Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 27


When Xiaoqiang was frightened, he subconsciously stopped crying and swallowed it himself. The leading police officer's hand holding the gun was covered with sweat, and his face was stern: "One ear, I advise you to put down the child in your hands immediately, we will Plea for you in front of the judge.”

"Bah! You think I am an idiot. Letting this kid go will not lead to death."

"What do you want? As long as you let the child go, the police will try their best to satisfy you."

"Give me back that million right now, right now!"

The officer turned his head and signaled to the subordinate next to him. Someone immediately went to the police car and brought the box that had just been confiscated from his house: "Officer Huang, here is the money."

The man named Officer Huang originally wanted to take the opportunity to get money and get closer to Yi Er to see if there was any chance of subduing him, but as soon as he took a step forward, Yi Er stopped him: "Don't move!" He looked around and said, Then he saw Cheng Yu being protected by Yue Duyi and said, "Let the kid get it."

Cheng Yu glanced at Yue Yiyi. He was also very scared. But as soon as he saw his father's calm eyes, he was not afraid of anything. He approached the police officer step by step. Officer Huang's serious face showed when he handed the box to Cheng Yu. There was a hint of worry: "Be careful."

"What are you mumbling about? Move faster!" Yi Er said, and the strength in his hands became stronger and stronger. Xiaoqiang was too scared to say a word, and he didn't even dare to cry.

Cheng Yu slowly walked into Yi Er and handed the box over. Seeing that Xiao Qiang was already twitching in fear, he couldn't help but despise him and made a decision that even surprised him: "Uncle, how about I switch with Xiao Qiang?" Well, you see, his body is already in convulsions, and it would be inconvenient for you to escape with a tow bottle. If you scare him to death and you don’t have a hostage, the police officers won’t let you go.”

"Cheng Yu!" Cheng Cheng didn't expect her son to volunteer so much. She usually taught Cheng Yu to be brave, but this was different. He was a gangster with a gun in his hand. Yue only pulled Cheng Cheng and shook his head at her.

One ear looked at the little boy in his hand who had obviously begun to roll his eyes and foam at the mouth. Indeed, if the hostages were gone, he would be shot to death by those random guns in the next moment, but the child in front of him was so calm that he did not want to be an ordinary child. He hesitated. He said again and again: "Come here, don't play any tricks!"

Cheng Yu smiled: "What tricks can I do as a child!"

While abandoning Xiaoqiang with one ear, he had already pulled Cheng Yu. Lao Chen immediately caught his young master and pointed with one ear at Cheng Cheng who was standing by the car door: "That woman, you drive."

Cheng Cheng's hand shook, and Yue Duyi whispered in her ear: "Don't be afraid."

Cheng Cheng took a deep breath, and because of Yue Yiyi's words, his beating heart calmed down a little. One ear urged impatiently: "Quick, don't dawdle!"

Cheng Cheng got into the driver's seat and helped Cheng Yu get into the passenger seat with one ear: "Drive, don't play tricks, this is your son, don't use any crooked ideas, otherwise your son's life will be in danger."

Cheng Cheng started the car and slowly drove out of the parking lot. When passing by Yue Duyi, she took a deep look at him. Her ever-calm eyes were still quiet, seeming to give her invisible strength. He would definitely save them, Cheng Cheng thought.

Knowing that the car was out of their sight, Officer Huang immediately issued an order to follow the car. Yue Duyi immediately dialed Qingya's phone: "Turn on the positioning system and track Cheng Yu's whereabouts. Send someone to pick me up at the parking lot of Qingshan Building on Qingshan Road immediately. I'll give you two minutes."

"Yes." Qingya didn't come and asked what happened. He hadn't heard such a voice from the young master for a long time. Something must have happened to the young master.

Cheng Yu turned on the positioning system on his watch as soon as he was kidnapped. Cheng Cheng tried his best to make the speed of the car look normal, but one ear still found it too slow: "Drive faster."

"This is the city." Stopping at a red light, it was raining again.

"Look at the red light, go through it." Yi Er kept looking back to see if any police were chasing him.

Cheng Cheng hesitated for a moment, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed over. Since she was at an intersection, the cars around her couldn't dodge as she rushed out. Suddenly, there was a sound of brakes, accompanied by curse words.

Cheng Chengcai didn't care so much. After running through several red lights in a row, he asked, "Where are we going?"

"Yalong Pier."

"Young Master, they are heading south. The young master seems to have sent back some numbers." Qing Ya looked at it for a long time and suddenly realized, "It's the coordinates!"


"Yalong Pier."

The rain was getting heavier. Cheng Cheng's car had just arrived at Yalong Pier when a dozen police cars and a black sports car stopped behind him at the same time. Unlike the police's quick and agile movements, Yue Yiyi and Zhu Yan remained steady. Zhu Yan took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, and under the cover of many containers at the pier, she went around from behind and tried to subdue Yi Er from behind.

Yi Er arrived at the pier and no longer had the previous panic. Faced with the crowd, his black and yellow teeth were cracked: "I will naturally let them go when I get to a safe place, but if you follow me again, don't blame me for not having a long gun." Eye."

Everyone saw Zhu Yan standing on the container. Except for One Ear, all the policemen tried to calm down and didn't want One Ear to find any clues. Cheng Yu also saw it. Zhu Yan gave him a look. Cheng Yu Yu nodded slightly, and upon seeing Yue Yiyi's code, Zhu Yan's agile body jumped down and attacked Yi Er from behind.

There was no defense behind him, and one of Cheng Yu's ears was attacked. Zhu Yan strangled his neck with one hand, subdued him to the ground with her backhand, and quickly took out the silver pistol from her back: "Don't move!"

The moment Zhu Yan moved, Yue Duyi's body also moved. He caught Cheng Yu steadily, and then told Zhu Yan in a low voice: "You handle the rest."


Yue Duyi wanted to leave with his wife and son, but was stopped by the frowning police officer Huang: "Sir, we are very grateful to you for helping us catch the gangster. Please hand the gangster over to us, and please come back with us." Once again, it is illegal to carry a firearm privately."

Officer Huang didn't know why, but he felt a little unsure when looking at the face of the man opposite him. He was a famous detective in the police world, but the man was soaked in the rain and exuded a calm aura. The lines were drawn very clearly. Even though his face had basically not changed since the incident, he could still feel that he was very unhappy. This emotion was only felt when he was holding his son and taking his wife by his side. alleviated.

Yue Duyi raised his eyes and did not put down his son. Instead, he let him sit on his arm with one hand. The other hand went deep into the inner pocket of his coat. He coldly pulled out a business card and handed it to him: "I I don’t know why you would let gunmen enter the troubled area, but I will send someone to find out.”

Officer Huang held the gilded business card in his hand and watched blankly as the man took his wife and son into the car that was already waiting behind them.

The black title on the business card made his hand holding the card tremble unconsciously.

Minister of National Security.

(End of chapter)