Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 347: Kill all without mercy! !


Boom! !

When many Yunxiaowei were moving forward, there was a downpour of rain suddenly falling on the sky!

That is white raindrops!

Countless raindrops suddenly gathered, condensed into rivers, and splashed down.

"Be careful, it's bone cold water!!"

This is a kind of water disaster with black sky patterns. As the name suggests, it is extremely cold and can directly freeze people into white bones.

If there is not enough beast element support, it will not be able to withstand this cold air!

The White Bone Cold Water is only a part of the entire Ten Thousand Mountains enchantment. On the other side, there is endless black water forming a torrent, rushing into the group of Yunxiaowei, and instantly overturning many people!

The evil black water directly entered the body, directly corroding the flesh and blood, and many Yunxiaowei were swallowed on the spot, and the black water was turned into ashes!

"be careful!"


All of a sudden, countless screams were sent out among the group of Yun Xiaowei!


To be honest, many people kill and kill for a lifetime, but basically no one has ever seen a sky pattern enchantment at the level of the sect guardian enchantment!

Moreover, there are hundreds of kinds of spiritual disasters in the Ten Thousand Mountain Enchantment.

Only a small part of the first ancestors merged into the guardian barrier, and most of them were merged little by little by the ancestors of the Li family's holy race for thousands of years!

Every strengthening that Wannian ancestors once made for Wanshan enchantment is now benefiting the present descendants!

In the enchantment of Wanshan, there are purple thunders that are constantly being smashed, and heart-burning flames that form a sea of flames!

In addition, there is also the sword river storm that is sweeping everywhere, which can directly tear Yunxiaowei into two halves!

There is also a kind of golden mist called golden moth mist.

The golden moth fog is composed of countless young golden particles, just like small insects. While advancing at a terrifying speed, it can directly plunge into the flesh and blood of Yunxiaowei and penetrate it!

For a time, the East Emperor Wanshan enchantment was already a hell on earth, with blood spattering!

Within the battlefield, chaos turned into a pot of porridge.

Of course, only a small number of Yunxiao Guards are currently being ravaged by the enchantment spirit disaster.

The number of Yunxiao Guards is too much. They come in from all directions, even if there is psychedelic white fog and enchantment spiritual disaster, there will always be someone who breaks through the defense and rushes into the depths of the ten thousand mountain enchantment!

And here, Donghuangwei is already waiting for them!

They couldn't see the fog at all. All the enchantment spirit disasters would automatically retreat when they encountered them. Even the fast-speeding golden moth fog particles would turn directly in front of them!

This is the benefit of fighting on your own battlefield!

The sixth old Zhao Zhiyuan was wearing heavy black armor and standing in front of the Eastern Emperor Guard. At this moment, his eyes were blood red.

He returned to the Eastern Emperor Sect before the start of the war, but did not tell anyone about Yuwen Taiji's position, but silently picked up the weapon and joined the battlefield!

"Everyone is listening, if Yunxiaowei rushes in, they will kill them without mercy!"

"Behind us is the hinterland of the Eastern Emperor's Sect, the 33rd Shenfeng, the land of our sect's 10,000-year heritage!"

"Many young disciples, old and weak women and children, they can only be slaughtered in front of Yun Xiaowei!"

"So, we must not be defeated!"

"If you want to step into our sect, you have to ask whether the weapon in our hand is acceptable or not!"

"The running dog of the Yunxiao Sword School is only worthy of being a beast for human beings. This kind of junk stuff, what fear do I have to wait for the Donghuang Zhengzheng iron man!"

"We can die, but before we die, we must let this group of beasts, cowards, who have been passed down for thousands of years, pay the price of blood!"

"We have to die one person, and five of them will die!"

"Kill, kill them all!!"

He was not just mobilizing, he was the first elder to rush directly into the battlefield.

However, he was also the one who took the Eastern Emperor Sword.

People are complex creatures. Zhao Zhiyuan was afraid of nightmare and poisonous. He used to linger, but now his family and sect are both alive and dead. For this ten thousand years of foundation, he is willing to die vigorously!

Maybe this way, it can ease the guilt in my heart a little bit.

After all, he knew that Li Tianming was not dead, and he could fly far away.

Beginning with Zhao Zhiyuan, within the enchantment of the Eastern Emperor Wanshan, the Yunxiao Guards, who had been tortured by the spirit disaster of the enchantment, and the Eastern Guards who swear to guard their homeland, directly rushed together!

No one is alone!

With the enchantment spirit disaster and the white mist, the number of Eastern Emperor Guards in a small area exceeds that of Yunxiao Guards.

Those Yunxiao Guards who had just rushed past the devastation of the Spiritual Disaster were besieged by the Eastern Emperor Guards instead!


For a while, the long sword broke, the corpse in two halves, and the huge companion beast were torn into pieces, and in an instant, blood was flowing into a river!


Above the sky, countless thunderbolts smashed down, and the Yunxiaowei who was still fighting, suddenly suffered a thunderbolt on his forehead, and was instantly exploded into powder!

There were also Donghuangwei sacrifices, but at least for now, the number is far lower than the Yunxiaowei who came up to die.

Offensive aggression and swearing to defend their homeland, the two kinds of people have different moods, and the lethality that erupts is also different!

There are even many Yunxiaowei who have been frightened!

To be honest, there were only more than 10,000 Eastern Emperor Guards who rushed into the barrier, less than one-fifth of the opponent.

But just over 10,000 people, plus Wanshan enchantment, withstood the first wave of the Yunxiao Sword Sect!

Countless blood flowed, countless broken corpses fell, wind, fire and thunder exploded, endless torrents swept!

The Eastern Emperor Sect is not the only one fighting with these Eastern Emperor Guards!

Within the guardian enchantment is the thirty-three sacred peak of the Eastern Emperor Sect!

At the center of the Thirty-Three Sacred Peak is the Eastern Emperor's Sacred Mountain!

Standing on the sacred mountain of the Eastern Emperor, you can see the surrounding Wanshan enchantment, with countless colored rays extending out.

The colored light is all over the land of Donghuang Mountains, densely packed, like a colored network!

Because of this colorful light, today's 33rd Shenfeng is even more gorgeous!

On every god peak, there are hundreds of colored lights extending from the ground!

These colored rays of light finally converge on the holy mountain!

At this time, countless disciples and strong men of the Eastern Emperor Sect stood beside this colored light, and instilled their beast elements on this colored light.

Then, endless power, from this colored light, converged in the ten thousand mountain enchantment!

This kind of colored silk thread is called the'enchantment spirit thread'!

The spirit line of the enchantment is also a very important part of guarding the enchantment. This is the source of the power of the ten thousand mountain enchantment!

Even the weakest disciple, at this moment, can instill strength into the sky pattern enchantment through the spirit line of the enchantment, and participate in the war of guarding the sect!

Some people take a break to replenish the beast element, and some are doing their best to help the elders run the ten thousand mountain enchantment together!

At this moment, young people may be scared or struggling, but there will be more people encouraging them to fight to the death with the Yunxiao Sword Sect!

Their power ignited the spirit line of the enchantment, gathered on the holy mountain, and then instilled in the enchantment of Wanshan by the elders and elders of the holy mountain!

On the holy mountain, there are a total of ninety-nine'enchantment cores'. The enchantment core is the core of the guardian enchantment and the core of the enchantment spiritual line!

Ninety-nine ancestors or elders gather all their power here to control the entire Wanshan enchantment!

In the Wanshan enchantment, except for the automatic attacks of the spiritual disaster, most of the attacks are actually controlled by the strong in the enchantment core, which is more efficient and more powerful!

The enchantment core controls the direction of the white mist, controls the release and attack of the enchantment spirit disaster, and controls everything in the enchantment!

This requires a lot of beast energy, so the strong on the holy mountain are basically divided into two groups. Once someone is exhausted, someone will immediately go up and let the former get a chance to recuperate!

I have to say that the current Eastern Emperor Sect is all fighting!

Someone is in control of the ten thousand mountain enchantment, exhausting his power, and relying on the power of the enchantment to punish the opponent!

Someone stepped into the enchantment battlefield to fight the enemy life and death!

Some people gather their strength in the spirit line of the enchantment, and together with their elders, contribute their strength to resist foreign enemies!

Not to mention all of them, at least most people already regard death as home!

The holy emperor's guess is correct. If the three major sects are to crush together, the Eastern Emperor Sect may be quickly defeated, and many people will despair and give up.

But at present, only the attack of the Yunxiao Sword faction has allowed them to build a lot of confidence, at least even the outer disciples dare to resist!

Standing on the sacred mountain, looking at the entire enchantment battlefield, you can see fighting everywhere!

Although the fighting time is very short, the corpses of the many companion beasts have made the two major sects feel the cruel and terrible war!

But no one has a way out!

Seeing the death of friends and brothers around him, the people of the Yunxiao Sword Sect were even more eye-catching!

As for the Eastern Emperor Guards, behind them are the old and weak women and children of Eastern Emperor Sect, and they have no choice to retreat, only fighting to death! !

"The Cloud Sword Sect, the Northwest Gate, can survive and develop by kneeling and licking the Holy Heaven Mansion!"

"But when you get used to running dogs, you don't have the backbone of the strong at all!"

"Just because of your group of hyenas, you also want to destroy my Eastern Emperor Sect, dreaming!!"

"Brothers, let them take a look, what is called Donghuangwei!!"

"Sikong Jiansheng, where are you hiding to watch the battle, are you still acting as a turtle? Come out and let Lao Tzu hack you to death!"

Within this ten thousand mountain enchantment, the louder voice is still the roar and scream of giant beasts!

"Who said that only our Cloud Sword Sect was attacking?"

"You are dead, on the Shen Yuan battlefield, the Black Underworld Sect is probably about to begin!"

"They still have a wave of fierce beasts, haha, you Eastern Emperor Sect, it's over!"

"It was glorious for thousands of years, and now it is like a weak chicken, dare to despise our Cloud Sword Sect, wake up you guys!"

"After today, the Eastern Emperor's Sect will only have corpses!!!"

Needless to say, the soldiers present all understand that this is not the only battlefield.

On the Shen Yuan battlefield, I am afraid that he will have to withstand stronger pressure: from the Black Underworld Sect and the wave of fierce beasts!

The highest temple in the holy mountain is where the enchantment core is located. Of course, half of the enchantment core is built, and the other half is built on the battlefield of Shen Yuan.

Ninety-nine enchantment cores are arranged neatly.

In the very center, Jingshu, the fourth old Shangguan, is here to support the overall situation.

She was sitting on the core of the barrier, and countless colored spiritual lines gathered in her body, making her a part of the entire Wanshan barrier!

"You guys, work harder, the first elder is under the attack of a wave of fierce beasts, the pressure is greater than ours, and some people need to be arranged to pass."

"Yes!" On the sacred mountain, the elders and the elders burst into blue veins, their eyes hot.

Under her arrangement, a total of ten elders and thirty palace officials went to support Shen Yuan on the battlefield first.

Her eyes could see the entire battlefield, and when she saw Donghuangwei fighting to the death and falling down in blood, she couldn't help crying.

"You can't lose, you must never lose..."

She and everyone are still holding on.

She still has expectations in her heart.

"Yuwen Tai Chi, it's up to you..."

It has been a few days since I took the Donghuang Sword.

He should come back and take on the responsibility of the Eastern Emperor's Sect Master, right