Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 29: crisis


Feeling the force coming from behind, Ye Qinghan was extremely happy. The body no longer exerted any force, and relaxed all over, rolling naturally with the huge impact of the wolf corpse... It was just that while rolling, his left foot slightly controlled the downward direction.

Looking at the dark flesh on Xue Wu's abdomen, and his evasive speed that was obviously a few steps slower than usual. Xue Si knew that Lao Wu had suffered a lot of damage and was now barely holding on. He roared, ran a few steps quickly, jumped lightly, and kicked an ancient tree sideways. Like an angry lion, he got into the group of seven or eight fire wolves in front of him.

good chance!

The Ye family's war beast may be just a legend to ordinary people. Of course, the children of the Ye family would not be bored wandering around the streets with their war beasts, so ordinary people basically had no chance to see the Ye family's war beasts. But Xue Si was different. As Xue Wuhen's guards, their brothers had seen many battle beasts from the Ye family, and they had also seen Ye's frivolous seventh-grade battle beast, the violent bear. The seventh-grade violent bear is very powerful, violent and ferocious. When Xue Si saw the violent bear, he could only be angry and dare not show off, but the violent bear that Ye Qing Kuang was about to enter the mature stage...

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, Ye Qinghan's heart was in her throat, and she kept calling for the war beast Xiao Hei in her heart. At this moment, it felt like every second passed by him until he heard a cheerful voice.

More than twenty fire wolves have fallen on the ground. Only Xue Wu had to protect Xue Er and resisted a fireball attack. A large area of muscle in his abdomen and chest was burned and injured. Xue San and Xue Si suffered minor injuries that were insignificant, and the situation began to be gradually controlled by the Xue San brothers.

Looking at the huge corpse of the Fire Wolf King, Ye Qinghan's heart immediately began to spin. The fifth-level peak magic beast, the Fire Wolf King, is still dead. If he finds a way to dig out the Fire Wolf King's magic crystal and feed it to Xiao Hei, wouldn't Xiao Hei be able to enter the growth stage immediately

The situation is not bad, the three parties are currently fighting in a melee, and no one pays attention to his "corpse". Ye Qinghan squinted her eyes slightly and didn't dare to move. It didn't dare to run away in this situation. Firstly, his injuries had not fully recovered, but the three-party war had just begun. The scene was not particularly chaotic. If he rushed out rashly, he might become the target of the three parties. indefinite.

"Boss, hold on for a while. This magic crystal has a lot of energy. It should be able to get me through the period of weakness, but it will take some time to digest."

Witnessing Xue Si's crazy massacre of his companions, the remaining dozen fire wolves finally became timid and spat out more than a dozen fireballs indiscriminately before quickly escaping in all directions.

At this time, Ye Qinghan had stopped twisting and the flames on his back had been extinguished. He was lying on his side on the ground, breathing heavily. The facial features on his face were distorted due to pain. He squinted his eyes and looked at Xue Si who was walking towards him.

After Xiao Hei finished transmitting the message, he fell into a deep sleep. Ye Qinghan rolled his eyes, but felt very depressed. Why did he still need to digest? Wasn’t it possible to digest it immediately before? Why does this child just sleep when he says it? His body has begun to feel numb. Although the internal injuries of his body have been cured after this period of time, he is still feeling numb and uncomfortable all over.

Feeling that the fire was continuing to spread and smelling the pungent smell of the flames roasting meat, Ye Qinghan decided that he couldn't bear it any longer. If you endure it any longer, you will turn into a roasted pig.

The sword flashed, and the four fire wolves were broken at the waist. The remaining fire wolves quickly fought back, either extending their claws, opening their mouths wide, revealing their sharp teeth, or spitting out fireballs. At this time, Xue Si exerted his fighting instinct. He turned his body to avoid the roaring fireball, then squatted with his legs. When his body was balancing, he jumped up abruptly, resisting the fireball behind him. The fire wolf swung its claws and swung the sword in its right hand to chop two fire wolves leaping from the left and right.

Just like the sound of a watermelon bursting open, the bellies of the two fire wolves were ripped open. Then Xue Si used the momentum of the wolf claw on his back to fly forward and stabbed the fire wolf on the ground that had just finished spraying fireballs in the head. Finally, Turn back and kill the other Fire Wolf.

As soon as Xiao Hei came out, he immediately got into Ye Qinghan's clothes, stretched out a small claw, and started digging on the Fire Wolf King's head. Although Xiao Hei's claws are not as sharp and hard as its teeth, it is still not a problem to deal with the dead wolf heads. However, he is afraid of making too much noise, so Xiao Hei can only follow Ye Qinghan's instructions and dig carefully.

The Fire Wolf King actually died? Still dying not far from him

The little guy in front of me, according to the information, has just successfully awakened his bloodline, and the war beast has only been summoned for more than two months, eh! It seems to be a fourth-grade war beast, the Lion-nosed Dog? No! No, definitely not a fourth-grade Sphinx. Depend on! The information is wrong. Just by looking at the aura, this strange beast must be above level seven. Well, no matter what, let’s stop it first.

Xiao Hei responded happily and sped up. Although the Fire Wolf King's skull was very hard, it was ripped open by Xiao Hei's sharp claws. Stretching out two thin claws, Xiao Hei fiddled with the huge wolf's head for a while. Along with the white brains, a green magic crystal was also pulled out. The little black eyes gleamed as he swallowed it in, then closed his eyes and lay down.

Ye Qinghan's painful screams echoed throughout the forest, and his body twisted in pain, looking miserable. Xue Si was also frightened by his sudden twisting and screaming, but then he started laughing.

"It must be Xue Wuhen." Ye Qinghan sighed in a low voice. He just heard Xue Wu vaguely say "Master Wuhen", and he had some doubts in his heart. He had had conflicts with Xue Wuhen in Cangcheng. People from the Ye family would not blatantly send people to kill or arrest him. So he spoke to test him.

When Xue Si heard this, he followed Xue Wu's gaze and couldn't help but laugh. That unlucky good-for-nothing young master of the Ye family not only offended the young master and was slapped by his elder brother to the point of death, but now he was also unlucky enough to be hit by a stray bullet, with a raging fire burning behind him.

But at this moment, Ye Qinghan was in great pain, but he still lay there motionless, but shouted anxiously in his heart: "Xiao Hei, are you okay? Hurry up, or we will all die..."

"Uh? No! You will know after I tell you. Now just stay alone with me."

The war beast entering the growth stage is a watershed for the children of the Ye family, because only when the war beast enters the growth stage can it merge with its master, which can rapidly increase the master's strength, speed, reaction ability, etc. Once the fusion is completed, the strength will skyrocket. There is also a chance that legendary combination skills will appear.

Ye Qinghan felt relieved and exchanged a few words with Xiao Hei in her heart. Then she suddenly twisted her body and rolled continuously on the ground, extinguishing the flames on her back and making a painful cry at the same time.

"Fourth brother, you clean up the remaining fire wolves. Fifth brother, you protect yourself and your second brother. I'll help the boss kill that hybrid dragon." Xue San slashed away a fire wolf with one sword and swept the field. The few fire wolves shouted loudly, jumped a few times, and ran to the right, where Xue Yi and the giant spiny dragon were fighting.

"Fourth brother, go check on the target. The target's back is on fire. If it's not dead, don't burn it to death. You have to take it back to Master Wuhen."

Ye Qinghan gave a low shout, and the hand pressed under him clenched the dagger at the base of his thigh. With his low shout, a phantom of a lion-nosed dog with a single horn suddenly appeared in front of him. The eyes of the lion-nosed dog were like lightning, and the momentum was compelling. He inadvertently revealed an ancient and noble aura. The phantom just swept the snow coldly, and then turned into a phantom and gradually disappeared into Ye Qinghan's chest.


At this moment, he hates these fire-breathing wolf cubs. Even if you say you are a ferocious wolf, why do you still breathe fire? All right! I forgive you for breathing fire, but why do you spray it everywhere? You know, even if you don't spray it on anyone, it's not good to burn the flowers and plants. And now you've sprayed innocent people. You guys are beating you, and it’s not against the law for me to stand around and watch, right

In fact, Ye Qinghan had already woken up when Xue Er was knocked away. The blow in which Xue Yi released his war energy and turned into a big palm caused great damage to his back and many internal organs were injured. , and several of the ribs on his back were about to break. But Ye Qinghan was not afraid at all. The bronze ring on her ring finger immediately emitted a magical white airflow, which quickly healed the wounds on her body.

Although the flash of surprise in Xue Si's eyes was quickly covered up, it was not hidden from Ye Qinghan's eyes. Ye Qinghan narrowed her eyes even more as she watched Xue Si frantically stretched out her fingers to touch his acupuncture points to seal off his fighting spirit.

The battle with the giant spiny dragon was raging in the distance. Hearing the noise here, Xue Yi glanced coldly and continued to fight, while Xue San turned around and asked with concern.

Looking at the dumbfounded man in black, he moved, holding the dagger in his right hand, and waved it lightly, turning into an afterimage, passing in front of Xuesi.

"Ouch!" "Ouch!" "Roar!"

Although the fire wolves are level four monsters, Xuesan and the others, who are both at the command level, are not very afraid of them. As long as they quickly avoid the fireballs they send out and get close to them, they can easily kill or injure them.


"This? This is the fusion of Ye family's war beasts? How come it has such a big momentum? What grade is the one-horned beast just now? How can it have such great pressure? It was just a brief glance. , it actually pressed me so hard that my soul almost left my body. Um... "

Regardless of the burning pain on his feet and the fireballs flying at any time, Ye Qinghan began to communicate with Xiao Hei in his soul. After a moment, a black airflow slowly appeared under his body. The airflow slowly condensed, and a small beast as big as a palm appeared.

Just when he was about to roll to extinguish the flames on his trousers, a wolf corpse suddenly flew from behind. The whole head of the wolf corpse was smashed and it was dripping with bright red blood.

Thinking of the giant steel-like tail of the giant spiny dragon and Xue Yi's big yellow hands when fighting spirit was released, Ye Qinghan shrank slightly. Suddenly he seemed to remember something, it seemed that... he didn't see the Fire Wolf King

In order to clear up the doubts in his mind, he began to move his head slightly, and his slightly narrowed eyes began to look around. Finally he spotted the big guy on the side of his body.

Rolling and rolling, the path was finally blocked by the corpse of the Fire Wolf King in front of him. So Ye Qinghan naturally lay on the Fire Wolf King's wolf head, face down, and the flames on his calves were extinguished, revealing a piece of blackened meat and tattered trousers.

This was the time when the scene was at its most chaotic. Although the battle location between Xue Yi and the giant spiny dragon gradually moved to the left under Xueyi's guidance, it was still possible for the giant spiny dragon's long tail to sweep this way. Xue Wu had already tied Xue Er to his back and started to cooperate with Xue San and Xue Si to slaughter the fire wolves.

"Fourth child? Is it okay?"

From time to time, there were fireballs whizzing past his ears. Ye Qinghan knew that the scene had become chaotic, and he did not dare to let Xiao Hei continue digging slowly. Maybe a fireball would land on his back in the next second, completely exposing his plan to pretend to be dead. So taking advantage of the chaos, we can only take risks and speed up.

Xue San, who was avoiding the fireball in the field, tore off the mask that was burned by the fireball, revealing a square face with Chinese characters, and laughed: "Don't worry, Third Brother! There are still more than twenty miscellaneous hairs. Wolf, I alone am enough. Is it okay for you to protect yourself, Old Five?"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qinghan twisted his facial features. Although his performance just now was a bit exaggerated, he hit his meridians every day and enjoyed a life of pain every night. Although he was somewhat immune to the pain in his body, he still had a large area of burns on his back. The pain still made his heart tremble a little. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Xue Si in front of him, and spoke with difficulty.

"Haha! It's okay. The target is not dead yet. He was hit by a fireball. I locked him up and came to help you." Xue Si responded loudly and turned towards Ye Qinghan.

Sand, sand, sand!

God help me!

From time to time, there were roars in my ears, as well as the sound of fireballs breaking through the air, and the roars of Xue San and the others. Obviously the scene had reached its most intense moment. Ye Qinghan didn't dare to move anymore. But when a wolf corpse hit the Fire Wolf King, he took advantage of the situation and swam slightly. At this time, he was no longer lying on the Fire Wolf's head. Above, he was leaning side by side with the fire wolf head, just blocking the blood hole on the fire wolf's head with his body. At the same time, he also used the huge fire wolf head to hide himself better, so that he would have a higher chance of being hit by the fireballs flying all over the sky. Smaller.

On the other hand, Xue Yi became more and more courageous as he fought. The suffocation caused by more than a month of boring missions, and the anger that Xue Er had been whipped into unconsciousness by the giant spiny dragon, all turned into powerful combat power at this moment. . The strength of the second-level General Realm and his frequent life-and-death experiences have made him extremely powerful at the moment. The Giant Spiny Dragon, whose strength was originally only comparable to that of the General Realm, was defeated by the Fire Wolf King after a battle with the Fire Wolf King. He was slightly injured from the blow before his death. So at this moment, Xue Yi gradually gained the upper hand, suppressing the giant spiny dragon in the fight.

Xue Wu moved his steps casually, dodged a fireball, and put down the stone in his heart. The fire wolf has retreated, and with the addition of Xue San, the giant spiny dragon is certain to die. He let out a long sigh and glanced around to see if there were any fire wolves left. However, when he saw the direction of the Fire Wolf King, he suddenly frowned slightly and said:


Gulu, Gulu!

Ye Qinghan has long been accustomed to the magical healing power of the white air flow. He can even boast that as long as he is not killed in one blow or his limbs are not broken or broken, the white air flow can repair any injury. So after he woke up, the first thing he didn't care about was his injury. Instead, he listened carefully to the current situation, and then squinted his eyes slightly to confirm again.

A look of misfortune and helplessness suddenly flashed across Ye Qinghan's eyes - he was shot, and a fireball accidentally hit his trouser leg. He didn't care at all about the pain of the fireball hitting his calf, but slowly began to hurt his trouser leg. The spreading flames gave him the urge to vomit blood.

"You will know later." Xue Sifang's face was serious.


In just one minute, all eight fire wolves were wiped out!


Xue Wu, who was carrying Xue Er on his back, nodded silently, deftly dodged the fire wolf's fireballs, and said, "Third brother, hurry up and take care of these wolves, I can still hold on here."

There is no doubt that Xiao Hei is a holy beast. The vision of summoning space, the period of weakness is so long, and he can have such terrifying strength before he has passed the period of weakness. The most important thing is that he can also communicate with the soul of his master. Everything is possible. It shows that Xiao Hei is extraordinary. If you merge with Xiaohei, how will your strength skyrocket? He was looking forward to it.

At this moment, Ye Qinghan felt a powerful energy quickly penetrate into his body, his meridians, and every cell in his body. Along with the grunting, the muscles all over his body began to tremble, and waves of warmth kept flowing through his body. Everywhere he went, the muscles there began to tremble, contract, and then swell.

"Why... why attack me? I know you are not hunters."

Ye Qinghan was lying on the ground, his mind racing, how to approach the Fire Wolf King silently, it didn't dare to sneak up to the Fire Wolf King blatantly, then gouge the Fire Wolf King's head to pieces, and take out the magic crystal. Call out Xiao Hei and eat slowly. Not to mention that those men in black would definitely stop his actions, even if the fire wolves on the ground found that he was desecrating the body of their leader, they would instantly tear him to pieces.

"War beast fusion!"

This taste does not feel like it is about to burst, but is very comfortable and enjoyable. At this time, a black miniature version of the Soul-Eating Beast tattoo slowly appeared on the left corner of his eye. The black line tattoo did not make his delicate face look ugly, but he looked extremely evil. A second later, Ye Qinghan's slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened wide, and the pure black pupils flashed with rays of light, like lightning, dazzling.

"Speed up, Blackie!"