Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 199: True Copy (16)


Fortunately, neither of the other two mentioned this matter, so Xia Yihui could hide his ears and steal the bell for a while.

As time went on, the explosions outside became more and more frequent, and the atmosphere created by the wind and grass was so weird that people had to doubt it.

After sitting in place and resting for a while, Xia Yihui went out and wandered around the neighborhood for a while.

The night blocked the view, and many things can only be seen clearly when you get closer. The original teaching buildings, libraries, and cafeterias have either collapsed in the blasting or are covered by lush turf. From time to time, dazzling flames exploded in the distance, and the sound of collapse came after a long time. The current high school campus is silent in a strange silence.

After a long detour, Xia Yihui saw some moving creatures. After killing several reptiles along the road, he was relieved and went back to the convenience store with peace of mind.

The previous explosion left a deep impression on people, almost comparable to a psychological shadow. The only sign was the large-scale evacuation of the reptiles, so Xia Yihui paid special attention to the movements of the nearby reptiles this time. If there was a sign of evacuation, he would definitely pack up his bags and leave.

Back at the convenience store, as soon as he opened the door, Xia immediately ran into Zhang Qingyu head-on.

A sliding door and a pushing door were not expected in advance, so they bumped into each other. The two of them stared at each other for several seconds. Xia Yihui was the first to react. Immediately, he put his thigh across the gap between the door and said with a serious face, "Where are you going?"

Zhang Qingyu looked calm and said, "Go out and have a look."

Xia Yihui frowned and said, "I've already gone out to look. There is nothing outside, only a few lone reptiles. If you have nothing to do, just sit back and recuperate."

Zhang Qingyu raised his eyes and stared at Xia Yihui without saying a word.

Xia Yihui didn't show any weakness at all, but stuck between the cracks of the door, his attitude seemed extremely firm.

At this time, Zhang Qingyu went into battle lightly, and outsiders might think that he also wanted to go to the neighborhood like Xia Yihui. After all, it was not like he had never done this kind of thing in the bunker of the office building. But Xia felt inexplicably that this time seemed a little different from the last time.

If you have to say what is different, it must be hard to tell from the outside, the only difference is that Zhang Qingyu left without saying goodbye this time, and specifically chose the time when Xia Yi went out to leave.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Are you afraid of the influence of shrinking circles, so you want to leave?"

Zhang Qingyu pursed his lips, his expression seemed tacit.

When it comes to this issue, Xia Yihui himself is extremely entangled. Asking him to kick someone between Xin Zhu and Zhang Qingyu, this multiple-choice question is almost the same as giving a proposition to him.

On the one hand is the younger brother who has been guarding for ten years and is not a relative who is comparable to a relative, and on the other is a comrade-in-arms who has fought back to back in countless life-and-death fights. Perhaps this relationship needs to add a layer of ambiguity.

... This is how he should choose

Reason told him that no matter how difficult this problem is, it must not be delayed. Lucian's tragic situation is a lesson from the past. Xia Yihui thinks that he can't take chances and bet the lives of three people here.

From this point of view, Zhang Qingyu's willingness to leave has become the most honorable choice.

Xia Yihui's mind is very messy. Since entering the infinite escape game, he has encountered countless difficulties. Those difficulties seemed insurmountable and invincible, but he finally solved them one by one with IQ, luck and force.

For the first time, he really felt helpless in this difficulty.

It was Zhang Qingyu who broke the calm first. He looked up at the sky, slowly opened Xia Yihui's finger on the door, pursed his lips and said, "Would you like to leave with me?"

He said this in a low voice, and his voice was very floating. It was completely different from how he used to speak, as if... as if he himself wasn't sure whether he should ask this sentence.

"What did you say?" Xia Yihui blinked his eyes, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"I said, would you like to come with me?"

Zhang Qingyu's jaw slumped, he frowned and repeated it again, this time his words were even more lacking in confidence, and his eyes also became erratic.

When Xia returned, he froze in place, not knowing how to answer, he subconsciously glanced at the convenience store.

Zhang Qingyu immediately said: "He is resting."

"Hmm..." Xia Yi nodded and said with complicated eyes, "I know he's resting."

Xinzhu toxin had just faded and suffered burns, coupled with running around for days, his energy and spirit were already on the verge of limit, hovering on the verge of collapse. This child has always been very attached to him, and this time he didn't even go out quietly to investigate the surroundings, which shows how serious Xin Zhu's condition is this time.

Zhang Qingyu didn't urge him, but just stood patiently inside the door, waiting for Xia Yihui's reply.

If Xia Yihui followed Zhang Qingyu this time and left, he only needed to turn around on the spot without looking back. If he chooses Xin Zhu, then he only needs to take a step to the side to make way for the road. Neither of the two options required very complicated movements, but Xia Yihui still stood still in place, motionless.

Xia Yi looked up at Zhang Qingyu, just about to open his mouth to ease the atmosphere, when a very cold question came from inside the store.

"What are you doing?"

Xin Zhu covered the wound with one hand, and leaned against the side of the shelf.

There are some places on the shelves that are not filled with products, and the candlelight shines on Xin Zhu's face through those empty spaces, making half of his face bright and generally hidden in the darkness.

He looked tired, not only from his body, but more from his mind. Rather than unbelievable, there is more sourness and powerlessness rising deep in my heart.

After a pause, Xin Zhu looked at Xia once, and said word by word very clearly: "Now you want to abandon me again?"

This time, he didn't even call Xia Yihui 'Brother Xia', but a simple word 'you'. It can be seen how angry and angry Xin Zhu is.

Xia Yihui opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Injustice is second, he hasn't decided whether to leave with Zhang Qingyu yet. The most important thing is that Xin Zhu won't listen to persuasion when he goes crazy. If Xia Yihui said things like 'I didn't leave' and 'You think too much' now, Xin Zhu would definitely think that Xia Yihui was talking about it. Lie to him, the final result may only be more angry.

The most urgent task is to stabilize Xin Zhu who is on the verge of rage.

Xia Yihui tried to ease the atmosphere, and tried to slow down his voice, as if comforting a child who couldn't get sugar, and said: "It's not 'again' abandonment. I remember I explained it to you when I brought people into the new experimental project ten years ago." This problem is over, I didn’t abandon you at that time, and I haven’t had it all this time.”

Xin Zhu's eyes were red, the white hair on the top of his head was raised, and he clasped the burnt part of the other arm with one hand.

The wound that had been bandaged just now was torn apart again, and the scars that showed signs of healing began to ooze blood again. The pain in the body could not reduce the pain in the heart. The blood almost covered half of the body, and Xin Zhu's face did not improve at all. , is still on the verge of despair whether to cry or not.

Several explosions were heard from a distance, this time the blasting point was much closer than the previous few times, and the extinguished flames could be clearly seen in the convenience store.

Xin Zhu's voice was still very cold, almost freezing.

"Then what is your choice now?"

Xia Yihui: "..."

So this topic went around and around, why did it go back to the original place again!

There was Xin Zhu who was staring at him in front of him, and Zhang Qingyu who was silent but louder beside him. The eyes of both sides were tightly glued to Xia Yihui. Although neither of them said much, the dead silence amplified the pressure Countless times.

If the barrage in the live broadcast room is still there at this time, then it will definitely be another tense moment that attracts everyone's attention. In the past, those who enjoyed this kind of treatment were at the time of life and death, this time it was a simple convenience store, but the things Xia Yikui was facing now were not as easy as those before.

Xia Yihui even had the illusion that he was not choosing who to go with now, but who to marry.


This delusion was so terrifying, Xia Yi shuddered when he returned to the spot, and was so frightened that his soul immediately returned to his place.

On the other side, Xin Zhu and Zhang Qingyu remained motionless, as if they were competing, or waiting for some kind of verdict in silence.

There was no longer any delay, Xia Yihui knew that he had to make a decision as soon as possible.

This choice...

Xia Yihui lowered his eyes, moved his footsteps slightly, and stood closer to Zhang Qingyu.

This choice is actually not too difficult. If you exclude emotion and only look at rational analysis, if you force them to stay, one of the three people will definitely die. But if they were divided into a group of two and one person, Xin Zhu's fear skill tended to protect himself. With this skill in his mind, it would be no problem to sweep the dungeon.

On the other hand, Zhang Qingyu, needless to say the strength of his object control skills, even if he added Xia Yihui as a leg pendant, Zhang Qingyu would have no pressure.

From this point of view, this multiple-choice question is a bit too simple.

Xia Yihui was about to explain the stakes to Xin Zhu, but he didn't know that the latter seemed to have expected it, and didn't listen to any explanation at all, completely indulging in his own world.

The worst still happened.

Xin Zhu took out the gun from the space, pointed the muzzle at the ground and pulled the bolt, looked at Xia Yihui without blinking, and said with a wry smile, "Then what are you doing to stop me when I'm about to commit suicide? It's better to let me die than to be abandoned by you again!"

This action seemed too dangerous. It felt like he would raise the gun in the next second, point the gun at Xia once, and then pull the trigger directly.

"I always thought it was a beautiful dream for my brother to wake up." Xin Zhu's arm was slowly raised, and the muzzle of the gun gradually changed from facing the ground to being flush with the arm.

Although the target was not aimed at Xia Yihui for the time being, Zhang Qingyu was very vigilant and immediately pulled out the bolt, aiming the gun at Xin Zhu.

Xia Yihui pursed his lips and frowned, a sense of helplessness rose deep in his heart.

Perhaps the tension and exhaustion of the past few days has captured his brain nerves, or the successive deaths of his teammates have brought too great a blow, he finally couldn't control himself and shouted at Zhang Qingyu: "Don't move, just move!" Let him shoot!"

Xin Zhu was stunned by Xia Yi's yelling back, his fingers were trembling, and finally pointed the gun at his head.

He laughed and murmured in a low voice, "Now I wake up from the dream."