Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 64: Entertainment Werewolf Killing (12)


"Ouch, cough, cough..."

The sound of Jin Yuan vomiting came from the toilet, Xia Yihui made a glass of milk and sat by the window playing with his mobile phone.

It took a while before the sound of the toilet falling down stopped.

Jin Yuan walked out weakly leaning on the wall, wiped his mouth, "Brother Xia, what are you doing?"

"Look at your phone." Xia Yi didn't look back.

Jin Yuan thought that Xia Yihui was looking for past information on his phone, but when he took a closer look, he found that Xia Yihui was playing with a WeChat applet.

"..." Jin Yuan was shocked: "Brother Xia, you still have time to play this?!"

Xia Yihui raised his head, "The venue is blocked, and I can't go out. Now I'm waiting for the werewolf killing round at night, and I have nothing to do."

In other words, he has plenty of time.

It seems to make sense, this dungeon is different from the first dungeon, there is no use in rushing.

After thinking this through, Jin Yuan sat across from Xia Yihui, and when he saw the milk on the table, he shivered.

Xia Yi went back to the people on the phone screen bouncing around, planting flowers here for a while, and planting grass there for a while, it seems that the style of painting is extremely healing.

Jin Yuan stood by the side like a curious baby, watched for more than a minute, and exclaimed: "Brother Xia, I didn't expect you to have such a girlish side. This game looks so cute..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Yihui let out a long sigh, "There is no more fertilizer..."

Tap the screen with your finger, and the game interface suddenly transforms into a laboratory.

Many people in nurse uniforms were around the operating table, and there were naked experimental subjects lying on the operating table.

Heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney... were cut out one by one, packed in small sealed cans, and placed on plates.

The bloody remains were removed one by one and piled up in the tile-roofed houses, forming piles of corpses one after another, which looked horrifying.

The breath of formalin seems to pass directly through the screen and into the nasal cavity of the person.

'The stock of chemical fertilizers is sufficient, please continue to take care of the flowers and plants~'

The interface returns to the flower and herb garden that healed at the beginning, but at this time, Jin Yuan doesn't feel that the game is healed at all, only that it is very scary and cruel.

The white and tender fat on Jin Yuan's face twitched twice, and said, "Brother Xia, Brother Xin told me that you are a researcher. Is this what you do for scientific research?"

Xia Yihui turned off the phone, with a smile on his lips: "What does 'this matter' refer to?"

"That's, that's..." Jin Yuan stammered, and finally closed his eyes, "It's just dissecting the human body and wantonly killing lives!"

Xia Yi was stunned for a moment, then coolly replied: "The purpose of killing people is to save more people."

Jin Yuan's complexion was a bit bad, but he still held on to his fear and said: "Then you are also killing people."

Xia Yi squinted his eyes, a little impatient, "What are you here for?"

The air was silent for a moment, Jin Yuan burst into tears, and cried: "I almost forgot, Brother Xia, please save me, I will start OOC as soon as I leave the room, no matter how I act, it will be useless."

"If I hadn't used all my stamina to buy food and medicine before entering the dungeon, I might be the first person in this dungeon to burp because my stamina was exhausted. It's just too miserable!"

Xia Yihui laughed, "If your acting skills are not good, I can't save you even if I am the Immortal Da Luo."

Jin Yuan's lips twitched twice, with snot and tears and said: "Then Brother Xia, can you think of a way for me? I am in such a miserable situation in this dungeon. If the matter of me banning Qiao Lan is exposed, Then I will die terribly."

Xia Yihui said: "If you die early, you will be reborn sooner, wouldn't it be better to go out earlier?"

"No." Jin Yuan shook his head, and said mysteriously: "Brother Xia, you don't know, I went to the forum after I released the dungeon this time, and saw that some of them got the right to communicate with the electronic voice."

"I heard..." Jin Yuan lowered his voice, "The one who wins in the end can realize one of his wishes."

"Countless money, irretrievable people, things that have been missed... As long as you dare to think, electronic music will definitely do it for you."

Xia paused as soon as he drank milk, "Who did you hear that from?"

Jin Yuan 囧囧 has a spirit: "I heard from the people on the forum."

Xia once gave a meaningful 'oh' and said nothing more.

Seeing that he was suspected, Jin Yuan hurriedly said: "I'd rather believe what I have or not, as long as I can win to the end, then Jin Bao..."

Xia Yihui interrupted directly: "But can you win to the end?"

Jin Yuan: "..."

Xia Yihui calmly said: "One copy of 072 in the Asian region, Zhang Qingyu, Li Bai. The lus in the European region are not all fuel-efficient lamps. How do you think you can win against them?"

"Do you have a healthy body?"

The flesh on Jin Yuan's body trembled twice.

"Do you have great skills?"

Jin Yuan retracted his hand silently.

"Or can you conquer the world with your face?"

Jin Yuan cried and got up, squatting in the corner and shut himself up.

"Even if you are so useless, I can still save you." Xia Yi's calm voice came, "The premise is that you have to answer my question."

Jin Yuan was taken aback, then turned his face blankly, "What's the problem?"

At some point, a white candle was placed on the table.

By the window sill, half of Xia Yihui's face was illuminated by the sunlight, and the other half was illuminated by the candlelight, which looked very strange.

Xia Yi put down the milk cup and said with a smile: "This candle is my new skill, it can detect lies."

Jin Yuan was taken aback, patted his chest and said, "Brother Xia, do you want to ask me if I am a werewolf? It's okay, you can ask casually, you won't be afraid of the shadow if you are upright!"

Xia Yihui said calmly: "What I want to ask has nothing to do with the dungeon, but some things from that year."

The smile on Jin Yuan's face froze, and sweat dripped from his forehead, "You mean, you want to ask about the city massacre?"

The candlelight on the table was flickering, and the shadow hit the wall, like a monster with teeth and claws, ready to swallow people at any time.

It is said that lighting candles in broad daylight is the easiest way to see things that cannot be seen at night.