Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 357: The sky is immortal, and I am immortal! ! ! !


The sharpness of the Scarlet Blood Blade had already cut Yuwen Taiji's scalp and pressed it on his skull!

The blood rushed down, flowing into his eyes, ears, and mouth, which made Yuwen Tai Chi look even more hideous.

Up to this moment, no one can tell that Yuwen Tai Chi has been defeated! !

And it was a fiasco!

In front of Li Wudi, his hair was scattered, his body was stained with blood, and his left arm was broken, like a beam jumping clown!


At this moment, Li Wudi's blade turned and picked from bottom to top. As the blood light passed by, Yuwen Taiji's right arm also flew out!

At this moment, Yuwen Taiji is already a man without arms, how can he still take out the Eastern Emperor Sword!

"Li Wudi!!"

He bit his lip and stared at him, maybe, just want Li Wudi to talk to him.

"Look clearly."

Li Wudi's voice was as cold as frost.

Then, Yuwen Taiji saw that the ancient blood prison Kunpeng descended from the sky and threw on the Yin Demon Gourmet!

The yin demon gluttonous, bloodied all over, is extremely miserable!

At this time, the claws of the blood-colored Kunpeng directly tore its body, plunged in with a beak, and instantly bit out a beating heart!

Then, he opened his mouth and swallowed and ate in!

Yuwen Taiji's eyes are cracked again!

"Is it cool? This is the beginning."

Li Wudi's voice began to tremble. It was not fear, but excitement, but revenge was refreshing. At this moment, it began to explode!

There was another sharp bird song!

When the Yin Demon Gourmet fell down, the Yang Demon Gourmet had just rushed up dying!


Ancient Blood Prison Kunpeng, to cover the Sky Blood Wing, shoot it directly on the ground!

Then, he tore his body, bit out his heart, and swallowed it with his mouth open.

Then, soaring into the sky! !

The voice of this sixth-order sacred beast is sharp and intense, stinging the world!


When it flapped its wings and flew in the direction of Eastern Emperor Sect, everyone turned pale with fright and hurriedly backed away!

"Yuwen Fengtian!!"

Li Wudi's bloody eyes crossed Yuwen Tai Chi and saw the trembling old man!

It's not just that he trembled, including Huangfu Fengyun, etc., who had sat down on the ground long ago, panicking.

Even if Li Wudi did not target them at this time, they were shocked, because this is the absolute most terrifying figure in the history of the Li's saint clan!

Six Tribulations, Six Tribulations with Scarlet Beast Faces!

They don't know what this means!


Yuwen Fengtian shouted at the old Zong beside him.

However, when the Ancient Blood Prison Kunpeng rushed, only Su Yunzhi and the elders were still there, and all the others ran away.

The three elders of the Su family are not yet pale!

"Go together!"

The three of them, plus Qin Wulie, Chen Nantian, Gongsun Shengji, Yuwen Fengtian, seven people and seven beasts, fight to the death at this juncture of fear and despair!


Then people saw that just such a companion beast killed seven of them and seven beasts, and blood flowed into a river!

Puff puff!

What shakes the gluttony, the ten thousand-eyed snake, tear it directly, and eat it with its mouth open!

Wherever the ancient blood prison Kunpeng went, the companion beasts all died tragically!

The elder Chen Nan Tianzong drove a galaxy horse to rush towards him. Before the battle technique was displayed, he directly caused the ancient blood prison kunpeng to slap his wings into fleshy flesh!

Qin Wulie and Gongsun Shengji were directly torn and shattered by a bloody wind, and their heads flew out!

The three elders of the Su family persisted for a long time, and they ran away in panic!

However, the ancient blood prison kunpeng flew up, no matter where you go, where the magical powers are, the blood-colored feathers form a storm, swept over and swallowed it!


All three of them were pierced, small bodies, riddled with holes! !

In this scene, seeing the blood of the Eastern Emperor's sect tumbling, looking at that Li Wudi's eyes, they were already dull.

Everyone knows who he is.

But no one knows who he is!

They only saw that Yuwen Fengtian's face was like white paper, falling softly before the eyes of the ancient blood prison Kunpeng.

When he raised his head, the huge Scarlet Peng Bird stood high, tilted his head, and looked at him indifferently.

"Yuwen Fengtian!"

It even opened its mouth, looking at the trembling, speechless person like a god of death.

"Spare me, spare me... I was wrong..."

"I will spare you, who will spare me these fourteen years, life is better than death!!" Ancient Blood Prison Kunpeng said hoarsely.

"I was wrong!" Yuwen Fengtian covered his throat with his hands and opened his eyes wide. He had to work hard to speak.

"you are right!"

At this moment, a poisonous dragon thorn flew up, and it instantly pierced Yuwen Fengtian's chest, and instantly passed through it!


Yuwen Fengtian fell to the ground, screaming while rolling.

That miserable scream reminded the ancient blood prison Kunpeng of that day.

In its eyes, blood-colored flames were burning!

At this moment, it suddenly turned from the blood-colored peng bird into a blood-colored big kun!

It wandered among the blood clouds, spouting a torrent, trapping Yuwen Fengtian in it.

The bloody torrent condensed into a bloody sphere and turned into a solid state, but you can still hear Yuwen Fengtian screaming inside!


The bloody big kun ate the blood cells wrapped in Yuwen Fengtian directly into his stomach.

Then, facing the Eastern Emperor Sect, it roared:

"Yuwen Fengtian, wrapped in my'Weeping Blood Cell', next, he will suffer the dual sufferings of'Weeping Blood and Cold Qi' and'Poisonous Dragon Sting'. In my womb, he will not die for 14 years!!"

"In the past fourteen years, I will make him suffer ten times the difficulty, and he will be paid for by the blood!!"

This roar of the Sixty-Five Star Sacred Beast caused Donghuang Mountains and another earthquake!

It's not just the earth's sensation, but everyone's heart is sensational.

So far, Yuwen Tai Chi's partisans are all dead!

There is no good end!

Especially Yuwen Fengtian, who was wrapped in weeping blood cells and eaten by the ancient blood prison kunpeng, it said that if he could not die for 14 years, he would not die!

Not only immortal, but also ten times more painful!


However, this is called self-inflict, and it is called blood debt and blood repayment! !

Everyone knows that this is not over yet, because Yuwen Tai Chi has not yet received retribution!

Who doesn't know, fourteen years ago, he designed to mutilate his brothers, let Li Wudi suffer for fourteen years, put him to death and live afterwards, and even forced Li Wudi's wife to death!

"Yuwen Tai Chi!!!"

The voice from Li Wudi is like a cold dead soul!

He put down the Scarlet Blood Blade, holding something in his hand-the poisonous dragon thorn! !

The poisonous dragon's sting was covered with Li Wudi's blood!

"Hahaha!" Yuwen Tai Chi looks like a madman, his face is covered with blood, but he is laughing wildly.

Until Li Wudi, pinched his neck and made him shake in his own hands.

"Try it, it feels like."

Li Wudi took the poisonous dragon thorn in his hand and pierced his body little by little.

"Brother, this picture reminds me of the day I gave you the poisonous dragon sting fourteen years ago!"

Until this time, he was still struggling and laughing.

"I remember too."

Li Wudi stretched out his hand and pushed it directly through!


Yuwen Tai Chi looked up to the sky, his legs kept kicking, such a tragic situation, who remembers how powerful he was when he killed the Quartet just now!

Two lines of blood and tears flowed from the eyes.

At this time, a group of purple flames appeared in Li Wudi's hands.

"This is called blood-devouring fire. It's more fun than your nightmare flower poison. Taste it for 30 years."

He opened Yuwen Taiji's mouth and stuffed the blood-devouring fire in. The next moment, Yuwen Taiji burned all over, but he couldn't die!

"Blood-devouring fire, combined with weeping blood and cold air, water and fire are incompatible, and there are poisonous dragon thorns."

"You let me for fourteen years, nothing is wrong, you let me lose my love, and regret it all my life!"

"Today, I will send you 30 years. I can't survive or die!!!"

With the poisonous dragon sting and the blood-eating fire, Yuwen Taiji can only scream, and the unstoppable spasm has become a complete disability!

"Wooden lotus..."

In the scream, Yuwen Tai Chi stared at him, and he suddenly smiled again.

"Thirty years later, when I die, I can go to Huangquan Hell and meet her! Haha!!!"

He is really crazy.

Otherwise, I wouldn't say such a dream.

"Very good, then I will open the net and let you live for a hundred years!!"

Li Wudi's blood-stained eyes almost dripped on his body!

But Yuwen Tai Chi can only convulse, scream, and convulse, and suffer the pain of blood-devouring fire and poisonous dragon sting at all times.

Moreover, Li Wudi changed his mind.

He wants revenge on him for a hundred years!

No one can be a Virgin.

Otherwise, it is better to die than life in fourteen years.

Until this time, Yuwen Tai Chi was finally terrified.

In pain, he stared at Li Wudi blankly.

"Can you tell me why I lost so badly?" he said in a dazed but painful way.

Li Wudi pointed to the six beast-faced robbery wheels in his hand.

"see it?"

"Because I am an immortal, life-changing clan!"

"Because, I love her like my life! In this life, I won't let you pay a hundred times the price, I dare not die!!!"

Thinking back to that person, he shed blood and tears.

"Once, I didn't have the strength to protect the one I love!"

"Now, after nineteen deaths and fourteen years of inhuman torture, I can come back here and let you, Yuwen, father and son, pay for the debt!!"

"I sweared to her."

"In this life, you must be a person no one can beat!"

"Only in this way, I can protect my dear relatives and wait for the dogs!!"

"From then on, the sky will not die, nor will I die!!!"

This day is just the beginning!

The first ancestor crossed the catastrophe in fifty years and broke through the ancient holy realm.

And Li Wudi, who lived and died for 14 years, suffered a hundred times more than others every year.

His road to the strong is just beginning!

And Yuwen Tai Chi is over!

After listening to all of this, Yuwen Tai Chi's face was desperate.

When he was most desperate, the ancient blood prison kunpeng's weeping blood cells surrounded it, weeping blood and cold energy entered the body, gathering blood-devouring fire and poisonous dragon thorns!

The three tortures will last for a hundred years!

Ancient Blood Prison Kunpeng, it would be hard for him to die for a hundred years!


When the blood and cold energy entered the body, Yuwen Taiji's screams once again made everyone in the Eastern Emperor Sect and the Yunxiao Sword Sect numb their scalp! !

Then, watching with his own eyes, the ancient blood prison Kunpeng opened his mouth and swallowed Yuwen Tai Chi.

When Yuwen Taiji disappeared between the heaven and the earth, in the vast land, there was nothing left:

A blood mad demon,

A scarlet sword,

One end, the ancient blood prison Kunpeng.

And he looked at the sky and let out a long scream:

"Eastern Emperor Realm, Lao Zi Li Wudi, is back!!!"