Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 53: Entertainment Werewolf Killing (1)


[Player Xia Yi successfully cleared the copy of the campus arena.]

[You are ranked no.2 in the college entrance examination, rated as excellent +, and you will be rewarded with an additional experience value of 10,000. You have survived a total of 7 days in the dungeon this time, and you will be rewarded with 700 coins.]

[Congratulations to player Xia Yihui for successfully upgrading to S11 (0/1100).]

[You have successfully advanced 25% of the branch line, rewarding 2500 experience points, congratulations on upgrading to S13 (300/1300).]

[The global elimination rate of this copy is 99.9%. The elimination rate of Germany 011 in the European and American regions is 73%, ranking first, the elimination rate of Huaguo 072 in the Asian region is 96%, and the elimination rate of 344 copies in the European and American regions is 97%.]

[Player Xia Yi successfully cleared the campus arena overtime. This dungeon overtime match lasts for two hours, and 1 currency is awarded every second, and the currency you get is 7200 coins.]

Xia Yi opened his eyes, but his brain was still stuck in the copy just now, and it took him a while to realize that he had returned to the cultivation space.

These seven days have been spent in a tense and urgent atmosphere, and suddenly peace and tranquility returned. This kind of sudden relief and the feeling of joy of escaping from the sky cannot be described in words.

The strings in his mind collapsed in an instant, and Xia Yihui quickly walked to the off-white European-style bed, kicked off his shoes extremely skillfully, and fell face down, lying motionless on his stomach.

Time passed by, and there was no sound in the room, only the faint movement of the bed rising and falling.

I don't know how long it took, the bed trembled violently, the quilt was spun open, Xia Yi sat up like a dead body, turned his head and glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Scared me to death, I thought I slept for days."

The time on the wall clock was clear, and Xia only slept for less than an hour this time.

"Garbage dungeon, I can't sleep peacefully because of the disturbance." Xia Yihui covered his face and sighed.

This sleep was unreal. I slept for less than an hour, but I dreamed of many strange things.

For a while, Xin Zhu was standing by the oil pot in a black robe, holding a magic wand, and inside the pot was Zhang Qingyu in a European-style skirt. Wearing a white coat, he rode a giant dragon and overturned the oil pan.

After a while, Jin Yuan was cowering in the corner and talking, and in a blink of an eye, there was a wolf with fangs and a fierce expression on his face.

In addition to these, Xia Yihui also dreamed a lot about his high school days.

He skipped two grades in high school, but because of his early development, his body is as tall and straight as bamboo, and he is good-looking, so no one noticed that he was actually two years younger than the students in the same grade.

At that time, many people called him a male god and confessed their love on various anonymous confession walls. When I arrive at school every day, the drawers and cabinets are full of lunch boxes and pink letters.

It seems to be a very distant memory... Ever since he was poached to the research institute in the first semester of high school, he has never experienced the joys, sorrows and joys that his peers should experience.

The college entrance examination is the link that he was missing. He has never experienced the college entrance examination, and he always feels that something is missing. Fortunately, this dungeon made up for his regret on another level.

Thinking about it, Xia Yihui suddenly laughed. It turns out that this is what it feels like to be in the college entrance examination, his nasal cavity is filled with happiness, it seems that just this one thing can make him excited for several days, and he falls asleep with a smile when he sleeps.

Once you wake up, there is no reason to lie down and go back to sleep.

As soon as Xia came back to the TV, he was taken aback for a moment: "Why is the overtime game over?"

There is a snowflake on the TV, and the game replays of the players in the major dungeons can be called up, but there is no live broadcast of the overtime game. Obviously, overtime is now over.

When the dungeon was released, the electronic voice said that the extra time would be two hours in total. Because his dungeon destroyed the npc group, it counted as directly passing the overtime game.

But the other dungeons are not. The overtime game is fully played and counted as two hours. It is too exaggerated to say that in less than an hour, all the players are gone.

After logging into the star network, choosing the Asia region, and then Huaguo, Xia Yi was dumbfounded.

A whole lot, almost half of the posts have the number 072 in their titles. New posts are constantly being generated, and the refreshing speed is extremely fast. Once Xia clicks on a post at random, he sees a group of people discussing everything in the 072 copy.

These things have all been experienced by him, and there is no need to read them again. Xia Yihui exited the post, selected keywords to filter, and blocked all posts with 072 in the title, and his vision became clear again.

He clicked into a menu titled 'What happened to this dungeon, isn't it a bit difficult? 's post.

S7 Jia Banyun: Here is a clean stream. We will not discuss the 072 dungeon in this post, but let’s talk about the campus arena dungeon. Is it weird just me deciding? The elimination rate of the novice book is 2%, but the global elimination rate of this copy is actually 99%, and everyone is dead.

S4 Liao Simei: Wow, the big guy who captured the landlord alive is already S7, and I am only S4.

S8 Liu Erhai: After the dungeon is released, there will be experience bonuses based on the rankings on the list. Many people will go up several levels in a row once they reach the cultivation space. There is nothing strange about S7. As for the elimination rate mentioned by the poster, this dungeon is indeed very difficult. After a few mock exams, it is almost enough. In the three days of the college entrance examination, NPCs are basically besieging and suppressing players, and few of them can survive to overtime.

S2 Lu Huan'an: Damn, what's going on with this post, are there so many big shots? Sure enough, all the chickens went to watch the excitement of the 072 dungeon, and the boss cared about the dungeon.

S5 Eli: Shit, I don't want to talk at all. After finally surviving the mock competition, when it came to the college entrance examination, the NPC went berserk on the first day, a cold buff was added on the second day, and a swollen limb buff was added on the third day.

S7 Jia Banyun: Don't mention it, I managed to survive the college entrance examination, guess what happened

S2 Lu Huan'an: What's up? ?

S5 Gongren: I know, after the college entrance examination, the list came up again. All those who are still alive are on the list, the treatment is the same as the top ten on the previous list, and all the coordinates and grades are exposed. The npcs touch the coordinates to kill one by one, and the horizontal line keeps rising, and there are fewer and fewer places to hide... You go to watch TV, and the player group will be wiped out in less than two hours. I guess there will be no one in this overtime game People can pass.

S2 Bai Yaocai: No wow, hundreds of people in the 072 copy have passed the extra time. Hahaha, Xia Yihui is really amazing, and Zhang Qingyu, Xin Zhu, Li Bai, Xiao Fang... are all big bosses, and they happen to be all assigned to the 072 copy.

S0 Wu Mao: Don't bring a copy of 072 to the stage, and discuss it in other posts. Moreover, isn't the final elimination rate of the 072 copy more than 90%, and the elimination rate of the 011 copy in Maozi District is only 70%.

S4 Zhong Xianxi: Hehehe, don't be stupid upstairs, Lulu escaped from the mock exam, and the extra time is not counted as a pass. Xia Xia took hundreds of people to pass the college entrance examination and got the extra time reward, 1 coin per second, 7200 coins in 2 hours. The elimination rate is nothing, the money in your pocket is the most important thing.

S1 Gong Wanyi: Give Xia Fan upstairs a pot cover, Lu Fan will arrive at the battlefield in three seconds, and immediately search the house.

S2 Xiaoyi Gan: How about summer fans? I didn’t untie the branch line until the old age. My Lulu solved the branch line after the mock test!

S4 Huaisun: Damn, it’s also about unraveling the branches, Lu is escaping from the island, and Xia is fighting back, so you can tell which one is better at a glance, okay

Then the trend of the post changed completely, two waves of people chattered endlessly arguing over who was better, Xia Yihui or Lucian, the content of the post was simply horrible, with all kinds of swear words emerging one after another.

Xia Yi looked down for a while, recalling the world rankings just released on the dungeon, and then he understood.

The 011 copy in Germany ranks first in the world, because the copy no.1 Lucian led all the science students to rise up when he was in the fourth model, and found another way to escape from that island, while the liberal arts students stayed on that island.

The college entrance examination began, and the group of liberal arts students in the 011 copy in Germany was wiped out. The science students outside the island escaped and all passed the customs. So the elimination rate of the final game is 73%.

A mock exam ran out, and there was an anti-killing NPC in the college entrance examination. The operations of both of them were very coquettish. No wonder everyone was arguing so fiercely, and they couldn't tell who was up.

Scanning the other posts, there are very few people who have cleared the customs, most of them are crying, narrating how miserable their death is in this instance.

Of course, there are also people who eat melons and analyze the customs clearance methods of some great people.

The dungeon where these people are located does not have a big boss to take the lead, and they have carried the entire game by themselves, so their way of clearing the level is also very strange.

Some people seek partners from different disciplines during the mock exam, and the two cooperate and take turns to be hunters backwards, which can be called a gangster. There are also people who huddled in the exhaust duct of the teaching building during the college entrance examination, hoarding enough supplies, and shrank for three full days.

There are others who are more ruthless. The second model went to the school swimming pool to get a swimming ring, and then stayed in the lake. If it weren't for the swollen limb buff on the third day of the college entrance examination, he might rather freeze to death in the lake than go ashore.

But no matter how fantastic the bulls are, once overtime comes, they will hit the street on time. After all, the coordinates on the list are not a joke. The npcs searched for the coordinates and touched them, fighting alone. Who can beat the npc

After closing the infinite escape forum, Xia Yihui had a rough idea of the dungeon in his mind.

The dungeon looks invincible, but in fact there are many vitality, it all depends on how the player will choose.

Xia Yihui chose the path with the least vitality but the greatest reward. Just like the novice book, the simple method of customs clearance does not mean that it is good, or the same sentence, wealth and wealth are sought in danger.

In the infinite escape game, what you get will not live up to what you paid for.

Open the store, or the familiar three options.

After going through the copy of the campus arena, Xia Yihui has a total of 7900 coins.

At the end of a dungeon, there is only one chance to draw skills. Supplies and weapons can be found in the dungeon, but skills are hard to come by. In order to prevent the next instance from being cash-strapped, he must reserve at least 1,000 coins for two skill extractions.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui firmly reminded himself: "I must save a little, don't buy things I don't need, and save the money."

That's what I said, but when I opened the weapon bar, a dazzling array of goods filled my field of vision.

Hmm... Who said you need to save money just now

A crossbow with a range of 80 meters? buy it!

A sharp scalpel? buy it!

A small explosive capable of blasting in a radius of 3 meters? buy it!

After a frantic sweep, Xia Yihui stopped in time.

In the end, he bought a crossbow for 2,000 coins, a scalpel for 400 coins, and five packs of explosives for 2,000 coins.

In terms of supplies, Xia Yihui stored a total of 20 days of supplies. If there are 2 pieces of bread and 1 bottle of milk a day, the total cost of 20 days will be 40 pieces of bread and 20 bottles of milk, which is 600 coins when converted into game currency.

With the experience of the buff imposed by the college entrance examination, there is no telling when the blood loss will be severe. At this time, it is too late to drink milk and bread, so I can only resist it with medicine.

After thinking about it, Xia Yihui bought 10 bottles of medicine for an extra 500 coins.

Even with so many supplies in storage, Xia Yikui still felt that it wasn't enough.

Zhang Qingyu said that after S10, the consumption of stamina will be accelerated. I don't know how to speed it up, but he can only save as much food as possible.

With 3,400 coins left, Xia Yi saw Zhang Qingyu's gun sharply after walking around for a while.

Czech CZ83 type, 10 double-row magazines, effective range of 50 meters, priced at 10,000 coins.

"It's so expensive!" Xia Yihui exclaimed, "No wonder Zhang Qingyu said that after buying the gun, there is no money left to buy supplies. It's just a gun. Is it necessary to sell it so expensive?"

After glancing at the gun's remarks, Xia Yihui immediately understood why the gun was sold for such a sky-high price.

[Praise from the Czech Republic, where people praise the love dove of peace, and they place their hopes on this gun, hoping that it will bring people good luck. Within 50 meters, once selected by the will of the dove of peace, you must passively accept this praise and not move. Even if you escape 50 meters away for special reasons, the will of the dove of peace will eventually come.]

In adult terms, it means that within a range of 50 meters, once the CZ83 is aimed at, the target cannot move. Even if something happened to cause him to escape 50 meters, the bullet would still follow him.

Xia Yihui smacked his lips: "Buying a gun comes with a skill that can hold people in place. The bullets can also track the enemy, which is almost equivalent to the perfect bullet. The enemy will basically be cold if he is 50 meters away from him."

The heartbeat is the heartbeat, but I really can't afford it, so I can only look at it with greed.

After finishing her eyesight, she looked down a few more lines, and Xia was taken aback for a moment.

[Czech CZ83 □□ magazine, 20 rounds per box. The price is 1000 coins.]

Zhang Qingyu seems to have no bullets...

"What are you thinking? Stop, stop!" Xia Yihui restrained his thoughts in time, "He said that we would meet soon, maybe he was just talking casually. I haven't bought a gun yet, why buy a box of ammunition for me?"

Supplies and weapons are fully equipped, and skills are left.

Xia Yihui now has two skills, scouting lv1 and freezing lv1. In fact, the level in the dungeon has reached lv6, but there was no money to evolve skills at that time, but now it can be regarded as having.

Spend 600 coins to evolve the two skills to lv3, and the skill notes will naturally change.

[Freeze lv3: Freeze any npc in the dungeon for one minute, and the skill cooldown time is five minutes.]

[Reconnaissance lv3: You can view the basic information of random players in the dungeon, and you can use it up to five times per game day.]

"The skill pumping has actually increased to 1,000 coins. I'm so heartbroken." Xia Yihui's face was full of grief. He lived his life almost carefully, and every time he spent coins, his hands were shaking.

[Polygraph lv1: You can light a candle to check a certain sentence of any npc or player. The truth candle is still lit, and the lie is extinguished. Can be used up to once per game day.]

Seeing this skill, Xia Yihui let go of the pain in his body, smiled immediately, and went back to the weapon bar and spent 300 to buy 10 candles.

After browsing the store, there were still 1,500 coins left. In order to prevent further chopping, Xia Yihui hurriedly exited the store.

The cultivation space waited for three days, and Xia Yihui completely ignored all the heated discussions in the forum, and didn't even know the fact that he was already popular.

[Player Xia Yihui is about to load the dungeon, there is one minute left, please get ready.]

Xia Yi looked at the computer and pursed his lips.

[There are 30 seconds left.]

Xia Yihui didn't hesitate anymore, rushed to the computer quickly, and bought the magazine without blinking.

The 1,000 coins were quickly spent like water.

"... I just like to buy a box of magazines and put it on my body to pretend to be aggressive." After buying it, Xia Yi covered his face and could only comfort himself in this way.

[Player Xia Yihui successfully loaded the game.]

In the blink of an eye, the environment has changed drastically.

[A total of 88.2 million players worldwide have loaded the game, and eliminated players can watch the live broadcast in the star network live room.]

[This dungeon: Werewolf in the entertainment industry kills.]

[Player Xia Yihui, draw the game identity, priest and witch. On the first day of the dungeon, your space has a bottle of poison and a bottle of antidote.]

Now Xia Yihui was in a room similar to a dressing room, the surrounding environment was very messy, clothes were piled everywhere, and the makeup mirror occupied half of the wall.

There are a lot of cosmetics piled up in front of the mirror, and there is a chair every half a meter. It seems that this is a public dressing room.

The sound insulation of the wall in the dressing room is not good, the sound from outside seems to be ringing in the ear, and there is no sense of privacy.

There was the sound of chaotic walking in the corridor, and someone shouted at the top of their voices. The sound seemed to be something like 'dead person, dead person'.

dead? If someone has a background in the entertainment industry, the death of a person must be a big shock, and it is estimated that it will attract the attention of the whole country.

Xia Yihui moved on the sofa, and his body suddenly felt cold. When he was stunned, his eyes turned down, and his face suddenly turned half black.

There was a small blanket draped over Xiao Xiaxia, and Xiao Xiaxia was still very energetic, arching the blanket into a raised shape. In addition, he was completely naked, not wearing a single piece of clothing.

Just then, the electronic speaker sounded.

[You are a rising star in the entertainment industry, and you became famous with a web drama. The Hundred Flowers Award invites you to attend the five-day awards ceremony.]

[This dungeon is a ten-person dungeon, divided into two camps. That is, the werewolf camp composed of 3 players and the human camp composed of 7 players.]

[In the human camp, there are three priests, namely hunters, witches, and prophets. The remaining four are ordinary villagers.]

[Every night, the werewolf camp can kill a human camp, regardless of the gods.]

[During the day, the human camp must identify the hidden werewolves among the ten people, and return the votes at 3 pm to testify against the players they think are werewolves, and the player with the most votes will be out.]

[After five days, if the remaining players still have werewolves, all the werewolf camps will enter overtime. If all werewolves die early, all human teams will enter overtime.]

After resisting listening to the rules of the werewolf killing game, Xia Yihui immediately got up and looked for clothes to wear.

As soon as the upper body got up, it immediately bounced back to the sofa. When I turned my head, Xia Yihui was not well.

His limbs were all shackled to the side of the sofa, and a "big" character was placed on it. It looked like a tragedy scene, and he was ashamed to the limit.

What made people even more desperate was the sound of shower water from the toilet in the corner, as if someone was taking a shower in it.

The case was being investigated outside, and someone brutally pushed open the door one by one, listening to the sound, they soon arrived at the dressing room.

[In order to prevent identity exposure, players must play their original roles well, not OOC, and not let npcs perceive their differences.]

[Player Xia Yihui, your game identity is the little fresh meat next to the gold master. At this time, the person in the shower is your patron, and you need to please him and play your part.]

Xia Yihui was not the type to lie down and do the work. He immediately took out the scalpel from the space and tried to pry the handcuffs with the knife in his mouth.

The shackles were tightly locked and could not be pried open at all.

The sound of 'dong dong dong' kicking the door was getting closer, and a panicked female voice came, "Someone died just now, everyone came out, now all go to the hall, don't stay alone, it's not safe."

The sound of water stopped.

Xia Yi took back the scalpel, and quickly put on a contrived smile on his face, the tear mole at the corner of his eye was shining brightly, no matter how coquettish and bitch came.

There was the sound of 'slapping' footsteps, and the sound of the water brought by the slippers stepping on the ground was extremely clear, and a figure covered him, and he was about to turn around the sofa.

Picking the right time, Xia Yi turned to look at the person coming, and said shyly, "Boss, I'm not feeling well today, can I hurt you less..."

Before he finished speaking, after seeing the face of the 'golden master', Xia Yihui suddenly stopped talking.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, Xia Yihui took a deep breath, and at that moment, he wanted to die.

"Master Zhang, how could it be such a coincidence hahahaha..."