Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 81: Hunting (medium)


Several warriors from the Ye family dragged the body away and found a place to bury it, while the rest of the people continued to be vigilant and stationed. The remaining people returned to the waterhole to rest.

"Three barbarians!"

Ye Qinghan was not sleepy at all, and of course he did not dare to sleep. After everyone discussed it, he made a plan for himself for the next three months. These three months were precious to him. The Demon Slayer Tan was such a treasure, and it would be foolish for him not to cherish it.

The silver moon gradually rises into the sky, and the salty and slightly hot sea breeze blows from the distant seaside, making people feel drowsy.

The teleportation array below has already been installed with some small and clever mechanisms by the assassins of the Hua family. As long as an enemy appears in the teleportation array, there will definitely be a slight sound. Let them know in advance and quickly prepare countermeasures to eliminate the enemy as quickly as possible.

Among the women from the Yue family, fewer people vomited this time, although they all looked bad. The three barbarians on the field were only stabbed to death by weapons. They were not directly smashed to pieces by Feng Zi like last time. Moreover, after vomiting in the morning, their resistance was probably a little stronger.

Ye Qinghan and the others gathered together and began to discuss the division of labor. After all, they are not stationed here for a few days, but are preparing to be stationed here for several months. According to the Hua family's experience, the three months before the start were a relatively chaotic three months. Many teleportation arrays were not figured out clearly, which would lead to people constantly being teleported to various parts of the psychedelic forest. In the past three months or so, everyone has been waiting here, easily gaining points, improving their coordination, and teleporting monsters and barbarians through successive kills to collect information on their combat skills.

And since returning from Man City, he has been very accustomed to the pleasure of becoming a strong man with the strength and controlling his own destiny. The gap between his strength and status half a year ago and now made him realize deeply that in this world, if you don’t have strength, then you are nothing...

"%@#Yejia*&Death..." The three barbarians roared unwillingly and fell to the ground. Their eyes as big as bull's eyes were bulging, and they seemed to be unwilling to die in peace.

So he set up a training mission, and as long as he had time, he would continue to practice his fighting spirit, accumulate fighting spirit, and improve his realm. He understands his strengths. His holy beast, Xiao Hei, can give him a higher level of strength when combined. He who is at the first level of the general realm can reach the first level of the marshal realm after being combined. Fighting is secondary, as long as the soul realm has reached the first level of the marshal realm. And his heaven-defying combined combat skills can ignore defense and directly attack the soul, causing the soul to fall into dizziness. So as long as he got close to him at this moment, he could instantly kill any warrior in the marshal realm.

It was mentioned in the Martial Arts Heart Sutra left to him by his father, the peerless genius "Yachi", that before reaching the general level, it all depends on personal talent, and after that, it all depends on hard work and understanding. Three hundred years ago, there was also a peerless genius in the Feng family. He broke through to the general realm at the age of seven and shocked the mainland. However, the latter peerless genius was not very high in cultivation due to laziness in cultivation. Although it took Ye Qinghan only a few months to cultivate from the first level of the elite realm to the first level of the general realm. It shocked countless people in the Ye family. But he knew that if he didn't continue to practice diligently as he had for the past ten years, his ending would be like the peerless genius of the Feng family, a flash in the pan, and finally completely silent...

And once he also asked Ye Qingniu if he could cultivate his soul alone. His idea is that if the soul can be cultivated alone, he will do everything possible to improve the soul, so that he can become a more advanced warrior in seconds. As a result, Ye Qingniu's answer left him helpless. Before the soul was in the imperial realm, it could only improve with the cultivation of fighting spirit and the improvement of the realm. Unless there are soul treasures such as the Spiritual Pill, or Ye Qinghan enters the state of soul silence in the Yue family, he can improve.

The operation codenamed "Hunting" officially began, and everyone became busy. Squat and guard, rest and practice.

In three months, he prepared to devote all his time to cultivation except when necessary. He is at the first level of the general realm, and there are many foreign races on Netherworld Island who can defeat him in seconds. He has a sense of crisis like the sea breeze blowing in his face all the time. Whether it is for himself or for his sister whose life hangs on a thread, he must become stronger and become stronger at all costs.

After some discussion, everyone decided to take shifts. The two hundred people were divided into two groups and took turns to rest. If there are no large-scale barbarian monsters, deal with them alone. And if there is a large-scale or fierce alien race, an alarm will be sent and an all-out attack will be carried out. Three of the seven powerful men in the vassal realm are stationed in the east, west, north and west where the teleportation array is relatively dense. If a high-level foreign race is invincible, they can rush there quickly.

Forehead! Having gained points again, Ye Qinghan walked up to the corpses of the three barbarians with great anticipation, quickly took out three rings, and then stroked his own ring. After a faint flash of light, on Ye Qinghan's yellow ring, the original "ten" next to the big word "war" became "thirty-five".

As night gradually fell, Ye Qinghan obliged and became one of the first shift workers. He and twenty team elites nestled in a thick tree, sitting cross-legged. There are eight teleportation arrays clustered within 500 meters near the big tree. Their task is to guard the eight teleportation arrays. If a small number of aliens appear, they will destroy them alone. If they feel that they are outmatched, they will send a secret signal to summon a patrol group.

Less than half an hour later, three elites of the Ye family and three barbarians fought dozens of times. Ye Shisan's words sounded coldly. All ten Yejia elites quickly moved, formed battle formations from all directions, and surrounded the three barbarians.

He asked a Ye family disciple next to him to call him if there was any situation. Ye Qinghan sat cross-legged and began to practice his fighting spirit.

"Okay! Kill the three of them!"

"Master, go get their rings and see what level of barbarian they are!" Ye Shisan nodded, very satisfied with the performance of the ten Ye family elites, moved a few steps sideways, came to Ye Qinghan and said softly.

Therefore, Ye Qinghan can only improve his fighting spirit level honestly now. Only when the realm of fighting spirit is improved can the realm of soul be improved. He secretly swore that he must cultivate to the marshal realm before the decisive battle of the Mansion War. If after breaking through the marshal realm, the combined beasts can reach the realm of princes, they will make a lot of money. At that time, even if Ye Yi and the others do not get enough points, they can still take the risk to sneak attack on the powerful princes during the decisive battle, get enough points, and exchange for the Spiritual Pill...

Ye Qinghan said to Ye Shisan that this result was within their expectations. It was comparable to a barbarian general in the human warrior general realm. Although his strength and defense seemed to be much stronger than that of a human general realm warrior, he was basically as good as a marshal realm warrior. , but they only have pure physical strength and have not practiced fighting spirit, moves or anything like that. Therefore, when fighting, they only rely on their own natural power and strong defense, and the fighting method is relatively simple.

It is probably because at night, it is easier to encounter teleportation arrays when traveling at night. The warriors of the three tribes did not rush on the road at night, but hid in various places on Netherworld Island to rest and recharge their batteries. Throughout the night, except for the area where Huacao was responsible in the west, an unlucky big barbarian was teleported over and was quickly eliminated by Huacao. No more barbarians and monsters were teleported.

It goes without saying that the Spiritual God Pill is precious. If Ye Qinghan had it, he wouldn't have worked on Netherworld Island. As for the state of soul silence, Ye Qinghan has tried to enter it countless times since leaving the Yue family, but was unable to enter...

The three Ye family disciples, apparently under the instruction of Ye Shisan and the others, were constantly testing in three aspects: strength, defense, and attack. Just like doing an experiment, collect the comprehensive strength of all aspects of the barbarians so that you can more easily deal with large-scale barbarians in the future.

After reaching the general realm, you need to accumulate a large amount of fighting energy, compress the fighting energy in the Dantian, and turn it into liquid fighting energy. Often, the fighting energy that has been cultivated for a day is finally compressed and turned into a drop of liquid fighting energy as big as a hair. Ye Qinghan's situation is even more serious. The holy beast Xiao Hei in his body needs to absorb a lot of fighting energy every day to complete its growth and transformation. Therefore, Ye Qinghan's time is even more pressing. He must spend more time cultivating his fighting spirit than others and be more diligent in order to advance quickly.