Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 79: Entertainment Werewolf Killing (27)


Wanting to understand this, Xia Yihui immediately straightened up and wanted to go outside.

The manager was taken aback, stopped him and said, "What are you doing?"

Xia Yihui tried his best to put on a relaxed expression, pretending to be natural, and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, and I'll be back later."

The manager's eyes widened, as if he had heard something incredible.

After a pause, she said seriously, "You're coming soon, you'd better hold back!"

"I'll come back as soon as I go." Xia Yihui tried to communicate.

"No," the agent held him back. "The next one is you, you go after the rehearsal."

The communication was fruitless, the two entangled for a while, and neither would let the other. In the end, Xia Yihui took the first step back.

He walked to the corner with his mobile phone, during which the agent kept glancing at him, fearing that he would sneak away.

After dialing Zhang Qingyu's number, Xia Yihui's heart beat obviously faster.

"Oh my god, what can Wuli master do? 55555"

"So what's going on now, I don't understand why? Did Li Bier and Ma Lianshan go to besiege Zhang Qingyu?"

"What are you all worrying about? Zhang Dashen is such a powerful person, he can beat him alone, so what is there to worry about?"

"Can the person who said this consider the actual situation. Have you forgotten what is the most important thing in the werewolf killing dungeon? It just can't be OOC. This is why Zhang Dashen has been using guns in the dungeon instead of using skills."

"My God, what can I do? Before, I thought Zhang Dashen's skills were awesome, but looking at it now, if every dungeon has a setting that cannot be OOC, then this is a huge limitation."

The barrage in the live broadcast room was swiping quickly.

Many people were worried about Zhang Qingyu's safety, and urged Xia Yihui to rush to save people.

Xia Yihui doesn't want to save people? Of course he would. Three hours passed, and he couldn't imagine what would happen to Zhang Qingyu.

The voice of 'Didi' kept ringing, and no one answered for ten seconds.

Xia Yihui lowered his eyes in disappointment, and was about to hang up the phone, but at this moment, the phone was suddenly connected.

Huge surprise invaded Xia Yihui's eyes. But soon the surprise in his eyes turned into doubts. It wasn't necessarily Zhang Qingyu who answered the phone. Now was not the time to be excited.

"Hello?" Xia Yihui raised the phone to his ear, with a trace of temptation in his voice.

"I'm here." Zhang Qingyu's clear voice came out.

For some reason, hearing Zhang Qingyu's voice, my restless heart immediately eased a lot. Xia Yihui took a deep breath and, like pouring beans, quickly said the information he knew so far.

"Ma Lianshan has asked for leave. He's not at the rehearsal site now, and I haven't seen Li Bier. Both of them should be outflanking and ambush you."

There was no answer on the phone.

Xia Yi was taken aback for a moment, then said hesitantly, "Why don't you speak?"

"I saw him." Zhang Qingyu said.

"What?" Xia Yi was stunned and said, "When did you see him?"


beep beep beep——

As soon as the voice fell, there was a busy tone from the phone.

Xia Yihui's pupils shrank. If he heard it right, before hanging up the phone, he heard a familiar light ring. There is also the sound of metal gadgets colliding with the wall.

"It's a silencer gun. He's fighting now." Xia Yihui pursed his lips, his expression very ugly. I thought I had found a way to prevent Zhang Qingyu from risking his life for his life, but in the end it was all in vain...

The light sound is a shot, and the metal material is an empty shell that bounces against the wall. The previous Xia Yihui didn't know about these things, but after spending a long time with Zhang Qingyu in the arena on campus, he understood it more or less.

One person, one gun. Can you handle two players? Xia Yi thought in his heart.

At this moment, he glimpsed a barrage with sharp eyes.

— Zhang Dashen seems to be out of bullets.

Xia Yihui looked at it for a moment, and the audience saw that Xia Yihui finally noticed the content of the live broadcast room, and hurriedly continued to explain.

—When you lived in the same room before, Zhang Dashen loaded the gun with magazines. He took it out and counted, and there were only two or three magazines left, probably no more than fifty rounds.

Seeing this, Xia Yihui's face suddenly sank.

It's hard to do without bullets.

Zhang Qingyu's skills are too supernatural, and in the eyes of normal people, it is a supernatural phenomenon. Once seen, it will definitely be OOC.

So he can't use his skills, but now he doesn't have a suitable weapon... God, he can't be forced to fight someone with a gun without bullets, can he? !

Thinking of the magazine clip lying quietly in his own space, Xia Yihui felt a little better, maybe he could help Zhang Qingyu.

"Xia Yihui, it's your place!" The executive director's voice sounded through the loudspeaker.

The former leaned against the door and raised his head abruptly. The manager next to the stage was waving to him, and the staff along the road gave him a narrow passage so that he could pass through the backstage more quickly.


"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up, I'm waiting for you!" the director urged impatiently.

Xia Yi stood up straight, clutching the phone tightly. For a moment, he didn't know whether to save Zhang Qingyu first, or to save his physical strength first.

It was only a few minutes of delay to get on stage, but Zhang Qingyu probably couldn't afford to wait for just a few minutes.

"Right now, the rehearsal for the Hundred Flowers Ceremony is in full swing. Our reporter will bring you a live report."

The voice of the female reporter came through the screen. Yin Wei leaned on the sofa, watching the TV in boredom.

Inside the big screen, the microphone was pointed at a girl who looked fifteen or sixteen years old.

"Who are you visiting today?"

"I'm here to see sister Yinwei." The little girl replied timidly, "But the artists never came out after entering this door. I haven't seen my sister's face until now."

Eh? Are you actually a fan of yourself? Yin Wei felt a little strange.

In real life, she is just an ordinary girl who can no longer be ordinary.

But when she entered the dungeon game, she first fought to the death with the disgusting reptiles, and then made a moderate splash in the campus arena, and now in the werewolf killing dungeon, she experienced Su Shuang as a star again Feel.

It's a strange feeling that someone who doesn't know me likes me. Yin Wei was a little drowsy at first, but at this moment she became energetic and continued to watch TV interviews with her legs crossed.

After experiencing the initial shyness, the little girl no longer avoided the camera in the following interviews, but tried to communicate with the reporter, expressing her love for Yinwei to the camera with an excited face.

"That's right, there were a lot of people the day I first came here, but everyone seemed very unfriendly, so I dare not say that I like sister Yinwei..."

"... In short, Xia Yihui is really good. He is the one who washed away Yinwei's sister, so we Wei fans are very grateful to him!"

Speaking of Xia Yihui, the reporter changed the subject and said with a smile: "I heard that the appearance of Xia Yihui's show this time is very novel."

Hearing Xia Yihui mentioned on the TV, Yin Wei turned her head with a headache and looked at the unconscious ponytail next to her.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Ponytail snorted and slowly opened his eyes.

The moment she saw Yin Wei, she was shocked.

— Wasn't she there in Xia Yihui? Why was it handed over to Yin Wei

On the other side, Yin Wei secretly frowned.

That's the bad thing about being a star, there will be people who don't know you like you for no reason, and of course there will be people who don't know you who don't know you will hate you for no reason.

Xia Yihui really entrusted her with a good job. Whoever looks at ponytails is not good, but let her look at them.

The NPC in front of her had tripped her up a long time ago and obviously hated her very much. Even though she knew that the person opposite was not a real person, but just a consciousness composed of data, Yin Wei still felt a little embarrassed.

The sound of the TV is still playing.

"I heard that this time, the organizer has specially activated the wire security measures for Xia Yihui. During his personal solo time, Xia Yihui will sit on a huge throne and slowly descend to the ground from top to bottom."

"As an actor, Xia Yi should have hanged wires many times. It can be said that he is quite experienced, so let's look forward to the official performance tomorrow."

When the camera turned, it went directly to the rehearsal interface.

"It's Xia Yihui!" Yin Wei pointed to the TV, hoping that Xia Yihui on the TV would divert the ponytail's attention.

This was just an emergency response due to embarrassment, who knew that the ponytail glanced at the TV screen lightly, and then stuck to it firmly, and would not move away no matter what.

Yin Wei looked curiously in her heart, and turned her head to take a look.

On the screen was a huge throne hanging in the air. Xia Yihui stood far away, as if in a daze. No matter how the manager called, he just stood there, not moving.

It's quite normal, isn't it just a big stool, is there anything strange about it? Monk Yin Weizhang was puzzled, turned around and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Did Xia Yi offend someone?" After the initial surprise, Ponytail turned to gloating.

"The big chair in the TV, our captain has tested it before, and it has been tampered with. It is definitely not enough to bear the weight of a grown man."

After a pause, she smacked her mouth, "It's strange to say that Xia Yihui and the program team have not been notified? Many facilities on the stage are broken. The captain said that he will go to Xia Yihui to say, I didn’t pay any more attention after that.”

Hearing these words, Yin Wei was dumbfounded.

Isn't the captain in the ponytail mouth Zhang Zhou

Zhang Zhou... he, he is a wolf! How could the wolf kindly tell the human camp that Wia is in danger

"Hurry up to find her now, before it's too late. Otherwise, tsk tsk... It must be more than ten meters away, and you will be disabled if you fall down hahahaha..."

Ponytail laughed non-stop, staring at the TV with vicious eyes.

On the screen, Xia Yihui slowly approached the throne, step by step, getting closer.