Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 24: hunter


Only on the second day, his happy mood began to end, and he met someone.

Ye Qinghan's body trembled more violently, her eyes narrowed even more, and she took the package off her back in a panic. Throwing it over, he carefully turned his left thigh slightly to block the black man's gaze. On the left thigh, a small part of the black dagger and its short hilt were slightly exposed.

The white airflow in the bronze ring has long been repairing its wounds. For this kind of skin trauma, Ye Qinghan has long been used to it. The powerful repairing and healing ability of the holy instrument has been revealed for more than a month. Get verified. So he was relieved, so instead of cleaning the wound, he cleaned his eyes the first time.

The powder is lime powder, and the hand wielding the knife is a right hand. The person wielding the knife is dressed in black and has hatred in his eyes.

My left hand is useless, and it seems that I will never be able to use a left-handed knife in this life. There was a hint of anger in his eyes, but as he said just now, he was also a sensible person, so at that moment, he immediately lowered his head.

"Well, that's right, boy, you're very sensible! But your dagger seems to be in good quality, so throw it over too."

Behind the dagger, a black shadow flew faster than the dagger. Just a short second later, the black shadow caught up with the dagger, then stretched out a white and slender hand and grabbed the handle of the knife. Follow the trajectory of the dagger just thrown, and continue to move forward until the dagger slides heavily on the arm of the man in black in front.

There are countless experienced adventurers in the wild mountains. It is not surprising to meet this person. In the past month or so, he has been meeting some adventurers. It's just that... the person today is a little special, because this person's whole body is shrouded in black, except for a pair of cold eyes filled with murderous intent, and the long sword in his hand.

The man in black nodded, as if he felt that his speaking level had improved a little today. With a cruel look in his eyes, he raised his hand and swung the knife, and swung it casually at Ye Qinghan, who was rolling on the ground. In his opinion, Ye Qinghan, who was severely injured and unable to see, had no threat at all from the dagger he was waving indiscriminately.

My left hand is useless, and it seems that I will never be able to use a left-handed knife in this life. There was a hint of anger in his eyes, but as he said just now, he was also a sensible person, so at that moment, he immediately lowered his head.

After Ye Qinghan finished cleaning up, he moved his foot and kicked the long sword to the feet of the man in black, turned around and left.

"I'm so blind that I actually came to hunt and kill a master of the command realm... Thank you for your noble hand, little brother. My hand is useless. I won't be able to work in this industry in the future." After the panic just now, the man in black began to calm down. He knew that he had hit a brick wall this time. With this speed and sword skills, it was obvious that the young man in front of him had reached the commander level at such a young age, and his acting skills were so good that they even managed to mix him up like this. The old hunter who had been in darkness for many years also deceived him.

"Boy, hand over all your belongings and then...disappear."

His body was twisted well, and the blade of light avoided his vital points and slashed across his chest, bringing out traces of blood and splitting pieces of flesh.

When he saw Xiao Hei's pair of black shining eyes again, he couldn't help but feel a lot in his heart... This world was no longer the pure earth he used to be, especially after leaving the city and going up the mountain.

"Boy, hand over all your belongings and then...disappear."

When he saw Xiao Hei's pair of black shining eyes again, he couldn't help but feel a lot in his heart... This world was no longer the pure earth he used to be, especially after leaving the city and going up the mountain.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

The long sword and the black package fell heavily to the ground without raising a trace of dust. But the man in black had a look of fear in his eyes, holding his left hand in his right hand, with flowers growing on his feet, and quickly retreated.

The man in black spoke, his tone as if he was giving an order from a superior.

This is the mountain. The five major families, the God of War's Mansion, and even the great divine city in the center of the continent have no influence on the mountain. This is a world of killing, natural selection, and the survival of the strong. He is very lucky that he came here without being reckless more than a month ago.

"You have made the biggest mistake, and that is kindness. This is not the city, nor is it your family. This is the mountains." The man in black walked slowly, carrying a bloody knife, with heavy footsteps. The sound is like the soul seducer from hell walking step by step from the road to hell.

The long sword and the black package fell heavily to the ground without raising a trace of dust. But the man in black had a look of fear in his eyes, holding his left hand in his right hand, with flowers growing on his feet, and quickly retreated.

No matter how fast he closed his eyes, a little bit of the white powder also went in. When something strange entered, his eyes immediately went numb. It hurt, spicy, numb... All kinds of adverse reactions suddenly flooded into his mind and his nerves.

"Boy, hand over all your belongings and then...disappear."


Forehead! This is the legendary hunter, a hunter who doesn't hunt monsters, but is a hunter

He sighed deeply as he looked at the man in black with his eyes open and some staring blankly.

"Throw the dagger over here, or you will prepare to sleep in this mountain for the rest of your life." The man in black didn't care and glanced over coldly, cold and arrogant.

This is the mountain. The five major families, the God of War's Mansion, and even the great divine city in the center of the continent have no influence on the mountain. This is a world of killing, natural selection, and the survival of the strong. He is very lucky that he came here without being reckless more than a month ago.

He saw a small black beast, a small beast that was fast and scary.

Forehead! This is the legendary hunter, a hunter who doesn't hunt monsters, but is a hunter

"Ah, monster!"

An exclamation awakened him from his complicated thoughts. Ye Qinghan turned around in shock, only to see a piece of white powder and the light of the knife mixed in the powder.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

Ye Qinghan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little shocked. I often walk by the river, but my shoes finally got wet today. I finally met the legendary black-hearted and cruel "hunter" today.

The dagger was thrown in an arc in the air at a very fast speed. The man in black chuckled and raised his hand to catch the dagger.

At this moment, he felt a strange feeling in his heart for the first time. Perhaps it was the first time that he used his own force and wisdom to defeat his first enemy. Maybe it was the first time he taught someone a lesson in a lecturing tone, or maybe it was the first victory that increased his confidence even more. So my mood at the moment is very complicated, a little excited, a little happy, and a little inexplicable. The complicated mood made him forget to look at the man in black behind him, and there was a trace of hatred in his eyes when he raised his head.

"Boy, hand over all your belongings and then...disappear."

"Ah, monster!"

"Ah, monster!"

But in the blink of an eye, he became excited, his face glowed with an unusual blush, his whole body began to tremble, and he stammered, "Brother, can you leave some travel expenses?"


Ye Qinghan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little shocked. I often walk by the river, but my shoes finally got wet today. I finally met the legendary black-hearted and cruel "hunter" today.

"You can choose to stay the same as your travel expenses and your life."

"You can choose to stay the same as your travel expenses and your life."

Ye Qinghan, who was rolling around on the ground with the long sword, suddenly stopped. His eyes were still closed tightly, but the corners of his mouth suddenly raised up, half-smiling.

An exclamation awakened him from his complicated thoughts. Ye Qinghan turned around in shock, only to see a piece of white powder and the light of the knife mixed in the powder.

The man in black spoke, his tone as if he was giving an order from a superior.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

The man in black asked a multiple-choice question. He had been walking on the edge of darkness all year round. His heart no longer had any mercy, only hardness and cold-bloodedness. As he spoke, his eyes began to glow, and the knife in his hand was slightly raised.

The man in black asked a multiple-choice question. He had been walking on the edge of darkness all year round. His heart no longer had any mercy, only hardness and cold-bloodedness. As he spoke, his eyes began to glow, and the knife in his hand was slightly raised.

More than a month of life-and-death battles and years of foundation allowed him to react immediately in just one second. It's just that the powder came too fast, and the sword light came too weirdly. He only had time to quickly close his eyes and twist his body slightly to the side.

"Although I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean I will make it a second time. Regarding revenge, I also feel that one night is too long..."

Behind the dagger, a black shadow flew faster than the dagger. Just a short second later, the black shadow caught up with the dagger, then stretched out a white and slender hand and grabbed the handle of the knife. Follow the trajectory of the dagger just thrown, and continue to move forward until the dagger slides heavily on the arm of the man in black in front.

"No, I'll stay alive."

Ye Qinghan's body no longer trembled and her eyes no longer squinted. She picked up the package on the ground, patted it gently, and tied it firmly to her back.

No matter how fast he closed his eyes, a little bit of the white powder also went in. When something strange entered, his eyes immediately went numb. It hurt, spicy, numb... All kinds of adverse reactions suddenly flooded into his mind and his nerves.


"Boy, hand over all your belongings and then...disappear."

Ye Qinghan's body trembled more violently, her eyes narrowed even more, and she took the package off her back in a panic. Throwing it over, he carefully turned his left thigh slightly to block the black man's gaze. On the left thigh, a small part of the black dagger and its short hilt were slightly exposed.

"I don't want your life. Don't do this business again. It's very dangerous."

At this moment, he felt a strange feeling in his heart for the first time. Perhaps it was the first time that he used his own force and wisdom to defeat his first enemy. Maybe it was the first time he taught someone a lesson in a lecturing tone, or maybe it was the first victory that increased his confidence even more. So my mood at the moment is very complicated, a little excited, a little happy, and a little inexplicable. The complicated mood made him forget to look at the man in black behind him, and there was a trace of hatred in his eyes when he raised his head.

"I don't want your life. Don't do this business again. It's very dangerous."


Ye Qinghan, who was rolling around on the ground with the long sword, suddenly stopped. His eyes were still closed tightly, but the corners of his mouth suddenly raised up, half-smiling.

Ye Qinghan's body no longer trembled and her eyes no longer squinted. She picked up the package on the ground, patted it gently, and tied it firmly to her back.

This is the mountain. The five major families, the God of War's Mansion, and even the great divine city in the center of the continent have no influence on the mountain. This is a world of killing, natural selection, and the survival of the strong. He is very lucky that he came here without being reckless more than a month ago.


"Well, that's right, boy, you're very sensible! But your dagger seems to be in good quality, so throw it over too."

Before his knife could be cut, the little black beast flew out from the exploding rags on Ye Qinghan's chest. Then he felt a chill on his neck, and his mind was occupied by severe pain, and then he fell into Endless darkness.

Ye Qinghan, who was rolling around on the ground with the long sword, suddenly stopped. His eyes were still closed tightly, but the corners of his mouth suddenly raised up, half-smiling.

My left hand is useless, and it seems that I will never be able to use a left-handed knife in this life. There was a hint of anger in his eyes, but as he said just now, he was also a sensible person, so at that moment, he immediately lowered his head.

"Although I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean I will make it a second time. Regarding revenge, I also feel that one night is too long..."

More than a month of life-and-death battles and years of foundation allowed him to react immediately in just one second. It's just that the powder came too fast, and the sword light came too weirdly. He only had time to quickly close his eyes and twist his body slightly to the side.

Only on the second day, his happy mood began to end, and he met someone.

"Boy, hand over all your belongings and then...disappear."

The man in black reached out and took the package. He felt the weight of the package and was very satisfied. He nodded and casually glanced at Ye Qinghan before speaking.

"Although I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean I will make it a second time. Regarding revenge, I also feel that one night is too long..."

Before his knife could be cut, the little black beast flew out from the exploding rags on Ye Qinghan's chest. Then he felt a chill on his neck, and his mind was occupied by severe pain, and then he fell into Endless darkness.

However, his proud gaze suddenly changed and turned into astonishment and horror.

He saw a small black beast, a small beast that was fast and scary.

Ye Qinghan's face was frightened and he said hurriedly: "This... Brother, without weapons, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the mountain."

"I don't want your life. Don't do this business again. It's very dangerous."

Behind the dagger, a black shadow flew faster than the dagger. Just a short second later, the black shadow caught up with the dagger, then stretched out a white and slender hand and grabbed the handle of the knife. Follow the trajectory of the dagger just thrown, and continue to move forward until the dagger slides heavily on the arm of the man in black in front.

The man in black nodded, as if he felt that his speaking level had improved a little today. With a cruel look in his eyes, he raised his hand and swung the knife, and swung it casually at Ye Qinghan, who was rolling on the ground. In his opinion, Ye Qinghan, who was severely injured and unable to see, had no threat at all from the dagger he was waving indiscriminately.

"You can choose to stay the same as your travel expenses and your life."

At this moment, he felt a strange feeling in his heart for the first time. Perhaps it was the first time that he used his own force and wisdom to defeat his first enemy. Maybe it was the first time he taught someone a lesson in a lecturing tone, or maybe it was the first victory that increased his confidence even more. So my mood at the moment is very complicated, a little excited, a little happy, and a little inexplicable. The complicated mood made him forget to look at the man in black behind him, and there was a trace of hatred in his eyes when he raised his head.

"Throw the dagger over here, or you will prepare to sleep in this mountain for the rest of your life." The man in black didn't care and glanced over coldly, cold and arrogant.

This is the mountain. The five major families, the God of War's Mansion, and even the great divine city in the center of the continent have no influence on the mountain. This is a world of killing, natural selection, and the survival of the strong. He is very lucky that he came here without being reckless more than a month ago.

After Ye Qinghan finished cleaning up, he moved his foot and kicked the long sword to the feet of the man in black, turned around and left.

At this moment, he felt a strange feeling in his heart for the first time. Perhaps it was the first time that he used his own force and wisdom to defeat his first enemy. Maybe it was the first time he taught someone a lesson in a lecturing tone, or maybe it was the first victory that increased his confidence even more. So my mood at the moment is very complicated, a little excited, a little happy, and a little inexplicable. The complicated mood made him forget to look at the man in black behind him, and there was a trace of hatred in his eyes when he raised his head.

When he saw Xiao Hei's pair of black shining eyes again, he couldn't help but feel a lot in his heart... This world was no longer the pure earth he used to be, especially after leaving the city and going up the mountain.

The man in black reached out and took the package. He felt the weight of the package and was very satisfied. He nodded and casually glanced at Ye Qinghan before speaking.

Only on the second day, his happy mood began to end, and he met someone.

"Well, that's right, boy, you're very sensible! But your dagger seems to be in good quality, so throw it over too."

"Alas..." In just a few seconds, Ye Qinghan made a decision, stretched out his hand and pulled out the dagger, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes. Then he threw the dagger towards the man in black. At that moment, he saw the proud look of the man in black.

"Throw the dagger over here, or you will prepare to sleep in this mountain for the rest of your life." The man in black didn't care and glanced over coldly, cold and arrogant.

"Although I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean I will make it a second time. Regarding revenge, I also feel that one night is too long..."

"Well, that's right, boy, you're very sensible! But your dagger seems to be in good quality, so throw it over too."

The dagger was thrown in an arc in the air at a very fast speed. The man in black chuckled and raised his hand to catch the dagger.


No matter how fast he closed his eyes, a little bit of the white powder also went in. When something strange entered, his eyes immediately went numb. It hurt, spicy, numb... All kinds of adverse reactions suddenly flooded into his mind and his nerves.

The man in black spoke, his tone as if he was giving an order from a superior.

The man in black reached out and took the package. He felt the weight of the package and was very satisfied. He nodded and casually glanced at Ye Qinghan before speaking.

More than a month of life-and-death battles and years of foundation allowed him to react immediately in just one second. It's just that the powder came too fast, and the sword light came too weirdly. He only had time to quickly close his eyes and twist his body slightly to the side.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.


"Alas..." In just a few seconds, Ye Qinghan made a decision, stretched out his hand and pulled out the dagger, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes. Then he threw the dagger towards the man in black. At that moment, he saw the proud look of the man in black.

However, his proud gaze suddenly changed and turned into astonishment and horror.

The powder is lime powder, and the hand wielding the knife is a right hand. The person wielding the knife is dressed in black and has hatred in his eyes.

More than a month of life-and-death battles and years of foundation allowed him to react immediately in just one second. It's just that the powder came too fast, and the sword light came too weirdly. He only had time to quickly close his eyes and twist his body slightly to the side.

The powder is lime powder, and the hand wielding the knife is a right hand. The person wielding the knife is dressed in black and has hatred in his eyes.


Forehead! This is the legendary hunter, a hunter who doesn't hunt monsters, but is a hunter

"You crippled my left hand, but you didn't know that my right hand is better than my left hand. And there is one very bad thing about me, that is, I must avenge myself, and it's not that ten years is too late, but one night is too long. .”

My left hand is useless, and it seems that I will never be able to use a left-handed knife in this life. There was a hint of anger in his eyes, but as he said just now, he was also a sensible person, so at that moment, he immediately lowered his head.

The powder is lime powder, and the hand wielding the knife is a right hand. The person wielding the knife is dressed in black and has hatred in his eyes.

Behind the dagger, a black shadow flew faster than the dagger. Just a short second later, the black shadow caught up with the dagger, then stretched out a white and slender hand and grabbed the handle of the knife. Follow the trajectory of the dagger just thrown, and continue to move forward until the dagger slides heavily on the arm of the man in black in front.

But in the blink of an eye, he became excited, his face glowed with an unusual blush, his whole body began to tremble, and he stammered, "Brother, can you leave some travel expenses?"

Ye Qinghan's body trembled more violently, her eyes narrowed even more, and she took the package off her back in a panic. Throwing it over, he carefully turned his left thigh slightly to block the black man's gaze. On the left thigh, a small part of the black dagger and its short hilt were slightly exposed.

The powder is lime powder, and the hand wielding the knife is a right hand. The person wielding the knife is dressed in black and has hatred in his eyes.

"Although I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean I will make it a second time. Regarding revenge, I also feel that one night is too long..."


The powder is lime powder, and the hand wielding the knife is a right hand. The person wielding the knife is dressed in black and has hatred in his eyes.

The long sword and the black package fell heavily to the ground without raising a trace of dust. But the man in black had a look of fear in his eyes, holding his left hand in his right hand, with flowers growing on his feet, and quickly retreated.

His body was twisted well, and the blade of light avoided his vital points and slashed across his chest, bringing out traces of blood and splitting pieces of flesh.

The long sword and the black package fell heavily to the ground without raising a trace of dust. But the man in black had a look of fear in his eyes, holding his left hand in his right hand, with flowers growing on his feet, and quickly retreated.

The man in black asked a multiple-choice question. He had been walking on the edge of darkness all year round. His heart no longer had any mercy, only hardness and cold-bloodedness. As he spoke, his eyes began to glow, and the knife in his hand was slightly raised.

"Well, that's right, boy, you're very sensible! But your dagger seems to be in good quality, so throw it over too."


Behind the dagger, a black shadow flew faster than the dagger. Just a short second later, the black shadow caught up with the dagger, then stretched out a white and slender hand and grabbed the handle of the knife. Follow the trajectory of the dagger just thrown, and continue to move forward until the dagger slides heavily on the arm of the man in black in front.

Forehead! This is the legendary hunter, a hunter who doesn't hunt monsters, but is a hunter

An exclamation awakened him from his complicated thoughts. Ye Qinghan turned around in shock, only to see a piece of white powder and the light of the knife mixed in the powder.

When he saw Xiao Hei's pair of black shining eyes again, he couldn't help but feel a lot in his heart... This world was no longer the pure earth he used to be, especially after leaving the city and going up the mountain.

"Well, that's right, boy, you're very sensible! But your dagger seems to be in good quality, so throw it over too."

"I don't want your life. Don't do this business again. It's very dangerous."

Only on the second day, his happy mood began to end, and he met someone.

Only on the second day, his happy mood began to end, and he met someone.

"Boy, hand over all your belongings and then...disappear."

More than a month of life-and-death battles and years of foundation allowed him to react immediately in just one second. It's just that the powder came too fast, and the sword light came too weirdly. He only had time to quickly close his eyes and twist his body slightly to the side.

Ye Qinghan's body no longer trembled and her eyes no longer squinted. She picked up the package on the ground, patted it gently, and tied it firmly to her back.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

"You have made the biggest mistake, and that is kindness. This is not the city, nor is it your family. This is the mountains." The man in black walked slowly, carrying a bloody knife, with heavy footsteps. The sound is like the soul seducer from hell walking step by step from the road to hell.

More than a month of life-and-death battles and years of foundation allowed him to react immediately in just one second. It's just that the powder came too fast, and the sword light came too weirdly. He only had time to quickly close his eyes and twist his body slightly to the side.

The man in black asked a multiple-choice question. He had been walking on the edge of darkness all year round. His heart no longer had any mercy, only hardness and cold-bloodedness. As he spoke, his eyes began to glow, and the knife in his hand was slightly raised.

Ye Qinghan's face was frightened and he said hurriedly: "This... Brother, without weapons, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the mountain."

"I'm so blind that I actually came to hunt and kill a master of the command realm... Thank you for your noble hand, little brother. My hand is useless. I won't be able to work in this industry in the future." After the panic just now, the man in black began to calm down. He knew that he had hit a brick wall this time. With this speed and sword skills, it was obvious that the young man in front of him had reached the commander level at such a young age, and his acting skills were so good that they even managed to mix him up like this. The old hunter who had been in darkness for many years also deceived him.

"I'm so blind that I actually came to hunt and kill a master of the command realm... Thank you for your noble hand, little brother. My hand is useless. I won't be able to work in this industry in the future." After the panic just now, the man in black began to calm down. He knew that he had hit a brick wall this time. With this speed and sword skills, it was obvious that the young man in front of him had reached the commander level at such a young age, and his acting skills were so good that they even managed to mix him up like this. The old hunter who had been in darkness for many years also deceived him.

My left hand is useless, and it seems that I will never be able to use a left-handed knife in this life. There was a hint of anger in his eyes, but as he said just now, he was also a sensible person, so at that moment, he immediately lowered his head.

"Although I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean I will make it a second time. Regarding revenge, I also feel that one night is too long..."

"Throw the dagger over here, or you will prepare to sleep in this mountain for the rest of your life." The man in black didn't care and glanced over coldly, cold and arrogant.

Before his knife could be cut, the little black beast flew out from the exploding rags on Ye Qinghan's chest. Then he felt a chill on his neck, and his mind was occupied by severe pain, and then he fell into Endless darkness.

But in the blink of an eye, he became excited, his face glowed with an unusual blush, his whole body began to tremble, and he stammered, "Brother, can you leave some travel expenses?"

My left hand is useless, and it seems that I will never be able to use a left-handed knife in this life. There was a hint of anger in his eyes, but as he said just now, he was also a sensible person, so at that moment, he immediately lowered his head.

The man in black spoke, his tone as if he was giving an order from a superior.

The dagger was thrown in an arc in the air at a very fast speed. The man in black chuckled and raised his hand to catch the dagger.


"Alas..." In just a few seconds, Ye Qinghan made a decision, stretched out his hand and pulled out the dagger, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes. Then he threw the dagger towards the man in black. At that moment, he saw the proud look of the man in black.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

An exclamation awakened him from his complicated thoughts. Ye Qinghan turned around in shock, only to see a piece of white powder and the light of the knife mixed in the powder.

"Although I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean I will make it a second time. Regarding revenge, I also feel that one night is too long..."

Ye Qinghan's body trembled more violently, her eyes narrowed even more, and she took the package off her back in a panic. Throwing it over, he carefully turned his left thigh slightly to block the black man's gaze. On the left thigh, a small part of the black dagger and its short hilt were slightly exposed.

He didn't care about the injury on his chest, but sat up with difficulty, pulled out the package on his back, took out the water bag, and then used a large amount of water to clear the powder in his eyes.

"Well, that's right, boy, you're very sensible! But your dagger seems to be in good quality, so throw it over too."

After Ye Qinghan finished cleaning up, he moved his foot and kicked the long sword to the feet of the man in black, turned around and left.

Ye Qinghan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little shocked. I often walk by the river, but my shoes finally got wet today. I finally met the legendary black-hearted and cruel "hunter" today.

"I'm so blind that I actually came to hunt and kill a master of the command realm... Thank you for your noble hand, little brother. My hand is useless. I won't be able to work in this industry in the future." After the panic just now, the man in black began to calm down. He knew that he had hit a brick wall this time. With this speed and sword skills, it was obvious that the young man in front of him had reached the commander level at such a young age, and his acting skills were so good that they even managed to mix him up like this. The old hunter who had been in darkness for many years also deceived him.

More than a month of life-and-death battles and years of foundation allowed him to react immediately in just one second. It's just that the powder came too fast, and the sword light came too weirdly. He only had time to quickly close his eyes and twist his body slightly to the side.

Ye Qinghan's body trembled more violently, her eyes narrowed even more, and she took the package off her back in a panic. Throwing it over, he carefully turned his left thigh slightly to block the black man's gaze. On the left thigh, a small part of the black dagger and its short hilt were slightly exposed.

"I don't want your life. Don't do this business again. It's very dangerous."

The man in black reached out and took the package. He felt the weight of the package and was very satisfied. He nodded and casually glanced at Ye Qinghan before speaking.



At this moment, he felt a strange feeling in his heart for the first time. Perhaps it was the first time that he used his own force and wisdom to defeat his first enemy. Maybe it was the first time he taught someone a lesson in a lecturing tone, or maybe it was the first victory that increased his confidence even more. So my mood at the moment is very complicated, a little excited, a little happy, and a little inexplicable. The complicated mood made him forget to look at the man in black behind him, and there was a trace of hatred in his eyes when he raised his head.

He saw a small black beast, a small beast that was fast and scary.

Before his knife could be cut, the little black beast flew out from the exploding rags on Ye Qinghan's chest. Then he felt a chill on his neck, and his mind was occupied by severe pain, and then he fell into Endless darkness.

"Ah, monster!"

Only on the second day, his happy mood began to end, and he met someone.

Ye Qinghan's body no longer trembled and her eyes no longer squinted. She picked up the package on the ground, patted it gently, and tied it firmly to her back.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

Ye Qinghan's body no longer trembled and her eyes no longer squinted. She picked up the package on the ground, patted it gently, and tied it firmly to her back.

The white airflow in the bronze ring has long been repairing its wounds. For this kind of skin trauma, Ye Qinghan has long been used to it. The powerful repairing and healing ability of the holy instrument has been revealed for more than a month. Get verified. So he was relieved, so instead of cleaning the wound, he cleaned his eyes the first time.

The powder is lime powder, and the hand wielding the knife is a right hand. The person wielding the knife is dressed in black and has hatred in his eyes.

However, his proud gaze suddenly changed and turned into astonishment and horror.

An exclamation awakened him from his complicated thoughts. Ye Qinghan turned around in shock, only to see a piece of white powder and the light of the knife mixed in the powder.

Ye Qinghan, who was rolling around on the ground with the long sword, suddenly stopped. His eyes were still closed tightly, but the corners of his mouth suddenly raised up, half-smiling.

Ye Qinghan's face was frightened and he said hurriedly: "This... Brother, without weapons, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the mountain."

No matter how fast he closed his eyes, a little bit of the white powder also went in. When something strange entered, his eyes immediately went numb. It hurt, spicy, numb... All kinds of adverse reactions suddenly flooded into his mind and his nerves.

He sighed deeply as he looked at the man in black with his eyes open and some staring blankly.

More than a month of life-and-death battles and years of foundation allowed him to react immediately in just one second. It's just that the powder came too fast, and the sword light came too weirdly. He only had time to quickly close his eyes and twist his body slightly to the side.

"Although I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean I will make it a second time. Regarding revenge, I also feel that one night is too long..."

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

"Boy, hand over all your belongings and then...disappear."

No matter how fast he closed his eyes, a little bit of the white powder also went in. When something strange entered, his eyes immediately went numb. It hurt, spicy, numb... All kinds of adverse reactions suddenly flooded into his mind and his nerves.


However, his proud gaze suddenly changed and turned into astonishment and horror.

No matter how fast he closed his eyes, a little bit of the white powder also went in. When something strange entered, his eyes immediately went numb. It hurt, spicy, numb... All kinds of adverse reactions suddenly flooded into his mind and his nerves.


Only on the second day, his happy mood began to end, and he met someone.

His body was twisted well, and the blade of light avoided his vital points and slashed across his chest, bringing out traces of blood and splitting pieces of flesh.

Ye Qinghan's body no longer trembled and her eyes no longer squinted. She picked up the package on the ground, patted it gently, and tied it firmly to her back.

The long sword and the black package fell heavily to the ground without raising a trace of dust. But the man in black had a look of fear in his eyes, holding his left hand in his right hand, with flowers growing on his feet, and quickly retreated.

The powder is lime powder, and the hand wielding the knife is a right hand. The person wielding the knife is dressed in black and has hatred in his eyes.

Ye Qinghan's body no longer trembled and her eyes no longer squinted. She picked up the package on the ground, patted it gently, and tied it firmly to her back.

The dagger was thrown in an arc in the air at a very fast speed. The man in black chuckled and raised his hand to catch the dagger.

After Ye Qinghan finished cleaning up, he moved his foot and kicked the long sword to the feet of the man in black, turned around and left.

His body was twisted well, and the blade of light avoided his vital points and slashed across his chest, bringing out traces of blood and splitting pieces of flesh.

Behind the dagger, a black shadow flew faster than the dagger. Just a short second later, the black shadow caught up with the dagger, then stretched out a white and slender hand and grabbed the handle of the knife. Follow the trajectory of the dagger just thrown, and continue to move forward until the dagger slides heavily on the arm of the man in black in front.

"Although I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean I will make it a second time. Regarding revenge, I also feel that one night is too long..."

Ye Qinghan's face was frightened and he said hurriedly: "This... Brother, without weapons, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the mountain."

The man in black asked a multiple-choice question. He had been walking on the edge of darkness all year round. His heart no longer had any mercy, only hardness and cold-bloodedness. As he spoke, his eyes began to glow, and the knife in his hand was slightly raised.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.


The man in black asked a multiple-choice question. He had been walking on the edge of darkness all year round. His heart no longer had any mercy, only hardness and cold-bloodedness. As he spoke, his eyes began to glow, and the knife in his hand was slightly raised.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

Ye Qinghan's body trembled more violently, her eyes narrowed even more, and she took the package off her back in a panic. Throwing it over, he carefully turned his left thigh slightly to block the black man's gaze. On the left thigh, a small part of the black dagger and its short hilt were slightly exposed.


After Ye Qinghan finished cleaning up, he moved his foot and kicked the long sword to the feet of the man in black, turned around and left.

"You have made the biggest mistake, and that is kindness. This is not the city, nor is it your family. This is the mountains." The man in black walked slowly, carrying a bloody knife, with heavy footsteps. The sound is like the soul seducer from hell walking step by step from the road to hell.

"You can choose to stay the same as your travel expenses and your life."

The powder is lime powder, and the hand wielding the knife is a right hand. The person wielding the knife is dressed in black and has hatred in his eyes.

"You crippled my left hand, but you didn't know that my right hand is better than my left hand. And there is one very bad thing about me, that is, I must avenge myself, and it's not that ten years is too late, but one night is too long. .”

But in the blink of an eye, he became excited, his face glowed with an unusual blush, his whole body began to tremble, and he stammered, "Brother, can you leave some travel expenses?"

Ye Qinghan snorted. Although the owner of the long sword had died instantly, the sword still stabbed him in the chest. New injuries appeared on the already bloody chest.


His body was twisted well, and the blade of light avoided his vital points and slashed across his chest, bringing out traces of blood and splitting pieces of flesh.

He saw a small black beast, a small beast that was fast and scary.

"No, I'll stay alive."

There are countless experienced adventurers in the wild mountains. It is not surprising to meet this person. In the past month or so, he has been meeting some adventurers. It's just that... the person today is a little special, because this person's whole body is shrouded in black, except for a pair of cold eyes filled with murderous intent, and the long sword in his hand.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

The man in black nodded, as if he felt that his speaking level had improved a little today. With a cruel look in his eyes, he raised his hand and swung the knife, and swung it casually at Ye Qinghan, who was rolling on the ground. In his opinion, Ye Qinghan, who was severely injured and unable to see, had no threat at all from the dagger he was waving indiscriminately.

His body was twisted well, and the blade of light avoided his vital points and slashed across his chest, bringing out traces of blood and splitting pieces of flesh.

Forehead! This is the legendary hunter, a hunter who doesn't hunt monsters, but is a hunter

Ye Qinghan, who was rolling around on the ground with the long sword, suddenly stopped. His eyes were still closed tightly, but the corners of his mouth suddenly raised up, half-smiling.

When he saw Xiao Hei's pair of black shining eyes again, he couldn't help but feel a lot in his heart... This world was no longer the pure earth he used to be, especially after leaving the city and going up the mountain.

Only on the second day, his happy mood began to end, and he met someone.


The man in black spoke, his tone as if he was giving an order from a superior.

When he saw Xiao Hei's pair of black shining eyes again, he couldn't help but feel a lot in his heart... This world was no longer the pure earth he used to be, especially after leaving the city and going up the mountain.

"You have made the biggest mistake, and that is kindness. This is not the city, nor is it your family. This is the mountains." The man in black walked slowly, carrying a bloody knife, with heavy footsteps. The sound is like the soul seducer from hell walking step by step from the road to hell.

"Alas..." In just a few seconds, Ye Qinghan made a decision, stretched out his hand and pulled out the dagger, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes. Then he threw the dagger towards the man in black. At that moment, he saw the proud look of the man in black.

The man in black asked a multiple-choice question. He had been walking on the edge of darkness all year round. His heart no longer had any mercy, only hardness and cold-bloodedness. As he spoke, his eyes began to glow, and the knife in his hand was slightly raised.


Ye Qinghan's body no longer trembled and her eyes no longer squinted. She picked up the package on the ground, patted it gently, and tied it firmly to her back.

"You have made the biggest mistake, and that is kindness. This is not the city, nor is it your family. This is the mountains." The man in black walked slowly, carrying a bloody knife, with heavy footsteps. The sound is like the soul seducer from hell walking step by step from the road to hell.

Forehead! This is the legendary hunter, a hunter who doesn't hunt monsters, but is a hunter

The man in black nodded, as if he felt that his speaking level had improved a little today. With a cruel look in his eyes, he raised his hand and swung the knife, and swung it casually at Ye Qinghan, who was rolling on the ground. In his opinion, Ye Qinghan, who was severely injured and unable to see, had no threat at all from the dagger he was waving indiscriminately.

He sighed deeply as he looked at the man in black with his eyes open and some staring blankly.

The man in black was startled by the smile on Ye Qinghan's lips, but he didn't think too much. The knife in his hand continued to swing down without any trembling or pause. But in an instant, his cold eyes suddenly showed a hint of shock, and then turned into boundless fear.


The white airflow in the bronze ring has long been repairing its wounds. For this kind of skin trauma, Ye Qinghan has long been used to it. The powerful repairing and healing ability of the holy instrument has been revealed for more than a month. Get verified. So he was relieved, so instead of cleaning the wound, he cleaned his eyes the first time.

Ye Qinghan's body trembled more violently, her eyes narrowed even more, and she took the package off her back in a panic. Throwing it over, he carefully turned his left thigh slightly to block the black man's gaze. On the left thigh, a small part of the black dagger and its short hilt were slightly exposed.

The man in black was startled by the smile on Ye Qinghan's lips, but he didn't think too much. The knife in his hand continued to swing down without any trembling or pause. But in an instant, his cold eyes suddenly showed a hint of shock, and then turned into boundless fear.

The man in black spoke, his tone as if he was giving an order from a superior.

This is the mountain. The five major families, the God of War's Mansion, and even the great divine city in the center of the continent have no influence on the mountain. This is a world of killing, natural selection, and the survival of the strong. He is very lucky that he came here without being reckless more than a month ago.

At this moment, he felt a strange feeling in his heart for the first time. Perhaps it was the first time that he used his own force and wisdom to defeat his first enemy. Maybe it was the first time he taught someone a lesson in a lecturing tone, or maybe it was the first victory that increased his confidence even more. So my mood at the moment is very complicated, a little excited, a little happy, and a little inexplicable. The complicated mood made him forget to look at the man in black behind him, and there was a trace of hatred in his eyes when he raised his head.

He didn't care about the injury on his chest, but sat up with difficulty, pulled out the package on his back, took out the water bag, and then used a large amount of water to clear the powder in his eyes.

He saw a small black beast, a small beast that was fast and scary.

The long sword and the black package fell heavily to the ground without raising a trace of dust. But the man in black had a look of fear in his eyes, holding his left hand in his right hand, with flowers growing on his feet, and quickly retreated.

He sighed deeply as he looked at the man in black with his eyes open and some staring blankly.

The dagger was thrown in an arc in the air at a very fast speed. The man in black chuckled and raised his hand to catch the dagger.

He sighed deeply as he looked at the man in black with his eyes open and some staring blankly.

Before his knife could be cut, the little black beast flew out from the exploding rags on Ye Qinghan's chest. Then he felt a chill on his neck, and his mind was occupied by severe pain, and then he fell into Endless darkness.

Ye Qinghan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little shocked. I often walk by the river, but my shoes finally got wet today. I finally met the legendary black-hearted and cruel "hunter" today.

After Ye Qinghan finished cleaning up, he moved his foot and kicked the long sword to the feet of the man in black, turned around and left.

More than a month of life-and-death battles and years of foundation allowed him to react immediately in just one second. It's just that the powder came too fast, and the sword light came too weirdly. He only had time to quickly close his eyes and twist his body slightly to the side.

"You have made the biggest mistake, and that is kindness. This is not the city, nor is it your family. This is the mountains." The man in black walked slowly, carrying a bloody knife, with heavy footsteps. The sound is like the soul seducer from hell walking step by step from the road to hell.

He sighed deeply as he looked at the man in black with his eyes open and some staring blankly.


Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

The man in black nodded, as if he felt that his speaking level had improved a little today. With a cruel look in his eyes, he raised his hand and swung the knife, and swung it casually at Ye Qinghan, who was rolling on the ground. In his opinion, Ye Qinghan, who was severely injured and unable to see, had no threat at all from the dagger he was waving indiscriminately.

"You can choose to stay the same as your travel expenses and your life."

"Boy, hand over all your belongings and then...disappear."

"Alas..." In just a few seconds, Ye Qinghan made a decision, stretched out his hand and pulled out the dagger, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes. Then he threw the dagger towards the man in black. At that moment, he saw the proud look of the man in black.

Ye Qinghan snorted. Although the owner of the long sword had died instantly, the sword still stabbed him in the chest. New injuries appeared on the already bloody chest.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

Ye Qinghan's face was frightened and he said hurriedly: "This... Brother, without weapons, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the mountain."

Before his knife could be cut, the little black beast flew out from the exploding rags on Ye Qinghan's chest. Then he felt a chill on his neck, and his mind was occupied by severe pain, and then he fell into Endless darkness.

Ye Qinghan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little shocked. I often walk by the river, but my shoes finally got wet today. I finally met the legendary black-hearted and cruel "hunter" today.

He didn't care about the injury on his chest, but sat up with difficulty, pulled out the package on his back, took out the water bag, and then used a large amount of water to clear the powder in his eyes.

Ye Qinghan fell heavily to the ground, his green clothes turned into white robes, and the red liquid leaking from his chest dyed the white robes into red armor. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the muscles on his face were slightly distorted, and he wiped them vigorously with one hand. There was foam on his eyes, and he was waving a dagger randomly with his other hand. He looked very embarrassed and a little miserable.

An exclamation awakened him from his complicated thoughts. Ye Qinghan turned around in shock, only to see a piece of white powder and the light of the knife mixed in the powder.

Ye Qinghan snorted. Although the owner of the long sword had died instantly, the sword still stabbed him in the chest. New injuries appeared on the already bloody chest.


"I don't want your life. Don't do this business again. It's very dangerous."

The white airflow in the bronze ring has long been repairing its wounds. For this kind of skin trauma, Ye Qinghan has long been used to it. The powerful repairing and healing ability of the holy instrument has been revealed for more than a month. Get verified. So he was relieved, so instead of cleaning the wound, he cleaned his eyes the first time.

The dagger was thrown in an arc in the air at a very fast speed. The man in black chuckled and raised his hand to catch the dagger.

He didn't care about the injury on his chest, but sat up with difficulty, pulled out the package on his back, took out the water bag, and then used a large amount of water to clear the powder in his eyes.

The dagger was thrown in an arc in the air at a very fast speed. The man in black chuckled and raised his hand to catch the dagger.

This is the mountain. The five major families, the God of War's Mansion, and even the great divine city in the center of the continent have no influence on the mountain. This is a world of killing, natural selection, and the survival of the strong. He is very lucky that he came here without being reckless more than a month ago.


"You can choose to stay the same as your travel expenses and your life."

When he saw Xiao Hei's pair of black shining eyes again, he couldn't help but feel a lot in his heart... This world was no longer the pure earth he used to be, especially after leaving the city and going up the mountain.

Only on the second day, his happy mood began to end, and he met someone.

The white airflow in the bronze ring has long been repairing its wounds. For this kind of skin trauma, Ye Qinghan has long been used to it. The powerful repairing and healing ability of the holy instrument has been revealed for more than a month. Get verified. So he was relieved, so instead of cleaning the wound, he cleaned his eyes the first time.

He sighed deeply as he looked at the man in black with his eyes open and some staring blankly.

The man in black reached out and took the package. He felt the weight of the package and was very satisfied. He nodded and casually glanced at Ye Qinghan before speaking.

Ye Qinghan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little shocked. I often walk by the river, but my shoes finally got wet today. I finally met the legendary black-hearted and cruel "hunter" today.

He saw a small black beast, a small beast that was fast and scary.

He saw a small black beast, a small beast that was fast and scary.

Ye Qinghan's body no longer trembled and her eyes no longer squinted. She picked up the package on the ground, patted it gently, and tied it firmly to her back.

This is the mountain. The five major families, the God of War's Mansion, and even the great divine city in the center of the continent have no influence on the mountain. This is a world of killing, natural selection, and the survival of the strong. He is very lucky that he came here without being reckless more than a month ago.

Ye Qinghan, who was rolling around on the ground with the long sword, suddenly stopped. His eyes were still closed tightly, but the corners of his mouth suddenly raised up, half-smiling.


He sighed deeply as he looked at the man in black with his eyes open and some staring blankly.

The man in black reached out and took the package. He felt the weight of the package and was very satisfied. He nodded and casually glanced at Ye Qinghan before speaking.

This is the mountain. The five major families, the God of War's Mansion, and even the great divine city in the center of the continent have no influence on the mountain. This is a world of killing, natural selection, and the survival of the strong. He is very lucky that he came here without being reckless more than a month ago.

"Boy, hand over all your belongings and then...disappear."

Ye Qinghan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little shocked. I often walk by the river, but my shoes finally got wet today. I finally met the legendary black-hearted and cruel "hunter" today.

His body was twisted well, and the blade of light avoided his vital points and slashed across his chest, bringing out traces of blood and splitting pieces of flesh.

"You can choose to stay the same as your travel expenses and your life."

"Although I made a mistake once, it doesn't mean I will make it a second time. Regarding revenge, I also feel that one night is too long..."

He saw a small black beast, a small beast that was fast and scary.

Forehead! This is the legendary hunter, a hunter who doesn't hunt monsters, but is a hunter