Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 36: Campus Arena (34)


At 6 o'clock in the morning, Xia Yihui and the others crossed countless teaching buildings and came to the boundary line of the campus.

Dongxiang Anwai is located on a small island, surrounded by water, without boats or oars.

In addition to the teaching buildings and student dormitories in the center of the island, there are many low-rise bungalows on the periphery, some of which may have existed before the school was established.

Xia once went in to investigate. Most of the houses were slumped outside and dust accumulated inside the door. It was obvious that no one had lived in the house for a long time.

Of course, there are also some houses that are cleaned cleanly, but the person who cleaned him is nowhere to be seen.

The four of them entered a low bungalow to rest for a while.

Looking around, looking around, Xia Yihui roughly had a decision in his mind.

The room is small, only about 10 square meters, with a sweeping view. The interior is fairly tidy, with a bed, a table, and chairs. I went up and touched the chairs, and my fingertips were clean and free of dust. In addition, there are a lot of bread plastic bags and empty mineral water bottles piled up in the corner.

From this, it can be inferred that this room may be cleaned by the player. Maybe at the beginning they wanted to hide here for refuge, but who knows that the game will gradually upgrade and the difficulty will gradually increase. The player may be dead, or he may have changed to a more concealed place to hide.

In short, this place has been left unused, which is cheaper for them.

[6 o'clock in the morning, breakfast time. All players' stamina drops by 10.]

Everyone took out their supplies and adjusted their own states.

Xia once ate a piece of bread, bringing his stamina back to over 90.

In the past few days, he has no illness, no pain, no injury, no buffs that consume extra stamina, and the main consumption of stamina is three meals a day. Every time the electronic sound prompts, as long as the environment permits, he will replenish his stamina with supplies in time.

So now he has 2 bottles of medicine, 8 bottles of milk, and 12 pieces of bread left.

Xia Yihui glanced at his watch again, and there were still 87 hours left.

It is completely possible to survive the two days of the college entrance examination in the future, but if you do not succeed in conquering the branch line, the dungeon will enter an even more brutal overtime. It's just that this little time is not enough for him to play.

I have to find a way to get some time to prepare in advance, and I can't reach out to Zhang Qingyu and Xin Zhu in the end, Xia Yihui can't hold back this embarrassment.

"It's so cold outside!" Jin Yuan whispered.

He leaned his whole body out of the window. In early autumn, in the early morning, and at the edge of the cold water again, Jin Yuan shivered all over, shivered, and shrank back again.

Xia Yihui also stretched out his hand to feel the temperature outside, then retracted his hand instantly, and said in surprise, "Is it autumn now? Why is it so cold outside?"

Everyone looked at each other, only to realize that something was wrong.

Before entering the house, although the outside temperature was low, it was barely within the acceptable range. They are all big men with a lot of yang, and they can barely keep warm in short-sleeved school uniforms.

But during the time he came in to rest, the temperature outside dropped sharply, obviously falling below the norm.

Not to mention those players who are forced to have short-sleeved T-shirts in the game, even Xia Yihui, who wore a black windbreaker, felt cold. He just sat there for a while without moving, and his fingers had already started to stiffen.

Xia Yihui hurriedly got up and moved around a few times, and said distressedly: "It may be less than 5 degrees outside now, and the temperature has dropped so quickly."

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Sure enough, the second after he finished speaking, the electronic sound rang.

[On the second day of the college entrance examination, the cold wave came, and the temperature in Anwai in the East Alley dropped completely. All players who only wear school uniforms are infected with the cold buff, and the average stamina value drops by 3 points every hour. Please take protective measures and work hard to resist the cold wave!]

Xia Yi took a look at his stamina, and there was a small snowflake-shaped thing next to it, which probably was the cold buff that the electronic voice said.

The rules of the game say that the cold buff is aimed at players who only wear school uniforms, but Xia Yihui wore the clothes transformed by Xin Zhu's skill, and the cold buff was still added. It seems that the rules of the game do not recognize this kind of phantom clothes, only the clothes that exist objectively in the dungeon.

Xia Yihui said helplessly: "The game is getting more and more perverted. After a few mock exams, a group of players who fished in troubled waters were eliminated. On the first day of the college entrance examination, the NPCs went crazy, and a group of elite players who were singled out were eliminated. Now it is the second place in the college entrance examination. Today, the cold wave is coming, and I can’t add clothes to the school uniform, it’s almost a mandatory cold buff, it seems that only drug addicts can survive.”

In other words, unless you find a way to add clothes to the school uniform, you can only use consumable items to resist the cold buff. Some players who don't have enough stamina to bottom out, this rule is almost gone as soon as this rule comes out.

There is a dusty down jacket in the room, which should be an item of the npc before the game started. The players who cleaned the house couldn't see through it, so they kept their down jackets.

Xia Yi picked up the down jacket and shook it, trying to put it on. The sleeve was stuck on the arm, as if he had encountered some natural barrier, and he couldn't move forward no matter what. Then put it on with brute force, and the down jacket was directly torn.

Discarding the down jacket, Xia Yihui sighed and said, "There will definitely be more rules on the third day of the college entrance examination. Let's find hydroelectric power plants in groups. Two people can speed up the progress."

The three nodded without objection.

But with a total of four people, how to group them became another problem.

Jin Yuan glanced at Xin Zhu and Zhang Qingyu, one was vicious and the other was cold and frightening, both were terrifying. Look at Xia Yihui's kind and smiling face again, he looks like an angel, anyone would want to be in the same group as Xia Yihui.

Moreover, Jin Yuan still had doubts about the photos, now is a good time to be alone with Xia Yi, how could he not seize the opportunity

Jin Yuan took out a hedgehog-shaped hand warmer from the space. He found it in the cafeteria during the mock exam. He thought it looked good and kept it, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

He brought the Hedgehog Hand Warmer to Xia Yihui, and said with a gracious face: "Brother Xia, it's too cold, this little hedgehog will warm your hands. I keep it in the space. The space keeps fresh, and the water in it It's still hot."

The Hedgehog Hand Warmer looks old, and the sockets are a little broken. The brown hedgehog fur has also solidified into lumps, and the oil is shiny. It looks like the product of the canteen fumes.

Xia Yihui appreciated Jin Yuan's kindness, but the smell of oily smoke on the little hedgehog hand warmer was too strong, so he didn't really want to use it.

Just as he was about to politely refuse, Xin Zhu moved first. The latter snatched the hand warmer, and said with contempt: "Stop being courteous, don't even think about forming a team, I want to be with him."

As he spoke, he picked up the hand warmer with one hand, threw it out of the window, and muttered in a low voice, "It's all oil. I don't know how many people have used it. It's so dirty."

Jin Yuan wailed, "My little hedgehog!"

He wanted to run out to pick it up again, but Xin Zhu went out the window from the room, picked up the hand warmer and threw it farther away.

Taking advantage of the fact that the people in the house could not hear the conversation outside, Xin Zhu warned in a low voice: "You'd better not mention the photo with Brother Xia, or I will get you out of the game first, and then I will kill you in the real world."

Jin Yuan trembled with fear: "You vicious person!"

Xin Zhu pursed his lips. Seeing Jin Yuan's fear, the malice on his face suddenly became more obvious, and he added in a low voice: "If you scold me again, I will kill your family."

After speaking, Xin Zhu couldn't help the malice in his heart, thinking that he would see the little fat man's even more terrified expression, but Jin Yuan frowned into a character horoscope, and said sadly: "I have no family anymore... I only have Jin Bao now, really want to find her."

Xin Zhu was stunned for a moment, remembering the tragedy of No. 57 falling from the building ten years ago, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to remain silent.

When the two ran out of the house to fight for the little hedgehog, Zhang Qingyu looked at Xia Yi once and asked, "Are you cold?"

"Huh?" Xia Yi found himself shivering all the time.

The temperature was less than 5 degrees, so he wore a thin T-shirt and a fake black windbreaker that was not very warm. Of course it was cold.

Xia Yi looked up at Zhang Qingyu again. The latter wore a black windbreaker less than him, and stood upright, seemingly undisturbed by the temperature. The two of them outside were also alive and well. Although they both said it was cold, no one was so cold that they shivered like him.

… shameful!

Xia Yihui coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, sat down on the chair and huddled, and whispered, "It's okay, it's not particularly cold."

Zhang Qingyu pursed his lips, approached directly, knelt down and took Xia Yihui's hand.

Xia Yihui was surprised: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Qingyu didn't speak, but took Xia Yihui's hand and wrapped it around his.

The warm temperature surrounded the back of the hand, and the warmth spread from the fingertips to somewhere in the heart.

Looking at it from Xia Yihui's perspective, Zhang Qingyu was squatting, his eyes drooping slightly, looking intently at the hands they clasped.

Although there was no expression on his face, the tenderness and cherishment in his movements could be easily seen.

—The eyelashes are so long, Zhang Qingyu couldn't be the reincarnation of the eyelash master, right

Xia Yikui noticed that Zhang Qingyu's ears were red again, which hadn't happened just now, but only after he approached him and held hands.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of excitement.

Liangpi skr: Ahh, the roundabout CP is reversible and irreversible!

Favorite big long legs: Today, the man I love held hands with my wall, and there is a new progress in the love account. Have you seen it, I am happy now with QAQ written all over my face

School will start tomorrow: Ma Ma told me that good students will only hang out with good students, so it is irresistible for the master and the master to be together 233333

Qing Jiu: Ah, I refresh my understanding of Zhang Dashen every day. Obviously I saw Zhang Dashen in another live broadcast room, he is always killing people without blinking an eye, he is as indifferent as ice, why did he come to the live broadcast room of Wardma boss, the style of painting is different hhhhh

Orange Wine: Hahaha, other live broadcast rooms are escaping, Xia Xia, is it really okay for you to show your affection with Zhang Dashen like this

Seeing the last barrage, Xia Yihui let out a 'poof' laugh.

Zhang Qingyu raised his eyes: "What are you laughing at?"

A trace of cunning flashed across Xia Yi's eyes. He deliberately teased Zhang Qingyu, so he slowly lowered his body, getting closer and closer to Zhang Qingyu, and said ambiguously, "Your ears are red when I laugh. Zhang Dashen, don't tell me You are shy when you hold hands, so if you do something embarrassing in the future, why don't you feel ashamed and angry?"

"..." Zhang Qingyu opened his eyes sideways, instead of looking at Xia Yihui, he pursed his lips and said, "No."

"Nothing?" Xia Yi smiled deeper, "Would you not be ashamed and angry, or would you not do shameful things?"

Zhang Qingyu: "..."

Xia Yi got closer again, and said with a smile, "If you don't know how, how about I teach you?"

Zhang Qingyu stood up suddenly, quickly moved away from Xia Yi, turned his back and didn't look at him, his ears were almost red and dripping blood.

"My god, how can you be so innocent hahahaha..." Xia Yi laughed wildly and almost fell off the chair.

The door was opened, and Jin Yuan who came in was stunned. Huh? What happened, why did he feel like he saw countless pink bubbles