Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 73: Entertainment Werewolf Killing (21)


When things got to this point, Xia Yihui calmed down instead.

My heart stopped beating wildly, and my legs stopped shaking.

Even the concealed smile on his face quickly disappeared, turning into a sharp murderous intent.

Generally speaking, when people are nervous, they are usually afraid of the upcoming things. But now, the situation that Xia Yihui feared the most had arrived, and he was not as panicked as before.

Anyway, extending the head is a knife, retracting the head is also a knife, what is there to be afraid of? Thinking of this, Xia Yihui forced himself to calm down and carefully analyzed the situation in front of him.

Li Bier needless to say, Iron Wolf is undoubtedly. What needs to be faced now is how to canvass votes.

Xia Yi looked around and observed the expressions of other players at this time.

Jin Yuan's face was full of horror, and his eyes were full of suspicion and questioning. Yin Wei was similar to him, and the two of them were obviously confused by Li Bier's words.

Zhang Qingyu sat upright, with a calm face, and looked the same as before, except for the curled up fingertips, everything else was as usual. If it weren't for Xia Yihui's sharp eyes, this subtle difference might have been missed.

Xia Yihui frowned darkly, thinking that the situation was not good.

When the players on the roulette wheel returned their votes, the werewolf would definitely vote for him. The image of Li Beer as a prophet is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is estimated that ordinary villagers will be led by the nose.

In addition, he is the one behind the 10th position, and he must find evidence that he can counter Li Beer effectively in these tens of seconds. And explain clearly within three minutes, so as to survive the Jedi.

Even if he finds a way to fight back, the danger is still not over. After all, there is Ma Lianshan who looks like a werewolf in the back seat and hasn't spoken yet. With his toes, he can tell that Ma Lianshan will keep the rhythm.

In this way, he is really too passive!

[Player number one please speak.]

what to do

Now how to do? !

Xia Yihui's mind went blank. He couldn't think of how to refute it.

As time passed by, the gazes on his body became hotter and hotter, as if they could burn a hole in his body.

If the silence continued like this, after three minutes had run out, Mai Xu would go directly to the back seat. At that time, even if he thought of rebutting, he would have no chance to speak.

There is a bullet screen floating in the field of vision.

—Say something, say something! Whatever you say is fine!

The audience in the live broadcast room followed Xia Yihui all the way. They knew that Xia Yihui was not a wolf, and they were even more angry at this moment.

Countless people sat in front of the computer and yelled, smashing the mouse in anger. More people's eyes were glued to the computer screen, and their fingers were clattering on the keyboard, giving advice to Xia Yi.

"Why don't you jump into the prophet? Say you are the real prophet... No, when a prophet breaks out and kills, it will look fake to jumping on the prophet. How about jumping on the witch? Anyway, you A real witch!"

"Witches can't do it either. If there are wolves in the back position, and another witch jumps, Xia Xia will be cold! Think about it, Xia Xia said that she gave the antidote to Li Bier, the prophet, and Li Bier reported for investigation. After killing Xia Xia, if there is another fake witch saying that the antidote was given to someone else, then Xia Xia is lying."

"My God, neither are witches, nor are prophets. Fuck, it's not just waiting to die!"

"Don't say anything else, the anchor is good to go, and I will light the wax for you."

Once this barrage passed, the following barrages seemed to have a chain reaction.

A piece of 'walking well' and 'pointing wax' floated by, stacked one after another, although it was a joke, but watching it made Xia Yihui feel heavy.

Among the remaining players, some are afraid of the moment of death, some are because of the illusory promise of the electronic sound, and some are clamoring because of the militant factor in their blood.

Various reasons prompted players to stay in the dungeon to accept layers of screening.

Among these people, there is no one like Xia Yihui.

He stayed simple and didn't want to die.

It is precisely because he does not want to die that his desire to live is extremely strong.

Outside the dungeon, in the dimly lit small room, there was a clear sound of glass shattering.

"No! Xia will not die once!"

The girl looked at the debris on the ground with a very mournful expression on her face.

Her legs and feet are inconvenient, and she walks with a limp, so she was eliminated in the novice copy. Since she was a child, she has felt that the world has treated her many unfairly, but obviously, no single blow is as cruel as this dungeon game.

When danger came, she struggled. She really wanted to escape, but she couldn't even move a step. This kind of frustration made her feel like a clown, dancing alone in the corner, but she didn't know that even the shadow beside her was watching her joke.

After being dazed for several days, by chance, she saw Xia Yihui's live broadcast.

From curiosity to attention, from attention to envy, and from envy to admiration. Xia Yihui would personally take part in every step she took, every decision she made, and she watched the live broadcast of the entire campus arena almost non-stop.

Blowing up the cafeteria, setting fire to the power station, everything is vivid. How could such a beautiful and dazzling existence stop here

The girl covered her face and buried her head deeply.

She knew that no matter how she argued, the decline was set, and it would be difficult to bring her back to life. The girl slowed down for a while, wiped her face, and got up decadently to clean up the shards of glass she shattered.

He limped to the edge of the debris, tidied it up, tears fell drop by drop on the glass slag.

Sure enough... it's all a lie.

big liar! all fake!

The girl looked as if she had been deceived by something, and her whole body seemed a little numb.

[Player number one has 1 minute left.]

After the electronic sound, a pleasant male voice suddenly came from the stereo.

The girl froze for a moment, the glass cut through her fingertips, and blood dripped onto the glass, mixing with the previous tears.

She couldn't feel the pain at all, she just turned her head abruptly, and rushed to the computer screen staggeringly, her eyes were fixed on the young man who was too bright to be seen on the screen.

A smile appeared on Xia Yihui's lips, and his voice was very calm.

"I'm a witch. I didn't save anyone or kill anyone in the past two nights. Last night was Christmas Eve, and the possibility of werewolves not killing people is very small, so everyone can guess that I saved people with the antidote yesterday."

As soon as he said this, the girl's bright eyes dimmed again.

There are definitely two wolves left in the arena. If there were three wolves left, the werewolves would win immediately. If there were one wolves left, the werewolves would not have hesitated for so long before choosing to kill. Thinking about it now, the only two wolves that were left had a dispute.

Ask her to see that Li Bier and Ma Lianshan have a lot of wolf faces.

According to the barrage analysis, if Xia Yihui said that he gave Li Bier the antidote, and then set up Ma Lianshan and jumped into another witch, Xia Yihui would not be able to refute it at all.

"It still doesn't make sense to say that." The girl shook her head in disappointment, and was about to turn around and go back to clean up the glass debris, but Xia Yihui's next words nailed her whole body in place, unable to move even a centimeter.

"The person I saved was Zhang Qingyu. The werewolf killed him last night." Xia Yi's loud words came from the screen.

Zhang Qingyu raised his eyes and looked at Xia Yihui.

Xia Yi also looked back, and the two stared at each other for a long time without moving their eyes away.

Although Xia Yihui looked calm, and even had a relaxed smile on his lips, he was not as comfortable as he appeared on the surface.

That's right, he was canvassing for votes for Qingyu. Li Beer, a false prophet, gave Zhang Qingyu a good man card, and his polygraph skills also proved that Zhang Qingyu was not a werewolf.

Bet now, put Zhang Qingyu between him and Li Bier, choose to believe him.

The audience in front of the screen immediately understood what Xia Yihui was doing.

From the perspective of Yin Wei and Jin Yuan, this is how the dungeon looks like now.

If they believed Li Beer was a true seer. Because Li Bier had given Zhang Qingyu a good man card, Zhang Qingyu couldn't splash dirty water at all, and he was a good man card in the hearts of everyone.

But now the real prophet gave Xia Yihui, who claimed to be a witch, a werewolf card, and Xia Yihui said that he had given Zhang Qingyu the antidote. Then this is a paradox, the prophet and the witch, one of them must have lied.

There is only one solution to the paradox, and that is to look at Zhang Qingyu's attitude. Zhang Qingyu, who has already confirmed that he is a good man card, will choose to believe in the prophet who issued him a good man card, or will he choose to believe in the witch who used the antidote on himself

After thinking this through, the audience in front of the screen broke into a cold sweat for Xia Yihui.

This move is really dangerous. Zhang Qingyu's speeches have always been cherishing words like gold and playing in the Buddhist style. I don't expect him to say anything to turn the situation around. I only hope that he will see the two dungeons together day and night. Trust Xia once in a while.

The girl was pinching the broken glass, the blood from the palm of her hand meandered down, making the elbow white against the lotus root even more bewitching.

She pursed her lips, "With Zhang Dashen's personality, he wouldn't trust an outsider without any reason, let alone that person is Xia Yihui, who is not on the same level as him at all."

"This still too dangerous after all."

[Player No. 2, please speak.]

Everyone was paying close attention to Zhang Qingyu.

In the last two rounds, Zhang Qingyu gave everyone the impression of being strong and indifferent, and cherishing words like gold.

One of the reasons why everyone dared not vote him a wolf was because they were afraid that if they didn't vote for him, they would be retaliated by Zhang Qingyu in the dungeon plot.

The second reason is that Zhang Qingyu was issued a good person card by the prophet early on, so even if he was suspected of paddling, no one dared to accuse him of being a werewolf.

Zhang Qingyu straightened his back and looked straight at Xia Yihui. The latter leaned lazily on the throne, resting his head on his palms, and looked back without showing any weakness.

The other players on the side looked at Monk Zhanger puzzled, what are these two doing? Could it be possible that thoughts can be transmitted through the roulette wheel

Yin Wei's blood boiled even more. Although she concealed some "noble person" skills, everything she said on the first killing night was absolutely true.

On Xingwang's escape forum, she caught a lot of circuitous CP fans, and she was one of them. Back then, she read the 072 copy of the arena on campus more than ten times in the name of learning, not for anything else, but for Zhang Qingyu and Xia once.

One is bright and eye-catching, the other is elegant and restrained. Even if the two of them do nothing, just standing shoulder to shoulder is a visual feast, seductive and seductive.

Not to mention that the two protagonists are still looking at each other "affectionately" at this time, and the degree of seductiveness is completely max!

When everyone was curious, Xia Yihui felt uncomfortable.

Zhang Qingyu's aura is too strong, no one can resist it. Just looking at each other like this, the cold wind began to blow from Xia's back as soon as he looked back.

If it was an ordinary person, he must have moved his eyes away at this time and dared not look at it again, but Xia Yi was different. Not only did he look back with fearless affection, he even had the will to blink and wink.

Zhang Qingyu immediately withdrew his gaze, and stopped looking at Xia Yihui with a cold face. The latter shrugged innocently, don't blame him, if he didn't wink, maybe Zhang Qingyu would have to stare at him for a long time.

Few people noticed the interaction between the two, and most people were still paying attention to what kind of speech Zhang Qingyu would make.

Do you still cherish words like gold as before? If this is the case, Xia Yihui is really in danger.

Under the eyes of everyone, Zhang Qingyu finally spoke. As expected of a great god, the first sentence scared everyone.

"I am a prophet."

The pupils of the other players in the dungeon shrank, and their shocked eyes glanced back and forth between Zhang Qingyu and Li Bier.

Xia Yihui's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself that this is a bit interesting.

In the second round, Li Bier gave Zhang Qingyu a good man card, but Zhang Qingyu played the prophet against him. In the third round, Li Bier gave Xia Yihui a werewolf card, but Xia Yihui claimed that he was a witch and returned the antidote to Zhang Qingyu.

No matter how you look at it... it's all Li Bier's fault.

On the other side, Li Bier's face turned pale, his brows were deeply frowned, and he pursed his lips silently.

Zhang Qingyu did not give the players a buffer time, and was as concise as ever: "In the first game of Killing Night, I checked Qiao Fei, and she was not a wolf. In the second game of Killing Night, I checked Yin Wei, and she was not a wolf either. In the third round, I checked Li Beer."

Everyone almost raised their ears to listen to what he said below.

Zhang Qingyu glanced at Li Bier, said calmly, as if expressing an established fact: "He is a wolf."

A barrage of 'fuck 6666666' flashed across the screen, and Yin Wei in the copy she saw was dizzy, with her mouth wide open and her face full of surprise.

Now she has only one thought left, and that is: what kind of drama is this!

When she watched the video of the 072 dungeon before, she was full of envy, thinking that it would be great if she was also sent to 072 at the beginning, and then she would be able to enjoy the glory with the masters, and she could be regarded as participating in a dungeon that will be famous for future generations duel.

Unexpectedly, the dream actually came true! Although it is not a copy of the campus arena, the copy of the Werewolf in the entertainment industry is not bad.

Outside the dungeon, the girl holding the glass finally let out a sigh of relief.

"It's really lucky that Zhang Dashen is actually a prophet. If it weren't for this, he probably wouldn't have believed in Xia Yihui for no reason..."

[Player number three please speak.]

Jin Yuan flinched in his seat, glanced back and forth, trembled twice, and said, "I don't know..."

"Now there are two prophets, and I can't tell which one is true and which one is false, so let's see what people say later."

As soon as everyone looked away, Jin Yuan relaxed, still looking weak, pitiful and helpless.

[Player number six please speak.]

Yin Wei raised her eyes, her expression was somewhat complicated.

"I don't know what else to say. Let the two prophets fight. Anyway, I, an ordinary villager, have no idea."

"Let me remind everyone through Mai Xu's speech. Today is the penultimate night. There should be two wolves left in the field. They must be picked out and killed in the two killing nights today and tomorrow. Otherwise, the good camp will lose."

Hearing her words, most people had worried expressions on their faces. Obviously, everyone is tacitly striving to improve their acting skills.

[Player number nine please speak.]

Ma Lianshan pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

Here is his last wheat sequence. Originally, he was going to reveal that he was a witch. As long as he did so, Xia Yihui's status as a witch would be labeled as doubtful.

But what's embarrassing now is that Zhang Qingyu actually assumed the identity of a prophet, and to be honest, Zhang Qingyu's cards as a prophet are higher than Li Bier's. At a time like this, if he went to dance the witch again, he seemed a little eager for quick success.

Feeling all kinds of unkind gazes around him, Ma Lianshan's mouth was bitter, and his heart was filled with remorse.

After a press conference, he offended almost all the players.

According to the original plan, he was going to use Rasha as a backup for himself. The ghost thought that Xia Yihui would be able to fight back in such a desperate situation, tsk tsk, I would have known that I would not have targeted Xia Yihui.

Thinking of this, Ma Lianshan couldn't express the pain in his heart, so he could only hold his breath and said: "The last position belongs to Xia Yihui."

After all, he seemed to give up resistance, and fell straight on the throne.

Looking at it from the side, he and Xia Yihui really have a three-point similarity. But at this moment, comparing the two at close range, one can tell at a glance which is better.

[The six players have finished speaking.]

[Abstention is not allowed in this round.]

[There are ten numbers from 1 to 10 on the player's side, please select the werewolf player you think, and press the number he belongs to. If you do not vote within ten seconds, the system will vote randomly.]

The players raised their eyes and moved their fingers to the groove on the side of the throne.

[Ten... Nine... Eight...]

'Bang bang' sounded at the same time.

Huge digital projections appeared above Xia Yihui and Zhang Qingyu's throne almost at the same time, both of which were '10'.

Not to be outdone, Li Bier and Ma Lianshan pressed the button with the number '1' almost in the next second. After two beeps, a huge number '1' also appeared above their heads.

[seven... six... five...]

The current situation is 2V2, Xia Yihui and Li Bier each have two votes, and the rest depends on Jin Yuan and Yin Wei.

[four three…]

The electronic sound counted down for one second. The two obviously hadn't made up their minds yet, and they seemed a little confused.

Just when everyone thought that these two votes would be randomly cast by the system, there was a sudden 'bang', which attracted everyone's attention.

Xia Yi frowned and looked at Jin Yuan.

The latter withdrew his hand tremblingly, with an expression on his face that looked like he was about to cry, he mouthed Xia Yihui: "Brother Xia, I'm sorry..."

Above the throne where he was, a huge '1' stood in mid-air.

The original balance was disrupted, and now the situation has become 3:2, Xia Yihui is at a disadvantage.

Suddenly, Xia Yi recalled a conversation between the two for no reason.

—Did you participate in the events back then

—Really not. Brother Xia, I told you all about it. I was only in my teens back then, and I was still in junior high school. What could I do as a junior high school student

If I remember correctly, the candle was indeed extinguished at that time. That is to say, Jin Yuan was 'involved' in what happened back then, and he should be one of the insiders.

Judging from Jin Yuan's several votes, it is very unlikely that he is a wolf. Judging from the plot of the dungeon, Li Bier aimed at the layout, Jin Yuan was also entrapped. He didn't appear to be a wolf no matter what direction he looked from.

Was it really just because he was stupid that he believed in Li Bier again

No, it is not.

In the final battle in the campus arena, Jin Yuan was dragged into the back door of the cafeteria, but came out intact. From that moment on, Xia Yi planted seeds of doubt towards Jin Yuan in his heart.

The candle polygraph only made him more certain that Jin Yuan definitely had some secrets that were being concealed and kept secret.


The electronic sound is still counting down.

"Nobleman, nobleman, nobleman..." Yin Wei babbled about the name of her skill, and finally closed her eyes fiercely, and pressed it down with a trembling finger.

Just before the countdown ended, a huge '10' emerged from above her head.

3 to 3 draw.


[This round of return tickets is over, no one is out.]

[The third night of murder is over.]

[Its daybreak.]

Xia Yi relaxed his shoulders, taking advantage of the gap between sending back to the copy, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Bier.

The latter's complexion was slightly pale, his lips were tightly drawn, and his blue eyes were fixed on Xia Yihui.

Thinking of the last sentence Li Bier said to him on the second killing night, Xia Yihui felt amused, opened his lips slightly, and returned the sentence intact.

"Don't worry, the game will be over soon."

Li Bier's pupils shrank, and he almost couldn't help standing up.

In the second round of killing night, he said this to ridicule Xia Yihui, but he didn't recognize him as a wolf at all.

And now, Xia Yihui also said this sentence.

Li Bier knew that Xia Yihui was not so much a mockery as a warning of death. There is one last night left before the Hundred Flowers Ceremony, and the next round will be a decisive battle between werewolves and humans.

A burst of dizziness, the consciousness of each player fluctuated a little, and finally all returned.

Xia Yi got up from the chessboard and stretched lazily.

The chess game was still the same as before, Xia Yihui was besieged by all sides, the cannon was blocked by the opposite rook, and the horse and the bishop were also eaten up.

At first glance, it was a dead end.

Xia Yi twisted his neck and said with a smile: "By the way, when you entered the roulette wheel, did you have something to say to me?"

Zhang Qingyu sat upright, not like a person who just woke up. He looked up at Xia Yihui calmly, moved his fingertips slightly, and moved Xia Yihui's hand.

Xia Yi went back to Ben secretly poking and admiring the god-level face in front of him, and from the corner of his eyes, he caught the movement of the 'god', and was taken aback for a moment.

It was just this move that brought the whole chess game back to life, and the situation on Xia Yihui's side was abruptly saved.

There is no doubt that what he was going to say before should be that there is still a way to survive in this chess game. Just like Xia Yihui's situation in the roulette wheel, it seems hopeless, but there is still hope.

Zhang Qingyu lowered his eyes, and his slender eyelashes drooped, forming a dark shadow under his eye sockets. His facial expression was rare and dignified, his thin lips were slightly parted, and his voice was low, and if he didn't pay attention, he would miss what he said.

Xia Yihui stopped stretching his waist. He could hear Zhang Qingyu's words clearly, but even if he did, he still felt that it was so unreal, and he couldn't help but asked again, "What did you just say?"

"I said," Zhang Qingyu raised her eyes, pursed her lips and repeated what she just said, "I'm not a prophet."