Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 7: No trace of snow


The man in white sneered, let go of the girl in white, and slowly turned his head. The man in white is in his twenties, has a handsome face, and looks like a handsome young man.

Touching his chest, he still felt a dull pain. He knew that he was definitely no match for the snow-like eyes in front of him. This man had just unleashed his fighting spirit and was able to injure him with a single blow. This was a performance that had reached the level of a general. Even ten of him were no match for him.

Then Ye Rong scolded everyone: "Put away your weapons! Young Master Xue is a friend invited by Young Master Kuang to come to Cangcheng as a guest. How can you be so slack?"

Entering the Earth Ranking before the age of thirty is the Rookie Ranking of the God of War Mansion. Entering the Heavenly Ranking after the age of thirty is the strongest ranking in the entire God of War Mansion. For example, Ye Tianlong is one of the top players on the Heavenly Ranking, and Ye Qinghan's father, Ye Dao, is even more remarkable. He has occupied the top spot on the Earthly Ranking for many years with his absolute strength.

"Haha! No need to worry, I'm not dead yet, I can leave on my own... Elder Ye Rong, Ye Qingkuang, Xue Wuhen is very good, you are very good..." Ye Qinghan laughed with a smile, and there was a hint of tenderness in his childish voice. A little bit of vicissitudes. A delicate face was full of ferocious color, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he looked at Xue Wuhen, Ye Rong and Ye Qingkuang coldly, as if to engrav them firmly in his mind.

Why are you so unlucky! Encountering this evil star, how can things go well today

But when Ye Shanhu looked into the eyes of the man in white, his mouth opened in shock, his face full of astonishment. The hand holding the knife trembled slightly. He swallowed several times before he stuttered:

The more than a dozen masters in the squadron unsheathed their cold knives one after another, and with great momentum, all the war beasts summoned to merge with the war beasts. Be prepared to rush and kill at the command of the captain.

call out!

Looking at the two gray-black pupils under the sword-like eyebrows of the man in white, standing there proudly with a cold light, Ye Shanhu couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart.

The other one is a young man in his twenties, wearing brocade clothes and a purple gold crown on his head. His face is as white as jade, his lips are slightly thin, and his eyes always have a look of pride. He is the eldest son of the family, Ye Qing Kuang.

"Put down your weapons and capture with both hands. Follow me to the city lord's mansion and wait for him to be punished, otherwise he will not be killed." Ye Shanhu snorted coldly, very dissatisfied that there were still people in his territory who dared to point a sword at him.

At this time, the Yeshan Tiger looked like a human-shaped wolf, ferocious and violent, and its aura soared sharply. This is what Ye Shanhu looks like after he summons the war beast to merge. After merging, Ye Shanhu, who is at the second level of the general realm, can now reach the peak of the third level of the general realm.

"Hey, the spring scenery is boundless, the ecstasy in the middle of the night... the taste of it is not something outsiders know!"

"You..." Ye Qinghan's footsteps trembled, and he was angry and angry. Ye Qingkuang is the eldest son of his uncle Ye Jian, and the eldest brother of Ye Qingxian. He has amazing martial arts talent, and he can summon the seventh-grade war beast Violent Bear at the age of five. His strength is Strong and tyrannical, ranked among the land rankings. He is usually arrogant and arrogant in the family, and they look down upon him. Unexpectedly, he didn't care about his cousins today. Not only did he not help, but he also hurt others. It seems that he knocked Ye Qingxian twice and Ye Qingkuang, as the eldest brother, must also hate himself very much.

At this moment, his mood was extremely angry and aggrieved. After more than ten years of suppression and silence, his heart finally exploded. At that moment, he seemed to have made some kind of decision.

Another member of the squadron sighed and booed, shaking his head with a look of resentment. It only made everyone laugh, and Ye Shanhu looked proud.

"Let me go, brother!"

Ye Shanhu chuckled, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, closing his eyes slightly, looking like he was enjoying it.

"Cough, cough!" Ye Qinghan stood up with difficulty, coughed several times, and looked at his sister's snow-white hands, which were pinched by Xue Wuhen to create a circle of dark red bruises, with anger on his face. His parents were gone, and his sister was the only one in his heart. Now she was being teased in the street. Why wasn't he angry

Ranking tenth on the Earth Ranking, this represents a person's tyrannical strength. The Heavenly Ranking and the Earthly Ranking, this is a ranking list for experts from the God of War Mansion. It changes every year and is absolutely authoritative.

The man in white didn't even raise his head. He palmed his hand casually, and a milky-white air flow emerged from his palm. The air flow collided with the palm knife of the young man in green. There was a loud noise, but the man was fine at all, but like a kite with its string broken, the young man in green spit out a mouthful of blood, flew backwards, and landed on the ground.

"The captain is the captain. It's really high! Xiao Feiyan and our brothers have been thinking about it for a long time, but they haven't gotten it. As soon as you took office, captain, you actually threw yourself into your arms! Alas, we are all the same people, but there is such a difference between us. How old is it?"

"It doesn't matter! It's Qingkuang who came late and surprised Young Master Xue." Ye Qingkuang waved his hand with a nonchalant expression. He turned around but glanced at Ye Qinghan disdainfully, snorted coldly, and said in a low voice: "Huh! What young master? You are a useless person who only knows how to knock sap. He will disgrace our Ye family! Why don't you go back quickly?"

"Leopard fusion."

The man in white didn't move at all, but two old men in black came out from beside him, holding long swords to guard the side, looking coldly at Ye Shanhu and his group.

So he grabbed a golden token from his waist and said to everyone in Yeshanhu: "Brothers, this person molested my sister in the street and even injured me. Please help capture this person and hand him over to the family for punishment." Don, please give justice to my brother and sister."

Ye Rong and Ye Qingkuang actually ignored everyone's salutes when they arrived, and Ye Qinghan stood aside with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He just cupped his hands with Xue Wuhen and said hello.

Ye Shanhu shouted a very fashionable slogan, unsheathed his cold sword, and called for everyone to surround the man in white.

"Oh? It turns out it's the young master in your house, Young Master Kuang. That's Wuhen's crime. I was joking with this little sister just now. Unexpectedly, this little brother suddenly hit out, and I accidentally injured him. I hope my little brother won't be offended." Seeing Ye Qingkuang and Ye Rong coming over, Xue Wuhen smiled slightly, and a hint of smile flashed across her brown eyes. He said with his hands raised.

Ye Shanhu thought that Ye Rong and Ye Qingkuang didn't see Ye Qinghan, and pointed at the golden token in Ye Qinghan's hand. The person holding the golden token is a direct descendant of the family, that is, the young master of the family. Now that the young master of the family was beaten, he thought that the family elders would definitely defend him. After all, this was a matter of family dignity and face.

There are one hundred people on each of the heaven and earth lists. Those who can be ranked on the list are all extraordinary people. And Xue Wuhen can be ranked tenth, which is even more extraordinary. Her strength can be said to be outstanding.

But at this time, Elder Scarface Rong waved his hand, interrupted Ye Qinghan's words, and said coldly: "Okay! The family's execution hall will make its own decision on Ye Qinghan's matter. You go back first and go to the execution hall to get one." Take some healing pills and take good care of yourself. Shan Hu, escort the seventh young master back."

"This? I honor your order."

"Oh? You want to take me?"

While everyone was chatting away, the sudden call of a girl not far away caught their attention. It was a man in white who was pulling the girl, and the girl screamed in fright. Immediately afterwards, a young man in green suddenly ran towards him from a distance like a wounded leopard. Without saying a word, he jumped into the air and used his palm as a knife to chop off the man's cervical spine.

One of the team members took out a signal bomb and prepared to release it. They are just ordinary Cangcheng guards. They basically maintain the security of Cangcheng. In special circumstances, they have to call the family's guard team - the Canglang Guards.

"Stop! Let that girl go..."

Combination of war beasts! The Ye family’s unique secret skill!

Ye Shanhu was in a good mood. He was originally a descendant of the family, and the war beast was not a high-level product. He had practiced hard for more than 20 years and finally broke through to the second level of the general realm more than ten days ago. He was given a guardian by the Ye family. The position of captain of the city guard.

"Stop it all!"

At this time, Ye Shanhu led his team to patrol in the south of the city and was resting in a tea shop. A member of the team lifted the teapot, poured him a glass of water respectfully, and said flatteringly.

"Brother, how are you?"

"Fire Wolf Fusion."

Two figures, one is a tall middle-aged man with eagle eyes and hooked nose, and a ferocious scar stretching from his mouth to behind his ears. He is Ye Rong, the deputy elder of the family execution hall.

Ye Shanhu hesitated and responded quickly. Looking at Ye Qinghan, he sighed in his heart. It seemed that this young master was not doing well in the family. But it's no wonder, it's strange that he can be taken seriously by the family with such poor strength.

After Ye Shanhu saw the person clearly, his face showed joy, his whole body relaxed, he immediately disbanded the combined state, and quickly greeted everyone to salute.

Just as the team member was preparing to release the flare, a loud roar sounded in the distance. Two figures flew over from a distance. As soon as the sound rang in everyone's ears, they were already reaching the side at an alarming speed.

And those two boys and girls were the Ye Qinghan brother and sister who were hanging out. After Ye Qingyu let go of Xue Wuhen's hand, she quickly rushed to Ye Qinghan's side, carefully helped him up, and hurriedly wiped the blood from the corner of her brother's mouth with her sleeves, her face full of panic.

However, doubts remain doubts, and the shining golden token in front of me is genuine. In an instant, Ye Shanhu made a decision: "These three people are openly provoking the dignity of the Ye family in Cangcheng. Send a red signal and summon the Cangcheng wolf guards. Everyone is ready to fight. All the war beasts will unite and surround them! Shadow Wolf, I partners—fusion.”

Xue Wuhen was born with double pupils! A new generation of genius in the God of War Mansion, the young patriarch of the Xue family, one of the five major families, ranked tenth on the land list. He broke through to the general realm at the age of twenty-four, and his family's unique art of raising worms and insects was said to be better than that of ordinary elders in the family. Known as one of the new generation of geniuses in the God of War Mansion, he was directly appointed as the Young Patriarch by the Xue Patriarch at the age of twenty-five.

There was a trace of doubt in Ye Shanhu's eyes. The golden token represented the identity of a direct descendant of the family. He only has the silver token, while the core disciples have the emerald token. It's just that this direct disciple of the family is so unfamiliar. There are more than twenty direct disciples of the family. He basically knows him, and the cultivation level of this direct disciple is too bad, right

"I've met Elder Rong, and I've met Young Master Kuang."

But? As far as I am at the second level of the General Realm, I probably can't even defeat his two black-clad guards. Moreover, even if he summoned a war beast to fuse, he would not be a match for Xue Wuhen, who was at the third level of the general realm. Others had super insect poison techniques comparable to those of the Yejia war beasts, and their overall strength was comparable to that of the marshal realm. So the Yeshan Tiger just stood there upright, neither moving nor moving. Not up or down, so embarrassing.

Ye Shanhu shouted loudly, and a ball of air suddenly emerged from his chest, and it slowly condensed into the shape of a wolf. The wolf had just taken shape, but suddenly got into Ye Shanhu's body.

With a sneer, he took his sister's hand and walked slowly, step by step. The steps started out staggering and heavy, but gradually became firm and decisive.


"This... Elder Rong, this young master Xue, just now, he molested this girl... and injured the young master in the castle." Ye Shanhu coughed awkwardly and whispered next to Ye Rong and Ye Qingkuang. .

"Hey, Captain, the Xiaofeiyan served at Chunyu Restaurant on Thirteenth Street last night was delicious, wasn't it?"

Golden token

However, today, he molested a girl from his family in the street, and even injured a family member. He was also a Cangcheng guard, so he met her in the street. If we don't take action to capture him, it will chill the hearts of the children of the Ye family and the people of Cangcheng.

This man is more frivolous and more genius than the eldest son of the family, Ye. He is the next generation patriarch of the Xue family. He is the one who has to speak politely to all the elders at night.

"Born with double pupils, the eldest son of the Xue family—Xue Wuhen?"

A moment later, Ye Shanhu's body underwent drastic changes. His hands slowly became sharper, and his ten fingers turned into ten sharp claws. Moreover, his ears became elongated, and a black wolf-like tattoo suddenly appeared on the left side of his forehead.

Ye Shanhu recognized the young man in green at a glance, and the palm knife he slashed through the air was exactly the ground-breaking slash in the "Seven Styles of the Night Emperor". I saw a family member being injured. There was an evil look in Ye Shanhu's eyes, he slapped the table and rushed out with the others.

"Earth-shattering? He's a member of the family, huh! Someone in Cangcheng actually dares to hurt our Ye family members. Don't want to live anymore? He's so full of fighting spirit that he dares to act recklessly in Cangcheng even if he's just a general?"