Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 33: Campus Arena (31)


At this moment, the barrage in Xia Yihui's live broadcast instantly exploded.

Slow Time: Fuck, is it so wild

Favorite long legs: ah! I remember him, he is Li Bai, Xia Xia had saved him before, and in the blink of an eye, he would avenge his kindness, and he was speechless.

Liangpi skr: Although I can understand him, I still feel uncomfortable. This kind of behavior of dragging someone into the water on the verge of death... Hey, the shortcomings of human nature in the dungeon have been so exposed? Fortunately, I died early, and I feel sorry for my anchor.

Orange wine: Xia Xia be careful! ! !

Xia Yihui regained consciousness in an instant, and turned his attention back to the dungeon.

Because of Li Bai, many npcs have begun to pay attention to the area around Xia Yihui. They looked at each other, a little unsure of who Li Bai was referring to.

"You look familiar." A slightly confused voice sounded from the side.

Xia Yi turned his head to look over, saw the man's appearance clearly, and was startled.

Director Hu!

When I first entered the dungeon, Xia Yihui used this functional npc to extract relevant information about the branch line. If it weren't for Director Hu, Xia Yihui's name wouldn't be as loud as it is now.

In fact, Director Hu has been staring at Xia Yi for a long time, but in his position, he can only see his profile. At that time, he just felt a little familiar, but now when he saw the face, he reacted instantly and exclaimed: "Xia Yihui?!"

"Huh? I seem to have heard someone call Xia Yihui?!"

"What what? Xia Yihui? Where is it?"

"Hahaha what a good day today, Li Bai, No.10, and Xia Yihui, No.7, both collided! If you catch these two, the branch line will be over hahaha..."

"Find it quickly, don't let Xia Yi run away!"

Director Hu stared at Xia with his mouth wide open, and was stunned for two seconds before he could react. He immediately turned his head, ready to yell, but he didn't expect Xia to approach him as soon as he opened his mouth, covering his mouth.

"Quiet, okay?" Xia Yihui pressed the scalpel against Director Hu's lower back.

Director Hu nodded in horror, slurring his mouth, "Nileng has a whole store..."

"I understand very well, but I'm afraid you won't be calm." Xia Yi put his left hand on Director Hu's face, and held a knife in his right. Scared, if my knife is not stable and hurts you, it will be bad."

Director Hu took a look, and the attention of the people around was on the side of the lotus leaf, and no one noticed what happened here. He nodded, and decided to temporarily succumb to Xia Yihui's despotic power, and when Xia Yihui let go, he immediately yelled, looking for a chance to escape.

As soon as Xia glanced at Director Hu's expression, he knew that the latter had a little thought in his heart. He was amused in his heart, and instead of pointing it out, he quickly let go of his left hand.

Director Hu didn't expect Xia Yihui to be so straightforward, he was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, ready to shout.

At this very moment, Xia Yihui punched Director Hu, using all his strength, his knuckles were so painful.

Director Hu let out an 'ouch' and was thrown to the ground, his chin was covered in blood, his teeth were blown away, and he couldn't speak the pain at all.

The people around were disturbed by the movement, and looked at Xia Yihui in surprise. The latter pointed to Director Hu who was rolling on the ground with a horrified expression, and said righteously: "This is Xia Yihui's bastard! Look at the direction of the player's finger on the lotus leaf. I just saw the two of them talking in the air!"

The bullet screen was full of '噗hahahahahahaha 6666', all talking about Xia Yihui, the villain first sued, it was so skinny.

Xia Yi thought to himself that this is not skin, but cleverness.

Anyway, he made up his mind. Li Bai is so far away, people who are short-sighted look there like a mosaic, not to mention hearing voices. The ghost knows what Li Bai said, he will lead the rhythm first, and then he will say it in the place of the dead ghost.

The npcs took a look. Yo, I finally caught Xia Yi!

Rhythm is something that is biased, and a player stepped forward to pick up Director Hu, and shouted: "You are Xia Yihui?"

Director Hu covered his mouth and screamed, "Ouch!"

Xia Yi turned around and swayed to another corner, pinching his throat and continuing to fan the flames: "You see, he admitted it! Hurry up and beat him, once you beat Xia, the branch line will be broken in half!"

The npcs were completely stalked by Xia Yihui, and they rushed forward to beat up Director Hu.

There are also high IQ npcs who feel that something is wrong. But once there were a large number of people, they surrounded the outside, neither the person who was beaten nor the person who incited the flames could be seen clearly. Coupled with the enthusiastic atmosphere, these people are so excited that they don't care about anything and follow them to beat people up.

Xia Yihui backed out of the encirclement with lingering fear, thinking: "Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would be the one being beaten now!"

The barrage is still hahaha. This time the remarks were surprisingly unanimous, and everyone was laughing.

Basically, all the barrage this time can be summed up in one sentence: How can the anchor act like this, it is simply too bad.

Some people also questioned, are these npcs so smart and stubborn? No brains

A professional gave an answer instead of Xia Yihui.

Syer: Have you ever watched "The Crowd"? A book about group and individual differences. When a person looks at a matter as an individual unit, he can maintain a rational judgment.

Syer: But when a person is in a group, he may have his own ideas at the beginning, but once someone in the group speaks out his opinion first, and others follow suit, then this person will infinitely doubt his own ideas, in order to gain recognition , and finally follow suit.

Syer: There is a saying in this book: the IQ of a group is lower than that of an individual. I have to say that the copy is really real, and many phenomena can be explained by related psychological theories. If such a massacre game occurs on a certain campus in our Huaguo, then things are likely to go like this.

Seeing the explanation from professionals, those who doubted it shut up one after another.

Xia Yihui didn't have the time to read the barrage of long speeches. The matter is not over yet, he has a headache how to solve Li Bai's trouble, he looked in a blink of an eye, but was surprised to find that Li Bai had already lowered his arms and looked at him quietly.

Under the thin-frame glasses, those glasses are full of emotions. Li Bai opened his mouth lightly to say something, Xia Yi was stunned for two seconds before he could react.

— Get lost.

Xia Yihui: "..."

Although I don't know why the other party suddenly found out, but Xia Yihui is a person who disdains to worry about other people's psychological changes.

He didn't even bother to hide it this time, since he was already very close to the door anyway. While everyone's attention was being distracted by Director Hu, Li Bai and the others, Xia Yihui swaggered and ran out the back door.

"What were you pointing at just now?" A short-haired student beside Li Bai asked.

Li Bai said coldly, "I saw Xia Yi just now."

"What?!" The student immediately stopped throwing stones, stretched his head to look around, and said excitedly, "Where is he? Let's pull him into the water quickly and let him share some of our combat power!"

Li Bai shook his head and said, "He saved me. I promise to let him go once."

The students hated iron and steel: "Are you stupid? You are so stubborn. Now that we are almost out of the game, why do we keep our promises? The game has progressed to this point, and the order has long since collapsed. Anyone who keeps their promises is a fool!"

Li Bai glanced coldly at the student. The latter froze all over, and then remembered that he was scolding his own boss, and he was a little stunned, but the dissatisfaction in his heart still prevailed.

He murmured softly, "It's over now, we're all going to die here."

Li Bai was silent for a while, adjusted his glasses and said, "If I don't harm Xia, I can still lead you out."

"How to escape?" The student was stunned, eyes full of confusion and distrust.

Li Bai glanced at him, jumped off the big lotus leaf with a short body, raised his finger, and the two lotus leaves rose from the ground, clearing a circular open space with a radius of nearly four meters in front of him.

"Everyone listens to my command. Elemental skills control the field, put one npc at a time, and combat skills disable the npc, I will make up the knife to earn experience."

Li Bai looked around and said coldly: "Don't rush to question, if you don't obey, you will die."

Everyone fell silent.

They were still convinced by what Li Bai said.

It can be said like this. If you listen to Li Bai, you may not be able to survive, but if you don't listen to him and mess around on your own, then... you will definitely die.


Running fast all the way, hurrying quickly, Xia Yihui rushed back to teaching building No. 4 before three o'clock in the morning.

Climbing up the seventh floor wheezing, Xia Yi felt his legs and feet were numb, as if he had been filled with lead. In the end, he almost staggered to the control center, leaning on the wall.

Although the researchers of the research institute will be trained, learn self-defense skills, run two laps in the early morning and so on. But in this game, Xia Yihui's body was tense all the time, and he would fight with people from time to time. At this time, he was already overloaded and on the verge of collapse.

Seeing the door of the control center, Xia Yihui seemed to see the Goddess of Hope waving to him.

As long as he contacted the outside world and was rescued, wouldn't he lie down in the next overtime game

When the battle royale was more intense in other dungeons, he was blowing the warm air from the air conditioner, basking in the warm sunlight, watching a movie and drinking some green tea, feeling comfortable and beautiful.

In addition, the rules of the game say that if you last one more day in overtime, you will be rewarded with more currency, so he doesn't have to support it at all. Currency can be recorded naturally while lying down and sleeping, how cool!

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui was suddenly full of energy. The pace towards the door quickened.


Opening the door, Xia was taken aback for a moment.

"Eh? Where did everyone go?"

The room was empty and silent.

Xia Yi entered the room and walked around twice before finding Xin Zhu. At that time, the latter was crouching under the computer desk, curled up into a ball, with his head buried in his knees.

"Are you feeling life in it?"

Xia Yihui moved the chair in front of him, and the sunlight shone into the dark space under the table, warming up the area.

Xin Zhu raised his eyes, his eye circles were red. Xia Yihui was taken aback, "Is there something wrong with the computer?"

Xin Zhu shook his head. Xia Yihui breathed a sigh of relief immediately, he pulled Xin Zhu out, and said anxiously: "Fix the computer first, and it will be three o'clock in seven minutes, so don't let your efforts fall short."

Xin Zhu came to the computer, took the wifipine apple that Xia Yi handed over, and started working.

Only then did Xia Yi return to look around leisurely. He felt something was wrong, and after thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized: there is someone missing!

Xia Yihui asked doubtfully, "Where's that little fat man? You won't scare him away, will you?"

Xin Zhu paused, the USB was half-plugged into the computer interface, and barely stopped. He froze for a few seconds, turned his head to look at Xia once, and said with a gentle smile, "Isn't it just the two of us?"

Xia Yihui took two steps back, " get the computer first."

Xin Zhu put down the USB, "You answer me first."

The second hand rotated rapidly, and there were only two minutes left before three o'clock in the morning.