Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 195: True copy (12)


This sounds really ridiculous, Lucian was puzzled, and after thinking about it, he didn't take it to heart. After Xu Suisui settled down, the four of them packed up and set off immediately, and walked to the exit in about 15 minutes.

"Wait!" Lucy touched his body up and down, his face changed, and he said while knocking on his head: "I forgot to bring the spare gun, I have to go back and get it."

Zhang Qingyu and Xin Zhu walked in the front, and Xia Yihui happened to be between them and Lucian. Hearing this, he threw a gun and said, "Xin Zhu gave it to me in the middle of the night. It’s not used, you can take it first.”

Lucian expressed his resistance with his eyebrows: "This gun has too much recoil and the range is too short. I'm really not used to it. I have to go back and get my own."

Xia Yihui said, "No."

Lucian said sincerely: "I will run back quickly, and will not delay saving people."

"Who cares if you will delay saving people?" Xia Yi turned around and smiled, and said, "This place will be surrounded by reptiles in ten minutes. If you don't leave now, you will have to wait until dawn before starting. Are you sure you want to turn back now?" ?”

Lucian said dubiously, "How did you know that this place would be surrounded by reptiles?"

"Dynamic programming method in math□□calculation." Xia Yihui said lightly: "Turn the original problem into similar sub-problems with similar meanings, and when solving the problem, the final answer to the original problem can be obtained through many sub-problems. "

Lucian said in a daze, "What do you mean?"

Xia Yihui omitted many steps and said the answer directly: "It means that this place will be surrounded by reptiles in ten minutes."

"No..." Lucian looked at the two people in front and said in shock, "You all believe in his so-and-so method?"

Zhang Qingyu didn't even turn his head, he strode forward and directly expressed his position with actions. Xin Zhu looked back, but his contempt and disgust were perfectly interpreted in that look, so it's better not to look back.

The situation is pressing, and it is definitely impossible to go back and get a spare gun now. Lucian sighed and shook his head, so he had no choice but to put the new gun into the space, and followed suspiciously.

In less than ten minutes, as soon as everyone left the office building, the floor was surrounded by countless crawling species. Looking at the countless reptiles behind him, Lucian was stunned.

What made him even more confused was that this situation was obviously more than this one time. When he reached a certain fork in the road, Lucian was full of energy and wanted to win the round. He pointed to the left road confidently and said: "I have traveled both roads. There are only a few creeping species on the left, and there is a crawling species on the right." Kind of lair, very unsafe."

Xia glanced at Lucian once, then walked towards the fork on the right.

Lucian froze, and said hesitantly, "It's that dynamic programming method again?"

"This time it's a greedy algorithm." Xia Yihui shook his head and said, "This algorithm requires a computer to perform calculation steps step by step. Consider the whole."

"What???" Lucian was forced to speak a non-native language in the dungeon game for the first time.

After following Xia in a daze, ten minutes later, the road on the right was unimpeded, and the reptile's old nest had already become an empty nest due to the change of the game rules.

"..." Lucian began to doubt life.

All the way to school in the dark.

The environment is obviously becoming more and more crowded and harsh. It was very spacious near the office building before, with only some plastic garbage and abandoned cars on the road. After approaching the school, the garbage can't be seen, and the substitutes are countless flowers and trees.

These trees are not ordinary trees, most of them are over-sized, the dogtail grass grows as tall as half a person, and various wild flowers and weeds grow horizontally, automatically without wind. There is also a towering tree that cannot be named, with strangely shaped and brightly colored fruits on its branches. I don't know whether it is poisonous or non-toxic.

If it weren't for the cement texture of the ground, Xia Yihui almost thought he was walking in a tropical jungle.

This time Lucian learned a lot. He first looked at Xia Yihui and said, "Originally this is the gate of the school. You can see that there is such-and-such high school on the stone tablet over there. According to the original route, Li Bai should be in the school now." Near the cafeteria, but obviously... we can no longer tell which is the teaching building and which is the cafeteria. Can you use the math to figure out where to go?"

Xia Yihui also had some headaches.

All kinds of mathematical methods can only calculate the optimal solution of the distance, which can effectively avoid the crisis of crawling species and maximize the preservation of team strength. But now there are no roads. If mathematics is useful, what else do architects need to do.

He looked up at his watch, and the green light representing Li Bai was still flashing stubbornly.

"Go straight."

Xia Yihui started to lead the way, and the other three followed without hesitation.

Cutting down trees when encountering them along the road, dripping when encountering lakes, and killing reptiles when encountering them, consumes a lot of energy. Gradually, Lucian felt something was wrong, he looked suspiciously at Xia Yihui and said, "What mathematical calculation method did you use this time?"

"The brute force method is used." Xia Yihui opened his eyes and began to talk nonsense: "This method is also called the brute force method, which roughly means that for the suffering in front of us, first list the answers to all the problems, and then judge which one is correct in turn. The optimal solution to the problem, and finally the answer.”

Lucian was stunned for a while, and he had a hard time brainstorming to understand. After the four of them cut down a few trees, crossed a few rivers and killed a few reptiles, he suddenly came to his senses and said dumbfounded:

"But under the current situation, there is no way to list the optimal path. How do you determine that the path we are taking now is the most correct?"

Before Xia Yihui had time to speak, Xin Zhu looked at Lucian and said, "Do you think there is still a way?"

Lucian shook his head honestly and said, "No."

"Since there is no way, we can only open it violently." Xin Zhu said with even more disgust in his eyes, "So now we are just walking in a straight line to Li Bai's coordinates."

After a few seconds of blankness on Lucian's face, he suddenly shouted at Xia Yihui: "You were lying to me just now!"

Xia Yi turned back with a smile and said, "No way, I just think you are cute."

Lucian akimbo angrily: "Mom is right, all good-looking people are liars!"

Xia Yi shrugged and said, "Look, Li Bai's coordinates are getting closer and closer. You haven't suffered any injuries along the way, and you haven't used much bullets. What did I lie to you?"

Lucian organized his language anxiously, babbling in a mixture of several languages, and even the translator couldn't translate what he was talking about.

In the end, he could only give up angrily, Sui Sui Nian said: "Before, I have always relied on force to pass the level, and I have never met a person like you."

The translator translated the sentence exactly. Xia Yihui felt amused, and asked curiously, "What kind of person am I?"

Lucian took a closer look at Xia Yi's beautiful eyebrows, and said with bitterness and hatred on his face, "You are a big villain who plays with people's hearts."

As soon as Xia raised the gun, Lucian immediately hugged himself tightly in fear. Seeing this, Xia Yihui gritted his teeth and smiled and said to him: "Seeing that you are young and cute, I don't care about you."

Lucian hugged his head with tears in his eyes, while Xin Zhu sat aside with a sardonic smirk.

The current living situation has become more and more dangerous, and Li Bai can clearly feel this.

Food was scarce, there was only one bottle of mineral water left, and not much medicine and bandages were brought out at all, and the only little bit had been consumed just now.

Surrounded by bushes of flowers and trees, Li Bai tied himself to a branch of a big tree, and there were about a hundred crawling species below, quietly lurking in the darkness, staring at him without blinking.

Li Bai took a deep breath, quietly untied the restraint rope on his waist and abdomen, stood up and moved his hands and feet, squinting his eyes to find the landing place with the fewest crawling species around.

There was a light 'thump' sound, and the back of Li Bai's head hurt.

Stretching out his hand, a round pebble was falling on the neckline of his neck. He was stunned for several seconds before raising his eyes to look at the big tree behind him.

"Here!" Xia Yi waved slightly at Li Bai and sighed, "How long have you been trapped in this ghost place? I threw three or four stones at you, and you reacted to this one stone. It's just this slowness." To a certain extent, if you really jumped down just now, you wouldn’t have to give away the head directly.”

Li Bai: "..."

Xia Yihui squinted and smiled: "Do you need help? Five hundred yuan a time, no one can deceive you."

Li Bai raised his hand to support his glasses, and then he was sure that what he saw was not a hallucination. Many words were tossed back and forth in his mouth twice, and finally his thin lips parted slightly, simplifying it into a very concise word.


"Okay." Xia Yi followed the good advice, turned his head and hid himself in the dense leaves.

He really wasn't surprised at all, if at this time Li Bai was grateful for something, he would feel terrified, such an unappreciative 'Li Bai' was actually the 'Li Bai' he was familiar with.

On the other hand, Li Bai was stunned when he saw Xia Yiyi walking so neatly.

While struggling, the roar of countless reptiles suddenly came from below, the sound was miserable and extremely frightening.

Looking around, the three different hair colors of Zhang Qingyu, Xin Zhu, and Lucian were very conspicuous in the dark night. They surrounded them from three sides, and wiped out the reptiles waiting for rabbits at a very fast speed.

The reptiles, who seemed invincible before, became like lambs waiting to be slaughtered one by one under the hands of these three, fleeing in terror, completely powerless to fight back.

Lucian shouted in surprise while playing: "Xia Yihui, no wonder Xu Suisui insisted on bringing you with me. It turns out that there are brain players in the team, and playing a dungeon will really get twice the result with half the effort!"

The leaves behind him swayed, Li Bai looked back, and the person in front of him was Xia Yihui, who was smiling and kind.

Li Bai pursed his lips: "I don't need your help."

"Who said I came to save you? I'm obviously delivering the serum to Xu Suisui." Xia Yihui reached out to take the serum with a smile, and said deliberately: "You continue to stand here, but don't move. If you like If you sleep on the tree, do you want me to ask the three of them to leave you a dozen or so crawling species?"

Li Bai was short of breath: " need!"

It took about two hours for the creeping species to be cleared.

On the way back, Lucian kept blowing Xia Yihui's schemes and Zhang Qingyu's force in all kinds of rainbow farts. Seeing that no one paid attention to him, he began to complain naturally that the flowers and plants raised by Li Bai could cut people, and he was not hurt by the creeping species , Instead, a few bloody holes were poked out by the flowers and plants.

All in all very noisy.

Li Bai's injuries were not serious, it was just that he was a bit weak when he was trapped for too long. He looked at Lucian who was walking at the end, and said in a cold voice, "I never cut my flowers and plants, you are too useless."

Xin Zhu was dissatisfied and said: "But brother Xia was also cut."

Li Bai squinted: "He is useless too."

Xin Zhu: "..."

Xia Yi raised the serum in Yang's hand and said with a smile, "I still have the serum for your wife, so be careful what you say."

Li Bai raised his eyes and said calmly: "The villain will succeed."

"Ah!" Xia Yihui clapped his palms together, as if he had heard some great secret, and said, "Do you admit that Xu Suisui is your wife?"

Li Bai was stunned for a moment, his calm expression disappeared without a trace, he frowned and forced his respect and said: "She is not."

Xia Yihui deliberately teased Li Bai, saying: "It's just not now, maybe it will be in the future."

The veins on Li Bai's forehead were exposed, and the words were almost squeezed out between his teeth: "It's not now, and it won't be in the future."

After battling back and forth with Li Bai for a long time, Xia Yihui suddenly found that the noisy line at the end disappeared unknowingly. He looked back blankly, startled for a moment.

Lucian fell face down, about fifty meters away from everyone. Because he was at the end and the language was barrier, everyone didn't even know when he fell down.

Xin Zhu was the first to react, and quickly ran over, squatting down and touching the aorta on Lucian's neck.

Everyone thought that Lucian had fainted from starvation for too long, so they only followed Xin Zhu and approached slowly the day after tomorrow.

Even in the process of walking, Xia Yihui was still ridiculing each other back and forth with Li Bai, neither of them would admit defeat. The topic of debate between the two expanded from Xu Suisui to various academic researches, as well as their respective achievements in the field, and they said that there was no conclusion for a long time.

Xia Yi was also annoyed by the noise, so he had to turn his attention to Xin Zhu and said, "Is he fainted from hunger or hypoglycemia, do you want to feed him some sugar water?"

Xin Zhu's fingers trembled slightly, and the moment he raised his eyes, he couldn't pretend to be dazed and surprised.

After a pause, he said with an ugly face, "Dead."