Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 49: Super Dantian


Of course Ye Qinghan didn't know at this moment that his status in the hearts of Ye Shisan and others had changed from disgust and disgust to closeness and respect. He didn't deliberately do anything to make them respect him. He was just doing certain things according to his nature. From the words of Ye Thirteen and Seventeen, I learned that they were all dead men of the family, people who silently dedicated themselves to the family without thinking of anything in return. Therefore, he respects these people very much and does not feel superior to others because of their status and his current status. Even because they all went to participate in the war to save their sister, I felt a little grateful and guilty towards them. Furthermore, he was very easy-going with the Death Team, respected Ye Thirteen and Seventeen, and told himself that he was working hard to improve his strength as soon as possible in order to save more lives in the battle and complete the mission faster.

And Ye Qinghan's goal at the moment is not to mention making his Dantian the size of an ostrich egg, but at least the size of an egg, right? So he slept in the carriage every day, constantly exploding the balloon, and then repaired the bronze ring constantly, and made the membrane on the surface of the balloon more rigid.

Of course, Ye Qinghan didn't have the habit of being abused, nor was there something wrong with his pain nerves. But he discovered a long time ago that after the meridians burst, they would become tougher and more generous after being repaired by the magical air flow.

So if a warrior without a Dantian is considered a baby, a warrior at the General level with a Dantian is definitely considered a teenager. As for the powerful emperors who have vaguely sensed some rules of heaven and earth, they can be regarded as young people. Reaching the saint level or above is definitely the prime of life.

So he started blowing up balloons, but on the afternoon of the first day of practice, the balloon burst, causing his mind to shake, his hands and feet to feel numb, and blood to flow from the corners of his mouth. But it seemed that he was very used to this thing, and he didn't even hum. I rested in the carriage for an afternoon and drank a jar of wine. By evening, everything was fine.

Therefore, after careful consideration, he decided to create a peerless Dantian. Create a Dantian that is more tolerant and tougher than other general realms, and can even be said to be able to win over the powerful men in the princes realm.

It feels like the meridians that have burst and repaired many times in the past two days are no longer strong and should have reached their limit. He decided to completely condense his Dantian today. He couldn't wait to know how powerful the Dantian would be after it was condensed!

The fighting energy circulates, not as brutally and fiercely as in the past, but gently and slowly flowing towards that meridian, that junction point. Then continue to gently and slowly expand the bulging meridians, with gentle and careful movements, just like a groom gently and slowly unbuttoning the bride's dress on the first night of a wedding. The balloon slowly grew bigger and bulged.

Day 15.

"Damn! It's a bit scary!"

Feeling that his Dantian was obviously much larger than what the secret technique said, Ye Qinghan felt happy and sped up. After determining the limit of Dantian expansion, quickly activate the fighting energy, allowing the fighting energy to flow through the Dantian cells to the surface of the Dantian acupoint, and then use secret techniques to firmly unite the Dantian and Dantian acupoints and stabilize them. .

Ye Shisan and Ye Shiqi were a little confused outside. Looking at the City of Ecstasy not far away, Ye Shiqi still frowned and muttered in a low voice: "Even though I have come to the holy land of men - City of Ecstasy, I am also a little excited. , but there’s no need for the young master to smile so obviously, right? So... slutty, right?”

It continued in the evening, and continued to use fighting spirit to directly and arrogantly open the junction point of the Dantian point, and then continued to explode. Then, after sitting cross-legged for a while, he fell asleep.

He needs to condense his Dantian, break through the realm of command, and step into the realm of general.

Ye Qinghan sat cross-legged in the carriage with an expressionless face, while the wind whistled and there was a slight noise outside the carriage. It didn't affect his mind at all.

Ten carriages drove quickly and smoothly on the road. Ye Shisan and Ye Shiqi sat calmly in front of the third carriage, with natural and leisurely expressions. But their eyes that kept turning and the backs of their ears that kept shaking betrayed their constant vigilance.

Fighting energy is like wine, and the meridians of the human body are the bottles containing wine, but these bottles are very small. If a warrior needs more power, he must have more fighting spirit, which also requires a bigger bottle. Therefore, the last level of a warrior's basic training is to condense a larger bottle and condense the Dantian.

Condensing the Dantian sounds simple, but is actually very complicated. The simple reason is that in theory, to condense the Dantian, you only need to continuously squeeze and support the junction point of the twelve meridians in the Dantian acupoint, so that the junction point will expand, and finally support the junction point into an oval shape. And let both sides of the oval ball fuse with the Dantian point, and it will be considered successful if it becomes stable.

Thinking of the young man in the carriage, the two of them no longer felt the disgust or even disgust they had before, but instead felt a deep respect and closeness from the bottom of their hearts. Ever since Qinghan stepped off the carriage that night, they found more and more that this young master was obviously different from the young masters they had served in the past.

blow a balloon? be careful? Is it easy to explode if one is not good

Fighting spirit can be quickly obtained by warriors through practice. Therefore, the strength of a warrior depends on how much fighting energy he can store in his body and how well he uses the fighting energy. The most important thing for storing fighting energy is Dantian. After a warrior condenses his Dantian, he needs to continuously expand and cultivate his Dantian so that he can accumulate more fighting energy. It's like, a Dantian that has just been condensed is like a pigeon egg, and then it slowly grows bigger after the warrior continues to practice. When a warrior reaches the marshal realm, he will become as big as an egg, and then after continuing to practice to reach the vassal realm, he will become as big as an ostrich egg.

Once the Dantian is successfully condensed, the warrior's fighting spirit will have a storage space many times larger than before. Second, it can make the fighting energy circulate faster in the meridians. The twelve meridians, nine small meridians, and three major meridians of the human body have a common connection point, which is the Dantian point in the lower abdomen, so the Dantian condenses in the Dantian point. Relatively speaking, the Dantian point is the closest to every part of the human body. If you need to use fighting energy, the fighting energy can reach all parts of the body more quickly starting from the Dantian. Unnecessary fighting energy returns to Dantian, and needed fighting energy is deployed from Dantian. Dantian is like a general hub, allowing fighting energy to play a greater role and function faster, so Dantian is very important.

The carriage had traveled more than half the distance and had already passed the Ye family's sphere of influence and reached the Yue family's territory. In order to better protect the young man in the carriage, they need to be constantly alert to the surrounding situation and always be prepared to deal with unexpected special situations.

The reason why it is complicated is that the process should not be too violent, the fighting spirit should be controlled gently, and the balloon needs to be blown up slowly and carefully. And it needs to be blown a little louder, and then the war energy is used to warm it for a period of time, so that the meridians where the point is located can slowly become thicker and tougher to prevent it from bursting. Then keep blowing. Moreover, you need to focus entirely on that point, that balloon, to sense its limit and control the speed of the fighting spirit. Because... this job is related to your own cultivation and life. If the balloon bursts, your cultivation is likely to be ruined. If the explosion is violent, your life may be lost.

Maybe it's because the young master was not favored by his family when he was a child or because of his nature. Ye Qinghan didn't have any airs, he was very easy-going towards the Death Team, and he treated the two of them with great respect, which made them feel very comfortable and honored. This made the two of them feel a little closer to Ye Qinghan, their master, and they felt a little satisfied.

What made them even more respected was the young master's hard work in training. In addition to eating and sleeping, Ye Qinghan practiced in the carriage every day. They were able to stand out among a thousand orphans back then. Of course they knew that if a warrior wanted to become a strong man, talent was definitely indispensable. But in addition to talent Besides, hard work is the most important thing. And since Master Han can break through the third level of the command realm in more than a month, his talent must be pretty good, at least not bad now. Now they see that he is so diligent in training, and they heard that he also has a very good war beast. Although they don't know how good it is, they know that if Master Han continues to work hard, he will definitely become a warrior in the future. The strong, and the strong, need to be respected.

The second day, the third day... and the ninth day were all explosions. There was no other possibility except explosion... Because he originally used his fighting energy to burst that meridian directly, and he did it on purpose.

Are you afraid of exploding? Ye Qinghan smiled and looked at the bronze ring in his hand, feeling very emotional in his heart. With this sacred artifact and bronze ring, I am afraid that if a pig knows how to practice, he can practice to the general level!

But for Ye Qinghan, the task of condensing the dantian was extremely simple. After watching the secret technique of condensing Dantian prepared by Ye Tianlong for him one day in the carriage, he laughed.

Another half an hour passed, Ye Qinghan slowly opened his eyes, stretched out his hands and rubbed his face fiercely, and then started laughing loudly!

So at this moment, I am still sitting in the carriage, closing my eyes, and practicing continuously.

Half an hour later, the balloon stopped growing, and the balloon was not in the shape of a long elliptical sphere as described in Ye Tianlong's secret technique, with only two points on both sides connecting with the Dantian points. Instead, it is in the shape of a rectangular oval. Instead of two points connecting with the Dantian point, two entire surfaces are firmly attached to the Dantian point.

"Ha ha… "