Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 196: True Copy (13)



Xia Yihui was stunned for a moment, subconsciously quickened his pace and approached, squatted down and turned Lucian over, and lifted his eyelids to look.

Lucian's complexion was pale, his lips were slightly blue, his eyelashes drooped lazily on his lower eyelids, his beautiful olive green eyes had lost their spirit, and the eyeballs were motionless.

Xia put his fingers together again, and tested his pulse again. The pads of his fingers felt smooth, and there was no beating for a long time.

"Really dead."

He raised his eyes, with the same blank expression as Xin Zhu.

After entering the infinite escape game for so long, almost everyone understands one truth, that is, crises are everywhere. Maybe one second you were chatting and laughing with a person, and the next second the person's eyes are wide open, and he died unexpectedly.

Accident and tomorrow, no one knows which one will come first. Although he knew this truth in his heart, Xia Yihui still couldn't believe it, because Lucian's accident was so sudden and unexpected!

On the other hand, Li Bai also couldn't believe it.

He squatted down and began to unbutton Lucian's shirt, pressing his palms on his chest, pressing down heavily every few seconds. After repeating this several times, Lucian remained motionless, as if he had fallen asleep.

Xin Zhu said coldly: "Don't waste your energy, everyone is already dead. Instead of doing some wasted effort here, it's better to think about how he died."

Li Bai relaxed and slumped on the ground with all his strength, and sat there for a while. When he raised his eyes, his eyes were full of doubts, and he said with a firm attitude, "Did you touch him when you came here?"

"Oh, are you suspicious of me?" Xin Zhu sneered, spread his hands and said, "Then what do you think is my motive? Why should I kill him?"

Li Bai frowned and said, "You don't need a motive to kill someone."

Xin Zhu curled his lips and shrugged, "Then you will treat it as my fault, and I will kill you. Do you have any objections?"


Li Bai quickly drew out his gun and aimed it at Xin Zhu.

Xin Zhu was not afraid at all, and also shot back at gunpoint.

The two stood next to the corpse, facing each other on the left and the right, both aggressive, as if they would fight if they didn't agree with each other in a second.

"Calm down!" Xia Yihui moved his footsteps lightly, daring to stand between the two of them. He faced Li Bai and said, "You put down the gun first, Lucian must not have been killed by Xin Zhu."

Li Bai frowned and said, "How do you prove it?"

Xia Yihui: "..."

He subconsciously looked at Xin Zhu, the latter was very rigid when facing Li Bai, with an expression of "I'm not afraid of the sky, I'm not afraid of the earth, I won't say anything even if I kill you". But when he saw Xia Yi's suspicious gaze, he became visibly anxious, and said cautiously, "Brother Xia, you don' you suspect it's me?"

Xia Yihui shook his head, but did not speak.

"I really didn't kill him. If I did it, I would admit it directly." Xin Zhu was anxious in his heart, and began to mislead the troubled Dongyin, saying: "Just now I was in the third from the bottom, and Zhang Qingyu was the second to the bottom. , who knows what happened to them in the back. Anyway, you saw it too, I just moved closer and touched his neck, and did nothing else."

The directionality of his words was too clear, almost before he finished speaking, Xia Yihui and Li Bai's eyes focused on Zhang Qingyu.

Zhang Qingyu clapped his palms, stood up from the corpse, and said in a straightforward tone: "The murder can be ruled out by external injuries. There are no other wounds on the corpse, only a bloody hole in the ankle that was cut by flowers and plants."

Xia Yihui and Li Bai took a closer look. As Zhang Qingyu said, there was a large bloody hole on Lucian's ankle. The scar should be caused by some kind of leaf. The wound was jagged, and the skin was slightly blue and black. It looked extremely weird.

Seeing this situation, Xia Yi felt a thump in his heart, and almost instantly remembered that Lucian had mentioned this wound before. He lifted up his sleeves on his own, and it was visible to the naked eye that there was a scar of the same style as Lucian's on the inside of his forearm.

"Your leaves are poisonous." Xin Zhu viciously grabbed Li Bai's collar and said angrily, "It turns out that you are the one doing the trick!"

Li Bai frowned and said, "It's not me."

Xin Zhu sneered and said, "Brother Xia was also cut, you still say it wasn't you?"

Li Bai said, "You have no evidence to say that I am the murderer."

Xin Zhu practiced what Li Bai said just now, narrowed his eyes and said, "I suspect you are the murderer, and there is no need for evidence for this."

The situation in the dungeon is really changing rapidly, and now the questioner and the person being questioned have completely exchanged their identities. Of course, the atmosphere has not changed at all, it is still so tense.

During the dispute between the two, Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu quietly collected the body and buried it on the spot. When Li Bai and Xin Zhu got tired of arguing and looked back, Xia Yiyi even pressed the soil tightly.


Breaking the deadlock is the electronic sound.

[The third day of the real copy: There is no airdrop this time. The poison area has been reduced, and the number of people in the team in the same area cannot exceed five. If the total number exceeds five, one of the players will be randomly selected to be 'poisoned' to death. Those who fail to find a bunker will encounter the crisis of siege by reptiles at any time, and those who find a bunker are temporarily safe.]

"Is this the third day..."

Xia Yihui felt a deep headache, and only survived in the real copy for three days, but these days were almost passed by slowly on his fingers, always giving him the illusion of an extremely long time. It is no exaggeration to say that in the past three days, the pressure he has endured is definitely much greater than in the past in various dungeons.

"One, two, three, four, five... that's not right." Xin Zhu counted the number of people present, frowned and said: "Including the dead Lucian, our number is exactly five people, which does not exceed the coexistence stipulated by the game number of people."

Everyone looked at each other for a while, Xia Yihui suddenly realized and said, "Maybe Xu Suisui is also a part of the team!"

Li Bai pursed his lips and did not speak.

Xin Zhu at the side said sarcastically, "One or two, all of them are oil bottles."

Li Bai raised his eyes, a cold light flickered across his glasses, and looked at Xin Zhu with extremely cold eyes. The latter showed no fear, his expression was still fearless, but in a place where no one could see, he quietly clenched the gun in his hand.

Seeing that the two men were showing signs of quarreling again, Xia Yihui stepped forward and rolled up his sleeves, revealing the wound on his forearm, and said bitterly, "What's the fuss? I was cut too, but I Still alive."

The outer edge of the wound was a normal red color, not blue or purple like Lucian's. Just this one wound can easily remove the suspicion for Li Bai.

Xin Zhu pursed her lips, and slightly relaxed her fingers clenched on the gun.

Xia Yi turned to look at Li Bai, and his expression was no longer deliberately pretending to be a squeeze or a target.

This time his expression was very serious, obviously he was genuinely moved, "And you, Xin Zhu worked so hard to follow us to rescue you, and his feelings turned out to be saving a white-eyed wolf, and he was the first to doubt himself when something happened. savior."

"I'm sorry." Li Bai lowered his head, supported the frame of his glasses tiredly, nodded and said, "It's because I'm too nervous, I'm too nervous."

After everyone calmed down, the words of the electronic voice were broken apart and crumbled for analysis.

Excluding the literal meaning, some trivial words can still reflect certain messages.

Maybe the circle of poison will shrink again...

Maybe next time it's not a random death, but a voted death...

Or maybe the player who finds the bunker will not necessarily be safe in the end...

Of course, these are just Xia Yihui's guesses, and the specifics will have to wait for the next release of electronic music to know. The top priority is to return to the office building quickly, firstly to find a shelter to avoid disasters, secondly, to go late, once Xu Suisui completely mutates, maybe even the blood serum will not be able to save him.

It took a long time to return to the office building, and the sky changed from misty to bright, and then to slightly dark. Xia Yihui and others just entered the office building, this time Li Bai himself led the way, and the speed was much faster than Lucian's time.

When entering the bunker, even though Xia Yihui had already prepared in advance, when he actually went in, he was startled by Xu Suisui who came waving his arms wildly.

A gust of fishy wind rushed towards his face, Xia Yi took a step back, Xu Suisui followed closely, looking like he was about to bite. Xia Yihui had no other choice, and when he was about to defend himself with a gun, a tall and thin figure suddenly stood upright in front of him.

Li Bai looked stiff and sad, and said to the unconscious woman, "Sui Sui, I'm late."