Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 21


Although Yue Yiyi was kicked out from the Cheng family, he still walked slowly, calmly and generously, just like him, always meticulous, so when he got into the mean and domineering black car, he looked like usual There was no difference, except for his expression being a little uglier, and except for the air pressure in the car being lower, he really didn't look any different.

Of course, everything was clearly heard by the white fox eavesdropping outside the door. He obviously did not feel sorry for eavesdropping. A good employee should understand the leader's troubles in a timely manner and then when the leader needs help Provide just the right advice when needed.

"Young Master, in fact, there are only three people who want Mr. Cheng to accept you. The first one is Miss Cheng Cheng. As long as she insists on being with you, she is her own daughter after all. After a long time, she will naturally accept you. However, Miss Cheng Cheng herself If you don’t know what’s on your mind, this method obviously won’t get you through.”

Yue Du raised his eyelids slightly, even if he smiled like Bai Tian Shui, his sharp eyes stopped him, but Bai Tian Shui is Bai Tian Shui, and turning day and night upside down could not change his trouble-making heart: "The second one is Young Master Cheng Yu Mr. Cheng seems to like his grandson very much. Mr. Cheng Yu acts coquettishly and persists. There are two possibilities. Either Mr. Cheng relaxes, or he thinks that you intend to steal your grandson from him and becomes more wary of you. Two possibilities. The latter is more likely, because he really can't figure out why the man who was originally in trouble and finally gave up suddenly figured it out and came back to show his kindness. The purpose could only be for his cute and smart baby grandson."

Beginning with chaos and finally giving up? Bai Tianshui didn't care at all about the result of his eavesdropping, but Yue Duyi obviously didn't like these four words, and his eyes became darker. Bai Tianshui's smile became even deeper. He knew that his remarks would not have a good result. The young master would not hesitate to throw him back to the base for "reform through labor": "The third key person is you, the young master."

Yue Duyi raised his eyebrows, obviously still interested.

"Young Master, there is a saying that attacking the heart is paramount, and there is also a saying that sincerity leads to gold and stone. Mr. Cheng is a stubborn old man. If you frequently express your harmlessness and repeat your true purpose over and over again, , as time goes by and with some good performance on your part, I will naturally accept you."

"Good behavior?"

"Well... the new standard of a good man..." Bai Tianshui's slender fingertips were tapping on the keyboard, then his eyes lit up and he turned the screen to Yue Yiyi.

A nice man will spend an afternoon carefully making a ring for you with wire and pliers, even though it looks very crappy.

Make a ring? iron wire

"Young Master, this actually means that a good man should have a heart."

Yue raised her eyebrows alone, right

A good man will fight fiercely with a gangster for you. Although he may not be able to defeat you, he will always pull you behind him.

fight? He hasn't fought with anyone in many years, can't he defeat a gangster? There is no such possibility at all. It is a bit difficult for him to pretend that he cannot beat others. His current muscle and nerve reactions are almost conditioned reflexes.

"Ahem, young master, this actually means that a good man should protect the woman he loves."

Yue Duyi glanced at it suspiciously. This article is basically nonsense, so skip it.

A good man will stand downstairs on a rainy night and call you to tell you that he forgot to take the key. When you throw the key to him from the window, you find him standing under the street lamp in the rain, holding flowers in his hand calling you name.

There is no key to their door, and it is impossible for Cheng Cheng to throw the key to him. This is not feasible.

"Young Master, this is to say that a good man needs romance, romance."

A good man will secretly stuff a gold card into your wallet, and will never directly hand you the money like a nouveau riche, like sending away a beggar.

Gold card? He never takes those things with him when he goes out. All his finances are taken care of by Shui during the day. How did he get the gold card

"Young Master, this means that men should be considerate."

Yue Duyi stared at Tian Tian Shui, he smiled awkwardly, and then quickly closed his notebook: "Anyway, young master, a good man should be gentle and considerate, be able to cook, and do housework. At least he shouldn't be as rigid as you are now. Face."

Yue Yiyi leaned forward and leaned back on the chair, closing his eyes and no longer listening to Bai Tianshui's fallacies, but in his heart he was already thinking about how feasible the things he had just glimpsed were.

Then it started to rain innocently at night. Yue Duyi, who was still looking at the documents, looked at the rain outside the window thoughtfully. After staring for about a minute, he put down his pen and picked up the car keys on the table. Walked out of Nuo.

Ever since Dad Cheng got angry during the day, Cheng Cheng didn't dare to say a word. When eating, she still felt that her father's eyes were like a sharp sword that was going to pierce her head. She said she was a coward. She didn't dare to follow her. Her father told the truth. She knew her father's temper. She had to spank her until he knew she had lied to him for so many years. But when she thought about Tangtangnuo's boss being kicked out by her father, she was a little worried that Yue Yiyi's self-esteem would not be able to cope with it. He was such a proud person, and she even called him a heartless person. This time She is no longer human at both ends, she is really a pig.

Cheng Cheng gave up and stuffed her head with a pillow, and then heard someone tapping on the French door of her balcony. Who would climb onto her balcony so late? It was still raining outside, and the rain was getting heavier. The wind blew through the doors and windows. There was a whirring sound coming from the gap. Cheng Cheng thought of a thriller he had watched, in which the God of Death was standing outside the floor-to-ceiling glass door with a sickle. If he didn't look at it, he would definitely not look at it.

Cheng Cheng pretended not to hear it and lay on the bed as if dead. There were constant knocks on the door, but the sound was silent. They kept knocking on Cheng Cheng's heart, making her tremble. A thunderstorm made her subconsciously look out the window. A bolt of thunder struck behind the person who came. With the person's unkind expression, Cheng Cheng really wished she had fainted. If she didn't faint, it meant she couldn't turn a blind eye. She didn't dare. , I really don’t have the courage for that person. So she opened the door, smiled awkwardly, and didn't know what to say: "Hi! What a coincidence." As soon as the words came out, she wanted to cut her tongue. Could it be that she was really full and had nothing to do and came to you for a walk in the middle of the night? At the doorstep.

Yue Duyi's whole body was soaked. Who ran downstairs when he said it was going to rain? He really wanted to chop up the guy who wrote the article.

"You're already wet. Do you want to take a bath and change clothes?" Cheng Cheng regretted after saying that, what kind of bath should I take? What clothes should I change into? She should ask him loudly what the hell is going on! It’s time to get out of here when you’re done. But seeing Yue Du's expressionless nod, she flattered him again and said, "I'll help you drain the water."

Cheng Cheng secretly took his father's pajamas and secretly returned to his room. Yue Duyi happened to come out of the bathroom, wet from head to toe, only wearing a big scarf from the waist. Cheng Cheng blushed for a while, and Hand over the clothes. Then he took a towel and wiped his dripping hair.

"I've already taken the clothes to be washed. I'll help you dry them later. They'll be dry after a while."

"Yeah." Yue Duyi's voice came from his throat, low and hoarse, and Cheng Cheng felt his mouth was a little dry.

Cheng Cheng wanted to ask what she was doing here so late and in the rain, but she didn't dare to ask. Yue Duyi didn't speak, and she remained silent. The atmosphere was a bit awkward, but in her opinion, she was the only one who was embarrassed. Yue Duyi This person knows how to write the word "embarrassing". Looking at the card Yue Duyi handed over, she asked suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

"Nuo only applied for one card for all his assets, and this card is a supplementary card with no limit on the amount."

"Give it to me?" Cheng Cheng asked hesitantly.

Yue Dui stared at her, his deep eyes as bottomless as two ancient wells: "If you are not satisfied, I can give you the main card, but there is no difference between the two cards."

How could this man's eyes be so seductive? Cheng Cheng swallowed: "That's not what I meant. The question is why did you give me the card?" She was not short of money.

"I'll give it to you, why are you talking so much!" Yue Duyi put the card into Cheng Cheng's hand, closed his eyes and enjoyed the tenderness of her fingers running through her hair.

Angry? She didn't do anything! Isn't it just a long card? Just take it. Does this count as handing over financial power to her? Cheng Cheng was embarrassed when she thought of this possibility. Why should she leave it to her? She didn't know how to manage money, so all her money was left to Bei to help her take care of it: "There must be a lot of money in this card." It was thousands at least. Thousands of dollars.

Yue Duyi replied calmly: "Well, tens of billions." He didn't know how much was too much, but it shouldn't be too little.

"How many... tens of billions?" Cheng Cheng stopped moving, and Yue Yiyi frowned in displeasure, "What if I accidentally lose it?"

"Just throw it away. I want to sleep." After Yue Duyi said that, he lay down on Cheng Cheng's bed.

Cheng Cheng held the card worth tens of billions in his hand and worshiped it anxiously. Just throw it away? Why did he say it so easily? Yue Duyi saw Cheng Cheng grinding, and unhappily pulled her onto the bed and held her in his arms. The bed was a bit small, so they could only squeeze together. Regarding this, Yue Duyi I was quite satisfied and thought about whether to replace the big bed at home with a smaller one.

But Cheng Cheng was still holding the card in a daze, and was dragged and forced to sleep.

She didn't know that the tens of billions were US dollars. Fortunately, Cheng Cheng didn't know. If he had known, he might not have to sleep at all.

(End of chapter)