Beastly Fēi that Go Against the Heaven: Coerced by the Huáng Shū

Chapter 185: Uncle Nine Emperors was injured


When Jing Yue returned to the palace, she unexpectedly found that the people in the palace seemed to have disappeared. There were lights everywhere but no one was there. Her eyes suddenly showed doubts, and she walked towards the lotus garden. She saw that the lotus garden was also quiet. The color suddenly became even more strange.

"Yinqiao... Yinqiao!" Jing Yue called out.

"Huangfei, you are finally back!" Yin Qiao hurriedly ran out of the courtyard, her eyes turned red when she saw Jing Yue, and tears filled her eyes.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jing Yue frowned and asked Yin Qiao.

"Imperial Concubine... Uncle Nine Emperors is injured." Yin Qiao looked at Jing Yue with teary eyes and said.

"What!?" Jing Yue was startled, and quickly asked where Xiao Chen was, and when she learned that Xiao Chen was in the house, she hurried inside, only to find that everyone had gathered in the courtyard, Xing Yi and Seeing Jing Yue coming back, Xing Er had a slightly weird expression on his face, and leaned over.

"What's going on?" Jing Yue looked at the closed door and asked.

"Master went out to look for the imperial concubine and was assassinated, and he is treating the wound." Xing Yi looked at Jing Yue with tight lips, and said bluntly, Jing Yue clearly felt the dissatisfaction coming from Xing Yi.

"How is Xiao Chen?" Jing Yue took a deep breath and continued to ask.

"The injury was not deep, and he didn't die." Xing Yi was probably really angry, and his tone of voice was a little uncomfortable. Jing Yue lowered her head, and was about to continue asking questions, when the door opened, and the doctor came out to explain It was only when Jing Yue realized that Xiao Chen had been wounded by a sword and had already bandaged the wound.

Jing Yue heard that there was nothing serious, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to step into it but was blocked by Xing Yi.

"Imperial concubine, the doctor said that the master wants to rest, please trouble the imperial concubine to rest in the side hall." Xing Yi pursed his lips slightly and leaned over, Jing Yue was slightly taken aback, lowered his head and backed away, Yinqiao was about to step forward with an angry face He opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by Jing Yue.

"Let's go." Jing Yue turned around and walked towards the side hall, Xing Er looked at Jing Yue's leaving figure, his eyes flickered slightly, and turned to look at Xing Yi.

Xing Yi looked back at Xing Er, lowered his eyes and did not speak, the two of them just stood silently in front of the door without moving.

Jingyue went to the side hall, Yinqiao opened her mouth to speak, but Jingyue waved her hand at Yinqiao, asking her to fetch water for washing, and after finishing packing, she lay on the bed with her eyes open. Can't sleep, Xiao Chen will be assassinated.

Or because of myself.

This made Jing Yue feel very uncomfortable.

While thinking wildly, Jing Yue fell asleep in a daze, but just when Jing Yue was a little sleepy, suddenly there was a loud noise behind her, which made Jing Yue tremble and sat up, looking sideways, The man who held the door frame and looked at him gloomyly.

"Xiao Chen..." Jing Yue blinked and looked at Xiao Chen, her gaze fell on the bandaged wound on Xiao Chen's chest, from which a little blood seeped out.

"Master! No..." Xing Yi and Xing Er appeared in front of the door, and they were about to speak but were stopped by Xiao Chen.

"Get out!" Xiao Chen's voice was cold and decisive, without any room for resistance.

The faces of Xing Yi and Xing Er changed slightly, but they stopped what they were doing, and slowly exited the room. Jing Yue watched Xiao Chen stand up slowly with complicated eyes, and the two looked at each other for a long time. Without saying a word, Jing Yue swallowed her saliva.