Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 84: Entertainment Werewolf Killing (32)


The moment Ma Lianshan used his skills, the wounds on his heart and abdomen were covered up, and from the surface alone, he almost became a reprinted version of Xia Yihui.

This was the first time Xia Yi looked at his face up close.

When he saw the makeup in the mirror before, he just felt that it was very aggressive and made people afraid to get close. Now look at it from another angle... well, it's still full of attack power.

Xia Yihui was amazed, and couldn't help pinching Ma Lianshan's chin with his hands and turning around. Take a look at the left side of the face, and look at the right side of the face.

"Don't worry about it." Ma Lianshan said with a sneer, "You won't be able to find any flaws in the copying of my skills, no matter in terms of appearance, clothing or combat effectiveness."

After finishing speaking, Ma Lianshan could hardly control the malice in his heart. He looked at Xia Yihui bitterly, trying to find an expression similar to horror from the other person's face, but to his disappointment, the latter only had a flash of surprise in his eyes at first, and then he was full of admiration: " I look so good-looking!"

Ma Lianshan's black face: "..."

He stretched out his hand fiercely to attack Xia Yihui's neck, the latter turned his body to dodge, unable to free his hands to get the crossbow arrows in space for a while, Xia Yihui simply fought with Ma Lianshan empty-handed.

The two fought passionately in the air over and over again. They didn't feel anything, but the melon-eating crowd on the ground were quite frightened.

In a tall building a few hundred meters away.

"Triple kill!!!" The game sound effect came, announcing the victory of the battle.

"Yes!" Xiaowen waved her fist excitedly and took the earphones out of her ears.

Although the game music has been removed from the brain, the excitement has not been reduced by half because of the removal of the sound effects. Xiaowen thought that she had been playing games for so long that her brain had hallucinations.

She was about to stand up and move around, and look at the scenery outside the window.

Her house was built next to the Baihua venue, and her floor was just right enough to overlook the whole situation. Before the Hundred Flowers Award site was selected, this place was originally a shopping mall, and Xiaowen could see the bustling scene of people coming and going here every day.

After choosing the site for the Hundred Flowers Awards, Xiaowen seldom looked out the window. On the one hand, it was because of successive accidents that made the building look gloomy, and on the other hand, it was because there was really nothing to see.

Everyone was sitting in place, holding posters or light boards in their hands. At first glance, they thought they were silently protesting something.

Thinking of this, Xiaowen stretched her waist and walked to the window, and glanced at it casually, but this one glance made her froze in place.

If the crowd sitting downstairs looked like a large-scale missionary site before, then now it is a large-scale missionary site that has gone berserk.

The crowd scattered and fled screaming, sirens blared, and many policemen in police uniforms walked among the crowd to maintain order. For some reason, the dust on the ground was blown into the air, the branches of the green trees in the family were bent, and the leaves fluttered into the air.

The sky darkened, and everywhere the eyes looked seemed to be covered with a dark oil painting filter. The scene in front of them was like the doomsday in a Hollywood movie. In addition to the chaos, there was a strong sense of despair.

What is even more striking is that there seem to be two... people floating in the air

"Is this filming?" Xiaowen covered her mouth in surprise.

She couldn't believe what she saw, and staggered back to the living room to turn on the TV. There is no need to tune the channel at all, and now almost all channels are broadcasting the unimaginable scene outside the window.

A reporter panicked and said, "I'm outside the Hundred Flowers Ceremony right now. I don't know how to describe what happened just now. At first, there was an explosion from inside the building, and then two people fell down on the roof. These two are the well-known rivals in the entertainment industry, Ma Lianshan and Xia Yihui."

The photographer lifted up the lens very professionally, and focused on the two people fighting in the air.

The fight between the two was inseparable, and they kept tumbling in the air.

The reporter's embarrassing words came from the narration: "I don't know what happened, just now there was a flash of white light, and then Ma Lianshan disappeared, and appeared... Two Xia Yihui."

The voice became smaller and smaller, and the reporter himself couldn't believe what he said.

If these words were put in the past, it would only make people laugh and cry, but combined with the scene she saw just now, Xiaowen knew in her heart that what the reporter said was true, and there was no falsehood.

"These two Xia Yihui have been rolling and fighting in the air. Until now, we can no longer tell which one is the original Xia Yihui." While talking, the reporter suddenly increased the volume and screamed: " They fell!"

Xiaowen was taken aback for a moment, then fixed her eyes on the TV screen.

The camera shakes on the screen, and the crowds coming and going cover the camera so tightly that the two people in the air can't be seen at all.

Without much hesitation, Xiaowen ran wildly, returned to the window, and almost stretched out half of her body to look out.

Now it became clear that the reporter on the TV was obviously exaggerating. The two people in the air didn't fall at all, but to be more precise, they floated down.

At a very slow speed, the two slowly fell within the bright yellow warning line.

At the same time as they landed, the surrounding cordon seemed to be hit by some force suddenly, and they flew away violently. The cone-shaped sign that was originally standing on the ground rolled into a ball as if it had been kicked by someone.

Even if there were no warning signs, people did not dare to approach that area, they only screamed in fear and ran in the opposite direction.

The police were hiding behind the police car, and the guns on the roof were trembling.

They fight crime and run on the front lines all year round. But to be honest, over the years, this is the most helpless time for them.

No matter how vicious a criminal is, he is still a human being. What about the two in front of you? This can no longer be described as human beings, to be more precise, they are more like monsters.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the two fell lightly to the ground, and instead of continuing to fight together, they separated. A box-shaped object appeared out of thin air in their hands, and they looked up to drink water.

They were too far away to see clearly what the two were drinking, but this did not hinder Xiaowen's admiration in her heart.

It turns out that there are really superpowers in this world!

A look of excitement gradually appeared on Xiaowen's face. She doesn't chase stars, but she has always been fascinated by superpowers. Recalling the name that the reporter just mentioned on the TV, the girl wondered to herself, "Xia Yihui, is he a superhuman?"

At some point, the sky had completely darkened, and there was no clear scenery to be seen in the night. There were all kinds of screams all around, and the constant sound of police sirens made the atmosphere even more tense.

Perhaps because of his enhanced physical fitness, Xia Yihui was able to roughly see Ma Lianshan on the opposite side.

The other party seemed to have just drank two bottles of milk and was about to open a third bottle. At the same time, Xia Yihui also drank two bottles of milk, pulling his stamina from 117 to 137.

As long as the stamina value is brought back to above 100, even if he encounters any major attack later, he can survive two waves, so that he won't be hit back to his mother's womb directly.

On the other hand, on Ma Lianshan's side, a layer of blood skin plus 20 points of stamina must be unstoppable.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui didn't delay anymore, took out the crossbow bolt from the space, quickly nocked the arrow, and pulled the trigger.

Ma Lianshan on the other side did not show any weakness, rolling on the ground to avoid Xia Yihui's offensive. He was still holding a bottle of milk in his hand, and he drank it as he saw fit.

The two were beating and drinking milk passionately, and they were stunned by the onlookers who were too late to escape.

Just fight if you two fight, why are you still drinking milk while fighting

The scene in front of them was extremely weird, but this did not prevent people from screaming and retreating, just wanting to get out of here quickly.

After two shots from a long distance, Xia Yihui discovered a fatal problem.

His stamina dropped very quickly, almost in seconds. It dropped from 140 to more than 50 in just half a minute, and those two bottles of milk were tantamount to drinking for nothing.

While beating and drinking, the added stamina couldn't keep up with the consumption.

The more frustrating chain effect is that Xia Yihui can feel that his movements have gradually slowed down, and the aim of the crossbow arrows has become increasingly difficult to see.

Logically speaking, the situation of Ma Lianshan on the opposite side should be the same as his own, but looking at it now, Ma Lianshan seems to be in good spirits, his speed has not slowed down at all, and he is faintly a little faster trend. Apparently, his milk has had an effect.

The audience in the live broadcast room also found it strange. Some fans worriedly reminded Xia Yihui: "This can't go on like this. If this goes on like this, he will lose the most."

Xia Yihui immediately stopped, no longer obsessed with attacking Ma Lianshan, but narrowed his eyes to observe the latter carefully.

Logically speaking, since both of them are now exposed to the public, OOC should be OOC together. Why did Ma Lianshan look like a normal person when his stamina was depleted so quickly

After Xia Yihui stopped, Ma Lianshan also stopped, leisurely standing where he was, drinking milk one after another. In the end, he pursed his lips and looked at Xia Yihui gloatingly.

The two people have exactly the same face, with long eyebrows and fine eyes, and the corners of their lips are slightly pursed, revealing a different kind of bright and glamorous demeanor.

Two identical beauties stand opposite each other, and the picture is extremely eye-catching.

Many people hadn't run far, they were vaguely surrounding not far away, pointing and pointing. These people didn't deliberately lower the volume, so their conversations easily reached Xia Yihui's ears.

Most of them talked about the word "Xia Yihui", and very few people mentioned Ma Lianshan.

After roughly listening with both ears, and combining the scene in front of him, Xia Yihui immediately understood the key point.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, in the eyes of the NPC, it is now two summers.

The two Xia once floated, drank milk, and fought, so this is double the debuff and double the deduction of stamina.

When his stamina was beyond his means, Ma Lianshan's side might have entered a stage of steady growth.

"You want to consume me to death." Xia Yihui squinted his eyes, threw the empty milk carton on the ground, and stomped it hard.

The milk carton made a soft pop, and the whole thing was crushed into a flat shape.

Although his movements were a bit rough, Xia Yihui's expression was still extremely gentle, and he even had a hint of a smile, but anyone with a discerning eye could see it, the smile was extremely cold, and it didn't reach his eyes at all.

Ma Lianshan on the opposite side sneered again and again, acquiescing to Xia Yihui's statement.

He did have the mentality of killing Xia once, but the more reason was that he wanted to take a gamble, betting that Zhang Qingyu would not be able to tell the truth from the fake.

Xia once filled a bottle of medicine, and his physical strength was just stable at 110.

According to this reduction rate, his stamina will return to zero in about three minutes. If you continue to attack from a long distance and drink milk while beating, then this time will last to about five minutes.

From the previous press conference, it can be seen that Ma Lianshan's melee combat ability is completely ineffective. Rather than aiming at Ma Lianshan with an inaccurate crossbow arrow within five minutes, it is better to quickly approach him within three minutes and catch him off guard.

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui no longer hesitated, and quickly retracted the crossbow arrow into the space, pinching the second secretly in his heart, tapping the ground with his toes, and clearly attacked Ma Lianshan's lower body.

Seeing his posture, the memory of Ma Lianshan's humiliation returned immediately, his crotch was aching, and he didn't dare to go up to him, so he had to back away again and again.

While chasing and fleeing, the onlookers next to him suddenly screamed.

Taking advantage of the gap between the duels, Xia Yihui raised his head and took a look.

Zhang Qingyu didn't know when he jumped off the roof, and smashed the roof of the car into a big hole with a 'bang'. Such a direct impact, he was like a normal person.

He must be more than level 30, right? It's too scary... Xia Yihui felt a little terrified.

"Xiaowen, get out of the window!" The scream sounded after itself.

Xiaowen glanced back, and pointed out the window excitedly, "Mom, come over and have a look, it's a person with super powers!"

The elder mother was not interested at all, but kept urging Xiaowen with a face full of horror, and her voice was a little crying, "Do you want to die! The window is dangerous, get out of there!"

Xiaowen said with even more enthusiasm: "Just now, there was a man who just jumped off the sixth floor. There was nothing wrong with him, and he was still alive and kicking. There was also that star named Xia Yihui, who suddenly became a Two, these two shadow clones fought on their own."

There are many passers-by who have the same reaction as Xiaowen. They feel that they have seen a day that changes history, and they are likely to be witnesses of history.

At this time, the Internet has already been turned upside down. The Hundred Flowers Ceremony is a topic of great concern, and now there are non-human events related to superpowers. The netizens only find it incredible.

—So these days, the death of stars one after another has something to do with superpowers

No matter what kind of black hole the NPCs fell into, the few players present were still fighting hard.

□□The red dots that came with it were mapped on the three players, but the police did not shoot for a long time. They only held the walkie-talkie in the distance, watching the three players vigilantly.

In their field of vision, the two Xia Yihui were fighting fiercely. Zhang Qingyu stood on the roof of the car, leaned over for support, and turned over neatly.

That posture, it seems that he wants to join the battle. Before he could make a move, suddenly, the huge tree next to the two Xia Yihui was finally overwhelmed and broke down.

Both of them reacted quickly, and rolled around reflexively. The trees fell to the ground with a bang, and the leaves and dust flew into the air at the same time. The chaotic situation lasted for a while before it stopped.

"Bah, bah, bah..." Xia Yihui spat sand towards the ground, and managed to get up from a pile of trunks and leaves. He just felt like his whole body was falling apart, and it hurt here and there.

This is all right, people are not as good as God. No matter what kind of calculations he and Ma Lianshan had before the incident happened, now that a tree fell, there is no doubt that the two of them are the same, with only a layer of blood hanging over them.

"Master Zhang, leave me alone, get rid of Ma Lianshan first!" A familiar voice came from about three or four meters away.

The voice was aggrieved and eager, with a little imperceptible cautiousness.

If Xia Yihui's ears hadn't really heard this voice, he couldn't believe that his voice could express so many soft emotions.

The steady footsteps of 'da da da' came over, and there was the sound of fine leaves being crushed, which sounded a bit depressed.

The crowd chatting quietly in the distance seems to be covered by a layer of isolation, and they can't hear it very clearly. It's a bit like a rhythm from another world, which disturbs people's mood for no reason.

In the night, Zhang Qingyu came with a gun.

The slender legs looked extremely pleasing to the eye, but they also made great strides, and they walked in front of Xia Yihui within two strokes.

Looking at the man with a stern face in front of him, Xia Yihui's heart skipped a beat. Just now Ma Lianshan preemptively stated his position, which is really not good for him.

- Think something, think something! What words can make Zhang Qingyu recognize people in a few seconds

Before Xia Yi could think of the right words, Zhang Qingyu bent down and reached out to him.

For a moment, apart from the pitch black night, only Zhang Qingyu was left in Xia Yihui's field of vision.

This sense of oppression from top to bottom is simply too great. His head was hot, and he shouted in a trembling voice: "Zhang Qingyu, do you mean you won't admit it when you get out of bed now?!"

Maybe it was because of the extremely empty surroundings, he yelled loudly, and there was a vague response, even Xia Yi was startled.

It's over, Zhang Qingyu will strangle me right away, right? !

Xia Yihui's heart was filled with desolation, as if he had seen Zhang Qingyu strangle himself to death.

Zhang Qingyu didn't want to wait for several seconds with his eyes wide open. He just moved his hand forward a little bit and slowly opened his palm.

Xia Yihui raised his head in a daze, opened his mouth, but didn't make any sound.

Four small medicine bottles were evenly distributed on it, one bottle of 50 points of stamina, and four bottles of 200 points, which happened to be his life.

As if not expecting any response at all, Zhang Qingyu stuffed four small medicine bottles into Xia Yihui's arms in silence, turned around, and pulled the bolt while walking.

The muzzle of the gun was pointed at Ma Lianshan, and the bullet was fired with a 'bang'.

The whole process was done in one go, without any pause or hesitation.

Over there, Ma Lianshan was still immersed in the psychology of luck, and never thought of being shot in the head directly. His eyes were wide open, and there was still a trace of disbelief deep in his pupils.

As long as Zhang Qingyu hesitated for a few more minutes, he could consume Xia Yihui to death even if he wasted. It seems that the abacus of victory has been decided, but now it has become empty.

Ma Lianshan didn't understand until his death, which step he did wrong.

Just then, the electronic speaker sounded.

[At 12:00 midnight.]

[All players load the turntable.]

In the bitter cold wind, an extremely low and clear voice came.

"Admit it naturally." Zhang Qingyu's body was slightly stiff, and there was a hint of imperceptible helplessness in his turned eyes.

"What about you?" He paused and asked hoarsely, "Will you admit it?"

Xia Yihui's head buzzed, and he tightly clenched the four bottles of medicine in his hand.

He subconsciously wanted to say some flirty words to prevaricate, but when he raised his eyes and touched Zhang Qingyu's, Xia Yihui suddenly choked up, hesitating and daring not to speak out.

If you say what you think in your heart, the Great God will definitely be very sad... right