Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 201: Finale (below)


When the drizzle stopped slightly, Xia Yihui finally found a small raft from the school's physical education department. It took a lot of effort to inflate the raft and transport it to the small stream in the school.

The dark blue raft is parked by the crystal-clear stream. Xin Zhu's white hair and cold white skin contrast the color of the raft, which always gives people a particularly eye-catching illusion.

It seems that these two color systems should not be put together, but external forces make them combine forcibly, and the final result is the discordant scene in front of us.

Xia Yihui took out a lot of things from the space, including the food and medicine that Mei Yougan gave, the gun that Xin Zhu gave back then, Xu Suisui and Li Bai's love-promising medicine bottles... and flowers.

These are all kinds of flowers produced by Li Bai's skills. Xia Yihui seemed to have moved all the flowers in the campus to the edge of the raft. The colorful colors reflected on Xin Zhu's face, and his hair reflected shadows of different colors.

Sitting by the raft for a while, Xia Yi looked blankly at Xin Zhu's side face, his mind was blank.

Looking back at the escape game, he has experienced a total of six copies. They are the novice copy, the campus arena, the werewolf in the entertainment industry, the ghost casino, December 22, and the current real copy, or the real world.

Even if the four to five different dungeons of joke cards in the joke card casino are excluded, he is a person who has traveled through different worlds several times. However, it was of no use. Xia Yihui still inevitably felt panic when faced with the departure of his close relatives.

This panic did not happen overnight, but accumulated over time.

Maybe it's not very obvious in normal times, but the long-term dungeon has accumulated pressure, and Xia Yihui has never had a suitable way to decompress. In the end, these pressures can only be accumulated in his heart day after day, and cannot be resolved for a long time.

Just like a camel walking on a dry desert with a burden on its back, it felt very relaxed at first, but as the journey progressed, the camel was farther and farther away from the starting point, and the burden on its back became heavier and heavier.

It took almost exhaustion to pass through the checkpoints one by one, but Xin Zhu's death became the 'last straw that broke the camel's back'.

There was the sound of very light footsteps not far away, and the visitor seemed to be afraid of disturbing Xia Yihui, so he deliberately slowed down his pace.

Zhang Qingyu didn't stop until he got close.

Xia Yihui woke up from the trance and looked up at Zhang Qingyu.

The latter held a large bundle of rape flowers in his hand and placed them on the ground. After thinking for a while, he picked up a small bunch of golden rapeseed flowers and placed them on Xin Zhu's chest.

After a pause, he said, "I've searched nearby for a long time, only these flowers haven't mutated, so they shouldn't be clone derivatives."

Xia Yihui nodded, and finally arranged the flowers on the dark blue raft so that these flowers could cover Xin Zhu's wounds exposed to the air. He thought very simply, if Xin Zhu came here intact, he would leave decently.

Such a lovely snow elf, burial will be dirty, and cremation will destroy the remains. The best way is snow burial, but the current situation really doesn't allow it, so we can only use water burial as the next best thing.

After finishing everything that needed to be done, Xia Yi looked back with an inconspicuous glimmer of sadness in his eyes, he bent down wearily, and gently kissed Xin Zhu's eyebrows.

After the kiss, Xia Yihui gently pushed the raft.

The small raft wobbled away from sight. Seeing these familiar people and things fade away, Xia Yi looked back with flickering lights, and remained silent for a long time. Of course, Zhang Qingyu didn't bother, but stood aside and accompanied silently.

After an unknown amount of time, the electronic sound suddenly sounded, and the calm was broken by external force, and the gunpowder smoke filled the air again.

[Please start the duel as soon as possible.]

Xia Yihui trembled all over, subconsciously looking towards the ground.

There are still a lot of rape flowers piled on the ground, as well as guns and ammunition.

Two little sparrows flew in the air, chirping and chasing each other, stopping nearby and looking out at the two of them curiously. The surrounding area was very quiet, unbelievably quiet.

As if suddenly remembering something, Xia Yihui bent down suddenly, and at the same time, Zhang Qingyu also bent down.

Xia Yihui picked up the rapeseed flowers, and Zhang Qingyu picked up the gun.

"..." They looked at each other, and there was silence.

Xia Yihui was not sad, and was even a little happy.

He stuffed the rape blossoms into Zhang Qingyu's hands, and said with a forced smile, "I'm sure I can't beat you, so I just abstain, you... live a good life."

Zhang Qingyu pursed his lips and slowly raised his gun.

The gun was gradually level with the shoulders of the two of them, and the smile on Xia Yihui's face disappeared little by little, shock flashed in his eyes, and there was a hint of understanding.

Indeed, he should have thought of it long ago.

——The gun in Zhang Qingyu's hand was pointed at his own temple.

The personalities of the two people are like this, they are both dedicated personalities, but there are still subtle differences.

Xia Yihui's dedication is always reserved, that's why he picked up the flowers and handed over the initiative, life or death is at your disposal.

But Zhang Qingyu is different, once he decides to be nice to someone, he will have no reservations. After all, only by picking up a gun can we guarantee who the last person who survives is.

Xia Yihui maintained the original expression, opened his mouth and did not speak for a long time. He wanted to say something very much, but his mind was blank, and he was at a loss for words at this critical moment, and he couldn't say a decent word of dissuasion.


Chaos for a long time, maybe days, months, years.

An unreal voice came from far away.

It was a problem I had encountered in the ghost casino.

[A train is coming, 6 children are playing on the normal track on the left, and 1 child is playing on the spare track on the right. The train doesn't have time to brake. If you put the right to change lanes in your hands, will you let the tracks go to the left and kill six disobedient children, or drive to the right and kill that good boy.]

Xia Yihui's answer at that time was: he would drive the train to the left and kill the six children on the normal track. The railroad track was running normally, if it was just to save the 'most people', the result might be the destruction of the whole train.

However, this time, Xia Yihui rarely hesitated.

The sound came from far and near.

[You have a chance to realize your wish once.]

[If you were given another choice, would you sacrifice yourself to save everyone?]

Xia Yihui was silent for a long, long time.

"I would."


Consciousness gradually peeled off, the scene in front of him turned black, and after a while, consciousness slowly returned.

As Xin Zhu said, he woke up from the dream.


Xia Yihui jumped out of the nutrition cabin violently, the water-blue nutrient solution splashed, and the surrounding instruments were stained in a mess.

Realizing that his upper body was a bit cold, Xia Yihui looked down. Now he is naked from top to bottom, and the only thing that hides his shame is a pair of big black knee-length trousers on his lower body.

Dazed for a moment, Xia Yihui casually pulled the bathrobe aside to wrap around his body. The bathrobe seemed to be tailor-made for him, it just covered the entire upper body, and the tail of the bathrobe was almost as high as his knees, completely covering his whole body.

Sitting outside the nutrition cabin in a daze for a while, Xia Yihui still didn't understand what the situation was like now.

Isn't he already dead? Why can I still climb out of the nutrition cabin now

What is going on with this 'infinite escape game'? Where are the people he is familiar with now

There was a light flickering beside him, and Xia Yihui followed the light to find it, only to find that the light came from a laptop.

Xia Yihui was still a little dazed when he saw the laptop.

I remember that in the last real copy, the computers that appeared were all the earliest computer models. It is usually a desktop, with a bulky 'big butt' dragging behind it. All computers cannot be turned on, leaving a layer of dust.

At first glance at the thin and light laptop, Xia Yikui almost didn't recognize what it was.

Something keeps scrolling across the computer screen.

"Record the 90th day when the infinite live broadcast is closed, and ask weakly, is there anyone still in the live broadcast room?"

"Yes, yes, believe me, there will always be a lot of people guarding here at any time! Just in case someday, there will be good news~ Although the hope is already very small 5555"

"Hey, when the last dungeon suddenly couldn't post the barrage, I was really anxious. I didn't expect that the barrage could be posted now, and everyone disappeared."

"It's not gone. Now many entertainment companies are contacting outstanding live broadcasters. I heard that the annual salary starts at one million, and they are paid anyway. Oh, if I knew it, I should have worked harder."

"Who can tell me what happened in the end? Now all the game videos involve bloody violence, and the whole network is banned. In the end, is there no winner in this game? There is no final winner. I have been chasing it for so long before, a bit Hit your brains."

"There is a winner, Xia Yihui will be it."

"Wait, are you biased? The most important thing now is not the winner. Don't you guys think about the issue of City S that is frequently mentioned in the game? My god, it's a mystery that has plagued countless Chinese people for many years. The problem has finally been solved! The Lifetime series!"

"To be honest, I was so touched when I saw Xia Xia finally choose to save people. My nose is sore, I don't want to talk about it, I'm going to cry now 55555555555"

"Crying out with a wow +1"

"Fuck! You go to the hot search, Jin Yuan escaped for three months and was finally caught! He was diagnosed with split personality and was locked up in a mental hospital last night."

"Lu Xi'an is now live broadcasting in the wild. The sisters are leaving. I'm going to see my little brother."

"Actually, I'm more curious about Zhang Dashen, Xin Zhu, and Xia Yihui's follow-up. The entanglement between these three people is really deep."

Xia Yihui pulled out a pair of disposable slippers from a familiar place, walked out of the laboratory while leaning on the wall.

Outside, a woman in a lab coat was rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find things. Many lab reports were dug out and piled up in a mess.

Xia Yi asked curiously, "What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for an engagement diamond ring, I don't know where to put it..." The woman paused, and looked back at Xia Yihui in a daze.

About ten seconds later, she suddenly screamed in surprise.

"Ah, you're finally awake!!!"

Xia Yihui laughed out loud, looked around in a blink of an eye, and waited quietly for the next sentence.

It took Xu Suisui a long time to calm down, and she didn't even bother to look for the diamond ring. She just circled around Xia Yihui excitedly and said, "Academician Xia, you don't even know how much pressure we have had during this time. Three It’s been a month, and we almost thought the experiment had failed, but luckily you woke up! Otherwise, our experiment this time would be in vain!”

Xia Yihui said, "Experiment on resuscitating frozen people?"

Xu Suisui nodded, then shook his head again.

"The experiment of resuscitation of frozen people has been successful for a long time. At that time, Academician Li was in charge. Our current experiment name is resuscitation of vegetative people. I am the main person in charge."

"After the success of the frozen man experiment, we found that you have lost your memory for a whole ten years, and you have been unwilling to wake up, subconsciously thinking that you are dead. As a last resort, we have to let you find yourself in this way. When you choose to sacrifice , In fact, it means choosing the same option as back then, which in disguise is equivalent to being willing to wake up from the nutrition cabin."

Xia Yi nodded, but there was still one thing he didn't understand: "This infinite escape game was also simulated by you?"

Xu Suisui said: "Yes, our research ideas are based on holographic games. This technology is very powerful. It is not just entertainment. If it is used in the right way, it can save countless lives. Discuss this matter. Da, firstly, it is to save you, and secondly, it is our joint decision."

Xia Yihui said, "What decision?"

"We don't want you to take the blame for others." Speaking of this, Xu Suisui's expression was filled with resentment.

"You have always been the spiritual leader of everyone in the institute. Even if you can't wake up, you should leave with honor and glory. You shouldn't be charged with crimes!"

Xia Yihui said sincerely, "Thank you."

Xu Suisui waved his hands hastily: "No, no, no, this is not my fault alone. Li Bai and Xin Zhu participated in this incident, so Xin Zhu participated in the protection plan. Although he is guilty, his merits will pay off."

Xia Yihui said, "What about others?"

Xu Suisui said with a smile: "He is a travel blogger now, traveling all over the world. I can show you his vlog later, he is so exquisite."

Xia Yi paused for a moment, wanting to ask Xin Zhu if he had left a message for him. But after thinking about it, he gave up the idea of asking, and shook his head instead, smiling relievedly.

Follow Xu Suisui out of the research institute.

There is life outside, and everything is peaceful and serene.

A large rapeseed flower field was planted outside the research institute, and Zhang Qingyu was standing in the flower field, watering the flowers awkwardly with a water bottle.

Xia Yihui's heart softened, and he approached secretly from behind with a smile on his lips. Before he had time to say hello, Zhang Qingyu had sensed that someone was approaching in advance, and vigilantly turned around and threw the kettle.

Xia Yihui caught the kettle quickly, but unfortunately, the water still covered half of his body, and the bathrobe stuck to his body wetly.

"Zhang Dashen's welcome method is a bit special," he joked with a smile, "If you react slowly, you will be widowed."

Zhang Qingyu froze in place. After a long time, he suddenly stepped forward and hugged Xia Yihui forcefully, his whole body trembling slightly, as if he was trying to push Xia Yihui into his body.

Xia once suffered from pain, but his heart was so soft that it was a mess.

He rubbed Zhang Qingyu's head indiscriminately, and murmured in a low voice: "Thank you for your hard work, and... I'm back."

Not far away, Li Xiaomeng poked Xu Suisui, glanced at her stomach, and gossiped, "Sister-in-law, after so many days of engagement, you're almost pregnant. Or let me decide, and hold your wedding with Academician Xia." Bar?"

Xu Suisui was ashamed and was about to hit Xu Suisui when he suddenly looked at Li Bai who was approaching silently.

Li Bai coughed twice, tilted his head to support his eyes: "I don't really want to get married."

The expression on Xu Suisui's face was momentarily at a loss, and there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes. When Li Xiaomeng was anxious, Li Bai said the following sentence stiffly.

"But if you are the object of marriage, you can barely bear it."

Xu Suisui froze in place, looking up in surprise. In the line of sight, Li Bai turned his head to look at her, the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

There are many reporters who are stationed at the gate of the institute, and there are also many enthusiastic people who come from all directions.

The two, who are being watched closely all over the world, are now standing in a lush flower field, embracing each other for a long time. The picture is beautiful like a scene in an ancient oil painting, even the time seems to be frozen in this beautiful moment, unwilling to turn over the page.

The rape blossoms are blooming vigorously, the cicadas and crickets are singing more cheerfully, and there are many unknown birds flying around, as if they are celebrating something.

Although the infinite escape game is over, the days ahead are still long and far away...

—The whole book is over.

The author has something to say: [Put the important things first: If you like Shishi's style of writing, go to the collection column! Cute or salty, upgrade Tassel Shuangwen, su to a broken leg! I can have all the types you like scratching your head (the groundhog screams!) and begging for five-star praise, almost 800,000 words! It's not easy (heart-piercing 360-degree spiral ascending to the sky is cute!)]

When I typed the words 'complete book', I still felt a little bit complicated hahaha. After all, this book has been written for nearly a year, and I have experienced car accidents, finals, earthquakes x n times, and all kinds of messes. things. But fortunately, although the three-dimensional is very busy, this book is still methodically completed according to the original plan! Sprinkle flowers!

Think about it, in another world, Zhang Dashen and Xia Xia are hugging and kissing in a place full of flowers, Li Bai and Sui Sui are still worrying about milk powder and diapers, Xin Zhu’s cuteness is no longer limited by physical fitness, He has climbed all over the snow-capped mountains and seen thousands of mountains and rivers. Maybe one day, he will be able to relax in the beautiful scenery and find his own "happiness". (I look forward to such a day! Paranoid children must also be excited!)

[About extra episodes]: There are two plans, one is Zhang Dashen and Xia Xia's post-marriage extravaganza, which will be released within a week. There is also something about Xin Zhu. I am not sure if I will write it or not. If I write more words, I will send it to Jinjiang.

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