Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 198: True Copy (15)


[There are five minutes before the bunker collapses.]

"This way, run this way!"

Xin Zhu has a strong memory and has been running at the forefront to lead the way.

Originally, everyone ran a little reservedly, not very fast. Unexpectedly, as soon as the electronic voice clearly marked the time when the bunker collapsed, everyone present became anxious and began to speed up the pace of escape frantically.

This feeling is like an earthquake or a fire, with smoke and heat waves in front of you, and rubble that will fall at an unknown time. Everyone only knew to rush towards the empty space, and their brains went blank when they ran. The original ten-minute journey took less than five minutes to run out abruptly.

[There are two minutes before the bunker collapses.]

Xin Zhu was the first to run out, and fell to the ground collapsed within a few steps. His pale shoulder-length hair drooped on the back of his neck, and he was soaked in sweat every time he stroked it. He looked as if he had just been salvaged from the water. .

Followed by Zhang Qingyu, running out alone is already at the limit of his physical strength, not to mention that he still has Xia Yihui on his shoulders. When he came out, he was panting slightly, knelt on one knee and remained motionless.

Xia Yihui's condition didn't get any better, he bent over and coughed wildly. Although Fangcai didn't do the extreme sprint like Xin Zhu and Zhang Qingyu did, he also choked in a lot of billowing smoke. At this moment, he felt as if his throat was on fire, and he coughed for a long time and couldn't speak.

After finally slowing down, Xia Yikui looked up and couldn't help but feel a sinking heart. Now there are only three people outside the bunker, and Li Bai and Xu Suisui are nowhere to be seen.

[There is still one minute before the bunker collapses.]

What can be done in one minute

Some people can use this minute to make a glass of milk, pour a glass of boiling water, and open an umbrella for a short walk. Some people had to use this minute to escape.

Xia Yihui shouted towards the gate: "Come out!"

The sound of steel and concrete smashing down completely covered up Xia Yihui's words, and there was chaos as far as the eye could see, with thick smoke obscuring sight, and nothing could be seen.

Xin Zhu gasped and said, "These two people won't be trapped inside, right?"

"No." When he said this, Xia Yikui himself was not very sure.

Li Bai's physical strength has been exhausted on the high school campus, and Xu Suisui's body has just recovered. The two of them are the easiest and most likely to lose the chain in the team, but they still disappear together without showing their heads.

After being silent for an unknown amount of time, Xia Yi's eyes lit up: "I saw them!"

In the thick smoke, there are two figures holding hands looming.

Time was becoming more and more urgent, Li Bai ran close to the exit, dragged behind him was Xu Suisui who was seriously exhausted. The two were about to rush out in a jolt, and seeing that they were about to succeed, suddenly rocks flew from the gate, and a huge figure suddenly rushed out.

Xia Yi took a closer look and was stunned.

That turned out to be a reptile!

The reptile had been lurking quietly under the boulder, even if the fire ignited, it remained silent. Even when Xin Zhu, Zhang Qingyu, and Xia Yihui stepped over its head, there was no movement. Now facing Li Bai and Xu Suisui, it seemed to be awakened by something suddenly, and it rushed to bite.

The people outside saw that the inside was extremely thrilling, and the people inside were even more scared to death. Having been mixed up to this point, he has seen many big scenes. Li Bai was not too frightened, but subconsciously a little dazed.

When he was standing there in a daze, a strong force suddenly came from the back of his neck, pushing him out at once.

Looking back, only the overwhelming fire and the billowing smoke blocking the line of sight remained.

A medicine bottle the size of a thumb rolled out, and the glass bottle body hit the broken stones, making a crisp 'jingling' sound. Two small holes were artificially drilled in the mouth of the bottle, and a red string passed through the small holes, and became tangled up in the process of rolling down.

Li Bai clenched his fists and looked at the red string vial on the ground without saying a word.

[It's still thirty seconds before the bunker collapses.]

Seeing that only Li Bai ran out alone, Xia Yihui almost expected Xu Suisui's tragic end.

Xin Zhu collapsed on the ground, panting and asked: "Is that bottle a medicine bottle from the escape game?"

No one took his word for it.

Xia Yi couldn't bear to look away, and happened to see Zhang Qingyu looking this way. The eyes of the two met in the air for a brief moment, and they saw a trace of complexity in each other's eyes that seemed to be from another world.

This pill bottle really impressed them too much.

In the ghost card dungeon of "Puppet Ball Ghost Card", Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu, Li Bai and Xu Suisui, the two teams stood on the answering area and the board area respectively. If it is said that the two of Xia and Zhang have a tacit understanding and mutual achievement, then the two of Li and Xu are full of friction and difficulties. Xia Yihui didn't even remember the ending of that game very clearly, but he still remembered when Li Bai handed Xu Suisui the small medicine bottle, the latter's eyes sparkled with surprise.

Unexpectedly, this 'surprise' has been kept until now, and it will give some people a heavy blow at this moment.

[There are - ten seconds before the bunker collapses.]

The electronic tone starts counting down.

[ten, nine, eight...]

Suddenly, Li Bai moved with his back to the crowd, stepped over the small medicine bottle, and walked straight towards the thick smoke.

Xia Yihui grabbed Li Bai, gritted his teeth and asked knowingly, "What do you want to do?"

Li Bai turned his face slightly, the expression on his face was as indifferent and serious as ever, but the tone of his voice revealed his unsettled heart.

His eyes were slightly red, and his voice trembled, "I'll accompany her."

Xia Yihui gasped: "Are you serious?"

[Six, five, four...]

Li Bai nodded: "Seriously."

Xia Yihui's expression moved slightly, and he slowly let go of his hand. Li Bai finally took a deep look at him, turned around, and walked straight into the thick smoke step by step without looking back.

[Three, two, one...]

[The countdown ends.]

With a loud bang, the floor collapsed violently.

The disaster ended with the end of the countdown, the heat wave and dust subsided together, and the place returned to the original appearance. Except for the ruins, everything else was normal.

"I've been a gentleman so many times, but I finally became a gentleman at a critical moment." After thinking for a while, Xin Zhu pouted his lips and commented: "But it's too cheap for him to give up his life for this."

"No, it's not cheap."

Xia Yihui dug out the bottle from under the stone, sharpened the body of the bottle carefully, and said, "Did you know? When I look back this time, Academician Xu has been waiting for too long, too long..."

Xin Zhu froze, frowning with a dazed expression.

The team was reduced from five to three, but the urgent situation did not allow the remaining people to rest.

Players exposed to the outside may be attacked by groups of reptiles at any time, which means that they must find new bunkers as soon as possible, so as to increase the chance of survival.

However, many things are easy to say, but extremely difficult to do.

After getting out of the bunker, everyone suddenly realized that it looked like a large-scale natural disaster outside. The wreckage after the explosion is everywhere, and there are countless bright eyes crawling in the dark, waiting for the players passing by to be exhausted, and they will pounce on them in one go to attack.

Until late at night, no one could find a suitable place.

Xia Yihui suddenly said, "What do you think of the previous school?"

Xin Zhu was very forgetful: "What school?"

"It was the high school campus we entered when we went to rescue Li Bai."

Xia Yihui walked in the dark, and suggested without giving up: "Many places have collapsed or are in danger. But that school is different. There are many giant plants left by Li Bai in it, which is a natural school. A barrier that allows us to avoid many crises."

This proposal may not be very good, but there is no better place to hide right now. Thinking about it this way, Xia Yihui's suggestion was quickly adopted and put into practice.

During the rush, the electronic sound suddenly sounded.

[The list of survivors will start playing now.]

[Xin Zhu, Xia Yihui, Zhang Qingyu...]

A string of about ten names was reported one by one, all of them were garrulous foreigners' names, leaving only four names of Chinese people.

Except for the three people present, the name of Hua Guo is familiar to everyone in the future—Jin Yuan.

Xia Yihui raised the corners of his lips, narrowed his eyes and said, "That little fat man is still alive."

Xin Zhu sarcastically said: "His skill is to bounce back other people's skills. It seems that this game is not a game where the strong are respected in the true sense. Well, didn't you see that there is another bastard here who has made it to the top ten?"

"You underestimate Jin Yuan." Xia Yihui shook his head, and said with deep meaning, "He's not a bastard."

This was just a small episode, and the list of survivors did not affect the three of them on their way. About a few hours after the list was announced, the three finally found the school's convenience store and decided to rest here temporarily.

Wandering around in a circle, a trace of surprise flashed across Xia Yi's face. The school's convenience store can still retain its original appearance after many disasters.

On the shelves, expired food and daily necessities are lined up one by one. Many packaging bags are already covered with a layer of dust, and they can be touched into another color by touching them with your fingers.

Xia Yihui left the other two and went to the medicine area alone.

They had just sprinted to the limit, and both of them suffered burns of varying degrees. After traveling for a period of time, the burns had seriously deteriorated. Although neither of them said anything, Xia Yihui subconsciously started looking for medicine.

Food and daily necessities have already expired, but medicines are different. Many medicines have an extremely long shelf life, and some of them may come in handy.

After turning a corner, Xia Yihui finally touched the medicine area. Holding a candle, he took a small step forward in response to the faint light.

A soft 'thump' sound startled him.

Bottles and jars scattered on the ground were full of cold medicine and medicine for treating diarrhea. Something jumped over, and the scalp tingled in shock. After a closer look, it was only a mouse.

Xia Yihui held the wax in his left hand, and rummaged through the medicines on the ground with his right hand. From time to time, when something is opened, a mouse will jump out. And several times he managed to find out the burn medicines, but unfortunately those medicines had expired.

About an hour later, he was pleasantly surprised to find the right medicine.

However, after returning to the two of them with the medicine, Xia Yihui was suddenly dumbfounded. The burn medicine in his hand is only for one person, so who should use this medicine has become a question worth thinking about.

Xin Zhu's eyes were as red as a bunny's, and his skill in acting like a baby was perfect. He opened his mouth and said, "Brother Xia, give me the medicine... I'm in so much pain..."

Xia Yiyi would not believe a word he said. When he was on his way, he looked like a normal person, how could he be in such severe pain now.

I thought so, but when I saw Shang Xin Zhu's slender cat eyes and saw the hint of humble supplication in his eyes, Xia Yihui still inevitably began to soften his heart, and he didn't know what to do with the medicine. Is good.

Zhang Qingyu was silent for a while, took out the anti-inflammatory medicine from the space, and began to apply the medicine by himself without saying a word.

"Wait a minute!" Xia Yi wanted to stop him, but his movements were not as fast as Zhang Qingyu's. After a while, Zhang Qingyu had already scribbled on the wound.

Anti-inflammatory drugs and burn drugs are two different concepts, one can only prevent the deterioration of the wound, and the other can heal the wound. Now that Zhang Qingyu has used anti-inflammatory drugs, in order to avoid conflicting properties of the drugs, naturally he can't add any other drugs indiscriminately.

This burn medicine, in the end, was spent on Xinzhu.

As for how haughty and arrogant Xin Zhu is, these are things for later, so let's not mention them.

In the early morning, the electronic voice issued the rules.

[True copy eighth day]

[There is a serum airdrop this time, and 20 will be distributed randomly.]

[Those who fail to find the bunker will encounter the crisis of siege by reptiles at any time, and those who find the bunker may encounter the crisis of blasting.]

[The area where the player is located—unselected.]

Xia Yihui breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not choose to blast this time, which meant that he could spend another day in the dungeon.

However, things were not as good as expected. At the unexpected moment, the electronic sound continued to sound.

[Poison area shrinks.]

[The number of coexistence in the team in the same area cannot exceed two, if the total number exceeds two, one of all players will be randomly selected to be 'poisoned' to death.]

The surrounding area was so quiet that even the mice didn't dare to call loudly.

Xin Zhu suddenly shook the burn ointment in his hand, and said sarcastically, "Some people should understand Brother Xia's choice, so they shouldn't hang around here, it's so ugly."

Zhang Qingyu sat at the place closest to the door. Hearing this, he only slightly raised his eyelids, gave Xin Zhu a cold look, and did not reply.

Seeing this, Xin Zhu spoke again, and said with a sneer, "Could it be that we have to drive you away?"

Zhang Qingyu hadn't spoken yet, but Xia Yihui spoke up first.

He suddenly opened his mouth and said flatly, "Enough."

This voice was really different from the previous ones. There was deep anger contained in the plainness, and this anger even attracted the two people who were in the middle of their swords to look at each other.

Zhang Qingyu looked at Xia Yihui's expression seriously, while Xin Zhu tilted his head in doubt: "Brother Xia, what did you say?"

"What's the fuss about. Why don't you two stay and I'll go?"

Xia raised her head once, her tone was calm, as if she really just asked an ordinary question. But anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a sign that his anger has reached the top of his head.

Xin Zhu accepted it as soon as it was good, and didn't try to challenge Xia Yihui's limit again.

Now there can only be two people left in the team, and one must go. The right to choose now is basically in Xia Yihui's hands. Glancing at Zhang Qingyu on the left, and then at Xin Zhu on the right, he couldn't help heaving his forehead and sighing in distress.

To live and to die - that's a pretty fucked up question.

The author has something to say: It’s time to do multiple choice questions again