Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 91: Ghost Casino (2)


After choosing the location card, the other two seem to be dusted all of a sudden, sinking a little bit. The selected location card slowly rises to the front, emitting a little bit of fluorescence.

Before Xia Yihui had time to explore, he felt his whole body being pulled violently, and a huge attraction pulled him towards the location card.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding scene changed.

[Player Xia Yihui, enter the cursed campus ghost card.]

It was pitch black all around, felt under his body, he seemed to be lying in a sealed flat coffin now. Before he was confused about why there were coffins on campus, the sound of electronic sounds continued.

[You have a pot of wildflowers.]

The lower abdomen sank, as if something fell on it.

Xia Yi took a closer look, and saw a cluster of wild flowers with slightly shriveled leaves lying quietly on her stomach.

There is no potted plant for this wild flower, the roots are exposed in the air, and some dust falls from the top, it looks like it has not been planted in the soil for a while.

[Your task is to protect the wildflowers, find the other three clusters of wildflowers in the joker, and plant them in one place.]

"Protect it? Does that mean there will be 'something' in this location card that will hurt it?" Thinking, Xia Yihui took the yellow flower in his hand.

As soon as the fingertips touch the flower, the latter will become straight and moist as if connected to the power outlet. At the same time, its entire trunk and flowers began to glow, and the light became stronger and stronger, gradually illuminating the surroundings.

With the help of the light, Xia Yihui finally saw his environment clearly.

What kind of coffin is this? It's just that the students' beds are covered with bedspreads.

It can be deduced from this that he should be in the student dormitory now.

The door of the dormitory rang 'Gada', followed by a slow door push. The old iron door bolt made a toothache, which sounded extremely ominous.

Did someone come in

Xia Yihui carefully hid the yellow flower under the quilt, crept to the head of the bed, raised the foot of the bed cover, and peeked out at the end of the bed.

Even under the quilt, the yellow flower can reveal a little light. With this light, Xia Yihui roughly found something that looked like a dormitory door in the dim dormitory environment.

In the dead silence, only the door slowly opened a small crack, but no one came in.

The number of people in the live broadcast room gradually increased, and many girls were frightened by the weird atmosphere when they came, sitting in front of the computer and covering their eyes, only daring to peek at the screen with a tiny slit.

After waiting for a few minutes, no one came in, and the door did not move again.

'Maybe the wind blows the door open'

Thinking of this, Xia Yihui reached out and took out the yellow flower from the quilt, ready to climb from the railing at the end of the bed to the lower bunk.

Just when he had already grasped the railing, he made a sudden movement.

At this time, his posture was very strange, facing the direction of the bed, with his body bent and half holding the railing.

This appearance is actually very insecure, with his back facing a large piece of air, his hands holding on to the railing, and his feet still hanging in the air. If any enemy entered the house at this time, he would not have time to react if he was stabbed.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Xia Yihui to choose to stay so passive.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Some viewers in the live broadcast room saw his stiffness and asked with concern.

Xia Yihui made a 'shh' gesture and pointed to the opposite shop.

There was a burst of clear and shallow breathing, which sounded short and subtle, and you couldn't even notice it if you didn't listen carefully.

Upon noticing this situation, everyone panicked and guessed randomly in the barrage.

"Is it an NPC?"

"It might be another player."

"It must be a ghost! Don't forget the name of the ghost card this time!"

Maybe it's the fearful and weird atmosphere brought about by the last barrage, and everyone's guesses are a little weird, and it's better to scare yourself one by one.

Xia Yihui was stiff for a while, trying to get out of bed as lightly as possible, trying not to make a sound.

[You have obtained a translator.]

As soon as the ear pinna was cold, Xia Yi reached out and touched it, as if something long in shape was stuck on the ear. This may be what the electronic voice calls the translator.

I remember that when I entered the Ghost Casino, the electronic voice said that this dungeon is a great fusion of the Huaguo region, the European region, and the African region. Originally, he was still worried about how to communicate with foreign devils, but now it seems that the copy is quite humane.

Xia touched the translator for a while, and quickly turned his attention back to the shallow breathing of the upper berth.

He was standing near the door. The crack in the door was too small, and the sound of the door opening was too loud. He could only glance out through the peephole to make a preliminary estimate of his position.

Horror movies often act like this, the protagonist or the supporting role is close to the door to listen to the sound, and it is quiet outside, and nothing can be heard. These people couldn't help being curious, and turned to look out on the cat's eye. At this moment, a bloody grimace appeared in the cat's eyes. Ben lowered his head. Following the gaze of the protagonist, the ghost's face slowly lifted up, showing a strange smile towards this side, getting closer... getting closer...

We are all people who have watched a few horror movies more or less, and the association power is always extraordinarily rich at this time. Seeing Xia Yihui approaching the cat's eye, everyone thought in their hearts that something happened.

"Ah, Xia Xia, shut your eyes! There may be something unclean outside the door 5555555"

"Fucking barrage body armor barrage body armor 1551"

"I always feel that the host has triggered the death buff in horror movies, so I'll hold my respect in advance QAQ"

No matter how fearful and persuasive everyone is, it can't stop Xia Yihui from denying her relatives.

He quickly stuck it to the cat's eye and glanced out.

Everyone could only see Xia Yihui's actions clearly on the screen, but they couldn't see clearly what Xia Yihui saw, so they could only hold their breath and look at the screen in fear.

Xia Yi frowned, and everyone's hearts twitched.

Xia Yihui changed the angle, and everyone was frightened to urgency.

Xia Yi looked back, and everyone felt a little comfort in their hearts.

—It seems that there is nothing outside the door.

As soon as this idea came to mind, before the string in the audience's brain had time to get loose, Xia Yihui did something that everyone didn't expect.

He suddenly took out the crossbow bolt from the space, and came to the direction of the breathing sound. At the same time, he put his hand on the doorknob, as if if there was any movement in the bed, he would open the door and run wildly.

The bed cover was poked inward by the arrow, and the entire bed was unobstructed.

The quilt on top was neatly folded, but empty.

At this moment, the hearts of the viewers who watched the live broadcast were relieved, and their high-hanging hearts finally fell back to their original positions. They celebrated with joy and spared no effort to express their fears in the live broadcast room.

After the jubilation, they caught a glimpse of Xia Yihui's face, and immediately became quiet again.

Xia Yihui's face was pale, even paler than when he heard the sound of breathing just now.

He smiled weakly, and half-jokingly said: "It's over, this time I really fought with a ghost."

He had clearly heard the sound of breathing just now, there could be no mistake in this. But when the crossbow put on the bed cover, there was no one inside. This situation is worth pondering.

Xia Yihui was not afraid of ghosts in the past. He is the kind of person who can watch horror movies without changing his face. But the current situation is different. It is much easier to fight the entity than to fight the ghost. If there is really a ghost among the ghost cards on this campus, the chance of him being able to beat it is very small.

That was why he was pale, and corresponding to the joker, he thought of death.

"There is a black mist outside the door. I don't know what's going on." Xia Yi turned on the light, flipped through the dormitory room, and chatted with the barrage in the live broadcast room.

On the surface, he doesn't look flustered at all, and his movements are orderly, but the abnormality is also extremely obvious.

Normally, it would be impossible for Xia Yihui to rush through the bullet screen with so many words, and all the things he saw, the thoughtful audience had already secretly guessed.

"Xia Xia, are you a little scared now?"

Seeing this barrage, Xia Yi was taken aback for a moment, and said, "What are you thinking, I just..."

After a pause, he looked around, his voice a little dry, "I think the situation in front of me looks familiar."

—After the mentor passed away, their research room should be so deserted.

The dormitory is a four-person room with a balcony and a bathroom. The house is very spacious, neatly furnished and free of clutter. It looks a little deserted, but there are still general traces of life.

The suitcases in the corner are stacked neatly together, and the checkmarks for the plane security check on the suitcases have not even been torn off. Tables and chairs were placed in front of the writing desk, and the top bunk was covered tightly. Xia Yihui checked every one of them, and there was no one there.

There are homework and books on the desktops. The books on the three tables are all closed. There are snacks next to them, and one of them even has a rice cooker. There is a table that is different from the others. There are only some messy and idle A4 papers on it, with some designs of skirts and ready-to-wear, without writing any words.

Although everything around was normal, Xia Yihui still felt something strange. This feeling is very strange. If he is really asked to say it, he can't say why, but he just feels that everything is abnormal and unnatural from the bottom of his heart.

"It's just an ordinary student dormitory, why does it feel so weird?" Xia Yi went to check the things on the desk again without giving up.

This time he finally found what was wrong.

Instant noodles are still cooking in the rice cooker on the table.

The water and seasonings were put in, and the socket was plugged in, but it was not burned, and the noodles inside had been soaked into a puddle of soft mud.

After discovering that something was wrong, and looking at the dormitory with colored glasses, many abnormal situations that had just been ignored by the epidermis of consciousness were revealed.

The label on the suitcase is fuzzy and looks old. I don't know which version the textbook on the desk is, and the date on the desk calendar is nearly decades behind. There is a layer of fine dust on the bookshelf, and it is impossible for the chair to be so far away from the table when you leave the seat normally...

It looked like the person who left was in a hurry, not knowing what was going on.

Thinking of the name of the ghost card this time, Xia took a deep breath, the more dangerous and abnormal the situation, the clearer his brain was.

Instead of rushing out to find the three clusters of wild flowers mentioned in the mission, he first went to the balcony of the dormitory to investigate.

Turn on the light, brighten your eyes.

I don't know if it's because of the design or other reasons, but the place where the students live is in a dim, yellowish tone, and the balcony uses glaring incandescent lamps instead.

It was clean and tidy, looking like an ordinary dormitory. There were still some dirty clothes in the basin on the ground, which were boy's clothes, and Xia Yihui had no interest in digging through them.

"There doesn't seem to be anything strange, let's go to the toilet first..." As he said that, Xia Yi looked at the barrage habitually, and it was just a casual glance, but this glance shocked him quite a bit.

In the live broadcast room with millions of people, the bullet screen refreshed very quickly, and the screen was full of "ahhhh" which looked extremely scary.

Xia Yihui squinted his eyes for a long while before he found a text with content among the many meaningless bullet screens.

— Ah, Xia Xia, run! There is someone in the mirror! ! !