Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 77: Netherworld Island


There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.

The main purpose of the elites who come here is to kill people and gain points. Take risks and get treasures! If you are always following a few major forces, and when you are desperate, ask them to step in. When it comes to getting points and treasures, they don't have a share. They are not fools, so of course they won't do such stupid things.

There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. After the meeting, you can go or stay as you like." Seeing that everyone had already sat down, Long Sainan didn't waste any more nonsense and went directly to the topic: "First of all, I decided to set up a temporary At the base camp, I will send a team of elites to guard the area 24 hours a day. Any elites who participated in the war can practice, recuperate, and rest here! Of course, after today, everyone will take care of their own food! Those who want to stay here You can stay until the battle is over. Of course, if an enemy comes to attack the camp, I hope all the elites in the base camp will fight together."

"Agree, agree, agree!"

Everyone began to walk quickly towards the temporary base camp halfway up the mountain. This temporary base camp was set up here by the God of War Palace after experiencing countless battles. There are a large number of simply built bamboo buildings in the base camp. Although they are very simple, they are still suitable for people to live in. It has been perfected by ancestors who have gone through countless battles. Countless sentries and countless simple mechanisms have been set up around it to give early warning when someone is approaching.

The Ten Thousand Elites are an elite team composed of many families in the God of War Palace. On the surface, most of them belong to and are vassals of the five major families and the six major forces of Dragon City. In fact, except for the elite children belonging to their own families, most of the rest Everyone is just a temporary vassal. When they arrive at Netherworld Island, they will all go their separate ways.

"Everyone!" Long Sainan's majestic voice sounded, disturbing everyone's thoughts of admiring the scenery. When everyone's eyes turned to her, she reached out and pointed to the mountain, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the temporary base camp. Let’s settle down first and hold a pre-war meeting later. I’ll give you a detailed introduction to the situation on Netherworld Island and everyone can decide how to go in the future, okay?”

The efficiency of a thousand people was very high. In less than half an hour, the temporary base camp was quickly organized. The captains of the elite teams asked their people to go back to their assigned residences to rest, and then representatives of several major families and leaders of the teams followed Long Sainan to the conference hall of the base camp.

What they saw in front of them was a strange place. They were transported to the foot of a high mountain, which was a flat and wide grassland. There was a small river not far away, and beside the small river there was a large group of antelope and bison drinking water. The grass on the grassland was lush and green. Unknown wild flowers are blooming everywhere, and the scenery is very beautiful.

"Except for three corners, the entire Netherworld Island is a round cake. There is a small hole in the center of the round cake. That is the place for the decisive battle, and the rest of the place is the psychedelic forest. The psychedelic forest is where we will mainly fight in the next two years. There are treasures, monsters, and enemies in the psychedelic forest. Of course, the most ubiquitous miniature teleportation arrays are invisible when not touched. Once touched, they will be randomly teleported to the psychedelic forest. Every corner. So everyone should pay attention, be careful when exploring the path, and don’t rush around, otherwise you will be accidentally teleported into a whole team of demon elites, and you will definitely be dead."

There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.

Her strength and wisdom indeed put countless men to shame. As the only daughter of Palace Master Long, she must have read most of the top-secret information in the Palace Master's database. Since she proposed to hold a pre-war meeting for everyone, it would only be good for everyone, not harmful. So Ye Qinghan nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"Everyone!" Long Sainan's majestic voice sounded, disturbing everyone's thoughts of admiring the scenery. When everyone's eyes turned to her, she reached out and pointed to the mountain, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the temporary base camp. Let’s settle down first and hold a pre-war meeting later. I’ll give you a detailed introduction to the situation on Netherworld Island and everyone can decide how to go in the future, okay?”

"Second, most people must know the terrain of Netherworld Island, but there are still a few people who don't. Let me briefly introduce it to you." Long Sainan gestured to his subordinates, spread out a map, and then she picked up a Bamboo, let me explain to you: "Netherworld Island is in the shape of a triangle. We are currently in the southern corner. The other two corners are the base camp of the Demon God Palace and the Heman God Palace. You can see that there is a circular plain in the center. , there is the battlefield of the decisive battle. And the periphery of the circle is where our elites fight, the psychedelic forest."

This resulted in that no family or force could know the coordinates of the teleportation array and high-level monsters before the war. Everything had to be explored by those who participated in the war. The major families and forces just marked on the map the places where high-level monsters are most likely to appear, as well as many dangerous places...

After the meeting was over, everyone returned to their own places. Each began to prepare food and fresh water in order to start the battle. In the afternoon, small groups began to leave the temporary base camp one after another, crossed the river, and walked into the psychedelic forest.

"I... agree!" Yue Qingcheng nodded first, but then turned her attention to Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan looked at the map carefully again. He had actually seen this map before and understood the dangers and treasures contained in this their main battlefield. The forest was huge, and if he went all out, it would take him a month to cross it in a straight line from south to north. But he thought that even Long Sainan, the top expert on the ground rankings, would not dare to run in a straight line. The teleportation array in the psychedelic forest will randomly change every battle, and most importantly, the high-level monsters inside will also change territories after every battle, or invest in replenishing the monsters consumed in the previous battle.

The efficiency of a thousand people was very high. In less than half an hour, the temporary base camp was quickly organized. The captains of the elite teams asked their people to go back to their assigned residences to rest, and then representatives of several major families and leaders of the teams followed Long Sainan to the conference hall of the base camp.

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. After the meeting, you can go or stay as you like." Seeing that everyone had already sat down, Long Sainan didn't waste any more nonsense and went directly to the topic: "First of all, I decided to set up a temporary At the base camp, I will send a team of elites to guard the area 24 hours a day. Any elites who participated in the war can practice, recuperate, and rest here! Of course, after today, everyone will take care of their own food! Those who want to stay here You can stay until the battle is over. Of course, if an enemy comes to attack the camp, I hope all the elites in the base camp will fight together."

"Except for three corners, the entire Netherworld Island is a round cake. There is a small hole in the center of the round cake. That is the place for the decisive battle, and the rest of the place is the psychedelic forest. The psychedelic forest is where we will mainly fight in the next two years. There are treasures, monsters, and enemies in the psychedelic forest. Of course, the most ubiquitous miniature teleportation arrays are invisible when not touched. Once touched, they will be randomly teleported to the psychedelic forest. Every corner. So everyone should pay attention, be careful when exploring the path, and don’t rush around, otherwise you will be accidentally teleported into a whole team of demon elites, and you will definitely be dead."

"Agree!" Ye Qinghan saw Ye Qingwu looking at him, knowing that she had left the decision-making power to him, and Long Sainan, with his strength at the top of the princes realm list, was unquestionably strong among the 10,000 elites in the audience. First, the rumor in the God of War Mansion that she has always been the same as her unique name is that she can compete with and outshine men.

"Agree!" Ye Qinghan saw Ye Qingwu looking at him, knowing that she had left the decision-making power to him, and Long Sainan, with his strength at the top of the princes realm list, was unquestionably strong among the 10,000 elites in the audience. First, the rumor in the God of War Mansion that she has always been the same as her unique name is that she can compete with and outshine men.

It is said to be a conference hall, but it is actually just a larger bamboo building. Sitting down on simple wooden benches, everyone began their first pre-war meeting.

"Everyone!" Long Sainan's majestic voice sounded, disturbing everyone's thoughts of admiring the scenery. When everyone's eyes turned to her, she reached out and pointed to the mountain, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the temporary base camp. Let’s settle down first and hold a pre-war meeting later. I’ll give you a detailed introduction to the situation on Netherworld Island and everyone can decide how to go in the future, okay?”

Long Sainan's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. It seemed that this shameless woman had a high prestige among everyone. However, the five major families and Dragon City actually account for two-thirds of the 10,000 elites in the God of War Mansion. Several young masters from the five major families are very convinced and have a good impression of Long Sainan. The other elites are also inextricably linked with the five major families. This result seems to be accidental and inevitable...

Her strength and wisdom indeed put countless men to shame. As the only daughter of Palace Master Long, she must have read most of the top-secret information in the Palace Master's database. Since she proposed to hold a pre-war meeting for everyone, it would only be good for everyone, not harmful. So Ye Qinghan nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"Except for three corners, the entire Netherworld Island is a round cake. There is a small hole in the center of the round cake. That is the place for the decisive battle, and the rest of the place is the psychedelic forest. The psychedelic forest is where we will mainly fight in the next two years. There are treasures, monsters, and enemies in the psychedelic forest. Of course, the most ubiquitous miniature teleportation arrays are invisible when not touched. Once touched, they will be randomly teleported to the psychedelic forest. Every corner. So everyone should pay attention, be careful when exploring the path, and don’t rush around, otherwise you will be accidentally teleported into a whole team of demon elites, and you will definitely be dead."


"There are also monsters in the forest. Be careful when encountering monsters. The monsters here are at least level four, and the highest is level eight. They can instantly kill anyone present. Of course, 50% of them are around. Whether you can get the treasure depends mainly on your luck! My advice to you is, save your life first. Many of you may want to use the palace battle to kill people to get points, in exchange for a large amount of finances, treasures, or the position of city lord. Yes, but my life is gone and I have nothing! I wish you all good luck!"

"Agree, agree, agree!"

"Except for three corners, the entire Netherworld Island is a round cake. There is a small hole in the center of the round cake. That is the place for the decisive battle, and the rest of the place is the psychedelic forest. The psychedelic forest is where we will mainly fight in the next two years. There are treasures, monsters, and enemies in the psychedelic forest. Of course, the most ubiquitous miniature teleportation arrays are invisible when not touched. Once touched, they will be randomly teleported to the psychedelic forest. Every corner. So everyone should pay attention, be careful when exploring the path, and don’t rush around, otherwise you will be accidentally teleported into a whole team of demon elites, and you will definitely be dead."

It is said to be a conference hall, but it is actually just a larger bamboo building. Sitting down on simple wooden benches, everyone began their first pre-war meeting.

"There are also monsters in the forest. Be careful when encountering monsters. The monsters here are at least level four, and the highest is level eight. They can instantly kill anyone present. Of course, 50% of them are around. Whether you can get the treasure depends mainly on your luck! My advice to you is, save your life first. Many of you may want to use the palace battle to kill people to get points, in exchange for a large amount of finances, treasures, or the position of city lord. Yes, but my life is gone and I have nothing! I wish you all good luck!"

The efficiency of a thousand people was very high. In less than half an hour, the temporary base camp was quickly organized. The captains of the elite teams asked their people to go back to their assigned residences to rest, and then representatives of several major families and leaders of the teams followed Long Sainan to the conference hall of the base camp.

Ye Yi and Ye San led four hundred people into the psychedelic forest after simple preparations. Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingwu just looked at them from a distance and did not go over to say goodbye to them. On the surface, they are an elite team composed of two small families from a small town. Secretly, they are the dead soldiers of the Ye family, carrying out secret missions...

Long Sainan's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. It seemed that this shameless woman had a high prestige among everyone. However, the five major families and Dragon City actually account for two-thirds of the 10,000 elites in the God of War Mansion. Several young masters from the five major families are very convinced and have a good impression of Long Sainan. The other elites are also inextricably linked with the five major families. This result seems to be accidental and inevitable...

The first resolution has obviously been unanimously approved by everyone. A base camp will be set up in the past dynasties to allow those who are exhausted from hard battles to get enough rest and recuperation. Those who do not want to fight can also rest in the temporary base camp. Under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult for the enemy to travel thousands of miles and go through many difficulties to attack the base camp. Therefore, although this base camp is not absolutely safe, it is considered a safe place in the dangerous Netherworld Island. But now Longcheng has obviously shouldered this heavy burden on its own, and of course everyone is happy.

"There are also monsters in the forest. Be careful when encountering monsters. The monsters here are at least level four, and the highest is level eight. They can instantly kill anyone present. Of course, 50% of them are around. Whether you can get the treasure depends mainly on your luck! My advice to you is, save your life first. Many of you may want to use the palace battle to kill people to get points, in exchange for a large amount of finances, treasures, or the position of city lord. Yes, but my life is gone and I have nothing! I wish you all good luck!"

There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.

Long Sainan's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. It seemed that this shameless woman had a high prestige among everyone. However, the five major families and Dragon City actually account for two-thirds of the 10,000 elites in the God of War Mansion. Several young masters from the five major families are very convinced and have a good impression of Long Sainan. The other elites are also inextricably linked with the five major families. This result seems to be accidental and inevitable...

"Everyone!" Long Sainan's majestic voice sounded, disturbing everyone's thoughts of admiring the scenery. When everyone's eyes turned to her, she reached out and pointed to the mountain, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the temporary base camp. Let’s settle down first and hold a pre-war meeting later. I’ll give you a detailed introduction to the situation on Netherworld Island and everyone can decide how to go in the future, okay?”

"The first team is on guard, the second team and the third team are cleaning up the housing in the base camp, and the fourth team and the fifth team are hunting for food and making pots for cooking." Long Sainan obviously often leads the army, and he is very skilled in directing his men to get busy. A total of a thousand people came to Longcheng this time, some of them were Longcheng's own people, and some of them joined temporarily. Long Sainan obviously did not order the rest of the family elites and the elite teams formed from various places. The rest of the people also consciously rested in place and did not cause trouble.

Everyone began to walk quickly towards the temporary base camp halfway up the mountain. This temporary base camp was set up here by the God of War Palace after experiencing countless battles. There are a large number of simply built bamboo buildings in the base camp. Although they are very simple, they are still suitable for people to live in. It has been perfected by ancestors who have gone through countless battles. Countless sentries and countless simple mechanisms have been set up around it to give early warning when someone is approaching.

"I... agree!" Yue Qingcheng nodded first, but then turned her attention to Ye Qinghan.

There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.

"The first team is on guard, the second team and the third team are cleaning up the housing in the base camp, and the fourth team and the fifth team are hunting for food and making pots for cooking." Long Sainan obviously often leads the army, and he is very skilled in directing his men to get busy. A total of a thousand people came to Longcheng this time, some of them were Longcheng's own people, and some of them joined temporarily. Long Sainan obviously did not order the rest of the family elites and the elite teams formed from various places. The rest of the people also consciously rested in place and did not cause trouble.

After the meeting was over, everyone returned to their own places. Each began to prepare food and fresh water in order to start the battle. In the afternoon, small groups began to leave the temporary base camp one after another, crossed the river, and walked into the psychedelic forest.

It is said to be a conference hall, but it is actually just a larger bamboo building. Sitting down on simple wooden benches, everyone began their first pre-war meeting.

"Except for three corners, the entire Netherworld Island is a round cake. There is a small hole in the center of the round cake. That is the place for the decisive battle, and the rest of the place is the psychedelic forest. The psychedelic forest is where we will mainly fight in the next two years. There are treasures, monsters, and enemies in the psychedelic forest. Of course, the most ubiquitous miniature teleportation arrays are invisible when not touched. Once touched, they will be randomly teleported to the psychedelic forest. Every corner. So everyone should pay attention, be careful when exploring the path, and don’t rush around, otherwise you will be accidentally teleported into a whole team of demon elites, and you will definitely be dead."

"Everyone!" Long Sainan's majestic voice sounded, disturbing everyone's thoughts of admiring the scenery. When everyone's eyes turned to her, she reached out and pointed to the mountain, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the temporary base camp. Let’s settle down first and hold a pre-war meeting later. I’ll give you a detailed introduction to the situation on Netherworld Island and everyone can decide how to go in the future, okay?”

The efficiency of a thousand people was very high. In less than half an hour, the temporary base camp was quickly organized. The captains of the elite teams asked their people to go back to their assigned residences to rest, and then representatives of several major families and leaders of the teams followed Long Sainan to the conference hall of the base camp.

"Agree, agree, agree!"

What they saw in front of them was a strange place. They were transported to the foot of a high mountain, which was a flat and wide grassland. There was a small river not far away, and beside the small river there was a large group of antelope and bison drinking water. The grass on the grassland was lush and green. Unknown wild flowers are blooming everywhere, and the scenery is very beautiful.

Her strength and wisdom indeed put countless men to shame. As the only daughter of Palace Master Long, she must have read most of the top-secret information in the Palace Master's database. Since she proposed to hold a pre-war meeting for everyone, it would only be good for everyone, not harmful. So Ye Qinghan nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"I... agree!" Yue Qingcheng nodded first, but then turned her attention to Ye Qinghan.

It is said to be a conference hall, but it is actually just a larger bamboo building. Sitting down on simple wooden benches, everyone began their first pre-war meeting.

"The first team is on guard, the second team and the third team are cleaning up the housing in the base camp, and the fourth team and the fifth team are hunting for food and making pots for cooking." Long Sainan obviously often leads the army, and he is very skilled in directing his men to get busy. A total of a thousand people came to Longcheng this time, some of them were Longcheng's own people, and some of them joined temporarily. Long Sainan obviously did not order the rest of the family elites and the elite teams formed from various places. The rest of the people also consciously rested in place and did not cause trouble.

There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.

"Agree!" Ye Qinghan saw Ye Qingwu looking at him, knowing that she had left the decision-making power to him, and Long Sainan, with his strength at the top of the princes realm list, was unquestionably strong among the 10,000 elites in the audience. First, the rumor in the God of War Mansion that she has always been the same as her unique name is that she can compete with and outshine men.

This resulted in that no family or force could know the coordinates of the teleportation array and high-level monsters before the war. Everything had to be explored by those who participated in the war. The major families and forces just marked on the map the places where high-level monsters are most likely to appear, as well as many dangerous places...

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. After the meeting, you can go or stay as you like." Seeing that everyone had already sat down, Long Sainan didn't waste any more nonsense and went directly to the topic: "First of all, I decided to set up a temporary At the base camp, I will send a team of elites to guard the area 24 hours a day. Any elites who participated in the war can practice, recuperate, and rest here! Of course, after today, everyone will take care of their own food! Those who want to stay here You can stay until the battle is over. Of course, if an enemy comes to attack the camp, I hope all the elites in the base camp will fight together."

After the meeting was over, everyone returned to their own places. Each began to prepare food and fresh water in order to start the battle. In the afternoon, small groups began to leave the temporary base camp one after another, crossed the river, and walked into the psychedelic forest.

The main purpose of the elites who come here is to kill people and gain points. Take risks and get treasures! If you are always following a few major forces, and when you are desperate, ask them to step in. When it comes to getting points and treasures, they don't have a share. They are not fools, so of course they won't do such stupid things.

"Agree, agree, agree!"

Ye Yi and Ye San led four hundred people into the psychedelic forest after simple preparations. Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingwu just looked at them from a distance and did not go over to say goodbye to them. On the surface, they are an elite team composed of two small families from a small town. Secretly, they are the dead soldiers of the Ye family, carrying out secret missions...

"Second, most people must know the terrain of Netherworld Island, but there are still a few people who don't. Let me briefly introduce it to you." Long Sainan gestured to his subordinates, spread out a map, and then she picked up a Bamboo, let me explain to you: "Netherworld Island is in the shape of a triangle. We are currently in the southern corner. The other two corners are the base camp of the Demon God Palace and the Heman God Palace. You can see that there is a circular plain in the center. , there is the battlefield of the decisive battle. And the periphery of the circle is where our elites fight, the psychedelic forest."


There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.

Long Sainan's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. It seemed that this shameless woman had a high prestige among everyone. However, the five major families and Dragon City actually account for two-thirds of the 10,000 elites in the God of War Mansion. Several young masters from the five major families are very convinced and have a good impression of Long Sainan. The other elites are also inextricably linked with the five major families. This result seems to be accidental and inevitable...

Long Sainan's words benefited those present a lot, and also extinguished the fiery hearts of many people. The elite mansion battle happens once every sixty years. Many people come to the mansion battle with the mentality of killing people and gaining points. They know that points represent reputation and status. Points can be exchanged for wealth that cannot be spent in a lifetime, represent countless beauties, and represent the position of city lord of 500 small towns and 100 large cities. It was only Long Sainan's words that made them realize the fact. If their lives are gone, then there is nothing...

"Agree, agree, agree!"

Long Sainan's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. It seemed that this shameless woman had a high prestige among everyone. However, the five major families and Dragon City actually account for two-thirds of the 10,000 elites in the God of War Mansion. Several young masters from the five major families are very convinced and have a good impression of Long Sainan. The other elites are also inextricably linked with the five major families. This result seems to be accidental and inevitable...


"Agree, agree, agree!"

The main purpose of the elites who come here is to kill people and gain points. Take risks and get treasures! If you are always following a few major forces, and when you are desperate, ask them to step in. When it comes to getting points and treasures, they don't have a share. They are not fools, so of course they won't do such stupid things.

There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.

Everyone began to walk quickly towards the temporary base camp halfway up the mountain. This temporary base camp was set up here by the God of War Palace after experiencing countless battles. There are a large number of simply built bamboo buildings in the base camp. Although they are very simple, they are still suitable for people to live in. It has been perfected by ancestors who have gone through countless battles. Countless sentries and countless simple mechanisms have been set up around it to give early warning when someone is approaching.

The efficiency of a thousand people was very high. In less than half an hour, the temporary base camp was quickly organized. The captains of the elite teams asked their people to go back to their assigned residences to rest, and then representatives of several major families and leaders of the teams followed Long Sainan to the conference hall of the base camp.

Long Sainan's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. It seemed that this shameless woman had a high prestige among everyone. However, the five major families and Dragon City actually account for two-thirds of the 10,000 elites in the God of War Mansion. Several young masters from the five major families are very convinced and have a good impression of Long Sainan. The other elites are also inextricably linked with the five major families. This result seems to be accidental and inevitable...

Ye Qinghan looked at the map carefully again. He had actually seen this map before and understood the dangers and treasures contained in this their main battlefield. The forest was huge, and if he went all out, it would take him a month to cross it in a straight line from south to north. But he thought that even Long Sainan, the top expert on the ground rankings, would not dare to run in a straight line. The teleportation array in the psychedelic forest will randomly change every battle, and most importantly, the high-level monsters inside will also change territories after every battle, or invest in replenishing the monsters consumed in the previous battle.

What they saw in front of them was a strange place. They were transported to the foot of a high mountain, which was a flat and wide grassland. There was a small river not far away, and beside the small river there was a large group of antelope and bison drinking water. The grass on the grassland was lush and green. Unknown wild flowers are blooming everywhere, and the scenery is very beautiful.

"Agree, agree, agree!"

Psychedelic forest!

Psychedelic forest!

"Agree, agree, agree!"

The first resolution has obviously been unanimously approved by everyone. A base camp will be set up in the past dynasties to allow those who are exhausted from hard battles to get enough rest and recuperation. Those who do not want to fight can also rest in the temporary base camp. Under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult for the enemy to travel thousands of miles and go through many difficulties to attack the base camp. Therefore, although this base camp is not absolutely safe, it is considered a safe place in the dangerous Netherworld Island. But now Longcheng has obviously shouldered this heavy burden on its own, and of course everyone is happy.

The efficiency of a thousand people was very high. In less than half an hour, the temporary base camp was quickly organized. The captains of the elite teams asked their people to go back to their assigned residences to rest, and then representatives of several major families and leaders of the teams followed Long Sainan to the conference hall of the base camp.

Everyone began to walk quickly towards the temporary base camp halfway up the mountain. This temporary base camp was set up here by the God of War Palace after experiencing countless battles. There are a large number of simply built bamboo buildings in the base camp. Although they are very simple, they are still suitable for people to live in. It has been perfected by ancestors who have gone through countless battles. Countless sentries and countless simple mechanisms have been set up around it to give early warning when someone is approaching.

Long Sainan's words benefited those present a lot, and also extinguished the fiery hearts of many people. The elite mansion battle happens once every sixty years. Many people come to the mansion battle with the mentality of killing people and gaining points. They know that points represent reputation and status. Points can be exchanged for wealth that cannot be spent in a lifetime, represent countless beauties, and represent the position of city lord of 500 small towns and 100 large cities. It was only Long Sainan's words that made them realize the fact. If their lives are gone, then there is nothing...

"I... agree!" Yue Qingcheng nodded first, but then turned her attention to Ye Qinghan.

"Except for three corners, the entire Netherworld Island is a round cake. There is a small hole in the center of the round cake. That is the place for the decisive battle, and the rest of the place is the psychedelic forest. The psychedelic forest is where we will mainly fight in the next two years. There are treasures, monsters, and enemies in the psychedelic forest. Of course, the most ubiquitous miniature teleportation arrays are invisible when not touched. Once touched, they will be randomly teleported to the psychedelic forest. Every corner. So everyone should pay attention, be careful when exploring the path, and don’t rush around, otherwise you will be accidentally teleported into a whole team of demon elites, and you will definitely be dead."

"Second, most people must know the terrain of Netherworld Island, but there are still a few people who don't. Let me briefly introduce it to you." Long Sainan gestured to his subordinates, spread out a map, and then she picked up a Bamboo, let me explain to you: "Netherworld Island is in the shape of a triangle. We are currently in the southern corner. The other two corners are the base camp of the Demon God Palace and the Heman God Palace. You can see that there is a circular plain in the center. , there is the battlefield of the decisive battle. And the periphery of the circle is where our elites fight, the psychedelic forest."

So after arriving at Netherworld Island, you can either go in teams one by one, or you can spread out like a lone ranger and try your luck on your own. Of course, this phenomenon is the same in previous government wars, and the major forces will not blame them. After all, everyone is risking their lives to gamble, and the psychedelic forest is not suitable for people from large groups and teams to come together. First, the goal is too high. Large, but the terrain of the psychedelic forest does not allow it. Maybe half of the people will be teleported to various parts of the forest by the teleportation array while walking...


"Agree!" Ye Qinghan saw Ye Qingwu looking at him, knowing that she had left the decision-making power to him, and Long Sainan, with his strength at the top of the princes realm list, was unquestionably strong among the 10,000 elites in the audience. First, the rumor in the God of War Mansion that she has always been the same as her unique name is that she can compete with and outshine men.

This resulted in that no family or force could know the coordinates of the teleportation array and high-level monsters before the war. Everything had to be explored by those who participated in the war. The major families and forces just marked on the map the places where high-level monsters are most likely to appear, as well as many dangerous places...

Long Sainan's words benefited those present a lot, and also extinguished the fiery hearts of many people. The elite mansion battle happens once every sixty years. Many people come to the mansion battle with the mentality of killing people and gaining points. They know that points represent reputation and status. Points can be exchanged for wealth that cannot be spent in a lifetime, represent countless beauties, and represent the position of city lord of 500 small towns and 100 large cities. It was only Long Sainan's words that made them realize the fact. If their lives are gone, then there is nothing...

"Agree!" Ye Qinghan saw Ye Qingwu looking at him, knowing that she had left the decision-making power to him, and Long Sainan, with his strength at the top of the princes realm list, was unquestionably strong among the 10,000 elites in the audience. First, the rumor in the God of War Mansion that she has always been the same as her unique name is that she can compete with and outshine men.

"Except for three corners, the entire Netherworld Island is a round cake. There is a small hole in the center of the round cake. That is the place for the decisive battle, and the rest of the place is the psychedelic forest. The psychedelic forest is where we will mainly fight in the next two years. There are treasures, monsters, and enemies in the psychedelic forest. Of course, the most ubiquitous miniature teleportation arrays are invisible when not touched. Once touched, they will be randomly teleported to the psychedelic forest. Every corner. So everyone should pay attention, be careful when exploring the path, and don’t rush around, otherwise you will be accidentally teleported into a whole team of demon elites, and you will definitely be dead."

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. After the meeting, you can go or stay as you like." Seeing that everyone had already sat down, Long Sainan didn't waste any more nonsense and went directly to the topic: "First of all, I decided to set up a temporary At the base camp, I will send a team of elites to guard the area 24 hours a day. Any elites who participated in the war can practice, recuperate, and rest here! Of course, after today, everyone will take care of their own food! Those who want to stay here You can stay until the battle is over. Of course, if an enemy comes to attack the camp, I hope all the elites in the base camp will fight together."

Psychedelic forest!

Psychedelic forest!


The Ten Thousand Elites are an elite team composed of many families in the God of War Palace. On the surface, most of them belong to and are vassals of the five major families and the six major forces of Dragon City. In fact, except for the elite children belonging to their own families, most of the rest Everyone is just a temporary vassal. When they arrive at Netherworld Island, they will all go their separate ways.

"The first team is on guard, the second team and the third team are cleaning up the housing in the base camp, and the fourth team and the fifth team are hunting for food and making pots for cooking." Long Sainan obviously often leads the army, and he is very skilled in directing his men to get busy. A total of a thousand people came to Longcheng this time, some of them were Longcheng's own people, and some of them joined temporarily. Long Sainan obviously did not order the rest of the family elites and the elite teams formed from various places. The rest of the people also consciously rested in place and did not cause trouble.

"I... agree!" Yue Qingcheng nodded first, but then turned her attention to Ye Qinghan.

It is said to be a conference hall, but it is actually just a larger bamboo building. Sitting down on simple wooden benches, everyone began their first pre-war meeting.

"There are also monsters in the forest. Be careful when encountering monsters. The monsters here are at least level four, and the highest is level eight. They can instantly kill anyone present. Of course, 50% of them are around. Whether you can get the treasure depends mainly on your luck! My advice to you is, save your life first. Many of you may want to use the palace battle to kill people to get points, in exchange for a large amount of finances, treasures, or the position of city lord. Yes, but my life is gone and I have nothing! I wish you all good luck!"

Ye Yi and Ye San led four hundred people into the psychedelic forest after simple preparations. Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingwu just looked at them from a distance and did not go over to say goodbye to them. On the surface, they are an elite team composed of two small families from a small town. Secretly, they are the dead soldiers of the Ye family, carrying out secret missions...

"Everyone!" Long Sainan's majestic voice sounded, disturbing everyone's thoughts of admiring the scenery. When everyone's eyes turned to her, she reached out and pointed to the mountain, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the temporary base camp. Let’s settle down first and hold a pre-war meeting later. I’ll give you a detailed introduction to the situation on Netherworld Island and everyone can decide how to go in the future, okay?”

"Agree!" Ye Qinghan saw Ye Qingwu looking at him, knowing that she had left the decision-making power to him, and Long Sainan, with his strength at the top of the princes realm list, was unquestionably strong among the 10,000 elites in the audience. First, the rumor in the God of War Mansion that she has always been the same as her unique name is that she can compete with and outshine men.

What they saw in front of them was a strange place. They were transported to the foot of a high mountain, which was a flat and wide grassland. There was a small river not far away, and beside the small river there was a large group of antelope and bison drinking water. The grass on the grassland was lush and green. Unknown wild flowers are blooming everywhere, and the scenery is very beautiful.

"There are also monsters in the forest. Be careful when encountering monsters. The monsters here are at least level four, and the highest is level eight. They can instantly kill anyone present. Of course, 50% of them are around. Whether you can get the treasure depends mainly on your luck! My advice to you is, save your life first. Many of you may want to use the palace battle to kill people to get points, in exchange for a large amount of finances, treasures, or the position of city lord. Yes, but my life is gone and I have nothing! I wish you all good luck!"

Ye Yi and Ye San led four hundred people into the psychedelic forest after simple preparations. Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingwu just looked at them from a distance and did not go over to say goodbye to them. On the surface, they are an elite team composed of two small families from a small town. Secretly, they are the dead soldiers of the Ye family, carrying out secret missions...

The main purpose of the elites who come here is to kill people and gain points. Take risks and get treasures! If you are always following a few major forces, and when you are desperate, ask them to step in. When it comes to getting points and treasures, they don't have a share. They are not fools, so of course they won't do such stupid things.

There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.

Long Sainan's words benefited those present a lot, and also extinguished the fiery hearts of many people. The elite mansion battle happens once every sixty years. Many people come to the mansion battle with the mentality of killing people and gaining points. They know that points represent reputation and status. Points can be exchanged for wealth that cannot be spent in a lifetime, represent countless beauties, and represent the position of city lord of 500 small towns and 100 large cities. It was only Long Sainan's words that made them realize the fact. If their lives are gone, then there is nothing...

"Except for three corners, the entire Netherworld Island is a round cake. There is a small hole in the center of the round cake. That is the place for the decisive battle, and the rest of the place is the psychedelic forest. The psychedelic forest is where we will mainly fight in the next two years. There are treasures, monsters, and enemies in the psychedelic forest. Of course, the most ubiquitous miniature teleportation arrays are invisible when not touched. Once touched, they will be randomly teleported to the psychedelic forest. Every corner. So everyone should pay attention, be careful when exploring the path, and don’t rush around, otherwise you will be accidentally teleported into a whole team of demon elites, and you will definitely be dead."

The efficiency of a thousand people was very high. In less than half an hour, the temporary base camp was quickly organized. The captains of the elite teams asked their people to go back to their assigned residences to rest, and then representatives of several major families and leaders of the teams followed Long Sainan to the conference hall of the base camp.

"I... agree!" Yue Qingcheng nodded first, but then turned her attention to Ye Qinghan.

Psychedelic forest!

It is said to be a conference hall, but it is actually just a larger bamboo building. Sitting down on simple wooden benches, everyone began their first pre-war meeting.

Long Sainan's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. It seemed that this shameless woman had a high prestige among everyone. However, the five major families and Dragon City actually account for two-thirds of the 10,000 elites in the God of War Mansion. Several young masters from the five major families are very convinced and have a good impression of Long Sainan. The other elites are also inextricably linked with the five major families. This result seems to be accidental and inevitable...

Her strength and wisdom indeed put countless men to shame. As the only daughter of Palace Master Long, she must have read most of the top-secret information in the Palace Master's database. Since she proposed to hold a pre-war meeting for everyone, it would only be good for everyone, not harmful. So Ye Qinghan nodded in agreement without hesitation.

This resulted in that no family or force could know the coordinates of the teleportation array and high-level monsters before the war. Everything had to be explored by those who participated in the war. The major families and forces just marked on the map the places where high-level monsters are most likely to appear, as well as many dangerous places...

Ye Qinghan looked at the map carefully again. He had actually seen this map before and understood the dangers and treasures contained in this their main battlefield. The forest was huge, and if he went all out, it would take him a month to cross it in a straight line from south to north. But he thought that even Long Sainan, the top expert on the ground rankings, would not dare to run in a straight line. The teleportation array in the psychedelic forest will randomly change every battle, and most importantly, the high-level monsters inside will also change territories after every battle, or invest in replenishing the monsters consumed in the previous battle.

It is said to be a conference hall, but it is actually just a larger bamboo building. Sitting down on simple wooden benches, everyone began their first pre-war meeting.

"I... agree!" Yue Qingcheng nodded first, but then turned her attention to Ye Qinghan.

The first resolution has obviously been unanimously approved by everyone. A base camp will be set up in the past dynasties to allow those who are exhausted from hard battles to get enough rest and recuperation. Those who do not want to fight can also rest in the temporary base camp. Under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult for the enemy to travel thousands of miles and go through many difficulties to attack the base camp. Therefore, although this base camp is not absolutely safe, it is considered a safe place in the dangerous Netherworld Island. But now Longcheng has obviously shouldered this heavy burden on its own, and of course everyone is happy.

So after arriving at Netherworld Island, you can either go in teams one by one, or you can spread out like a lone ranger and try your luck on your own. Of course, this phenomenon is the same in previous government wars, and the major forces will not blame them. After all, everyone is risking their lives to gamble, and the psychedelic forest is not suitable for people from large groups and teams to come together. First, the goal is too high. Large, but the terrain of the psychedelic forest does not allow it. Maybe half of the people will be teleported to various parts of the forest by the teleportation array while walking...

The first resolution has obviously been unanimously approved by everyone. A base camp will be set up in the past dynasties to allow those who are exhausted from hard battles to get enough rest and recuperation. Those who do not want to fight can also rest in the temporary base camp. Under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult for the enemy to travel thousands of miles and go through many difficulties to attack the base camp. Therefore, although this base camp is not absolutely safe, it is considered a safe place in the dangerous Netherworld Island. But now Longcheng has obviously shouldered this heavy burden on its own, and of course everyone is happy.

"Agree, agree, agree!"

This resulted in that no family or force could know the coordinates of the teleportation array and high-level monsters before the war. Everything had to be explored by those who participated in the war. The major families and forces just marked on the map the places where high-level monsters are most likely to appear, as well as many dangerous places...

"Agree!" Ye Qinghan saw Ye Qingwu looking at him, knowing that she had left the decision-making power to him, and Long Sainan, with his strength at the top of the princes realm list, was unquestionably strong among the 10,000 elites in the audience. First, the rumor in the God of War Mansion that she has always been the same as her unique name is that she can compete with and outshine men.


"Agree!" Ye Qinghan saw Ye Qingwu looking at him, knowing that she had left the decision-making power to him, and Long Sainan, with his strength at the top of the princes realm list, was unquestionably strong among the 10,000 elites in the audience. First, the rumor in the God of War Mansion that she has always been the same as her unique name is that she can compete with and outshine men.

"Everyone!" Long Sainan's majestic voice sounded, disturbing everyone's thoughts of admiring the scenery. When everyone's eyes turned to her, she reached out and pointed to the mountain, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the temporary base camp. Let’s settle down first and hold a pre-war meeting later. I’ll give you a detailed introduction to the situation on Netherworld Island and everyone can decide how to go in the future, okay?”

After the meeting was over, everyone returned to their own places. Each began to prepare food and fresh water in order to start the battle. In the afternoon, small groups began to leave the temporary base camp one after another, crossed the river, and walked into the psychedelic forest.

Everyone began to walk quickly towards the temporary base camp halfway up the mountain. This temporary base camp was set up here by the God of War Palace after experiencing countless battles. There are a large number of simply built bamboo buildings in the base camp. Although they are very simple, they are still suitable for people to live in. It has been perfected by ancestors who have gone through countless battles. Countless sentries and countless simple mechanisms have been set up around it to give early warning when someone is approaching.

Long Sainan's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. It seemed that this shameless woman had a high prestige among everyone. However, the five major families and Dragon City actually account for two-thirds of the 10,000 elites in the God of War Mansion. Several young masters from the five major families are very convinced and have a good impression of Long Sainan. The other elites are also inextricably linked with the five major families. This result seems to be accidental and inevitable...

There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.

Ye Qinghan looked at the map carefully again. He had actually seen this map before and understood the dangers and treasures contained in this their main battlefield. The forest was huge, and if he went all out, it would take him a month to cross it in a straight line from south to north. But he thought that even Long Sainan, the top expert on the ground rankings, would not dare to run in a straight line. The teleportation array in the psychedelic forest will randomly change every battle, and most importantly, the high-level monsters inside will also change territories after every battle, or invest in replenishing the monsters consumed in the previous battle.

The Ten Thousand Elites are an elite team composed of many families in the God of War Palace. On the surface, most of them belong to and are vassals of the five major families and the six major forces of Dragon City. In fact, except for the elite children belonging to their own families, most of the rest Everyone is just a temporary vassal. When they arrive at Netherworld Island, they will all go their separate ways.

"There are also monsters in the forest. Be careful when encountering monsters. The monsters here are at least level four, and the highest is level eight. They can instantly kill anyone present. Of course, 50% of them are around. Whether you can get the treasure depends mainly on your luck! My advice to you is, save your life first. Many of you may want to use the palace battle to kill people to get points, in exchange for a large amount of finances, treasures, or the position of city lord. Yes, but my life is gone and I have nothing! I wish you all good luck!"

This resulted in that no family or force could know the coordinates of the teleportation array and high-level monsters before the war. Everything had to be explored by those who participated in the war. The major families and forces just marked on the map the places where high-level monsters are most likely to appear, as well as many dangerous places...

The main purpose of the elites who come here is to kill people and gain points. Take risks and get treasures! If you are always following a few major forces, and when you are desperate, ask them to step in. When it comes to getting points and treasures, they don't have a share. They are not fools, so of course they won't do such stupid things.


The first resolution has obviously been unanimously approved by everyone. A base camp will be set up in the past dynasties to allow those who are exhausted from hard battles to get enough rest and recuperation. Those who do not want to fight can also rest in the temporary base camp. Under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult for the enemy to travel thousands of miles and go through many difficulties to attack the base camp. Therefore, although this base camp is not absolutely safe, it is considered a safe place in the dangerous Netherworld Island. But now Longcheng has obviously shouldered this heavy burden on its own, and of course everyone is happy.

"There are also monsters in the forest. Be careful when encountering monsters. The monsters here are at least level four, and the highest is level eight. They can instantly kill anyone present. Of course, 50% of them are around. Whether you can get the treasure depends mainly on your luck! My advice to you is, save your life first. Many of you may want to use the palace battle to kill people to get points, in exchange for a large amount of finances, treasures, or the position of city lord. Yes, but my life is gone and I have nothing! I wish you all good luck!"

The main purpose of the elites who come here is to kill people and gain points. Take risks and get treasures! If you are always following a few major forces, and when you are desperate, ask them to step in. When it comes to getting points and treasures, they don't have a share. They are not fools, so of course they won't do such stupid things.

It is said to be a conference hall, but it is actually just a larger bamboo building. Sitting down on simple wooden benches, everyone began their first pre-war meeting.

The Ten Thousand Elites are an elite team composed of many families in the God of War Palace. On the surface, most of them belong to and are vassals of the five major families and the six major forces of Dragon City. In fact, except for the elite children belonging to their own families, most of the rest Everyone is just a temporary vassal. When they arrive at Netherworld Island, they will all go their separate ways.

So after arriving at Netherworld Island, you can either go in teams one by one, or you can spread out like a lone ranger and try your luck on your own. Of course, this phenomenon is the same in previous government wars, and the major forces will not blame them. After all, everyone is risking their lives to gamble, and the psychedelic forest is not suitable for people from large groups and teams to come together. First, the goal is too high. Large, but the terrain of the psychedelic forest does not allow it. Maybe half of the people will be teleported to various parts of the forest by the teleportation array while walking...

There was a flash of white light. This time, because the distance was very close, Ye Qinghan did not feel the dizziness and tinnitus that he had when he was teleported from Dragon City to Zhan Island. He just felt that his eyes blinked and the scenery in front of him changed.


"Agree, agree, agree!"

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. After the meeting, you can go or stay as you like." Seeing that everyone had already sat down, Long Sainan didn't waste any more nonsense and went directly to the topic: "First of all, I decided to set up a temporary At the base camp, I will send a team of elites to guard the area 24 hours a day. Any elites who participated in the war can practice, recuperate, and rest here! Of course, after today, everyone will take care of their own food! Those who want to stay here You can stay until the battle is over. Of course, if an enemy comes to attack the camp, I hope all the elites in the base camp will fight together."

Ye Yi and Ye San led four hundred people into the psychedelic forest after simple preparations. Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingwu just looked at them from a distance and did not go over to say goodbye to them. On the surface, they are an elite team composed of two small families from a small town. Secretly, they are the dead soldiers of the Ye family, carrying out secret missions...

"There are also monsters in the forest. Be careful when encountering monsters. The monsters here are at least level four, and the highest is level eight. They can instantly kill anyone present. Of course, 50% of them are around. Whether you can get the treasure depends mainly on your luck! My advice to you is, save your life first. Many of you may want to use the palace battle to kill people to get points, in exchange for a large amount of finances, treasures, or the position of city lord. Yes, but my life is gone and I have nothing! I wish you all good luck!"

Long Sainan's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. It seemed that this shameless woman had a high prestige among everyone. However, the five major families and Dragon City actually account for two-thirds of the 10,000 elites in the God of War Mansion. Several young masters from the five major families are very convinced and have a good impression of Long Sainan. The other elites are also inextricably linked with the five major families. This result seems to be accidental and inevitable...

"Everyone!" Long Sainan's majestic voice sounded, disturbing everyone's thoughts of admiring the scenery. When everyone's eyes turned to her, she reached out and pointed to the mountain, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the temporary base camp. Let’s settle down first and hold a pre-war meeting later. I’ll give you a detailed introduction to the situation on Netherworld Island and everyone can decide how to go in the future, okay?”

"The first team is on guard, the second team and the third team are cleaning up the housing in the base camp, and the fourth team and the fifth team are hunting for food and making pots for cooking." Long Sainan obviously often leads the army, and he is very skilled in directing his men to get busy. A total of a thousand people came to Longcheng this time, some of them were Longcheng's own people, and some of them joined temporarily. Long Sainan obviously did not order the rest of the family elites and the elite teams formed from various places. The rest of the people also consciously rested in place and did not cause trouble.

The first resolution has obviously been unanimously approved by everyone. A base camp will be set up in the past dynasties to allow those who are exhausted from hard battles to get enough rest and recuperation. Those who do not want to fight can also rest in the temporary base camp. Under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult for the enemy to travel thousands of miles and go through many difficulties to attack the base camp. Therefore, although this base camp is not absolutely safe, it is considered a safe place in the dangerous Netherworld Island. But now Longcheng has obviously shouldered this heavy burden on its own, and of course everyone is happy.

Long Sainan's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. It seemed that this shameless woman had a high prestige among everyone. However, the five major families and Dragon City actually account for two-thirds of the 10,000 elites in the God of War Mansion. Several young masters from the five major families are very convinced and have a good impression of Long Sainan. The other elites are also inextricably linked with the five major families. This result seems to be accidental and inevitable...

The Ten Thousand Elites are an elite team composed of many families in the God of War Palace. On the surface, most of them belong to and are vassals of the five major families and the six major forces of Dragon City. In fact, except for the elite children belonging to their own families, most of the rest Everyone is just a temporary vassal. When they arrive at Netherworld Island, they will all go their separate ways.