Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 197: True Copy (14)


Xia Yihui didn't dare to delay the precious life-saving time, and immediately threw the serum to Zhang Qingyu. The latter waved his hand tacitly, and directly stuck the serum needle on Xu Suisui's arm.

Seeing the serum being injected into Xu Suisui's body bit by bit, Xia Yihui breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

But soon, the tone was lifted again.

This time it was completely different from Xin Zhu's situation. After Xin Zhu was injected with the serum, his physical condition was greatly improved immediately, and many signs of reptilian species were quietly weakened. It is no exaggeration to say that the effect was immediate.

On the other hand, Xu Suisui...

Her symptoms did not subside, and her consciousness was completely blurred, and she didn't even notice the needle in her arm. She just stood there by herself, with her head drooping, making it difficult to see her expression clearly.

Girls pay great attention to their appearance in front of the boys they like, and most hope to show their good-looking side.

Xu Suisui is no exception. Throughout the past ten years, almost every time Li Bai saw Xu Suisui, the latter's short hair was sharp and clean, and his bangs never reached his eyebrows. Although she is wearing a regular white coat, she can always take care of herself cleanly, giving people a bright feeling.

What I remember most is a certain experimental project. Everyone stayed up for several nights together. The men were disheveled, with dark circles under their eyes and chins, and their faces were full of ecstasy. The ladies' faces were pale, and they were wandering around the research institute, thinking it was a wandering spirit floating in if they didn't pay attention.

Only Xu Suisui, only she is still human. The hair is combed neatly, there are two small dimples when he smiles, and there are stars in the eyes when he looks at Li Bai, which can make people's spirits shocked and relax a lot.

But now, even she has no human appearance.

Xu Suisui's condition was worse than staying up all night, even worse.

There was a "click".

The sound of the trigger being pulled woke Li Bai awake.

Xia Yihui shook the gun in his hand, pointed at Xu Suisui, and made a mouthful: "To kill or not to kill?"

Li Bai opened his mouth and didn't speak for a long time.

So Xia immediately understood what he meant.

hold on-

Waiting for what, no one knows. Maybe it's just waiting for an extremely slim hope that can make people yearn for.

Xia Yi took the lead and approached Xu Suisui from the side of Li Bai. Xin Zhu and Zhang Qingyu walked on the other two sides, all three of them looked defensive, and their walking route showed a vague outflanking posture.

Li Bai's face was pale, and his palms trembled slightly. He didn't stop the other three people, but he couldn't lift his gun hand for a long time.

"Xu Suisui, can you hear me now?" Xia Yihui frowned and said cautiously.

Xu Suisui remained motionless, standing in place like a sculpture.

The surrounding area was quiet, and the noise outside the bunker seemed to be coming from far away, only the rustling of leaves nearby, and the sound of dripping water coming from nowhere.



It was Xin Zhu who broke the silence. Seeing that the others hadn't moved for a long time, and Xu Suisui hadn't responded for a long time, he finally couldn't stand it anymore. He gripped his gun tightly and said to Xia, "Can I shoot?"

Xia Yihui subconsciously glanced at Li Bai, who curled up his fingers and his knuckles were faintly white. He suddenly couldn't bear it. Although Xu Suisui was not considered a friend, he had met several times. This girl had a kind and tough temper, and she asked him to 'kill' such a person suddenly. Xia Yihui thought he couldn't do it.

Secondly, Xu Suisui's whole body and mind are attached to Li Bai, and her whole heart moves with Li Bai's movements. If her fate is determined by Xia Yi's return, it will be difficult to justify it emotionally and rationally.

In the end, Xia Yihui wisely threw this difficult multiple-choice question to Li Bai, and asked that cruel question again.

"To kill or not to kill?"

Li Bai raised his gun hand slowly.

Seeing this situation, Xia Yihui couldn't help but sigh in his heart that good luck makes people fool, no matter how earnest a heart is, it can't match the crisis of life and death after all.

Fortunately, Xu Suisui has lost consciousness now. If she was killed by a single blow by the man she loved while awake, it would be desperate to think about it.

"Since you have already made up your mind, we also..." Halfway through the sentence, Xia Yihui suddenly stopped talking, his expression was still as casual as before, without any surprise or resentment.

Li Bai's gun was pointed straight at him.

This action stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, Xia Yihui himself did not react, but the other two seemed to be completely turned over, and the reaction was a bit exaggerated.

They turned their guns on Li Bai almost at the same time, Zhang Qingyu was alright, he didn't show his face, Xin Zhu's expression looked like he was about to explode, and he would shoot in the next second.

The current situation is really complicated. After careful calculation, Xia Yihui's guns were aimed at Xu Suisui, Li Bai's guns were aimed at Xia Yihui, and Zhang Qingyu and Xin Zhu's guns were aimed at Li Bai.

A few people are like praying mantises catching cicadas and orioles behind them, moving the whole body with one move. Toe also knew that as long as one of them shot, the scene would be extremely chaotic, with bullets flooding the sky one after another.

After a few seconds of silence, Xia Yihui breathed a sigh of relief, laughed again, and said, "You are not as ruthless as the legend says."

Li Bai was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "I won't hurt you, and you don't have to be sarcastic."

Xia Yi shrugged and said, "I'm wronged, this time I'm really praising you."

Li Bai was noncommittal, and tilted his gun and said, "The three of you step back now to make way for her."

Xin Zhu sneered with a tinge of pity, and said, "The moment she was completely mutated, she was already dead. You are just deceiving yourself, how pitiful you are."

Li Bai gave him a cool look, speaking concisely.


All right, get out of here.

Xia Yihui was the first one to retreat. Seeing him retreat, Xin Zhu snorted coldly at Li Bai, and retreated two steps perfunctorily. On the other side, Zhang Qingyu himself did not stand on the road blocking Xu Suisui, in other words, he did not need to retreat at all, but he still took two steps to the side, blocking Xia Yihui without a trace.

Even though he knew that Li Bai was only threatening to put on a show and would not actually shoot, seeing Zhang Qingyu's actions, Xia Yihui's heart still inevitably warmed up.


—Thank you for your constant care and concern, and for never leaving.

Zhang Qingyu looked back at Xia Yi, his face was still calm for thousands of years, but his aura was strangely revealing that he was happy, and he looked very innocent.

The little episode between the two was not discovered by others, it was like a little secret, or an insignificant matter, that was easily turned over.

Perhaps realizing that something had changed in the situation, Xu Suisui suddenly moved. She raised her steps tremblingly, and slowly bumped towards Li Bai.

To put it mildly, Xu Suisui's walking posture is a bit staggering, not quite like a healthy human being.

To put it bluntly—

"That's how reptiles walk."

Xin Zhu hit the nail on the head as always.

Li Bai didn't move half a step, and he still stood upright. Although he always seemed too ruthless when getting along with him on weekdays, in this situation, he was unexpectedly calm and reliable.

Until Xu Suisui walked unsteadily in front of Li Bai, everyone did not move extraneously. No one knows what kind of storm is waiting for Li Bai... To be honest, if he bites at this distance, it will be really difficult for Li Bai to escape.

But Li Bai still didn't move.

Take a gamble, it's a big deal, if you win the bet, your conscience will be at ease, if you lose the bet... the worst thing is death.

Everyone was closely watching Xu Suisui's actions. She approached Li Bai and grabbed the clothes on Li Bai's chest with both hands.

In the silence, she suddenly threw herself into Li Bai's arms, trembling all over, sobbing softly.


Who knows who breathed a sigh of relief, but Li Bai knew that he made the right bet this time.


Late at night, the sound of explosions could be heard outside from time to time, and everyone was trapped in the bunker, unable to go far at all. At midnight, the electronic sound began to play the survivor list.

Xia Yihui closed his eyes and listened carefully. The last time he listened, Mei Yougan was missing from the list, and this time Lucian was missing.

The number of survivors was less than 150, and the situation was getting more and more serious. Xia Yihui clearly realized that maybe next time, the one missing from the list would be himself, or anyone present.

Early the next morning.

[The fourth day of the real copy]

[There is no airdrop this time. The poison area has not been reduced.]

[Those who fail to find the bunker will encounter the crisis of siege by reptiles at any time, and those who find the bunker may encounter the crisis of blasting.]

[The area where the player is located—unselected.]

Xu Suisui stopped drinking the milk, and carefully handed the milk to Li Bai, who shook his head expressionlessly and refused.

Everyone tacitly didn't mention what happened before, and his attitude towards Xu Suisui hasn't changed much from before, what should be done or what should be done.

Li Bai turned his head to look at Xia Yihui, and asked, "What do you think this rule means?"

Xia Yihui said: "What else do you mean? No matter whether you find a bunker or not, you will face annihilation. The rule of the game is to kill everything."

Xu Suisui said: "Then what should we do now?"

Hearing the question, Xia Yihui subconsciously looked at her. After a night of rest, although Xu Suisui's physical condition has not fully recovered, the reptile signs have faded a lot.

At this time, her consciousness was fully awake, and no mutation occurred for nearly 10 hours. This is very likely the only thing that happened in the past few days that made Xia Yihui feel relieved.

"We can't do anything now, we can only sit and wait for death." Xin Zhu said coolly, "If you go out, you will die. If you stay here, you may be able to escape the explosion crisis. It's just a matter of chance."

Xia Yihui was secretly helpless.

Although I really don't want to admit it, I have to say that what Xin Zhu said is the truth. Now it's not a competition between players at all, but a dungeon game killing players.

In other words, what you look at is not strength, but face.

On the fifth day of the dungeon, there was an airdrop of food, the poison circle was not reduced, and the area was not selected for blasting. The list of survivors was broadcast at night, and the number of survivors was halved, and the total number did not exceed 70.

On the sixth day of the dungeon, there was a serum airdrop, the poisonous circle was not reduced, and the area was not selected for blasting. The list of survivors was broadcast at night, and the number of survivors was halved again, and the total number did not exceed 30.

Copy of the seventh day.

It was Zhang Qingyu who first noticed something was wrong.

Around the dawn of the morning, he got up and went out for a trip, and returned to the bunker after about an hour or two. When he came back, his face was still cold.

Seeing this expression on his face for the first time, Xia Yi couldn't help being a little dazed, and quickly got up and walked over, asking, "What happened?"

Zhang Qingyu said: "The reptiles are gone."

The rest of the people heard the sound and looked over, Xu Suisui said pleasantly: "Isn't this a good thing?"

Xin Zhu and Li Bai didn't say a word, as if they remembered something, their expressions suddenly turned ugly.

Almost instantly, they stood up immediately.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. Xia quickly realized that, just like animals would sound warnings before an earthquake. Now that the reptiles are gone, it is very likely that they are instinctively avoiding disasters.

He reminded loudly: "Go!"

It was obviously too late to react at this time, and the electronic sound sounded unhurriedly.

[The seventh day of the real copy]

[There is a serum airdrop this time, and 20 will be distributed randomly. The poison area has not been reduced.]

[Those who fail to find the bunker will encounter the crisis of siege by reptiles at any time, and those who find the bunker may encounter the crisis of blasting.]

[The area where the player is located - select the blast.]

"What?" Xu Suisui was almost carried away by Li Bai, screaming while running, "What happened, what does it mean to choose to explode?!"

Infinity Escape Game answered her for all.

[Within five minutes, the area where the player is located will completely collapse. Please evacuate to a safe area quickly to avoid natural disasters.]

Xin Zhu's face was blue and purple, and he cursed bitterly: "This is not a natural disaster, this is a fucking man-made disaster!!!"

The ground was shaken for a while, explosions were everywhere, and flames came from nowhere. From time to time, gravel and steel bars fell from the top of the head, and it was a hole when it hit.

Xia Yihui was the last one to run. His arm was still injured, and he was in excruciating pain when he ran, and he couldn't run fast at all.

Xu Suisui ran ahead, not forgetting to care for Xia Yihui who was at the end of the crane, "Come on, run faster!"

Xia Yihui: "..." Do you fucking think I don't want to run fast? !

Just when he was about to cry but had no tears, Zhang Qingyu in front of him suddenly turned around silently and ran to Xia Yihui.

Xia Yihui made a confused face: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Qingyu: "I forgot to bring something."

After finishing speaking, he bent down and picked up Xia Yihui, and rushed ahead of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Xu Suisui immediately stopped cheering and closed his mouth angrily.

The author has something to say: Zhang Dashen: Sorry, I forgot to bring my wife.

In the last chapter, there was a little cutie who started to mourn Xu Suisui hahaha, this is still angry, why did she cover it with a white cloth duck!