Zhang Qingyu, who was watching from the sidelines, only had time to reach out and grab it, and never touched Xia Yihui's people at all.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Yihui slammed his head against the stone wall cut out by the ventilation pipe, his forehead felt cold, and then his face felt wet and warm to the touch.

It was bleeding...

Xin Zhu changed his expression of indifference and passive desire to die before, his forehead burst out of anger, and he bent his knee heavily against Mei Yougan's lower abdomen, then grabbed his hand and directly turned over to ride on the latter's back, holding the knife against him He showed no mercy at all on his neck, and black and red blood kept oozing from the junction between the blade and the skin.

Mei Yougan didn't care about the knife on his neck at all, but looked anxiously at Xia Yihui and said, "Brother Xia, are you alright?"

Zhang Qingyu squatted down and wiped the blood on Xia Yihui's face with his sleeve, and when he heard this, he glanced at Mei Yougan expressionlessly, his eyes almost swishing the knife.

Mei Yougan's back turned cold, she knew she was right and didn't speak.

Xin Zhu jumped off Mei Yougan's back, rushed over in a hurry, pushed Zhang Qingyu away without a trace, and anxiously touched the gap opened on the brow bone of Xia Yihui's right eye.

Xia Yihui waved Xin Zhu's hand away wearily, closed his eyes for a few seconds, opened them after a while, and said through gritted teeth, "You don't think serum is something you drink directly, do you?"

Xin Zhu blinked and saw that Mei Yougan was also puzzled and asked: "Didn't you just drink it?"

"Even if the game shows mercy, the next delivery will still be serum, and we are extremely lucky to grab one of the bottles..."

Xia Yihui took out the unused injection needles of the last few dungeons from the space, and said with a wooden face: "This bottle can't be diluted now, because the serum is injected into the pulse. Have you ever seen glucose mixed with mineral water for injection? "

"So..." Mei Yougan glanced at Xin Zhu.

Xin Zhu twitched the corners of his mouth, and continued his next sentence, "There is still only one of us who can survive."

The serum medicine was accidentally dropped to the ground during the fight just now, but fortunately the medicine bottle was solid and undamaged. Now it is lying on the ground peacefully, no one picks it up, and no one touches it. At this moment, it is not like a life-saving medicine, but more like a jackal, tiger and leopard.

Zhang Qingyu took out the medical supplies, and tried to wrap Xia's head with gauze, but the latter tore off the gauze casually and said, "Why waste gauze on such a small opening, after you bandage it, the wound will basically heal."

Zhang Qingyu paused, staring at Xia Yihui without moving.


Looking at Zhang Qingyu's clear and persistent eyes, Xia Yihui surrendered in an instant: "Okay, okay, just do what you want."

The movements of Zhang Qingyu's subordinates were very light, but the speed was not slow at all. In about a few minutes, they simply gave the wound a temporary treatment. Xia Yi helped his forehead, maybe because of the medicine, the throbbing pain in his temples finally subsided slightly.

At this moment, a 'boom' sound woke everyone up.

The fork in the back was broken by a group of petite reptiles, sparks and lightning all the way, looking like the strange species in the movie, extremely terrifying. If it weren't for the second fence to block them, these reptiles would have already crawled to the front of everyone.

Mei Yougan picked up the serum nearby, and while running towards the chain bridge, he was shocked and said, "How did they get in such a small hole?"

Xia Yihui followed closely behind, with an extremely ugly face, and said, "These reptiles were underage before, probably a group of six or seven-year-old children."

Mei You's dry noodles are like vegetables: "'s really a crime."

At the Chain Bridge, a new problem arises.

Xia Yi turned to look at Zhang Qingyu and said, "Can your skills lead people across bridges?"

Zhang Qingyu estimated the distance and oblique angle, shook his head and said, "I can't bring three."

Xia Yihui said, "What if you take them back and forth separately?"

Zhang Qingyu said, "You can try it."

During the interval between the two talking, the surrounding area can be said to be in chaos.

The reptiles below the chains were like cats smelling fishy, their paws kept scratching on the rock wall, trying to jump up. On the other side, the fence couldn't resist the reptiles for too long, and after a while, a fish that slipped through the net slipped in, roaring and rushing towards the crowd.

Xin Zhu stopped at the end, with a ruthless expression on his face, just as he was about to release his skills, Mei Yougan pulled his collar back and yelled: "Those who are not infected go first!"

After a pause, he looked at Xin Zhu, smiled miserably and said, "I said that you are older than you, and you can't hide your small thoughts from me. Didn't you deliberately provoke me before because you wanted to die? At this point Don't even think about it."

Xin Zhu's expression froze for a moment, and before he had time to react, Mei Yougan kicked him away, and staggered towards the Chain Bridge due to inertia.

The moment Xia Yihui stepped on the chain bridge, Xia Yihui's heart shifted almost instantly. This feeling is really unfriendly. The chain bridge is very decayed. It seems that it won't last long and will fall down soon. In addition, there is no object around him that can be supported, and the only thing that can play a role is his own balance.

With a '呲', Xia Yi slipped on the soles of his feet, almost feeding his whole body into the reptile's mouth. Fortunately, Zhang Qingyu behind him had quick eyes and hands, and stretched out his hand to pull him back.

With Zhang Qingyu's help, the journey was safe and sound.

Xin Zhu, who followed closely behind, walked extremely fast although his footsteps were flimsy, and correspondingly, the soles of his feet slipped more times than Xia Yihui. When he reached the end of the chain, he even stepped on the air due to distraction, his upper body grasped the chain in a crisis, but his lower body was floating in the air.

The crawling species jumped up excitedly, scratching and scratching, looking extremely terrifying. Fortunately, Xin Zhu's reaction was extremely quick, he curled up on his own, turned back the chain, and continued walking for the second half.

The period was thrilling. After bearing the weight of Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu, the chain was already at the end of its strength, and with the addition of a Xin candle, it seemed that it might break at any time.

Fortunately, this chain is still extremely strong, and at least it will last until Xin Zhu falls to the ground safely.

At this time, more and more reptiles have broken in. Mei Yougan struggled to fight the enemy with a gun, and stepped on the chain bridge anxiously.

bang chi bang chi—

The chains were howling.

The bridge held on for less than a few seconds before it broke suddenly, and Mei Yougan almost fell directly into the crawling wave. He reacted quickly. He sensed something was wrong a few seconds before the bridge broke, and ran back, leaning dangerously on the cliff.

The anxiety of the people did not diminish at all, and they wanted to save again when they saw this, but Mei Yougan seemed to have been slapped with chicken blood suddenly, relying on his own strength, he managed to climb up, holding a gun in his left hand to meet the enemy, and using his right hand to attack Xin Zhu with all his strength. Throwing something.

Mei Yougan shouted: "Bai Mao, I'll give you the serum."

Xin Zhu caught the serum with a pale complexion.

Xia Yihui yelled loudly: "Hold on a little longer, we will find a way to rescue you!"

In the hail of bullets, Mei Yougan didn't turn her head back, and said with a smile: "Old Mei, I am really useless. I always lag behind in battles, and I can't help you intellectually, but..."

After a pause, his laughter was tinged with sadness: "After you cut it off, Lao Mei, I can still do it!"

Mei Youqian laughed a few times to embolden himself, and with his back to Xia Yihui and the others, he took off the silk scarf around his neck. I don't know where a gust of evil wind came from, and the crawling species staggered to and fro, and finally they were all 'eaten' by the hole in Mei Yougan's neck.

In an instant, the mountain shook, and stones fell from the stone wall, burying all the openings in the other half of the chain.

All this happened so fast that none of the people present could react. Xia Yihui raised the watch subconsciously and glanced at it. When he saw the dial clearly, he only felt that his eyes were dark, his head was dizzy, and he had an extremely unreal feeling.

The dial showed that the green light on the opposite side went out.

The author has something to say: [Your comrade Mei Yougan has quit the team]

[The days without him, please be sure to move on]