Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 58: Entertainment Werewolf Killing (6)


Zhang Qingyu pressed Xia Yihui's shoulder, and gently pushed it with skill. The latter turned around for half a circle without knowing why, and before he could react, the candle in his hand was confiscated.

"What is this?" Zhang Qingyu pursed his lips.

"Obviously." Xia Yi's smile remained unchanged, "This is a candle."

He reached out to retrieve the candle, but Zhang Qingyu moved the candle back, put his other hand on his shoulder, and said calmly, "I'm not a werewolf."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out the candle to Xia Yihui's eyes again.

The candle flickered, and the flame trembled and trembled, looking like it was about to go out at any moment. The firelight reflected warm light on Zhang Qingyu's wrist, which was in stark contrast to the cold color in his eyes.

Looking at it like this, Zhang Qingyu definitely guessed his little trick. Xia Yihui simply stopped trying to hide it, and said directly: "I'm sorry, Master Zhang, it's not that I don't trust you, I just need to figure out your camp."

After a pause, Xia looked into Zhang Qingyu's eyes and said sincerely, "I don't want us to be in opposing camps."

Perhaps comforted by Xia Yihui's earnest explanation, Zhang Qingyu's eyes lightened a little, and he said, "You figured it out now?"

Xia Yihui squinted his eyes and smiled, "I figured it out, if the candle is not extinguished, it means that you are telling the truth. You are indeed in the human camp."

Zhang Qingyu looked at the candle in his hand, his eyes fixed.

The sense of touch in the palm of the hand slowly disappears, and the candle blurs. With another effort, he could only grab air with one hand.

The candle actually disappeared out of thin air.

"Fortunately, I bought 10 candles, and I was almost cheated by the game." Xia Yihui sighed and said, "This is my skill, lie detection lv1, which can judge whether the other party is telling the truth or a lie by flickering the candles. If it is bright, it will be bright, and if it is false, it will be dark."

Originally, Xia Yihui thought that the candles used in polygraph tests could be recycled, so he only planned to buy 3 candles. Later, he felt something was wrong, this game was very deceiving, maybe there were not enough candles, so he bought ten of them in one go.

Most of the candles in the instance are non-portable items. Another 30 coins are sold in the store. Although his skill is good, it is too expensive.

While they were talking, a loud roar suddenly came from not far away.


The two stopped talking immediately and turned their heads to look.

The middle-aged man with a short stature and greasy hair said angrily, "I can't stop awarding. The Hundred Flowers Award has been established for decades and has never stopped. It must not be folded in my hands!"

Opposite him, a man in a police uniform with a righteous look in his eyes comforted him: "I'm not forcing you to stop awarding, I'm just a suggestion, it's up to you what you think."

"Let me remind you that there is a lot of pressure from public opinion outside now. If you insist on continuing to present awards, even if the award ceremony is successfully held, you will be insulted constantly because of this incident in the future."

The middle-aged man stubbornly said: "Curse as soon as you scold, you can't stop anyway."

The manager's lady's voice sounded next to her ear.

"The middle-aged man who hit the mousse is Yao Xiangbao, the person in charge of the Hundred Flowers Award. His family has been in charge of this for generations, and this time it's his turn."

Xia Yi replied, "Didn't I ask you to check the situation?"

"It's over." The agent's face was full of grief and indignation. It depends on the situation, it sounds strange. It was obvious that these two people disliked her light bulb and sent her away on purpose.

Xia Yihui coughed twice, "Who is that guy in the police uniform?"

The agent said: "His name is Zhang Zhou, and he is the general person in charge of Qiao Lan's suicide."

Just as they were talking, something happened to Zhang Zhou and Yao Xiangbao.

A woman in white-collar service walked up.

Her make-up was exquisite, similar to that of the dead Qiao Lan. Her originally extremely good-looking face was indeed swollen and bloodshot at this moment.

It was obvious that she had been crying for a long time, and the white-collar woman couldn't even walk steadily.

Beside her, there was a man with a big belly in a suit supporting her. The man's spirit is not very good, it seems that he has aged a lot overnight, and his eyes are full of embarrassment.

Zhang Zhou said hello, "Come out with me later to identify the corpse."

As soon as these words came out, the white-collar woman finally couldn't bear it, and burst into tears, almost wanting to break her heart. The man in the suit beside him turned pale quickly, and also raised his hand to wipe away two tears, with sadness written all over his face.

"The acting skills are really good." The manager muttered in a low voice.

Xia Yihui's heart was shocked, he turned his head to look at the manager suddenly, reached out and grabbed her wrist, "What are you talking about?"

Is the agent a player? Otherwise, why would she say that other people have good acting skills? Only players should understand the definition of ooc.

The agent looked confused, "I said their acting skills are really good."

Hearing the words "dog man and woman", Xia Yi let go. There was a look of indifference on his face, as if he asked casually, "Are they Qiaolan's relatives? I think they both cried very sadly."

"Tch." The manager frowned in disgust, "That's Qiao Lan's sister, Qiao Fei, and Qiao Lan's husband, Hu Leihou. Everyone in the entertainment circle knows about these two people's messes. They got a piece behind Qiao Lan's back, and now Here cats cry and mice pretend to be merciful. In my opinion, they wish that Qiaolan would die sooner."

"This time, Qiao Lan committed suicide. I think the internal factors should be due to the two of them. Her younger sister and her husband got together, and she must feel uncomfortable. She committed suicide simply and neatly, but she felt sorry for his little son."

"The kind of son who really feels sorry for him has already gone out to collect the corpse, and the two of them are acting in front of so many people. Isn't their acting skills not good?"

Xia Yi nodded, "What about external factors? She's about to win the actress, what's not going well in her career?"

"You don't know about that." The manager said mysteriously: "These awards are all controlled by the government. Whoever wins the award and who doesn't win the award depends on the meaning of the leader."

"Before I heard that she had offended a financial giant, and the boss of the family let it go. It is impossible to give her the Best Actress Award."

Xia Yihui calmly listened to the manager gossip about a lot in the circle. Regardless of whether these gossips are true or false, listen to them anyway, and they may have something to do with the plot of this dungeon.

After a while, the guards began to evacuate the crowd, and then the manager stopped talking, and smiled flatteringly at Zhang Qingyu: "Young Master Zhang, do you need Xia Xia to come to your place tonight?"

Xia Yihui was shocked all over, and said awkwardly: "I don't think I'm in good health today..."

"Don't talk." After the manager scolded him, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Qingyu cheerfully, and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense. He ate a lot today, like a pig. Can he eat so much if he is not feeling well? "

Xia Yihui: "..." For actively sending out his artists, it seems that this manager lady is not a good bird.

He raised his eyes to look at Zhang Qingyu, but saw that Zhang Qingyu was also looking at him.

The eyes of the two met, Xia Yi seemed to be frightened, and immediately turned his head to look away, his guilt was almost no longer obvious.

It's just that the relationship with the ex was broken. If they had sex at night, Xia Yihui really didn't know how to face Zhang Qingyu.

There was a sigh in my ear, but it didn't seem to be there.

He heard Zhang Qingyu's voice without the slightest emotion, "Since you are not feeling well, take care of yourself, let's forget about today."

"Young Master Zhang!" The agent hurriedly explained, "Don't be angry, Xia Xia just..."

Xia Yi secretly turned to look at Zhang Qingyu, only to find that the latter's eyes were still on her. This time he didn't turn his face away, but forced himself to look back.

"I'm not angry." Zhang Qingyu laughed at himself and hooked his lips, "Why do I..." Halfway through the sentence, the sentence stopped and there was no more text. He turned around, was tall and long-legged, blended into the crowd with a few steps, and was never found again.

The manager hates iron and steel, "Look, Young Master Zhang has obviously moved his true feelings. Even if you don't like him, you can find a decent reason. What the hell is it that you are not feeling well? You just want to avoid suspicion by saying that today is too messy It should be better."

Xia Yihui felt a sharp stab in his heart, pursed his lips and remained silent.

What did Zhang Qingyu want to say just now

'How can I be angry? '

'How can I be willing to be angry? '

'How could I be angry? '

No matter which one it was, it made Xia Yi feel guilty. His evasive gesture was indeed too hurtful.

But suddenly he was told that he was in a mess and then abandoned, so he must be given some time to buffer and think.

Seeing Xia Yihui like this, the manager had nothing to do.

In a place like the entertainment industry, talking about feelings is the most taboo. Because there is nothing to talk about, they are more unfeeling than anyone else.

Everyone dispersed, and Xia Yihui was sent back to his room by the manager.

This time the Hundred Flowers Awards are all arranged, the artist's residence, lunch box, etc. are all taken care of through one package.

Qiao Lan just jumped in her own room, and her room number is 406.

Xia Yihui's residence is 511. When he passed the fourth floor, he found that the door of room 406 was blocked and coiled.

There were two people in police uniforms leaning against the wall, smoking and chatting. One of them looked familiar, and it was the police officer Zhang Zhou who had just clashed with Yao Xiangbao in the lobby.

Without looking any further, he immediately returned to his room.

Before parting, the manager handed Xia Yihui a mobile phone, and said earnestly: "I found it in the dressing room just now, but you forgot to take it. I need to get in touch with Young Master Zhang tonight, don't touch your face, one day he will If you get tired, you won’t have a place to cry.”

Xia Yihui took the phone speechlessly, and with a 'bang', shut out this very shabby manager.

The first thing I do when I get back to my room is to turn on the TV and watch the news.

Sure enough, all David TVs are now reporting the news. Even if a person died directly in front of the national media, surrounded by many fans, he couldn't hide this matter even if he wanted to.

"...we will be connecting with reporters on the ground, please see the report."

"Hi everyone, I'm at the Hundred Flowers Awards ceremony right now. As you can see, there are many people around, fans and major reporters gathered around the exit. The news of Ms. Qiao Lan's death was less than two hours before the scene gathered About 500 fans, and the number is still increasing, the traffic on the road has been seriously congested... ”

Xia Yihui walked to the window, opened the curtain a little and looked down.

It was drizzling outside, and a large number of fans were wearing rain ponchos, holding up posters of Qiao Lan, and weeping uncontrollably. Many more people just stood in the rain without wearing any protective rain gear.

Qiao Lan was an active star in the last century and performed many classic dramas. Many people spent their childhood watching her TV dramas. Qiao Lan's death almost represented the change of an era, and it easily aroused the sadness of most people.

Turn off the TV. Xia Yihui silently summed up everything that happened after the dungeon started.

I haven't played Werewolf Killing Him before, so I will summarize the words of the electronic sound. This time it should be a 10-player dungeon, with three wolves and seven.

On the fifth night, if there are still werewolves alive, the three werewolves go to overtime. If there are no werewolf players, seven humans go to overtime.

This rule indicates that it doesn't matter if he dies in the game, as long as the werewolf group is finally wiped out, he can still enter the overtime game.

After the dungeon started, Jolan died. According to previous calculations, the identities that the players need to play should all have murderous motives, and they are more or less involved with Qiao Ran.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui was puzzled.

His identity this time is just a traffic star in his early years, and he is far from Qiao Lan in terms of age, gender, and market, and it is even more impossible for him to conflict with resources. No matter how I think about it, I feel that I can't get along with Qiao Lan.

That being the case, how would the dungeon pour dirty water on his head

I went to the computer to check for a long time, but I didn't see any strange messages. With his identity, he was active and active, but it seemed that he was really innocent and had nothing to do with Qiao Lan.

Xia Yihui sighed, and took out the mobile phone that his manager had given him, wanting to see if there was any message on it.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong..."

As soon as I turned on the phone, the text message notification sounded non-stop, more than a dozen times.

Xia Yihui secretly thought it was not good, and quickly glanced at the phone. At the top, there are more than 40 missed calls.

The displayed time was three hours ago, all from Qiaolan, which was the time before she jumped off the building.