Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 55: Quiet Lake


Jinghu is, of course, a lake. This lake was originally located outside the east wall of Ecstasy City. However, after years of transformation by the Yue family, it was enclosed. The east wall was expanded several times, and now it encompasses the entire Jinghu Lake. In the city of ecstasy.

"Er? A forbidden area for men?" Ye Qinghan was indeed stunned by the news. He looked at the hazy island in the lake in the distance, nodded, and couldn't help but asked in a low voice with even more confusion: "There is a man inside nothing?"


"Uh, Nannan, let's sail the boat!" Yueniang followed in after the dragon water came in. She stood quietly on the side without speaking or showing anything. Seeing Ye Qinghan speak at this moment, she smiled slightly, He said to the woman behind the boat.

"No, no! A veiled woman is also a kind of hazy beauty. What's the saying? What you can't get is the best. The woman in front of you has the essence. What you can't see clearly is more beautiful. "Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, seemingly ignoring the cold eyes that Ye Qinghan handed over to her, and waved her folding fan in an unparalleled way.

Ye Qinghan was a little speechless, and closed her mouth in a sly voice, but her heart felt like a cold wind blowing through her, and she shivered... If she went to the island later, she met a group of wolf-like and tiger-like harems, and they attacked madly. If we come up, can these few of us be able to hold on

The song is a poem, with no drum accompaniment, no lights and beautiful scenery to add color, it is just sung a cappella. The singer's voice didn't have any special emotion, and there was no dancing to add color to it, but everyone felt as if they had flown to the heavenly palace and listened to the peerless fairy music sung by the fairies.

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

"Young masters, please come!" While Ye Qinghan was thinking wildly, a small boat rowed up in the distance. Yueniang smiled and made an inviting gesture, indicating that they could get on the boat.

"What? Mr. Han, do you have any other opinions?" Feng Zi said with some curiosity when he saw Ye Qinghan alone in silence and shook his head slightly.

"Young masters, wait a moment, there is one more person. Uh! Here he comes!" Yueniang answered respectfully, and everyone looked at the front of the boat in surprise. Who else was qualified to sit on the same boat with them? But when they saw a handsome face and slightly curly hair through the blurred curtain, they all smiled.

Seeing this, Yueniang couldn't help her curiosity and asked sideways: "Master Han, do you think your singing is not good?"

The beautiful flowers and plants stretched out their hands to flick the sides of their elastic jackets, and followed suit. Seeing this, Feng Zi and Ye Qinghan also got in. The boat is not big, but it is elegantly decorated, just like a small living room. The bow and stern are separated by a light silk curtain, and the outside scenery can be vaguely seen.

"Hello, Brother Shui Shui!" Everyone in the boat smiled naturally and seemed to have forgotten what happened a few days ago. They greeted each other with a smile. Xue Wuhen closed his folding fan, pointed to the seat next to him, and personally gave Long Shui Shui Pour a cup of tea.

"Is this Jinghu? Nothing special?"

"Is this Jinghu? Nothing special?"

Looking at Xue Wuhen opposite him with squinted eyes, Ye Qinghan silently pinched his fingers. Thinking of what Ye Qingniu said that night three days ago, he let go of his fingers again, picked up the tea on the table and drank it.

"Um? Going to bed so soon? Oh no, on the boat!" Ye Qinghan felt frightened and thought to herself, hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Crazy brother, please go first, I am weak and can't bear it!" "

"The shadow of the Zhulou is straight at noon, and the jade tree is overshadowed by the low moon for three days. The greasy powder is dark and the silver is carved. I use the wrong knife to cut the mud gold shirt. I am afraid of causing the black dragon to bark on the embroidery bed. The brocade characters are worried about teaching the bluebird's title... Baiwei is refined. Pity and benefit my mother, thousands of flowers are blooming and half of them are suitable for men. Who can envy a mandarin duck with a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. The wandering bee flutters about in joy, pretending to guess what the magpie is murmuring."

"No, no! A veiled woman is also a kind of hazy beauty. What's the saying? What you can't get is the best. The woman in front of you has the essence. What you can't see clearly is more beautiful. "Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, seemingly ignoring the cold eyes that Ye Qinghan handed over to her, and waved her folding fan in an unparalleled way.

"Nothing to talk about? I'm just sighing at the peerless beauty of the women of the Yue family. Mr. Long, even the women of the Yue family who support the boat are so stunning. It's hard to imagine what the beauty of the women from Jinghu Island must be." Feng Zi seemed to be indifferent. His limbs are well-developed, but his mind is not simple. Although I heard that he has a bad temper like an ox, he does seem to have a very smooth personality today. He doesn't offend anyone and makes friends with everyone. He is a well-rounded person.

Ye Qinghan and several young masters followed Yueniang to the blue lake. Although the mountains and rivers here are indeed beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. Although the mountains here are greener and the water is prettier than elsewhere, it is also It is just an ordinary small lake, far from the imagination of Jinghu Lake as a holy place in the minds of the world's talents, which is a bit disappointing.

Several people went in and took their seats one by one. Yueniang also followed in. She offered them a few cups of tea, then bowed, walked out of the boat, and stood at the bow.

Ye Qinghan and several young masters followed Yueniang to the blue lake. Although the mountains and rivers here are indeed beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. Although the mountains here are greener and the water is prettier than elsewhere, it is also It is just an ordinary small lake, far from the imagination of Jinghu Lake as a holy place in the minds of the world's talents, which is a bit disappointing.

"All ears." Xue Wuhen also said with a smile, Feng Zi and Huacao also smiled slightly, and Ye Qinghan nodded lightly.

Ye Qinghan was a little speechless, and closed her mouth in a sly voice, but her heart felt like a cold wind blowing through her, and she shivered... If she went to the island later, she met a group of wolf-like and tiger-like harems, and they attacked madly. If we come up, can these few of us be able to hold on

"You all came so early. The water flow is late. I apologize." Long Shui Shui walked in with a smile and greeted politely. His face was still radiant, and he could not tell that he had met for the first time three days ago. There is a slight difference.

The masked woman behind the boat still didn't speak or turn around, rocking the boat silently, but after a long time Shen Shen sighed slightly and sang softly:

"Hey, there is nothing special about this lake. What is special is the small island in the lake. It is where the core children of the Yue family live. All of them are beautiful women. Usually, it is not a summer fire festival, but it is a forbidden and holy place for men. . We are the first people to enter the Holy Land in fifteen years, don't you think it's special?" Feng Zi still carried his long sword on his back, smiled, and whispered into Ye Qinghan's ear to explain.

Ye Qinghan remained silent for a while under the gaze of several people, then slowly drank the tea and said leisurely: "The song is a good song, the poem is a good poem, and the singing is also very good, but... this poem, this song, this The good mood created by the scene was ruined by some idiots! It's sad... "

Ye Qinghan shook his head, but sighed deeply in his heart, these prostitutes actually compare themselves to literati and prostitutes? It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and each generation becomes more waves.

"Brother Wuhen, you should become a poet and be able to recite a good poem." Huacao smiled softly and sighed.

The four people turned around and looked at Ye Qinghan with some doubts. This was their first time hearing such a beautiful piece of music. Why was Ye Qinghan so silent? Even a somewhat disdainful expression

Long Shuishui picked up the tea and took a sip without ceremony. He smiled and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Er? A forbidden area for men?" Ye Qinghan was indeed stunned by the news. He looked at the hazy island in the lake in the distance, nodded, and couldn't help but asked in a low voice with even more confusion: "There is a man inside nothing?"

"Oh?" Long Shuihui looked at the back of the boat seriously for a while, with a drunken expression on his face, and sighed: "Such a woman is really enchanting, but it's a pity that her face is covered and she can't see her true face. It's a pity."

"Absolutely not!" Feng Zi nodded seriously.

Ye Qinghan was a little speechless, and closed her mouth in a sly voice, but her heart felt like a cold wind blowing through her, and she shivered... If she went to the island later, she met a group of wolf-like and tiger-like harems, and they attacked madly. If we come up, can these few of us be able to hold on

"Absolutely not!" Feng Zi nodded seriously.

Feng Zi's words woke up several people in the boat, and several people turned their heads to look. Huacao and Fengzi were the most direct. They stared at the masked woman and kept praising her. Xue Wuhen's eyes, one black and one gray, flickered, and she waved and closed the folding fan in her hand, as if she was admiring her, but the trace of greed that flashed in her pupils betrayed her. into his heart. Ye Qinghan glanced at it and withdrew his eyes, mainly because the artificial expression of Xue Wuhen opposite him made him lose his appetite and not in the mood. Moreover, Feng Zi originally said that there were a group of people living on the island who had no food all year round. He is a little afraid of women who have seen men.

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

"Yue Niang, why haven't you sailed yet?"

Ye Qinghan shook his head, but sighed deeply in his heart, these prostitutes actually compare themselves to literati and prostitutes? It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and each generation becomes more waves.

Ye Qinghan was a little speechless, and closed her mouth in a sly voice, but her heart felt like a cold wind blowing through her, and she shivered... If she went to the island later, she met a group of wolf-like and tiger-like harems, and they attacked madly. If we come up, can these few of us be able to hold on

Forehead? What does it mean

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

"Young masters, please come!" While Ye Qinghan was thinking wildly, a small boat rowed up in the distance. Yueniang smiled and made an inviting gesture, indicating that they could get on the boat.

Ye Qinghan shook his head, but sighed deeply in his heart, these prostitutes actually compare themselves to literati and prostitutes? It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and each generation becomes more waves.

Ye Qinghan and several young masters followed Yueniang to the blue lake. Although the mountains and rivers here are indeed beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. Although the mountains here are greener and the water is prettier than elsewhere, it is also It is just an ordinary small lake, far from the imagination of Jinghu Lake as a holy place in the minds of the world's talents, which is a bit disappointing.

"All ears." Xue Wuhen also said with a smile, Feng Zi and Huacao also smiled slightly, and Ye Qinghan nodded lightly.

"I don't have any opinion. I think we should ask Yueniang to sail the boat, otherwise we will miss lunch." Ye Qinghan said lightly, not wanting to express any opinion. Xue Wuhen's coquettish performance made him want to vomit, and Long The shameless addition of water made the trip to the quiet lake that he was originally interested in become boring. He looked through the window in a daze at the rippling lake in the distance, thinking of Cangcheng's sister, and his mood became depressed.

When Long Shui Shui heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Uh? I can't wait for you to ask for it."

And when the Yue family's affairs are settled, they will go to the mansion to fight, and there will be a three-party melee. Then there will be plenty of opportunities to influence Xue Wuhen. So Ye Qinghan can only hold back for now, but fortunately, the fire he was holding back that day also vented a little on Long Shuihui, and he is not so angry now, and he knows that Xue Wuhen is the person he must kill, He is a mortal person, so there is no need to worry too much about a dead person.

"Master Han, please go first." Feng Zi shook her chest muscles to show her demeanor.

"Um? Going to bed so soon? Oh no, on the boat!" Ye Qinghan felt frightened and thought to herself, hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Crazy brother, please go first, I am weak and can't bear it!" "

Several people went in and took their seats one by one. Yueniang also followed in. She offered them a few cups of tea, then bowed, walked out of the boat, and stood at the bow.

"I love to count the palms of lizards, and pick out the tortoiseshell hairpins every time I remember the light. The sadness of the years in the smoke cave is still there, the star bridge is empty overnight, the seasons are ashamed and wasted in front of the window, the world's romantic smiles are bitterly familiar... Paying my salary, I secretly hung my sandalwood sleeves to learn Tongshen. It should be noted that the stone's heart is hard to settle, but it is already parting with the clouds. Seeing the scattered scenery, the sound of the strings is still looking towards the south of the Yangtze River... "

"The shadow of the Zhulou is straight at noon, and the jade tree is overshadowed by the low moon for three days. The greasy powder is dark and the silver is carved. I use the wrong knife to cut the mud gold shirt. I am afraid of causing the black dragon to bark on the embroidery bed. The brocade characters are worried about teaching the bluebird's title... Baiwei is refined. Pity and benefit my mother, thousands of flowers are blooming and half of them are suitable for men. Who can envy a mandarin duck with a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. The wandering bee flutters about in joy, pretending to guess what the magpie is murmuring."

"Um? Going to bed so soon? Oh no, on the boat!" Ye Qinghan felt frightened and thought to herself, hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Crazy brother, please go first, I am weak and can't bear it!" "

"I love to count the palms of lizards, and pick out the tortoiseshell hairpins every time I remember the light. The sadness of the years in the smoke cave is still there, the star bridge is empty overnight, the seasons are ashamed and wasted in front of the window, the world's romantic smiles are bitterly familiar... Paying my salary, I secretly hung my sandalwood sleeves to learn Tongshen. It should be noted that the stone's heart is hard to settle, but it is already parting with the clouds. Seeing the scattered scenery, the sound of the strings is still looking towards the south of the Yangtze River... "

Ye Qinghan remained silent for a while under the gaze of several people, then slowly drank the tea and said leisurely: "The song is a good song, the poem is a good poem, and the singing is also very good, but... this poem, this song, this The good mood created by the scene was ruined by some idiots! It's sad... "

"Yue Niang, why haven't you sailed yet?"

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, stood up, and said with a slight smile: "It is indeed a good poem. Who can envy a mandarin duck if he has a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. Why should I envy others or be ashamed of myself? You know, as a girl With your beauty and talent, I am afraid that all the talented people in the world will be attracted by this girl, right? At least the five of us are fascinated by you, right?"

Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, stood up, and said with a slight smile: "It is indeed a good poem. Who can envy a mandarin duck if he has a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. Why should I envy others or be ashamed of myself? You know, as a girl With your beauty and talent, I am afraid that all the talented people in the world will be attracted by this girl, right? At least the five of us are fascinated by you, right?"

"Uh, Nannan, let's sail the boat!" Yueniang followed in after the dragon water came in. She stood quietly on the side without speaking or showing anything. Seeing Ye Qinghan speak at this moment, she smiled slightly, He said to the woman behind the boat.

The masked woman behind the boat still didn't speak or turn around, rocking the boat silently, but after a long time Shen Shen sighed slightly and sang softly:

"Huh, since you two are so polite, I'll get on first." Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, smiled slightly, and got into the boat.

Ye Qinghan remained silent for a while under the gaze of several people, then slowly drank the tea and said leisurely: "The song is a good song, the poem is a good poem, and the singing is also very good, but... this poem, this song, this The good mood created by the scene was ruined by some idiots! It's sad... "

"Yue Niang, why haven't you sailed yet?"

The masked woman behind the boat still didn't speak or turn around, rocking the boat silently, but after a long time Shen Shen sighed slightly and sang softly:

"Young masters, wait a moment, there is one more person. Uh! Here he comes!" Yueniang answered respectfully, and everyone looked at the front of the boat in surprise. Who else was qualified to sit on the same boat with them? But when they saw a handsome face and slightly curly hair through the blurred curtain, they all smiled.

"The Yue family is indeed the Yue family. Even the people rowing the boats are all stunning beauties." Feng Zi glanced around as soon as he came in, and finally fixed his eyes on the woman supporting the bed behind the boat. Through the blurred door curtain, a graceful woman at the stern of the boat was holding one hand on the oar. Only the side of her body could be seen. The woman was wearing a blue palace dress, but her face could be seen covered with a white silk scarf. Although the door curtain was a bit blurry and her face was covered, she could only see her graceful, concave and convex figure, and her light and elegant figure. The temperament is very mind-blowing.

The beautiful flowers and plants stretched out their hands to flick the sides of their elastic jackets, and followed suit. Seeing this, Feng Zi and Ye Qinghan also got in. The boat is not big, but it is elegantly decorated, just like a small living room. The bow and stern are separated by a light silk curtain, and the outside scenery can be vaguely seen.

Long Shuishui picked up the tea and took a sip without ceremony. He smiled and said, "What are you talking about?"

Feng Zi also nodded and sighed: "Brother Wuhen is absolutely right. The ancients said that the most beautiful time for a woman is when she takes off her clothes and takes a bath. I think we can add one more time today. Women are also very beautiful when they are masked. Beautiful."

"Young masters, wait a moment, there is one more person. Uh! Here he comes!" Yueniang answered respectfully, and everyone looked at the front of the boat in surprise. Who else was qualified to sit on the same boat with them? But when they saw a handsome face and slightly curly hair through the blurred curtain, they all smiled.

Forehead? What does it mean

The four people turned around and looked at Ye Qinghan with some doubts. This was their first time hearing such a beautiful piece of music. Why was Ye Qinghan so silent? Even a somewhat disdainful expression

Several people went in and took their seats one by one. Yueniang also followed in. She offered them a few cups of tea, then bowed, walked out of the boat, and stood at the bow.

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

And when the Yue family's affairs are settled, they will go to the mansion to fight, and there will be a three-party melee. Then there will be plenty of opportunities to influence Xue Wuhen. So Ye Qinghan can only hold back for now, but fortunately, the fire he was holding back that day also vented a little on Long Shuihui, and he is not so angry now, and he knows that Xue Wuhen is the person he must kill, He is a mortal person, so there is no need to worry too much about a dead person.

"Um? Going to bed so soon? Oh no, on the boat!" Ye Qinghan felt frightened and thought to herself, hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Crazy brother, please go first, I am weak and can't bear it!" "

"Good songs, good tunes, good poems. Such good songs can only be found in heaven. How many times do you have to hear them in the human world? Girl Nannan, this song really makes my heart surge. I'm afraid I won't know the taste of meat even in three months. ” After a long time, Long Shuiliu clapped his hands loudly and stood up, looking lovingly at the graceful figure behind the boat, and said with a laugh.

"Nothing to talk about? I'm just sighing at the peerless beauty of the women of the Yue family. Mr. Long, even the women of the Yue family who support the boat are so stunning. It's hard to imagine what the beauty of the women from Jinghu Island must be." Feng Zi seemed to be indifferent. His limbs are well-developed, but his mind is not simple. Although I heard that he has a bad temper like an ox, he does seem to have a very smooth personality today. He doesn't offend anyone and makes friends with everyone. He is a well-rounded person.

Feng Zi also nodded and sighed: "Brother Wuhen is absolutely right. The ancients said that the most beautiful time for a woman is when she takes off her clothes and takes a bath. I think we can add one more time today. Women are also very beautiful when they are masked. Beautiful."

"The Yue family is indeed the Yue family. Even the people rowing the boats are all stunning beauties." Feng Zi glanced around as soon as he came in, and finally fixed his eyes on the woman supporting the bed behind the boat. Through the blurred door curtain, a graceful woman at the stern of the boat was holding one hand on the oar. Only the side of her body could be seen. The woman was wearing a blue palace dress, but her face could be seen covered with a white silk scarf. Although the door curtain was a bit blurry and her face was covered, she could only see her graceful, concave and convex figure, and her light and elegant figure. The temperament is very mind-blowing.

Ye Qinghan was a little speechless, and closed her mouth in a sly voice, but her heart felt like a cold wind blowing through her, and she shivered... If she went to the island later, she met a group of wolf-like and tiger-like harems, and they attacked madly. If we come up, can these few of us be able to hold on

"I love to count the palms of lizards, and pick out the tortoiseshell hairpins every time I remember the light. The sadness of the years in the smoke cave is still there, the star bridge is empty overnight, the seasons are ashamed and wasted in front of the window, the world's romantic smiles are bitterly familiar... Paying my salary, I secretly hung my sandalwood sleeves to learn Tongshen. It should be noted that the stone's heart is hard to settle, but it is already parting with the clouds. Seeing the scattered scenery, the sound of the strings is still looking towards the south of the Yangtze River... "

"Er? A forbidden area for men?" Ye Qinghan was indeed stunned by the news. He looked at the hazy island in the lake in the distance, nodded, and couldn't help but asked in a low voice with even more confusion: "There is a man inside nothing?"

"Uh, Nannan, let's sail the boat!" Yueniang followed in after the dragon water came in. She stood quietly on the side without speaking or showing anything. Seeing Ye Qinghan speak at this moment, she smiled slightly, He said to the woman behind the boat.

"Nothing to talk about? I'm just sighing at the peerless beauty of the women of the Yue family. Mr. Long, even the women of the Yue family who support the boat are so stunning. It's hard to imagine what the beauty of the women from Jinghu Island must be." Feng Zi seemed to be indifferent. His limbs are well-developed, but his mind is not simple. Although I heard that he has a bad temper like an ox, he does seem to have a very smooth personality today. He doesn't offend anyone and makes friends with everyone. He is a well-rounded person.

Feng Zi's words woke up several people in the boat, and several people turned their heads to look. Huacao and Fengzi were the most direct. They stared at the masked woman and kept praising her. Xue Wuhen's eyes, one black and one gray, flickered, and she waved and closed the folding fan in her hand, as if she was admiring her, but the trace of greed that flashed in her pupils betrayed her. into his heart. Ye Qinghan glanced at it and withdrew his eyes, mainly because the artificial expression of Xue Wuhen opposite him made him lose his appetite and not in the mood. Moreover, Feng Zi originally said that there were a group of people living on the island who had no food all year round. He is a little afraid of women who have seen men.

"The shadow of the Zhulou is straight at noon, and the jade tree is overshadowed by the low moon for three days. The greasy powder is dark and the silver is carved. I use the wrong knife to cut the mud gold shirt. I am afraid of causing the black dragon to bark on the embroidery bed. The brocade characters are worried about teaching the bluebird's title... Baiwei is refined. Pity and benefit my mother, thousands of flowers are blooming and half of them are suitable for men. Who can envy a mandarin duck with a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. The wandering bee flutters about in joy, pretending to guess what the magpie is murmuring."

Ye Qinghan shook his head, but sighed deeply in his heart, these prostitutes actually compare themselves to literati and prostitutes? It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and each generation becomes more waves.

"No, no! A veiled woman is also a kind of hazy beauty. What's the saying? What you can't get is the best. The woman in front of you has the essence. What you can't see clearly is more beautiful. "Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, seemingly ignoring the cold eyes that Ye Qinghan handed over to her, and waved her folding fan in an unparalleled way.

The woman behind the boat responded in a low voice. Although her voice was small, it was very clear and moving, just like the cry of an oriole, which made everyone feel numb and sore. Everyone present was at least a strong man in the general realm. They all heard clearly and could not help but look at the woman behind the boat with more interest.

And when the Yue family's affairs are settled, they will go to the mansion to fight, and there will be a three-party melee. Then there will be plenty of opportunities to influence Xue Wuhen. So Ye Qinghan can only hold back for now, but fortunately, the fire he was holding back that day also vented a little on Long Shuihui, and he is not so angry now, and he knows that Xue Wuhen is the person he must kill, He is a mortal person, so there is no need to worry too much about a dead person.

Looking at Xue Wuhen opposite him with squinted eyes, Ye Qinghan silently pinched his fingers. Thinking of what Ye Qingniu said that night three days ago, he let go of his fingers again, picked up the tea on the table and drank it.

"Huh, since you two are so polite, I'll get on first." Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, smiled slightly, and got into the boat.

"Is this Jinghu? Nothing special?"

"Young masters, please come!" While Ye Qinghan was thinking wildly, a small boat rowed up in the distance. Yueniang smiled and made an inviting gesture, indicating that they could get on the boat.

"Nothing to talk about? I'm just sighing at the peerless beauty of the women of the Yue family. Mr. Long, even the women of the Yue family who support the boat are so stunning. It's hard to imagine what the beauty of the women from Jinghu Island must be." Feng Zi seemed to be indifferent. His limbs are well-developed, but his mind is not simple. Although I heard that he has a bad temper like an ox, he does seem to have a very smooth personality today. He doesn't offend anyone and makes friends with everyone. He is a well-rounded person.

That day, after he took pictures of Long Shui Shui, he was looking for something to do and took the opportunity to kill Xue Wuhen. But Ye Qingniu directly passed the seal to him and told him to hold back. That night, Ye Qingniu came to the place where he slept again and had a secret conversation with him. Tell him that this time because of Ye Qingyu's incident, the Xue family lost a lot of treasures, and these treasures can be exchanged for a spiritual pill. Ye Qingniu told him darkly that he must not take action now and endure it. Once he gets the Xue family's treasure, he can find an opportunity to trick Xue Wuhen. Of course, he must do it covertly and cleanly. , leaving no evidence.

"Nothing to talk about? I'm just sighing at the peerless beauty of the women of the Yue family. Mr. Long, even the women of the Yue family who support the boat are so stunning. It's hard to imagine what the beauty of the women from Jinghu Island must be." Feng Zi seemed to be indifferent. His limbs are well-developed, but his mind is not simple. Although I heard that he has a bad temper like an ox, he does seem to have a very smooth personality today. He doesn't offend anyone and makes friends with everyone. He is a well-rounded person.

"Huh, since you two are so polite, I'll get on first." Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, smiled slightly, and got into the boat.

The beautiful flowers and plants stretched out their hands to flick the sides of their elastic jackets, and followed suit. Seeing this, Feng Zi and Ye Qinghan also got in. The boat is not big, but it is elegantly decorated, just like a small living room. The bow and stern are separated by a light silk curtain, and the outside scenery can be vaguely seen.

"Is this Jinghu? Nothing special?"

And when the Yue family's affairs are settled, they will go to the mansion to fight, and there will be a three-party melee. Then there will be plenty of opportunities to influence Xue Wuhen. So Ye Qinghan can only hold back for now, but fortunately, the fire he was holding back that day also vented a little on Long Shuihui, and he is not so angry now, and he knows that Xue Wuhen is the person he must kill, He is a mortal person, so there is no need to worry too much about a dead person.

"All ears." Xue Wuhen also said with a smile, Feng Zi and Huacao also smiled slightly, and Ye Qinghan nodded lightly.

"Young masters, wait a moment, there is one more person. Uh! Here he comes!" Yueniang answered respectfully, and everyone looked at the front of the boat in surprise. Who else was qualified to sit on the same boat with them? But when they saw a handsome face and slightly curly hair through the blurred curtain, they all smiled.


"All ears." Xue Wuhen also said with a smile, Feng Zi and Huacao also smiled slightly, and Ye Qinghan nodded lightly.

Ye Qinghan shook his head, but sighed deeply in his heart, these prostitutes actually compare themselves to literati and prostitutes? It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and each generation becomes more waves.

The woman behind the boat responded in a low voice. Although her voice was small, it was very clear and moving, just like the cry of an oriole, which made everyone feel numb and sore. Everyone present was at least a strong man in the general realm. They all heard clearly and could not help but look at the woman behind the boat with more interest.

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

When Long Shui Shui heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Uh? I can't wait for you to ask for it."

"Yue Niang, why haven't you sailed yet?"

Feng Zi also nodded and sighed: "Brother Wuhen is absolutely right. The ancients said that the most beautiful time for a woman is when she takes off her clothes and takes a bath. I think we can add one more time today. Women are also very beautiful when they are masked. Beautiful."

"Huh, since you two are so polite, I'll get on first." Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, smiled slightly, and got into the boat.

"I don't have any opinion. I think we should ask Yueniang to sail the boat, otherwise we will miss lunch." Ye Qinghan said lightly, not wanting to express any opinion. Xue Wuhen's coquettish performance made him want to vomit, and Long The shameless addition of water made the trip to the quiet lake that he was originally interested in become boring. He looked through the window in a daze at the rippling lake in the distance, thinking of Cangcheng's sister, and his mood became depressed.

Ye Qinghan sat there alone and continued to be silent, holding a cup of tea half-raised, looking at the cup in front of him in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Yue Niang, why haven't you sailed yet?"

Long Shuishui picked up the tea and took a sip without ceremony. He smiled and said, "What are you talking about?"

"No, no! A veiled woman is also a kind of hazy beauty. What's the saying? What you can't get is the best. The woman in front of you has the essence. What you can't see clearly is more beautiful. "Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, seemingly ignoring the cold eyes that Ye Qinghan handed over to her, and waved her folding fan in an unparalleled way.

After watching the grace of the woman rocking the boat for a while, everyone couldn't help but become more interested in entering Jinghu Island, and they couldn't wait. The women rocking the boat can be so good, so must all the women in it be immortals

When Long Shui Shui heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Uh? I can't wait for you to ask for it."

"You all came so early. The water flow is late. I apologize." Long Shui Shui walked in with a smile and greeted politely. His face was still radiant, and he could not tell that he had met for the first time three days ago. There is a slight difference.

"You all came so early. The water flow is late. I apologize." Long Shui Shui walked in with a smile and greeted politely. His face was still radiant, and he could not tell that he had met for the first time three days ago. There is a slight difference.

Feng Zi also nodded and sighed: "Brother Wuhen is absolutely right. The ancients said that the most beautiful time for a woman is when she takes off her clothes and takes a bath. I think we can add one more time today. Women are also very beautiful when they are masked. Beautiful."

"Hey, there is nothing special about this lake. What is special is the small island in the lake. It is where the core children of the Yue family live. All of them are beautiful women. Usually, it is not a summer fire festival, but it is a forbidden and holy place for men. . We are the first people to enter the Holy Land in fifteen years, don't you think it's special?" Feng Zi still carried his long sword on his back, smiled, and whispered into Ye Qinghan's ear to explain.

"Young masters, wait a moment, there is one more person. Uh! Here he comes!" Yueniang answered respectfully, and everyone looked at the front of the boat in surprise. Who else was qualified to sit on the same boat with them? But when they saw a handsome face and slightly curly hair through the blurred curtain, they all smiled.

The four people turned around and looked at Ye Qinghan with some doubts. This was their first time hearing such a beautiful piece of music. Why was Ye Qinghan so silent? Even a somewhat disdainful expression

"Good songs, good tunes, good poems. Such good songs can only be found in heaven. How many times do you have to hear them in the human world? Girl Nannan, this song really makes my heart surge. I'm afraid I won't know the taste of meat even in three months. ” After a long time, Long Shuiliu clapped his hands loudly and stood up, looking lovingly at the graceful figure behind the boat, and said with a laugh.

Ye Qinghan didn't say anything, nodded lightly, and drank tea silently, but in his heart, he admired Long Shuiliu's face so much that he fell into admiration.

"Um? Going to bed so soon? Oh no, on the boat!" Ye Qinghan felt frightened and thought to herself, hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Crazy brother, please go first, I am weak and can't bear it!" "

The four people turned around and looked at Ye Qinghan with some doubts. This was their first time hearing such a beautiful piece of music. Why was Ye Qinghan so silent? Even a somewhat disdainful expression

"Hey, there is nothing special about this lake. What is special is the small island in the lake. It is where the core children of the Yue family live. All of them are beautiful women. Usually, it is not a summer fire festival, but it is a forbidden and holy place for men. . We are the first people to enter the Holy Land in fifteen years, don't you think it's special?" Feng Zi still carried his long sword on his back, smiled, and whispered into Ye Qinghan's ear to explain.

"You all came so early. The water flow is late. I apologize." Long Shui Shui walked in with a smile and greeted politely. His face was still radiant, and he could not tell that he had met for the first time three days ago. There is a slight difference.

Feng Zi's words woke up several people in the boat, and several people turned their heads to look. Huacao and Fengzi were the most direct. They stared at the masked woman and kept praising her. Xue Wuhen's eyes, one black and one gray, flickered, and she waved and closed the folding fan in her hand, as if she was admiring her, but the trace of greed that flashed in her pupils betrayed her. into his heart. Ye Qinghan glanced at it and withdrew his eyes, mainly because the artificial expression of Xue Wuhen opposite him made him lose his appetite and not in the mood. Moreover, Feng Zi originally said that there were a group of people living on the island who had no food all year round. He is a little afraid of women who have seen men.

"The Yue family is indeed the Yue family. Even the people rowing the boats are all stunning beauties." Feng Zi glanced around as soon as he came in, and finally fixed his eyes on the woman supporting the bed behind the boat. Through the blurred door curtain, a graceful woman at the stern of the boat was holding one hand on the oar. Only the side of her body could be seen. The woman was wearing a blue palace dress, but her face could be seen covered with a white silk scarf. Although the door curtain was a bit blurry and her face was covered, she could only see her graceful, concave and convex figure, and her light and elegant figure. The temperament is very mind-blowing.

"All ears." Xue Wuhen also said with a smile, Feng Zi and Huacao also smiled slightly, and Ye Qinghan nodded lightly.

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

The song is a poem, with no drum accompaniment, no lights and beautiful scenery to add color, it is just sung a cappella. The singer's voice didn't have any special emotion, and there was no dancing to add color to it, but everyone felt as if they had flown to the heavenly palace and listened to the peerless fairy music sung by the fairies.

"Yue Niang, why haven't you sailed yet?"

Huacao also nodded and said seriously: "It is indeed a fairy song!"

"Huh, since you two are so polite, I'll get on first." Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, smiled slightly, and got into the boat.

"Hello, Brother Shui Shui!" Everyone in the boat smiled naturally and seemed to have forgotten what happened a few days ago. They greeted each other with a smile. Xue Wuhen closed his folding fan, pointed to the seat next to him, and personally gave Long Shui Shui Pour a cup of tea.

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

The masked woman behind the boat still didn't speak or turn around, rocking the boat silently, but after a long time Shen Shen sighed slightly and sang softly:

"The Yue family is indeed the Yue family. Even the people rowing the boats are all stunning beauties." Feng Zi glanced around as soon as he came in, and finally fixed his eyes on the woman supporting the bed behind the boat. Through the blurred door curtain, a graceful woman at the stern of the boat was holding one hand on the oar. Only the side of her body could be seen. The woman was wearing a blue palace dress, but her face could be seen covered with a white silk scarf. Although the door curtain was a bit blurry and her face was covered, she could only see her graceful, concave and convex figure, and her light and elegant figure. The temperament is very mind-blowing.

Feng Zi also nodded and sighed: "Brother Wuhen is absolutely right. The ancients said that the most beautiful time for a woman is when she takes off her clothes and takes a bath. I think we can add one more time today. Women are also very beautiful when they are masked. Beautiful."

After watching the grace of the woman rocking the boat for a while, everyone couldn't help but become more interested in entering Jinghu Island, and they couldn't wait. The women rocking the boat can be so good, so must all the women in it be immortals

"I don't have any opinion. I think we should ask Yueniang to sail the boat, otherwise we will miss lunch." Ye Qinghan said lightly, not wanting to express any opinion. Xue Wuhen's coquettish performance made him want to vomit, and Long The shameless addition of water made the trip to the quiet lake that he was originally interested in become boring. He looked through the window in a daze at the rippling lake in the distance, thinking of Cangcheng's sister, and his mood became depressed.

The masked woman behind the boat still didn't speak or turn around, rocking the boat silently, but after a long time Shen Shen sighed slightly and sang softly:

"Huh, since you two are so polite, I'll get on first." Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, smiled slightly, and got into the boat.

Ye Qinghan didn't say anything, nodded lightly, and drank tea silently, but in his heart, he admired Long Shuiliu's face so much that he fell into admiration.

Jinghu is, of course, a lake. This lake was originally located outside the east wall of Ecstasy City. However, after years of transformation by the Yue family, it was enclosed. The east wall was expanded several times, and now it encompasses the entire Jinghu Lake. In the city of ecstasy.

Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, stood up, and said with a slight smile: "It is indeed a good poem. Who can envy a mandarin duck if he has a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. Why should I envy others or be ashamed of myself? You know, as a girl With your beauty and talent, I am afraid that all the talented people in the world will be attracted by this girl, right? At least the five of us are fascinated by you, right?"

"Is this Jinghu? Nothing special?"

Long Shuishui picked up the tea and took a sip without ceremony. He smiled and said, "What are you talking about?"

Ye Qinghan sat there alone and continued to be silent, holding a cup of tea half-raised, looking at the cup in front of him in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Huacao also nodded and said seriously: "It is indeed a fairy song!"

"Yue Niang, why haven't you sailed yet?"

"I love to count the palms of lizards, and pick out the tortoiseshell hairpins every time I remember the light. The sadness of the years in the smoke cave is still there, the star bridge is empty overnight, the seasons are ashamed and wasted in front of the window, the world's romantic smiles are bitterly familiar... Paying my salary, I secretly hung my sandalwood sleeves to learn Tongshen. It should be noted that the stone's heart is hard to settle, but it is already parting with the clouds. Seeing the scattered scenery, the sound of the strings is still looking towards the south of the Yangtze River... "

Feng Zi's words woke up several people in the boat, and several people turned their heads to look. Huacao and Fengzi were the most direct. They stared at the masked woman and kept praising her. Xue Wuhen's eyes, one black and one gray, flickered, and she waved and closed the folding fan in her hand, as if she was admiring her, but the trace of greed that flashed in her pupils betrayed her. into his heart. Ye Qinghan glanced at it and withdrew his eyes, mainly because the artificial expression of Xue Wuhen opposite him made him lose his appetite and not in the mood. Moreover, Feng Zi originally said that there were a group of people living on the island who had no food all year round. He is a little afraid of women who have seen men.

"All ears." Xue Wuhen also said with a smile, Feng Zi and Huacao also smiled slightly, and Ye Qinghan nodded lightly.

"Nothing to talk about? I'm just sighing at the peerless beauty of the women of the Yue family. Mr. Long, even the women of the Yue family who support the boat are so stunning. It's hard to imagine what the beauty of the women from Jinghu Island must be." Feng Zi seemed to be indifferent. His limbs are well-developed, but his mind is not simple. Although I heard that he has a bad temper like an ox, he does seem to have a very smooth personality today. He doesn't offend anyone and makes friends with everyone. He is a well-rounded person.

"Hey, there is nothing special about this lake. What is special is the small island in the lake. It is where the core children of the Yue family live. All of them are beautiful women. Usually, it is not a summer fire festival, but it is a forbidden and holy place for men. . We are the first people to enter the Holy Land in fifteen years, don't you think it's special?" Feng Zi still carried his long sword on his back, smiled, and whispered into Ye Qinghan's ear to explain.

"Young masters, wait a moment, there is one more person. Uh! Here he comes!" Yueniang answered respectfully, and everyone looked at the front of the boat in surprise. Who else was qualified to sit on the same boat with them? But when they saw a handsome face and slightly curly hair through the blurred curtain, they all smiled.

Ye Qinghan sat there alone and continued to be silent, holding a cup of tea half-raised, looking at the cup in front of him in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

"The Yue family is indeed the Yue family. Even the people rowing the boats are all stunning beauties." Feng Zi glanced around as soon as he came in, and finally fixed his eyes on the woman supporting the bed behind the boat. Through the blurred door curtain, a graceful woman at the stern of the boat was holding one hand on the oar. Only the side of her body could be seen. The woman was wearing a blue palace dress, but her face could be seen covered with a white silk scarf. Although the door curtain was a bit blurry and her face was covered, she could only see her graceful, concave and convex figure, and her light and elegant figure. The temperament is very mind-blowing.

Feng Zi's words woke up several people in the boat, and several people turned their heads to look. Huacao and Fengzi were the most direct. They stared at the masked woman and kept praising her. Xue Wuhen's eyes, one black and one gray, flickered, and she waved and closed the folding fan in her hand, as if she was admiring her, but the trace of greed that flashed in her pupils betrayed her. into his heart. Ye Qinghan glanced at it and withdrew his eyes, mainly because the artificial expression of Xue Wuhen opposite him made him lose his appetite and not in the mood. Moreover, Feng Zi originally said that there were a group of people living on the island who had no food all year round. He is a little afraid of women who have seen men.

Several people went in and took their seats one by one. Yueniang also followed in. She offered them a few cups of tea, then bowed, walked out of the boat, and stood at the bow.

"Oh?" Long Shuihui looked at the back of the boat seriously for a while, with a drunken expression on his face, and sighed: "Such a woman is really enchanting, but it's a pity that her face is covered and she can't see her true face. It's a pity."

"Brother Wuhen, you should become a poet and be able to recite a good poem." Huacao smiled softly and sighed.

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

"Nothing to talk about? I'm just sighing at the peerless beauty of the women of the Yue family. Mr. Long, even the women of the Yue family who support the boat are so stunning. It's hard to imagine what the beauty of the women from Jinghu Island must be." Feng Zi seemed to be indifferent. His limbs are well-developed, but his mind is not simple. Although I heard that he has a bad temper like an ox, he does seem to have a very smooth personality today. He doesn't offend anyone and makes friends with everyone. He is a well-rounded person.

Looking at Xue Wuhen opposite him with squinted eyes, Ye Qinghan silently pinched his fingers. Thinking of what Ye Qingniu said that night three days ago, he let go of his fingers again, picked up the tea on the table and drank it.

Forehead? What does it mean

Long Shuishui picked up the tea and took a sip without ceremony. He smiled and said, "What are you talking about?"

Ye Qinghan shook his head, but sighed deeply in his heart, these prostitutes actually compare themselves to literati and prostitutes? It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and each generation becomes more waves.

"No, no! A veiled woman is also a kind of hazy beauty. What's the saying? What you can't get is the best. The woman in front of you has the essence. What you can't see clearly is more beautiful. "Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, seemingly ignoring the cold eyes that Ye Qinghan handed over to her, and waved her folding fan in an unparalleled way.

"The Yue family is indeed the Yue family. Even the people rowing the boats are all stunning beauties." Feng Zi glanced around as soon as he came in, and finally fixed his eyes on the woman supporting the bed behind the boat. Through the blurred door curtain, a graceful woman at the stern of the boat was holding one hand on the oar. Only the side of her body could be seen. The woman was wearing a blue palace dress, but her face could be seen covered with a white silk scarf. Although the door curtain was a bit blurry and her face was covered, she could only see her graceful, concave and convex figure, and her light and elegant figure. The temperament is very mind-blowing.

"Oh?" Long Shuihui looked at the back of the boat seriously for a while, with a drunken expression on his face, and sighed: "Such a woman is really enchanting, but it's a pity that her face is covered and she can't see her true face. It's a pity."

The woman behind the boat responded in a low voice. Although her voice was small, it was very clear and moving, just like the cry of an oriole, which made everyone feel numb and sore. Everyone present was at least a strong man in the general realm. They all heard clearly and could not help but look at the woman behind the boat with more interest.

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

"What? Mr. Han, do you have any other opinions?" Feng Zi said with some curiosity when he saw Ye Qinghan alone in silence and shook his head slightly.

"Brother Wuhen, you should become a poet and be able to recite a good poem." Huacao smiled softly and sighed.

Jinghu is, of course, a lake. This lake was originally located outside the east wall of Ecstasy City. However, after years of transformation by the Yue family, it was enclosed. The east wall was expanded several times, and now it encompasses the entire Jinghu Lake. In the city of ecstasy.

"I love to count the palms of lizards, and pick out the tortoiseshell hairpins every time I remember the light. The sadness of the years in the smoke cave is still there, the star bridge is empty overnight, the seasons are ashamed and wasted in front of the window, the world's romantic smiles are bitterly familiar... Paying my salary, I secretly hung my sandalwood sleeves to learn Tongshen. It should be noted that the stone's heart is hard to settle, but it is already parting with the clouds. Seeing the scattered scenery, the sound of the strings is still looking towards the south of the Yangtze River... "

Ye Qinghan and several young masters followed Yueniang to the blue lake. Although the mountains and rivers here are indeed beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. Although the mountains here are greener and the water is prettier than elsewhere, it is also It is just an ordinary small lake, far from the imagination of Jinghu Lake as a holy place in the minds of the world's talents, which is a bit disappointing.

Several people went in and took their seats one by one. Yueniang also followed in. She offered them a few cups of tea, then bowed, walked out of the boat, and stood at the bow.

"Yue Niang, why haven't you sailed yet?"

Feng Zi also nodded and sighed: "Brother Wuhen is absolutely right. The ancients said that the most beautiful time for a woman is when she takes off her clothes and takes a bath. I think we can add one more time today. Women are also very beautiful when they are masked. Beautiful."

Ye Qinghan shook his head, but sighed deeply in his heart, these prostitutes actually compare themselves to literati and prostitutes? It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and each generation becomes more waves.

"What? Mr. Han, do you have any other opinions?" Feng Zi said with some curiosity when he saw Ye Qinghan alone in silence and shook his head slightly.

"Hello, Brother Shui Shui!" Everyone in the boat smiled naturally and seemed to have forgotten what happened a few days ago. They greeted each other with a smile. Xue Wuhen closed his folding fan, pointed to the seat next to him, and personally gave Long Shui Shui Pour a cup of tea.

The beautiful flowers and plants stretched out their hands to flick the sides of their elastic jackets, and followed suit. Seeing this, Feng Zi and Ye Qinghan also got in. The boat is not big, but it is elegantly decorated, just like a small living room. The bow and stern are separated by a light silk curtain, and the outside scenery can be vaguely seen.

"Absolutely right, absolutely right! The words and sentences of these few people are carefully chosen, and the meaning of each word is profound. They can be called literati and poets. In my opinion, a masked woman is either extremely ugly or extremely beautiful. I can foresee this woman. She is a stunningly beautiful woman." Long Shuiliu also nodded, shook his head slightly, and came closer.

"Yue Niang, why haven't you sailed yet?"

The beautiful flowers and plants stretched out their hands to flick the sides of their elastic jackets, and followed suit. Seeing this, Feng Zi and Ye Qinghan also got in. The boat is not big, but it is elegantly decorated, just like a small living room. The bow and stern are separated by a light silk curtain, and the outside scenery can be vaguely seen.

Ye Qinghan shook his head, but sighed deeply in his heart, these prostitutes actually compare themselves to literati and prostitutes? It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and each generation becomes more waves.

When Long Shui Shui heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Uh? I can't wait for you to ask for it."

Feng Zi also nodded and sighed: "Brother Wuhen is absolutely right. The ancients said that the most beautiful time for a woman is when she takes off her clothes and takes a bath. I think we can add one more time today. Women are also very beautiful when they are masked. Beautiful."

"Nothing to talk about? I'm just sighing at the peerless beauty of the women of the Yue family. Mr. Long, even the women of the Yue family who support the boat are so stunning. It's hard to imagine what the beauty of the women from Jinghu Island must be." Feng Zi seemed to be indifferent. His limbs are well-developed, but his mind is not simple. Although I heard that he has a bad temper like an ox, he does seem to have a very smooth personality today. He doesn't offend anyone and makes friends with everyone. He is a well-rounded person.

"No, no! A veiled woman is also a kind of hazy beauty. What's the saying? What you can't get is the best. The woman in front of you has the essence. What you can't see clearly is more beautiful. "Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, seemingly ignoring the cold eyes that Ye Qinghan handed over to her, and waved her folding fan in an unparalleled way.

Ye Qinghan sat there alone and continued to be silent, holding a cup of tea half-raised, looking at the cup in front of him in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Um? Going to bed so soon? Oh no, on the boat!" Ye Qinghan felt frightened and thought to herself, hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Crazy brother, please go first, I am weak and can't bear it!" "

The masked woman behind the boat still didn't speak or turn around, rocking the boat silently, but after a long time Shen Shen sighed slightly and sang softly:

"What? Mr. Han, do you have any other opinions?" Feng Zi said with some curiosity when he saw Ye Qinghan alone in silence and shook his head slightly.

"No, no! A veiled woman is also a kind of hazy beauty. What's the saying? What you can't get is the best. The woman in front of you has the essence. What you can't see clearly is more beautiful. "Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, seemingly ignoring the cold eyes that Ye Qinghan handed over to her, and waved her folding fan in an unparalleled way.

Forehead? What does it mean

"I don't have any opinion. I think we should ask Yueniang to sail the boat, otherwise we will miss lunch." Ye Qinghan said lightly, not wanting to express any opinion. Xue Wuhen's coquettish performance made him want to vomit, and Long The shameless addition of water made the trip to the quiet lake that he was originally interested in become boring. He looked through the window in a daze at the rippling lake in the distance, thinking of Cangcheng's sister, and his mood became depressed.

Feng Zi's words woke up several people in the boat, and several people turned their heads to look. Huacao and Fengzi were the most direct. They stared at the masked woman and kept praising her. Xue Wuhen's eyes, one black and one gray, flickered, and she waved and closed the folding fan in her hand, as if she was admiring her, but the trace of greed that flashed in her pupils betrayed her. into his heart. Ye Qinghan glanced at it and withdrew his eyes, mainly because the artificial expression of Xue Wuhen opposite him made him lose his appetite and not in the mood. Moreover, Feng Zi originally said that there were a group of people living on the island who had no food all year round. He is a little afraid of women who have seen men.

"I don't have any opinion. I think we should ask Yueniang to sail the boat, otherwise we will miss lunch." Ye Qinghan said lightly, not wanting to express any opinion. Xue Wuhen's coquettish performance made him want to vomit, and Long The shameless addition of water made the trip to the quiet lake that he was originally interested in become boring. He looked through the window in a daze at the rippling lake in the distance, thinking of Cangcheng's sister, and his mood became depressed.

Ye Qinghan and several young masters followed Yueniang to the blue lake. Although the mountains and rivers here are indeed beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. Although the mountains here are greener and the water is prettier than elsewhere, it is also It is just an ordinary small lake, far from the imagination of Jinghu Lake as a holy place in the minds of the world's talents, which is a bit disappointing.

"The shadow of the Zhulou is straight at noon, and the jade tree is overshadowed by the low moon for three days. The greasy powder is dark and the silver is carved. I use the wrong knife to cut the mud gold shirt. I am afraid of causing the black dragon to bark on the embroidery bed. The brocade characters are worried about teaching the bluebird's title... Baiwei is refined. Pity and benefit my mother, thousands of flowers are blooming and half of them are suitable for men. Who can envy a mandarin duck with a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. The wandering bee flutters about in joy, pretending to guess what the magpie is murmuring."

"Uh, Nannan, let's sail the boat!" Yueniang followed in after the dragon water came in. She stood quietly on the side without speaking or showing anything. Seeing Ye Qinghan speak at this moment, she smiled slightly, He said to the woman behind the boat.

"You all came so early. The water flow is late. I apologize." Long Shui Shui walked in with a smile and greeted politely. His face was still radiant, and he could not tell that he had met for the first time three days ago. There is a slight difference.

"Absolutely not!" Feng Zi nodded seriously.

"Young masters, wait a moment, there is one more person. Uh! Here he comes!" Yueniang answered respectfully, and everyone looked at the front of the boat in surprise. Who else was qualified to sit on the same boat with them? But when they saw a handsome face and slightly curly hair through the blurred curtain, they all smiled.

And when the Yue family's affairs are settled, they will go to the mansion to fight, and there will be a three-party melee. Then there will be plenty of opportunities to influence Xue Wuhen. So Ye Qinghan can only hold back for now, but fortunately, the fire he was holding back that day also vented a little on Long Shuihui, and he is not so angry now, and he knows that Xue Wuhen is the person he must kill, He is a mortal person, so there is no need to worry too much about a dead person.

The woman behind the boat responded in a low voice. Although her voice was small, it was very clear and moving, just like the cry of an oriole, which made everyone feel numb and sore. Everyone present was at least a strong man in the general realm. They all heard clearly and could not help but look at the woman behind the boat with more interest.

Looking at Xue Wuhen opposite him with squinted eyes, Ye Qinghan silently pinched his fingers. Thinking of what Ye Qingniu said that night three days ago, he let go of his fingers again, picked up the tea on the table and drank it.

Forehead? What does it mean

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

"What? Mr. Han, do you have any other opinions?" Feng Zi said with some curiosity when he saw Ye Qinghan alone in silence and shook his head slightly.

"Young masters, wait a moment, there is one more person. Uh! Here he comes!" Yueniang answered respectfully, and everyone looked at the front of the boat in surprise. Who else was qualified to sit on the same boat with them? But when they saw a handsome face and slightly curly hair through the blurred curtain, they all smiled.

The woman behind the boat responded in a low voice. Although her voice was small, it was very clear and moving, just like the cry of an oriole, which made everyone feel numb and sore. Everyone present was at least a strong man in the general realm. They all heard clearly and could not help but look at the woman behind the boat with more interest.

"Young masters, wait a moment, there is one more person. Uh! Here he comes!" Yueniang answered respectfully, and everyone looked at the front of the boat in surprise. Who else was qualified to sit on the same boat with them? But when they saw a handsome face and slightly curly hair through the blurred curtain, they all smiled.

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

"Er? A forbidden area for men?" Ye Qinghan was indeed stunned by the news. He looked at the hazy island in the lake in the distance, nodded, and couldn't help but asked in a low voice with even more confusion: "There is a man inside nothing?"

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

When Long Shui Shui heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Uh? I can't wait for you to ask for it."

"The shadow of the Zhulou is straight at noon, and the jade tree is overshadowed by the low moon for three days. The greasy powder is dark and the silver is carved. I use the wrong knife to cut the mud gold shirt. I am afraid of causing the black dragon to bark on the embroidery bed. The brocade characters are worried about teaching the bluebird's title... Baiwei is refined. Pity and benefit my mother, thousands of flowers are blooming and half of them are suitable for men. Who can envy a mandarin duck with a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. The wandering bee flutters about in joy, pretending to guess what the magpie is murmuring."

Long Shuishui picked up the tea and took a sip without ceremony. He smiled and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Um? Going to bed so soon? Oh no, on the boat!" Ye Qinghan felt frightened and thought to herself, hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Crazy brother, please go first, I am weak and can't bear it!" "

"Nothing to talk about? I'm just sighing at the peerless beauty of the women of the Yue family. Mr. Long, even the women of the Yue family who support the boat are so stunning. It's hard to imagine what the beauty of the women from Jinghu Island must be." Feng Zi seemed to be indifferent. His limbs are well-developed, but his mind is not simple. Although I heard that he has a bad temper like an ox, he does seem to have a very smooth personality today. He doesn't offend anyone and makes friends with everyone. He is a well-rounded person.

Feng Zi also nodded and sighed: "Brother Wuhen is absolutely right. The ancients said that the most beautiful time for a woman is when she takes off her clothes and takes a bath. I think we can add one more time today. Women are also very beautiful when they are masked. Beautiful."

"All ears." Xue Wuhen also said with a smile, Feng Zi and Huacao also smiled slightly, and Ye Qinghan nodded lightly.

"The Yue family is indeed the Yue family. Even the people rowing the boats are all stunning beauties." Feng Zi glanced around as soon as he came in, and finally fixed his eyes on the woman supporting the bed behind the boat. Through the blurred door curtain, a graceful woman at the stern of the boat was holding one hand on the oar. Only the side of her body could be seen. The woman was wearing a blue palace dress, but her face could be seen covered with a white silk scarf. Although the door curtain was a bit blurry and her face was covered, she could only see her graceful, concave and convex figure, and her light and elegant figure. The temperament is very mind-blowing.

"The shadow of the Zhulou is straight at noon, and the jade tree is overshadowed by the low moon for three days. The greasy powder is dark and the silver is carved. I use the wrong knife to cut the mud gold shirt. I am afraid of causing the black dragon to bark on the embroidery bed. The brocade characters are worried about teaching the bluebird's title... Baiwei is refined. Pity and benefit my mother, thousands of flowers are blooming and half of them are suitable for men. Who can envy a mandarin duck with a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. The wandering bee flutters about in joy, pretending to guess what the magpie is murmuring."

The masked woman behind the boat still didn't speak or turn around, rocking the boat silently, but after a long time Shen Shen sighed slightly and sang softly:

Seeing this, Yueniang couldn't help her curiosity and asked sideways: "Master Han, do you think your singing is not good?"

"No, no! A veiled woman is also a kind of hazy beauty. What's the saying? What you can't get is the best. The woman in front of you has the essence. What you can't see clearly is more beautiful. "Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, seemingly ignoring the cold eyes that Ye Qinghan handed over to her, and waved her folding fan in an unparalleled way.

"The shadow of the Zhulou is straight at noon, and the jade tree is overshadowed by the low moon for three days. The greasy powder is dark and the silver is carved. I use the wrong knife to cut the mud gold shirt. I am afraid of causing the black dragon to bark on the embroidery bed. The brocade characters are worried about teaching the bluebird's title... Baiwei is refined. Pity and benefit my mother, thousands of flowers are blooming and half of them are suitable for men. Who can envy a mandarin duck with a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. The wandering bee flutters about in joy, pretending to guess what the magpie is murmuring."

"Er? A forbidden area for men?" Ye Qinghan was indeed stunned by the news. He looked at the hazy island in the lake in the distance, nodded, and couldn't help but asked in a low voice with even more confusion: "There is a man inside nothing?"

Ye Qinghan shook his head, but sighed deeply in his heart, these prostitutes actually compare themselves to literati and prostitutes? It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and each generation becomes more waves.

"I love to count the palms of lizards, and pick out the tortoiseshell hairpins every time I remember the light. The sadness of the years in the smoke cave is still there, the star bridge is empty overnight, the seasons are ashamed and wasted in front of the window, the world's romantic smiles are bitterly familiar... Paying my salary, I secretly hung my sandalwood sleeves to learn Tongshen. It should be noted that the stone's heart is hard to settle, but it is already parting with the clouds. Seeing the scattered scenery, the sound of the strings is still looking towards the south of the Yangtze River... "

When Long Shui Shui heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Uh? I can't wait for you to ask for it."

"Er? A forbidden area for men?" Ye Qinghan was indeed stunned by the news. He looked at the hazy island in the lake in the distance, nodded, and couldn't help but asked in a low voice with even more confusion: "There is a man inside nothing?"

Several people went in and took their seats one by one. Yueniang also followed in. She offered them a few cups of tea, then bowed, walked out of the boat, and stood at the bow.

The song is a poem, with no drum accompaniment, no lights and beautiful scenery to add color, it is just sung a cappella. The singer's voice didn't have any special emotion, and there was no dancing to add color to it, but everyone felt as if they had flown to the heavenly palace and listened to the peerless fairy music sung by the fairies.

"I don't have any opinion. I think we should ask Yueniang to sail the boat, otherwise we will miss lunch." Ye Qinghan said lightly, not wanting to express any opinion. Xue Wuhen's coquettish performance made him want to vomit, and Long The shameless addition of water made the trip to the quiet lake that he was originally interested in become boring. He looked through the window in a daze at the rippling lake in the distance, thinking of Cangcheng's sister, and his mood became depressed.

"The shadow of the Zhulou is straight at noon, and the jade tree is overshadowed by the low moon for three days. The greasy powder is dark and the silver is carved. I use the wrong knife to cut the mud gold shirt. I am afraid of causing the black dragon to bark on the embroidery bed. The brocade characters are worried about teaching the bluebird's title... Baiwei is refined. Pity and benefit my mother, thousands of flowers are blooming and half of them are suitable for men. Who can envy a mandarin duck with a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. The wandering bee flutters about in joy, pretending to guess what the magpie is murmuring."

"Uh, Nannan, let's sail the boat!" Yueniang followed in after the dragon water came in. She stood quietly on the side without speaking or showing anything. Seeing Ye Qinghan speak at this moment, she smiled slightly, He said to the woman behind the boat.

The woman behind the boat responded in a low voice. Although her voice was small, it was very clear and moving, just like the cry of an oriole, which made everyone feel numb and sore. Everyone present was at least a strong man in the general realm. They all heard clearly and could not help but look at the woman behind the boat with more interest.

"Good songs, good tunes, good poems. Such good songs can only be found in heaven. How many times do you have to hear them in the human world? Girl Nannan, this song really makes my heart surge. I'm afraid I won't know the taste of meat even in three months. ” After a long time, Long Shuiliu clapped his hands loudly and stood up, looking lovingly at the graceful figure behind the boat, and said with a laugh.

"Um? Going to bed so soon? Oh no, on the boat!" Ye Qinghan felt frightened and thought to herself, hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Crazy brother, please go first, I am weak and can't bear it!" "

"Er? A forbidden area for men?" Ye Qinghan was indeed stunned by the news. He looked at the hazy island in the lake in the distance, nodded, and couldn't help but asked in a low voice with even more confusion: "There is a man inside nothing?"

"Huh, since you two are so polite, I'll get on first." Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, smiled slightly, and got into the boat.


"Master Han, please go first." Feng Zi shook her chest muscles to show her demeanor.

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

"I don't have any opinion. I think we should ask Yueniang to sail the boat, otherwise we will miss lunch." Ye Qinghan said lightly, not wanting to express any opinion. Xue Wuhen's coquettish performance made him want to vomit, and Long The shameless addition of water made the trip to the quiet lake that he was originally interested in become boring. He looked through the window in a daze at the rippling lake in the distance, thinking of Cangcheng's sister, and his mood became depressed.

"Hey, there is nothing special about this lake. What is special is the small island in the lake. It is where the core children of the Yue family live. All of them are beautiful women. Usually, it is not a summer fire festival, but it is a forbidden and holy place for men. . We are the first people to enter the Holy Land in fifteen years, don't you think it's special?" Feng Zi still carried his long sword on his back, smiled, and whispered into Ye Qinghan's ear to explain.

"No, no! A veiled woman is also a kind of hazy beauty. What's the saying? What you can't get is the best. The woman in front of you has the essence. What you can't see clearly is more beautiful. "Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, seemingly ignoring the cold eyes that Ye Qinghan handed over to her, and waved her folding fan in an unparalleled way.

Ye Qinghan and several young masters followed Yueniang to the blue lake. Although the mountains and rivers here are indeed beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. Although the mountains here are greener and the water is prettier than elsewhere, it is also It is just an ordinary small lake, far from the imagination of Jinghu Lake as a holy place in the minds of the world's talents, which is a bit disappointing.

Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, stood up, and said with a slight smile: "It is indeed a good poem. Who can envy a mandarin duck if he has a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. Why should I envy others or be ashamed of myself? You know, as a girl With your beauty and talent, I am afraid that all the talented people in the world will be attracted by this girl, right? At least the five of us are fascinated by you, right?"

Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, stood up, and said with a slight smile: "It is indeed a good poem. Who can envy a mandarin duck if he has a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. Why should I envy others or be ashamed of myself? You know, as a girl With your beauty and talent, I am afraid that all the talented people in the world will be attracted by this girl, right? At least the five of us are fascinated by you, right?"

After watching the grace of the woman rocking the boat for a while, everyone couldn't help but become more interested in entering Jinghu Island, and they couldn't wait. The women rocking the boat can be so good, so must all the women in it be immortals

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

"Um? Going to bed so soon? Oh no, on the boat!" Ye Qinghan felt frightened and thought to herself, hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Crazy brother, please go first, I am weak and can't bear it!" "

Ye Qinghan didn't say anything, nodded lightly, and drank tea silently, but in his heart, he admired Long Shuiliu's face so much that he fell into admiration.

"Absolutely right, absolutely right! The singing is so good. Although I don't know the music, I think even a pig can hear that this is a great song." Feng Zi laughed and said sincerely The cold jokes flattered.

"The Yue family is indeed the Yue family. Even the people rowing the boats are all stunning beauties." Feng Zi glanced around as soon as he came in, and finally fixed his eyes on the woman supporting the bed behind the boat. Through the blurred door curtain, a graceful woman at the stern of the boat was holding one hand on the oar. Only the side of her body could be seen. The woman was wearing a blue palace dress, but her face could be seen covered with a white silk scarf. Although the door curtain was a bit blurry and her face was covered, she could only see her graceful, concave and convex figure, and her light and elegant figure. The temperament is very mind-blowing.

The four people turned around and looked at Ye Qinghan with some doubts. This was their first time hearing such a beautiful piece of music. Why was Ye Qinghan so silent? Even a somewhat disdainful expression

"All ears." Xue Wuhen also said with a smile, Feng Zi and Huacao also smiled slightly, and Ye Qinghan nodded lightly.

The woman behind the boat responded in a low voice. Although her voice was small, it was very clear and moving, just like the cry of an oriole, which made everyone feel numb and sore. Everyone present was at least a strong man in the general realm. They all heard clearly and could not help but look at the woman behind the boat with more interest.

Jinghu is, of course, a lake. This lake was originally located outside the east wall of Ecstasy City. However, after years of transformation by the Yue family, it was enclosed. The east wall was expanded several times, and now it encompasses the entire Jinghu Lake. In the city of ecstasy.

Several people went in and took their seats one by one. Yueniang also followed in. She offered them a few cups of tea, then bowed, walked out of the boat, and stood at the bow.

"Young masters, wait a moment, there is one more person. Uh! Here he comes!" Yueniang answered respectfully, and everyone looked at the front of the boat in surprise. Who else was qualified to sit on the same boat with them? But when they saw a handsome face and slightly curly hair through the blurred curtain, they all smiled.

Several people went in and took their seats one by one. Yueniang also followed in. She offered them a few cups of tea, then bowed, walked out of the boat, and stood at the bow.

Huacao also nodded and said seriously: "It is indeed a fairy song!"

"Brother Wuhen, you should become a poet and be able to recite a good poem." Huacao smiled softly and sighed.

Jinghu is, of course, a lake. This lake was originally located outside the east wall of Ecstasy City. However, after years of transformation by the Yue family, it was enclosed. The east wall was expanded several times, and now it encompasses the entire Jinghu Lake. In the city of ecstasy.

"Good songs, good tunes, good poems. Such good songs can only be found in heaven. How many times do you have to hear them in the human world? Girl Nannan, this song really makes my heart surge. I'm afraid I won't know the taste of meat even in three months. ” After a long time, Long Shuiliu clapped his hands loudly and stood up, looking lovingly at the graceful figure behind the boat, and said with a laugh.

Ye Qinghan sat there alone and continued to be silent, holding a cup of tea half-raised, looking at the cup in front of him in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Oh?" Long Shuihui looked at the back of the boat seriously for a while, with a drunken expression on his face, and sighed: "Such a woman is really enchanting, but it's a pity that her face is covered and she can't see her true face. It's a pity."

The woman behind the boat responded in a low voice. Although her voice was small, it was very clear and moving, just like the cry of an oriole, which made everyone feel numb and sore. Everyone present was at least a strong man in the general realm. They all heard clearly and could not help but look at the woman behind the boat with more interest.

"Absolutely right, absolutely right! The singing is so good. Although I don't know the music, I think even a pig can hear that this is a great song." Feng Zi laughed and said sincerely The cold jokes flattered.

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

Seeing this, Yueniang couldn't help her curiosity and asked sideways: "Master Han, do you think your singing is not good?"

Several people went in and took their seats one by one. Yueniang also followed in. She offered them a few cups of tea, then bowed, walked out of the boat, and stood at the bow.

"No, no! A veiled woman is also a kind of hazy beauty. What's the saying? What you can't get is the best. The woman in front of you has the essence. What you can't see clearly is more beautiful. "Xue Wuhen smiled faintly, seemingly ignoring the cold eyes that Ye Qinghan handed over to her, and waved her folding fan in an unparalleled way.

"Um? Going to bed so soon? Oh no, on the boat!" Ye Qinghan felt frightened and thought to herself, hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Crazy brother, please go first, I am weak and can't bear it!" "

"The shadow of the Zhulou is straight at noon, and the jade tree is overshadowed by the low moon for three days. The greasy powder is dark and the silver is carved. I use the wrong knife to cut the mud gold shirt. I am afraid of causing the black dragon to bark on the embroidery bed. The brocade characters are worried about teaching the bluebird's title... Baiwei is refined. Pity and benefit my mother, thousands of flowers are blooming and half of them are suitable for men. Who can envy a mandarin duck with a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. The wandering bee flutters about in joy, pretending to guess what the magpie is murmuring."

"Hey, there is nothing special about this lake. What is special is the small island in the lake. It is where the core children of the Yue family live. All of them are beautiful women. Usually, it is not a summer fire festival, but it is a forbidden and holy place for men. . We are the first people to enter the Holy Land in fifteen years, don't you think it's special?" Feng Zi still carried his long sword on his back, smiled, and whispered into Ye Qinghan's ear to explain.

"Huh, since you two are so polite, I'll get on first." Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, smiled slightly, and got into the boat.

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

"Oh?" Long Shuihui looked at the back of the boat seriously for a while, with a drunken expression on his face, and sighed: "Such a woman is really enchanting, but it's a pity that her face is covered and she can't see her true face. It's a pity."

The four people turned around and looked at Ye Qinghan with some doubts. This was their first time hearing such a beautiful piece of music. Why was Ye Qinghan so silent? Even a somewhat disdainful expression

Xue Wuhen waved her folding fan, stood up, and said with a slight smile: "It is indeed a good poem. Who can envy a mandarin duck if he has a companion? The parrot is speechless and I feel ashamed. Why should I envy others or be ashamed of myself? You know, as a girl With your beauty and talent, I am afraid that all the talented people in the world will be attracted by this girl, right? At least the five of us are fascinated by you, right?"

"Oh?" Long Shuihui looked at the back of the boat seriously for a while, with a drunken expression on his face, and sighed: "Such a woman is really enchanting, but it's a pity that her face is covered and she can't see her true face. It's a pity."

"Hey, there is nothing special about this lake. What is special is the small island in the lake. It is where the core children of the Yue family live. All of them are beautiful women. Usually, it is not a summer fire festival, but it is a forbidden and holy place for men. . We are the first people to enter the Holy Land in fifteen years, don't you think it's special?" Feng Zi still carried his long sword on his back, smiled, and whispered into Ye Qinghan's ear to explain.

After watching the grace of the woman rocking the boat for a while, everyone couldn't help but become more interested in entering Jinghu Island, and they couldn't wait. The women rocking the boat can be so good, so must all the women in it be immortals

Ye Qinghan remained silent for a while under the gaze of several people, then slowly drank the tea and said leisurely: "The song is a good song, the poem is a good poem, and the singing is also very good, but... this poem, this song, this The good mood created by the scene was ruined by some idiots! It's sad... "

The four people turned around and looked at Ye Qinghan with some doubts. This was their first time hearing such a beautiful piece of music. Why was Ye Qinghan so silent? Even a somewhat disdainful expression

The masked woman behind the boat still didn't speak or turn around, rocking the boat silently, but after a long time Shen Shen sighed slightly and sang softly:

The window slowly slid, breaking through the water, and gradually headed towards the island in the lake. Yueniang looked at the woman behind the boat thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Nanny, I want to sing a song for the young gentlemen in the boat to relieve their fatigue. What do you think?"

"Is this Jinghu? Nothing special?"

After watching the grace of the woman rocking the boat for a while, everyone couldn't help but become more interested in entering Jinghu Island, and they couldn't wait. The women rocking the boat can be so good, so must all the women in it be immortals

Forehead? What does it mean

"I love to count the palms of lizards, and pick out the tortoiseshell hairpins every time I remember the light. The sadness of the years in the smoke cave is still there, the star bridge is empty overnight, the seasons are ashamed and wasted in front of the window, the world's romantic smiles are bitterly familiar... Paying my salary, I secretly hung my sandalwood sleeves to learn Tongshen. It should be noted that the stone's heart is hard to settle, but it is already parting with the clouds. Seeing the scattered scenery, the sound of the strings is still looking towards the south of the Yangtze River... "

Ye Qinghan and several young masters followed Yueniang to the blue lake. Although the mountains and rivers here are indeed beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. Although the mountains here are greener and the water is prettier than elsewhere, it is also It is just an ordinary small lake, far from the imagination of Jinghu Lake as a holy place in the minds of the world's talents, which is a bit disappointing.

"Master Han, please go first." Feng Zi shook her chest muscles to show her demeanor.

Ye Qinghan was a little speechless, and closed her mouth in a sly voice, but her heart felt like a cold wind blowing through her, and she shivered... If she went to the island later, she met a group of wolf-like and tiger-like harems, and they attacked madly. If we come up, can these few of us be able to hold on

Feng Zi and Hua Cao felt a little confused, Long Shui Shui and Xue Wuhen looked gloomy. They heard the idiot in Ye Qinghan's words, while Yueniang showed a glimmer of light in her eyes and curved her mouth. smile. At the back of the boat, the masked woman who had never turned around suddenly turned around, with a pair of beautiful black shining eyes in the white masked silk scarf, showing some faint interest...

Long Shuishui picked up the tea and took a sip without ceremony. He smiled and said, "What are you talking about?"

The beautiful flowers and plants stretched out their hands to flick the sides of their elastic jackets, and followed suit. Seeing this, Feng Zi and Ye Qinghan also got in. The boat is not big, but it is elegantly decorated, just like a small living room. The bow and stern are separated by a light silk curtain, and the outside scenery can be vaguely seen.

"Absolutely right, absolutely right! The singing is so good. Although I don't know the music, I think even a pig can hear that this is a great song." Feng Zi laughed and said sincerely The cold jokes flattered.

Jinghu is not big, and it cannot be called a lake in the strict sense. It is just a larger reservoir. However, since the Yue family calls it a lake, others will of course only call it Jinghu. Of course, Jinghu Lake is not always quiet like a backwater. Not only is it not quiet, but also because the wind here is strong all year round, the lake water here is never quiet, there are always waves, and waves are endless and surging.

"Master Han, please go first." Feng Zi shook her chest muscles to show her demeanor.

"Absolutely not!" Feng Zi nodded seriously.