Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 88: Entertainment Werewolf Killing (36)


Facing Qiao Fei's wolf-like attack, the audience in the live broadcast room were scared out of their wits, but Xia Yi was quite calm in contrast. As he retreated urgently, he whispered something to the accompanying npcs.

Seeing the other party's behavior, Qiao Fei thought that Xia Yihui was ordering the digital army to find a way to escape.

She sneered, and reminded herself kindly: "Don't waste your efforts. The whole school has only two gates, one of which has just been crushed by a boulder, and the other gate has already been guarded by someone. You can't escape."

Xia Yihui was noncommittal and just continued to accompany Qiao Fei in circles.

The two chased and fled, and circled the teaching building several times. The digital corps under it are also fighting together, almost turning half of the campus into their own battlefields.

There are still NPCs who have not been assimilated in the campus. They are hiding in a small corner, looking at the chaotic scene below with despair.

Underneath, there are their former teachers, friends, and classmates. Regardless of the personalities of these people in the past, at this moment, they all seemed to have taken the wrong medicine, carrying benches, tables and chairs, and joining the struggle with blood on their faces.

There were two people surrounded by the crowd, and it seemed that those two people were the leaders of the riot.

After continuing to run for about two or three minutes, Qiao Fei frowned secretly, and she noticed that Xia Yihui had changed direction.

The latter did not continue to lead her around in circles, but headed towards the back door of the school with a clear goal.

Qiao Fei shook her head secretly.

It is said that Xia Yihui is a brainstorming player, why can't he even figure out such a simple truth

Taking a step back, even if Xia Yihui could run out of this campus today, it would not change the fact that she was going to be eaten by her.

A few words of ridicule in her heart, Qiao Fei didn't take it to heart, but still followed Xia Yi back one after another.

However, when she was about to approach the back door, she was taken aback.

A lot of people crowded around the back door, not only her digital corps, but also Xia Yihui's digital corps.

Qiao Fei immediately remembered the digital corps that Xia Yihui diverted out a few minutes ago, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, this bad premonition came true.

Although Xia Yihui's digital corps has a small manpower, its goals are indeed clear. These people searched the back door for half a minute, and they were extremely efficient. After a while, a middle-aged man was pulled out.

It was Yao Xiangbao who was looking after Qiao Fei.

Seeing Yao Xiangbao, Xia Yihui breathed a sigh of relief, and a flash of understanding flashed between his brows.

Without saying anything, he immediately rushed towards Yao Xiangbao. The latter was surrounded by digital troops and couldn't move. He could only watch Xia Yihui getting closer and closer.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Qiao Fei couldn't think of what Xia Yi wanted to do.

She glanced at the leaderboard immediately.

no.3: Qiao Fei Digital Corps 6433

no.4: Xia Yihui Digital Corps 6017

no.6: Yao Xiangbao Digital Corps 746

If Xia Yihui really ate Yao Xiangbao, then his digital corps would be greatly expanded and surpass himself directly.

Never let Xia Yihui get what he wanted! A ruthless look flashed across Qiao Fei's eyebrows, and she chased after her without thinking too much.

The chasing process was extremely fast, and in an instant, she was getting closer and closer to Xia Yihui.

What made Qiao Fei feel strange was that almost every time, she felt that she was about to meet Xia Yi, but it was like a magic barrier, no matter how hard she tried her best, she couldn't really touch him.

Just as Qiao Fei became more and more impatient, Xia Yihui, who was two meters away, suddenly gave a violent meal.

Qiao Fei was pleasantly surprised for a moment, and then fell into panic.

This rhythm is really weird, something is beyond her control!

In the chasing battle just now, because there were too many people around, Qiao Fei could only see the back of Xia Yihui in front of him.

Every time when she felt that she was about to catch Xia Yihui, the other party was always as nimble as a fish playing in the water, immediately out of her control, and began to hang her not far away.

Now that the other party has stopped, there is only one result: Xia Yi got Yao Xiangbao! .

Qiao Fei made a decisive decision and immediately turned around to run away. She never thought that when she turned around, she saw Xia Yihui's digital corps falling behind her, cutting off her retreat early.

Got it!

Before Qiao Fei thought of a countermeasure, she felt a light pat on her shoulder. Almost at the same time, the flags above the heads of the digital corps beside them also quietly changed their surnames.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, Qiao Fei was stunned. She gritted her teeth and looked at Xia Yihui behind her, trembling with anger, unable to say a word for a long time.

"Thank you." Xia Yihui showed an extremely unflattering smile. He looked at the leaderboard and continued: "I didn't even expect to be in the top three. Who knew you would come to give away the head... forget it, forget it, Then I'll barely make it into the top three."

"..." Qiao Fei was so angry that he almost spurted blood.

Yao Xiangbao's terrified voice came from behind: "You, how do you know I'm here?"

He was staying well at the back door, but suddenly a group of Xia Yihui's digital corps came, and they looked for him as soon as they arrived. The target seemed extremely clear, and he was dragged out after a while.

No matter what Yao Xiangbao thought, he couldn't imagine how Xia Yihui found out that he was hiding in the campus.

Everyone in the live broadcast room also had the same idea as Yao Xiangbao.

From the beginning to the end, the audience received the same message as Xia Yihui. But Yao Xiangbao had never appeared in their minds, and it was even more impossible for him to suddenly come to the back door to block Yao Xiangbao.

"It's very simple." Xia Yihui chuckled and said, "Qiaofei doesn't know where I am at all, how could she find the school so accurately?"

After a pause, the smile on Xia Yihui's face suddenly faded, and he looked at Yao Xiangbao with a cold look in his eyes, "Someone must have tipped off the news. I only met you in the southern region, so I can only doubt you. Since Qiao Fei has precisely followed to the school, there is no doubt that you must be nearby."

Qiao Fei said angrily: "So you were chased away by me in the teaching building just now, was that also a show for me?"

Xia Yi shrugged and said, "You think I'm willing to waste so much time going around in circles with you? Why don't you tell someone to look for him early on, and before you find him, you can't really touch me."

Hearing this explanation, Yao Xiangbao was dumbfounded. The outcome has been decided, there is no need to entangle.

Thinking about it, Yao Xiangbao turned sideways to open the passage of the back door.

"Don't give way!" Qiao Fei screamed and sneered: "We won't be able to get the top three anyway. Why don't we stop him and delay him? If he can't eat more people, he will fall out of the top three!"

Hearing this, Xia Yihui was amazed in his heart.

It was Qiao Fei who made a bad idea of him in the beginning, but now that the plan failed, she turned around to do this kind of thing that harms others and does not benefit herself.

Xia Yihui felt that he was kind enough not to kill them all, but the other party actually wanted to bite back, how ridiculous.

Although the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, why does he always meet this kind of strange flower? !

Taking two steps forward, Qiao Fei stood in front of Xia Yihui with a broken face.

Seeing the dispute between the two, Yao Xiangbao was hesitant. Although there was no Ming to help Qiao Fei deal with Xia Yihui, his footsteps moved slightly, and he happened to block the back door, obviously not wanting Xia Yihui to hurry up. off campus.

—Anyway, players can't hurt each other, so it's good to pester Xia Yihui for a while.

Looking at the two people in front of him, the smile on Xia Yihui's face gradually turned into a cold irony.

He took out the crossbow from the space and pointed it at Qiao Fei without any hesitation, he immediately pulled the trigger.

The distance between the two was extremely close, and there was no factor of inaccuracy at all. The sword directly penetrated Qiao Fei's abdomen.

Bright red blood spurted out all of a sudden, sporadically splashing onto Xia Yihui's lower eyelids. Red marks slid down his face from top to bottom, like blood and tears, making his face look weird and perverse.

Before Qiao Fei could react, Xia Yi pulled the trigger again extremely quickly, adding another hideous wound to her left shoulder.

After two arrows down, Qiao Fei and Yao Xiangbao were dumbfounded.

"I lost 80 stamina points." The thin lips parted slightly, and Xia Yihui spit out a number from his mouth.

Hearing this, Qiao Fei backed away again and again.

In the dungeon, the most terrifying thing about this kind of penetrating arrow injury is not the stamina value deducted at the moment of injury. Its follow-up reaction was obviously even more terrifying. Perhaps due to excessive blood loss, the injured person's physical strength would continue to be lost.

She must deal with these two sword wounds quickly, or she might be consumed to death.

Even so, Qiao Fei didn't take the injury too seriously. If she treats the wound immediately and replenishes her physical strength in time, she will be alive and kicking again in a while.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Fei said: "Why don't we reconcile? In the dungeon, if players hurt each other, the stamina value will be doubled, and neither side will be able to please. Look at the two hits just now, I lost 40 stamina points, You lost 80 stamina. I have 60 left, and you have 20 left. If you fight again, you will definitely die before me, right?"

What she said seemed conciliatory, but it was actually a threat.

"If you want to fight, fight, if you want to reconcile, then reconcile... What do you think I am?" Xia Yihui sneered, and stopped talking nonsense with Qiao Fei. He directly raised the crossbow arrow, and under Qiao Fei's shocked gaze, he fired again steadily.

This shot went straight to the heart.

Qiao Fei was driven back a few steps by the momentum of the arrow, and fell directly to the ground, clutching her heart so painfully that she couldn't even cry out. She endured the pain and looked at her stamina, and there was only 30 left.

No matter how painful her body was, Qiao Fei felt a little relief at this moment. She deducted 70 points of stamina. According to the double principle, Xia Yi should have deducted 140 points. How can you say that this guy died before him, how can you not make people feel happy

Just when Qiao Fei was happily thinking about it, suddenly, a black shadow enveloped her.

Looking up, Xia Yihui was pointing at her with a crossbow arrow in his left hand, and at the same time, he was still holding a piece of bread in his mouth.

The young man's actions didn't look very elegant. If it was an ordinary person making this bread-gnawing action, it would definitely look extremely rude. But when it was Xia, the whole picture suddenly changed.

Maybe it's because of his good looks, he looks flamboyant at best, but surprisingly, he doesn't feel rude.

Qiao Fei was almost scared out of her wits, and said in a daze, "Why are you still alive?"

"When you go back to the recuperation space, remember to take a look at Dad's total physical strength." Xia Yihui narrowed his eyes, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

With a soft sound of 'touch', the fourth arrow directly took Qiao Fei away.

After finishing these things, Xia Yihui turned his head slowly, with a meaningful smile on his face, and looked at Yao Xiangbao who was already stiff at the school gate and had no time to escape.

"Thinking to commit suicide, or homicide?"

As he said that, Xia Yi laughed, with an unbelievably gentle expression on his face, and with the blood and tears on his face, the whole picture looked extremely impactful.

Yao Xiangbao: "..."