Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 13


His head was a little heavy, his body was weak, and the stinging pain from the needle on his arm made Cheng Cheng open his eyes and vaguely saw that the liquid in the needle was turning a coquettish red color. There was a person standing at the window, with the light behind him. , wearing black suit pants on the lower body and a simple black shirt on the upper body, with waist-length hair tied loosely behind his back. The moment he turned around, the dense light around him and his flawless face made Cheng Cheng feel That is a messenger who fell into darkness.

Unable to resist: "What did you hit me with?" The words he spat out were weak.

"The poison newly developed by the organization has not been tested yet." The man said, approached Cheng Cheng and raised the pillow for her so that she could sit up. He looked as if the two of them were friends who had known each other for many years, and his understatement sounded like he just said Just give her a shot of tonic instead of poison.

This voice: "Father William?" Cheng Cheng was unsure.

"Haha, your ears are very good." The man smiled softly, and even Cheng Cheng was dumbfounded. "But I am not Father William. Hello, my name is Beitang Jue."

Beitang Jue? Such a familiar name: "Beitang Jue from the Canlang Gang?" Although she was surprised, her sense of powerlessness made her speak softly.

"It's an honor for this beautiful young lady to have heard my name."

"What about Father William?"

"I think he should be very happy now, because he can truly walk into God's side and be His saint." Beitang Jue stood up, poured a glass of water and asked Cheng Cheng, "Would you like some water?"

After understanding what he said, although she had always known that people like them never took human life seriously, she was no longer confused when she saw that holy face after talking about human life so lightly: "What did you hit me with?"

"Miss Cheng Cheng's memory doesn't seem to be very good. As I said just now, she is poison for organizing new research."

"Will you die?"

"This... haha, I don't know yet, maybe it will, maybe it won't."

"Why? Do you just kill innocent people's lives so casually?"

"Innocent?" Beitang Jue raised his eyebrows, "I have worked so hard for a year and the biochemical weapons that cost me more than 10 billion are just one step away from being completed. Just because of you and my reagents are missing, not to mention you are The only woman in the moon."

"I haven't seen any reagents!" She had been shopping alone all day, and had not come into contact with any strangers. If she had any contact, it was in a bookstore... a bookstore!

"I remembered?"

She didn't mean it, even like this... "Okay, even so, what about Father William? He did nothing wrong at all, how could you do this!" Cheng Cheng felt very guilty. If she hadn't walked into that church accidentally, he would have He won't be killed because of her.

"Put away your pitiful compassion. That priest named William is selling drugs in my territory. This time he is just doing it conveniently." Beitang Jue looked at the time and then raised the corner of his mouth, "Look, the time is almost up. Follow me. You had fun chatting.”

Beitang Jue placed a feather-like kiss on Cheng Cheng's forehead. Cheng Cheng's head began to feel drowsy again. Before he fell into coma, he heard a confused voice: "I hope we can meet again next time."

Yue Duyi kicked open the door, followed closely by Bai Tianshui and Xuan Yi. She only saw the unconscious Cheng Cheng sleeping on the bed. The window of the balcony on the second floor was opened, and the breeze gently blew the white gauze. Nothing else.

Ring ring ring... The phone in the room rang, and Yue Duyi walked to the bedside and picked up the phone.

"It came faster than I expected."

Yue Duyi squeezed the phone's hand tightly: "What did you do to her?"

"Haha, why are you so nervous?"

"Don't forget that I still have your reagent!"

"Those two tubes of reagents should be considered as a meeting gift for Miss Cheng Cheng. I'll see you later. By the way, I forgot to tell you that there are explosives in the house. You still have thirty seconds."

beep beep beep beep beep…

Xuan Yi and Tian Tian Shui looked at Yue Yiyi who was in a very bad mood silently. Yue Yiyi threw away the phone, picked up the unconscious Cheng Cheng and rushed outside: "There is a bomb in the house!"

Xuan Yi and Tian Tian Shui no longer hesitated, and started to protect Yue Youyi as he ran out. Yue Youyi was counting the time in his mind. The moment he stepped out of the door, there was a violent roar behind him. Without thinking much, he rushed towards the general. Cheng Cheng protects him. The explosion set off a fire as strong as the sky, and the "cracking" sound of explosions kept hearing. Xuan Yi turned around with lingering fear and saw the ancient house in flames. Beitang Jue was really merciless. Yue Duyi picked up Cheng Cheng and turned around to take a look. Fire light danced in his eyes. Fire trucks and police cars were already in front of him.

"Passive, you are surrounded!"

The three people subconsciously turned around and saw more than 20 policemen surrounding their way out, with more than 20 guns pointed at them. The leading police officer said to them: "We received a report that criminals here have planted explosives and hijacked people." Hostages, you have been surrounded, surrender quickly and come back with us to assist in the investigation."

"Beitang Jue actually does something like this." Bai Tianshui snorted coldly.

The three of them got into the police car, and Cheng Cheng was taken away by them. After being held in the police station for an hour, someone began to interrogate: "What is your name, and why did you appear at the crime scene? Did you plant the bomb? You Why take hostages?"

Yue Duyi crossed his legs, crossed his hands on his knees, and gently clasped his legs: "I want to make a phone call."

The interrogating police officer nodded: "Okay, you have the right to find your lawyer, but it's useless to come over. The witnesses and material evidence are all there."

After making the call, Yue Yiyi didn't speak. The interrogating police officer walked around the table, feeling impatient, but still waited with him, gloating that the lawyer's arrival would not save him anything.

Not long after, someone outside called: "Sir, phone."

The interrogating police officer glanced at Yue Yiyi and walked out suspiciously. After a while, he came back and glanced at Yue Yiyi: "You can leave."

Yue Duyi stood up, and as soon as he stood up with his tall figure, the small interrogation room suddenly felt crowded. The interrogating police officer took a small step back due to Yue Duyi's aura without even noticing it, and walked to the hall during the day. Xuan Yi had already been waiting there with Cheng Cheng in his arms.

There was a black car parked at the door. The door was opened, and Yue got in neatly. The police officer who had been looking at the door closed his eyes. The car window that had not yet been rolled up, the military green uniform, and the epaulettes turned out to be of the rank of colonel. of officials. He sighed in his heart. After all, he brought back the master above. Thinking back to it, he probably hadn't gone too far just now. He was glad that he had saved his life.

When the colonel saw the moon, he said suspiciously: "What happened? Why did you end up in the police station?"

Yue Duyi glanced at him and said calmly: "It's nothing, it was set up."

The colonel nodded: "Master Yue, please, if you want to fight or quarrel in certain places in the future, don't make trouble in my country every time. There are too many things to do, and it's hard for me to do it. There will be an explosion here today, and a gunfight there tomorrow. The entire country is panicked, thinking it is a terrorist attack, and the entire National Security Agency is on tenterhooks."

"Colonel, we know you have a solution." Bai Tianshui smiled slightly, and the colonel's nerves were obviously down.

"This matter is not over yet. I don't want your men to pursue the matter." He settled his own grudges on his own, Yue Du said.

The colonel nodded: "I understand, I will handle this matter."

"We will have to do some actions here in the future. Going to jail occasionally is called experience. If something happens again, it will not be good." There was something in Bai Tianshui's words. The colonel knew that Bai Tianshui had suffered a loss and would not stop here.

"I will transfer the police officer in charge this time, which can be regarded as giving an explanation to Head Yue's family."

Yue Du nodded: "Have you purchased any biological or chemical weapons from others recently?"

"No, Master Yue, as you know, all our weapons were purchased directly from Xiangnuo, and we have no plans to purchase biological and chemical weapons. How could Master Yue say that?"

"It's okay." Yue Duyi frowned.

The car stopped at Nuo's gate. When the colonel saw that he had arrived at his destination, he said, "The next shipment from Director Yue's house..."

"From now on, all goods supplied to Italy will be 30% off."

The car drove away, and Yue Dui walked into the house holding Cheng Cheng.

Xuan Yi asked Bai Tianshui silently, are you angry

Water during the day, obviously.

(End of chapter)