Be The Sixth Anchor In The Escape Game

Chapter 98: Ghost Casino (Nine)


Hearing this sentence, Li Xiaomeng became anxious all of a sudden, limped and jumped to Mei Yougan's side, and asked in surprise, "What do you mean by that?"

"There's danger outside the tunnel too, and we'd almost die if we headed in."

After saying this, Mei Yougan didn't pay any attention to Li Xiaomeng, just kept circling around in circles, and glanced at the outer hall, as if looking for something.

After a while, he touched his neck lightly with his fingers. To be precise, his fingertips were sharpening on the blue and white silk scarf of Doraemon, and he seemed a little hesitant.

His performance is too obvious, needless to say, he must have moved his mind to use skills.

The faces of all the people present changed to varying degrees, and among the four, only Mei Yougan was not on the forum, and the rest were all senior netizens. As long as they are a little famous players, they all know something about the situation, let alone a famous player like Mei Yougan.

Unless it was a last resort, no one would want Mei Yougan to use her skills.

the reason is simple. This skill is too uncontrollable. Swallowing the poison and then releasing the poison sounds simple, but even Mei Yougan, the master of the skill, can't predict its power. The werewolf killing the dungeon is considered lucky at best, who knows if he will be poisoned to death along with his allies this time

Xia Yihui took a few steps forward, pressed his hand, shook his head and said, "It's not that far yet."

Mei Yougan also had some lingering fears, slowly put down her hands and said, "Do you have any good ideas?"

After all, he looked expectantly at Xia Yihui. The two little girls present also had the same idea as him, but although the three had the same mentality, their starting point was not exactly the same.

Mei Yougan was careless and didn't think much at all. He just wanted to quickly solve the problem in front of him and win the second trick card. Li Xiaomeng admires and trusts her. She has seen many impossibilities made possible by Xia Yihui long ago, so she is even more convinced in her heart that as long as she follows Xia Yihui, she will definitely be able to eat chicken.

As for Xu Suisui, her starting point is more based on Li Bai.

Every time she encounters a problem that cannot be solved by force, she will substitute herself into Li Bai and look at the problem from Li Bai's perspective. It was the same this time, almost at the same time as she discovered the predicament, she instantly entered the perspective of her sweetheart.

If it was Li Bai, what would he do under such circumstances

Xu Suisui thought hard for a while, and finally found out that she was not Li Bai, and she was not as high in IQ as Li Bai, so this proposition was a false proposition from the beginning.

Since he couldn't think of a suitable solution, he could only pin the possibility on Xia Yihui. After all, he is also as famous as Li Bai, the gap should not be too big, right

Under the close watch of the three of them, Xia Yihui remained calm.

First of all, he stuck to the door, held his breath and carefully observed the giant outside the door.

Li Xiaomeng explained conscientiously at the side: "When we entered the cafeteria, we didn't find a giant lying on the ground. It wasn't until we were about to enter the kitchen that the ground suddenly moved."

Her face became even paler, as if she remembered something extremely terrifying, she took a moment to calm down before continuing.

"Then the giant got up and used his palm as an attacking weapon, swatting us like a fly. His movements were not very fast, but he exerted enough strength every time. If he was accidentally slapped, hey, That's what happens."

As she spoke, Li Xiaomeng lifted her injured foot and tore apart the broken trouser leg a little. Originally covered by the trouser cloth, Xia always thought that Li Xiaomeng had suffered some skin trauma, but now as soon as the trousers were pulled up, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Looking closer, it was covered with bloodstains, and there were many small black spots near the wound. The medicinal soup made by Xu Suisui before only healed the skin trauma, and those small black spots have not disappeared.

"What is this?" Xia Yi turned to Li Xiaomeng and asked, "Do you feel any pain?"

Li Xiaomeng looked like he was about to soar, and said almost desperately: "There is no pain, but my physical strength has been dropping. Milk, bread, and medicine don't work. When it drops below 30, I may be forced to quit. This is a joke."

Mei Youqian said sympathetically, "How long can your physical strength last?"

Li Xiaomeng shook his head: "It shouldn't last long. According to this consumption, within half an hour, the physical value will drop below 30."

After speaking, Li Xiaomeng looked up at Xia Yihui with tears in her eyes, and looked at the latter inexplicably for a while.

Xu Suisui explained aloud: "Xiaomeng means that she hopes to finish the dungeon as soon as possible, and in half an hour she will forcibly quit the dungeon, and then there will be one less wild flower."

This topic is a bit heavy, and including Xu Suisui who said this, the faces of the players present are a little bit ugly.

Now that we have managed to gather five wildflowers and four players, we only need to find the player who lost the wildflower carelessly, and this trick will be considered complete.

It's a pity that this is the last step. All of them are trapped in the cafeteria. It is impossible to go out to find the fifth player, let alone rely on that person to find it by themselves.

Once they stay here for more than half an hour, they will never be able to watch Li Xiaomeng die here, and when they let Li Xiaomeng leave the ghost card, they will never have a chance to complete the task.

Li Xiaomeng blushed with shame, bowed to everyone and said, "I'm sorry, I've dragged everyone down."

Xu Suisui hurriedly supported her, and guiltily took the blame on himself, "I didn't protect Xiaomeng well, and let the thing outside take advantage of it. You... blame me if you want!"

The two girls blushed and were almost ashamed. The sincerity of the apology was so great that they almost knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.

How could Mei Yougan have the nerve to say anything more after such a big fight.

He laughed sloppily, waving his hands almost out of shape, and said: "Oh, you don't have to apologize to me, I don't care about Lao Mei anyway, anyway, I have already lit up a ghost card now, the first round of gambling It has been stabilized, and it is destined not to be eliminated. If you really want to talk, then go talk to the brother next to you."

After all, Mei Yougan quickly pointed to Xia Yihui who was beside him, and he was extremely proficient in citing Huoshuidong.

Under his guidance, the two girls quickly turned their attention to Xia Yihui. Seeing this, Mei Youqian heaved a sigh of relief, and at the end he was a little gloating. He wanted to see how this little brother would deal with the difficult situation in front of him. status.

When the three of them talked just now, Xia Yihui didn't get involved. He stood by the door all the time and didn't say a word.

This gesture is very resembling unswerving, Li Xiaomeng still thinks that he lost his temper and doesn't want to look at him anymore. Thinking of this, her heart felt bitter, and her nose also felt slightly sour.

"I'm sorry, I know that the most annoying thing in the dungeon is the teammates who are slowing down. I really didn't mean it. Now we have a trick, we still have nearly 20 hours..."

The more she explained, the paler Li Xiaomeng's face became. From the beginning to the end, Xia never looked back at her.

The guilt in my heart is about to overflow. In her heart, she actually admired Xia Yihui very much, and almost regarded him as her idol. Now that she made a mistake, which caused her idol to have an almost disgusting attitude, how could she not be sad or disappointed.

The more she thought about it, the more she closed herself, Li Xiaomeng covered her face and began to cry.

This is what Xia Yi saw when he turned his head to observe the cafeteria hall.

— Li Xiaomeng stood on the spot like a red-crowned crane, lifting half of his feet, covering his face and weeping. There was a man and a woman standing next to him, both of them showed condemnation, as if they were blaming him for not knowing how to be sympathetic.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Xia Yi turned to look at Li Xiaomeng amusedly, and said, "And you, why are you crying?"

Li Xiaomeng cried for a while, looked up blankly, with snot bubbles still hanging from his nose, "You don't blame me? I wasted four hours of you..."

Only then did Xia Yihui realize that he was half amused and half helpless pointing to the cafeteria hall, "Let's put other things aside first, and let's work together to deal with the big guy outside, shall we?"

As soon as the words fell, the other three people all showed disbelief.

Li Xiaomeng was shocked and said, "Have you thought of a way?"

"Don't blame yourself, you are not wrong." Xia Yi patted Li Xiaomeng's head, and said with a smile on his lips: "Be obedient and wait in the room, and wait for the three of us to get rid of the big guy outside, and avenge you."

Li Xiaomeng was moved to tears and almost burst into tears. For a girl like her raised in a boudoir, this kind of ups and downs is really too much to make people burst into tears.

Looking at Xia Yihui's back, Li Xiaomeng swore silently in her heart that this man would be her male god from now on, and anyone who dared to go against the male god would have trouble with her Li Xiaomeng!

If someone compares Li Bai with Xia Yihui in the Unlimited Escape forum, she will definitely be angry.

—What is cousin? Is it better than a male god? Of course it can't compare!

Not knowing at all that he had another fan girl, Xia Yihui's attention at this moment was entirely on the giant in the hall outside.

"When you walked into the cafeteria, how many seconds did it take for the giant to attack?"

"About two minutes."

Hearing Xu Suisui's answer, Xia Yihui felt more at ease, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

The audience in the live broadcast room screamed with excitement. There are millions of people here, and more than half of them have been watching Xia Yihui's live broadcast since the novice dungeon. They can almost be said to know all the little habits of Xia Yihui.

Just like now, Xia Yihui's smile is clearly a smile that must be won.

Many people were trembling with excitement, almost unable to hold their keyboards and mice steadily. It was at this time that a barrage spoke out the aspirations of many people.

"I was too scared to watch the ghost card this time. I watched it alone in the quilt in the middle of the night, and now I'm finally going to fight back. Ahhh, Zhang Dashen's man will never admit defeat!!!"