Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 22: Crazy feat


He has not fully recovered from his injuries and is still in a dangerous zone, so he doesn't think much about it at the moment. Move up the fighting energy, slowly move the fighting energy to the injured bones along the cells of the body, and use the fighting energy to assist in healing.

An hour!

He told himself to be calm, to be as calm as water, to be calm. Because he decided to do something very dangerous, an unprecedented and shocking feat.

It is the most vulnerable part of the human body and the most important part of the human body. Therefore, no one dares to be hasty in clearing the blocked substances in the meridians, and everyone must be cautious and extremely careful. Because the fighting spirit is extremely violent and contains extraordinary power. When using war energy to clear the blocked substances in the meridians, you must be careful and slow. Because you are too fast and use too much force, your meridians will burst and you will die!

Time passes by minute by second, slowly flowing away like water in a small river. The night is still very long!

"Well, this place is not safe. It's better to use your energy to speed up the healing and leave as soon as possible. Well! After the injury is healed, I can test whether my idea is feasible! Hehe... If it is really feasible, I will be prosperous. Got it!"

He yelled. In his trance and excitement, he forgot about the current injury on his body. He struggled to jump up, but the injury was touched. The pain made him break out in cold sweat and his back was completely wet. But at this moment, his eyes were extremely excited, even more excited than finding out that his knockoff ring was genuine.

That’s right! Not dissolution, not corrosion, but impact, strong impact.


Ye Qinghan was happily thinking about it in his mind, and suddenly he seemed to remember something. His eyes suddenly opened, his body trembled, and he was so excited that he almost jumped up.

The meridians are broken! Any meridian rupture can be restored! He thought of a possibility. If this possibility could be realized, then his strength would rise in a straight line, and his fighting spirit would break through like a rocket at a terrifying speed.

Fortunately, it was in the middle of the grass. If it were an open space, I wouldn't have been able to move last night. A level 1 monster that came over would have dismembered me.

Following his memory, he quickly came to a small river, washed himself quickly, and changed his clothes. Last night, his clothes were scratched to pieces by a saber-toothed tiger, and the smell of blood on his clothes was very strong, which could easily attract high-level monsters. And the clothes he is wearing now are his last set of clothes, bought in Man City before entering the mountains.

As we all know, the main purpose of practicing in the first five realms of a warrior, warrior realm, soldier realm, elite realm, commander realm, and general realm, is to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and then convert it into trace amounts of fighting energy in the cells. After having the fighting spirit, you can use the fighting spirit to slowly corrode, dissolve, and break down the blocked substances in the meridians, so that the fighting spirit has a place to store and circulate.

Ye Qinghan looked around and sighed to himself. Fortunately, he was lucky. The place where he fell with the saber-toothed tiger last night was a dense weed. This patch of grass is very dense, half as tall as a person. He is now in the center of the grass, and he can't be seen from the outside at all.

He gently raised his left hand, kissed the bronze ring, and stroked it lovingly with his right hand.

The human body has nine small meridians and three major meridians, which connect the nine small meridians. Forming the Little Zhoutian, allowing the war energy to circulate in different circulations in the nine small meridians, this breaks through the peak of the elite realm and reaches the command realm. Then open up the three major meridians of the body, let the fighting energy circulate in the twelve meridians of the body, and condense in the Dantian, so that the fighting energy forms a great circulation in the Dantian and the twelve meridians, and then the general level is reached.

"White air flow, that's right! I remember that during the awakening ceremony, my body's meridians exploded due to blood loss. It seems that this white air flow saved my life. This... it's amazing. This fake ring actually has automatic protection. The function of the Lord belongs to your second master! It’s great luck. In addition to being killed at once, won’t I be able to survive no matter how seriously injured I am? A holy weapon, this ring is definitely a holy weapon!”

Ye Qinghan endured the pain and clenched his fists. At this moment, he even felt, why is the recovery speed of the bronze ring so slow? He couldn't wait to recover from his physical injuries immediately and immediately carry out the experiment in his mind. If his mood at this moment was known to others, they would definitely scold him crazily. With such a terrifying healing ability, recovery speed, and such a terrifying holy weapon, he actually thinks it's not powerful enough

Ye Qinghan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were like lightning, and he was also excited. He slapped his left hand on the ground, and his whole body flew into the air. His hands and feet made various movements flexibly before slowly falling to the ground.

Feeling that her body was gradually recovering, Ye Qinghan felt extremely happy. You must know that the treasures on Yanlong Continent may be divided into levels, such as spiritual weapons, precious weapons, holy weapons, and legendary divine weapons, and those with the function of automatically protecting the master are the manifestations of holy weapons. Holy weapon, holy weapon. You have to know that the Ye family has been passed down for thousands of years before they have a holy weapon. It can be seen how precious the sacred weapon is, and the function of this sacred weapon is healing. This is the most precious thing. Owning this ring is equivalent to having a life. As long as he is not killed by one blow, Ye Qinghan can Resurrection, this is definitely a heaven-defying treasure!

He decided to use his fighting energy to attack the blocking substances in his meridians.

Ye Qinghan was pleasantly surprised. After feeling the white air flowing around her body, the wound was obviously healed. After another lap, the wounds on the outside began to slowly clot and stopped bleeding. The most important thing is that the white airflow is rotating in the body in circles, and the pain in the body is slowly weakening. My whole body feels as warm as lying in a hot spring on a cold day, warm and extremely comfortable.

"Looking at the situation, everything should be fine by the afternoon. This ring is awesome! I like it!"

The cultivation of these five realms is easy to say, very easy! It is very easy for "geniuses" who have less blocking substances in their meridians. For the "waste" with a lot of substances blocking the meridians, these five realms are difficult to reach the sky. Many people on the mainland may be stuck in these five realms throughout their lives, unable to cross this threshold in their lives, and doing nothing in their lives.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. Dad, you are indeed my most awesome dad. I apologize for the wrong statement in the past that you were engaged in piracy, running around, and doing insurance... Fortunately, fortunately! I didn't throw it away at the beginning, tsk tsk. ! A holy weapon is a holy weapon. In a short period of time, except for the broken bones, all the rest of my body has recovered. It’s amazing. The bursting of meridians can be cured... Wait! The broken meridians can be cured... Cured?"

Are the counterfeit goods genuine

It will definitely work, in theory it is absolutely possible! Absolutely!

"let's start!"

After eating some dry food hastily, Ye Qinghan sat cross-legged on the tree trunk, eyes closed tightly, looking extremely excited.

Two hours!

The sky was getting brighter, but the mountains were still dark. The cool morning wind blew through the forest, and the leaves rustled.

"Calm down, calm down, be calm!"

Ye Qinghan sat up with difficulty. After a night of treatment with the bronze ring's white airflow, his injuries were almost healed. Except for the faint pain at the broken bone, the rest of the area was completely healed.

"That's it!"

There are tens of thousands of cultivation techniques in the God of War Mansion, and each technique has its own strengths and weaknesses. but! The cultivation methods of the first five realms are very similar, it's just about the speed of cultivation.

Half a day has passed...

"Huh! Thank God, thank God, thank Buddha..."

Therefore, to practice as a warrior, you first need to open up your meridians.

After rinsing, he quickly left and found a place to stay, which was a big tree. However, there was an ancient tree more than ten meters away from the big tree, and the branches and leaves on it were not connected. The ancient tree where he rested last night had been checked from the beginning and there were no monsters. The saber-toothed tiger that followed obviously came quietly from the ancient tree next to it. You will learn from mistakes and gain wisdom. Don’t be impatient if you make mistakes, but those who make them a second time are pigs!

He wanted to break the cultivation methods of his predecessors and practice in a way that was unprecedented and unprecedented. If he can succeed, his cultivation will make rapid progress, and he will break through the useless hat he has worn on his head for more than ten years.

Ye Qinghan falls into the latter category. For an ordinary genius like Ye Qingkuang, it only takes ten days and a half to clear a meridians, while Ye Qinghan takes several years. Ten days and a half months and years. What kind of concept is this? That's why his father Yato's Martial Arts Heart Sutra said that below the realm, it all depends on personal talent. If you don't have good talent, you won't achieve much in your life.

"Ah! It hurts me to death."

He stared at the ring on his ring finger with a smile on his face. He grabbed the black dagger on the ground, smashed the saber-toothed tiger's head into pieces in a few strokes, took out an orange magic crystal, and threw it into his arms. With a kick of his legs, his whole body flew out like a sword.

All done! After half a day and one night, such a serious injury recovered as before.

Fighting energy is a magical thing that can travel through body cells to all parts of the body. The martial artist absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and transmits it to the meridians through cells. Of course, the movement of fighting energy through cells is very slow, but the meridians can quickly move fighting energy to all parts of the body.