Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 32


William Hill is a gentle and patient guide. As long as Cheng Cheng wants to go somewhere, he will accompany him wholeheartedly. Cheng Cheng is not very interested in some scenic spots. He only visits some museums, whether it is a military museum. , Science and Technology Exhibition Hall, Ancient Culture Museum, as long as it is connected to the museum, she likes to go in and have a look, touch and try it, while William Hill is responsible for explaining and leading the way.

Tired from playing, Cheng Cheng sat in the square, covering the sun with her hat. She lay back on a chair and felt a cold feeling on her face. She took off her hat and saw Hill holding water to block the sun for her.

Taking the water from Hill, Cheng Cheng took a big sip: "Hill, I must be very happy to be your girlfriend."

"Really?" Hill responded lightly.

Seeing that he didn't care, Cheng Cheng said seriously: "You see, you have a distinguished status, are gentle and considerate, handsome, elegant and rich. Even in this square, there are many women secretly looking at you."

"You also said that I am rich and distinguished, how do you know those women are not here for that?" Hill asked jokingly.

"Not all women are interested in your fame and fortune. If you reject everyone around you for this reason, wouldn't it mean that you are missing out on those who are truly affectionate and righteous to you? Besides, what's wrong with having fame and fortune? It's all yours too. A kind of value.”

"Your theory is quite new." Hill murmured while drinking water and looking into the distance, enjoying the relaxation at the moment.

"What kind of girl do you like?" Cheng Cheng looked for a topic in boredom.

"A girl...gentle...generous...cute...should have a pair of eyes like black pearls." Hill said as he looked sideways at Cheng Cheng beside him.

"Then you like oriental girls."

"Haha." Hill looked back and chuckled. Looking past Cheng Cheng, he saw the figure behind the flower bed. A cold light flashed across his eyes. When Cheng Cheng was caught off guard, he pulled her over and the two of them rolled to the ground.

Everything happened so fast that before Cheng Cheng could react, he only heard "bang"! With a bang, people around started screaming and running away.

"Damn it!" Hill cursed in a low voice, and with the help of a few rolls, he led the two of them to hide behind the flower bed. Seeing that the matter was exposed, the man quietly disappeared while the crowd was fleeing.

Cheng Cheng raised his head from Hill's arms and saw that his head was covered with sweat and his breathing was rapid. Only then did he realize that something was wrong, and his face darkened. The smell of blood rushed into his nose as Hill's arm was holding it with one hand.

"You're injured." After experiencing a lot, Cheng Cheng kept taking deep breaths, knowing that he couldn't panic now, because panic was useless.

"It's okay." Listening to the sound of police cars approaching from afar, Hill gave Cheng Cheng the car keys, "You drive and leave before the police arrive."

Cheng Cheng knew that although it was not a big problem for the police to come as Hill, some boring magazines should be written randomly. She supported Hill and got into the car during the chaos. She gritted her teeth and looked at the complicated sports cars. The car flew off as soon as I stepped on the accelerator.

By the time the police arrived, there were only some people running around and panicking, and the protagonists had quietly exited.

Hill didn't know that a woman could drive so hard. Looking at Cheng Cheng's very skillful driving skills, it was hard for him to imagine that this was her first contact with a sports car. Even some low-level sports car drivers couldn't keep up with this speed: "You The car drove well.”

Cheng Cheng stared at the road ahead: "I learned it when I picked up Cheng Yu before." Every time she forgot the time because of doing experiments, she always picked up Cheng Yu at the right time, so she also developed good driving skills. , even her little broken car can reach a speed of 180 yards, let alone a super sports car. When it first came out, she thought Hill was too flamboyant, but now she is happy At supercar speed.

"Cheng Yu?"

"My son." Cheng Cheng smiled at him. Seeing his pale face, he couldn't help but worry, "Stop talking and keep insisting."

"Turn right ahead." Hill said, and then dialed the phone. "Jason, come to my house. I have a little trouble."

Cheng Cheng turned the car around without hesitation, and an ancient castle came into view.

"Stop the car in front." As Hill spoke, Cheng Cheng had already stopped the car, then helped Hill into the house.

"Master! You're back." Butler Yousi was happy, but when she saw the pale face of Hill, she shouted in surprise: "Oh my God, Master, you are injured."

At this time, Hill did not forget to give the old housekeeper a gentle smile: "Don't be so nervous, Jus. It's just a minor injury."

"Quick, come inside and lie down." Yousi also held Hill's other hand, allowing him, who was a little exhausted, to use his strength to move into the room.

Ten minutes later, Jason arrived and treated him. Cheng Cheng was arranged in the study. Although she was a little worried, it was not easy to go in and disturb her. She paced back and forth, wanting to call Yue Duyi many times. , but endured it. Hill also told him not to tell him just now, for fear that he would worry. In order to calm down her mind, she tried to divert her attention by looking at the furnishings in the study. However, her sight was attracted by the huge oil painting in the center of the study. The woman in the painting was sitting in the pose of the Mona Lisa. On the retro chair, a little sunshine comes in from the window on one side, shining on the woman's peaceful face. There is a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, so gentle and peaceful. Her hair is pulled up, and a trace hangs by her ears, adding to the beauty. It has a graceful elegance belonging to oriental women. She couldn't help but walk in and look at the inscription "My love, William III" under the oil painting.

The housekeeper Yusi walked in with tea and saw the girl who came back with the young master staring at the painting. She couldn't help but said: "That's the young master's mother. She's very beautiful, isn't she."

Cheng Cheng looked back, a little embarrassed: "Is Hill okay?"

"Well, the bullet has been removed and the injection has been administered. I need to rest for a while."

"You speak Chinese very well too." Cheng Cheng was a little surprised.

"Haha, everyone who works for Duke William is required to speak fluent Chinese. That is what the master requires."

"William III?"

"Well, that was also painted by the master himself for his wife."


"The young master's mother, they were not married, but they loved each other very much. Unfortunately, she left early and left the young master behind. At that time, the young master was very lonely." Jusi couldn't bear to talk about the past, "Look What am I talking about?"

Cheng Cheng shook his head: "It's okay, I like to hear it. Can I go see Hill? I won't disturb him."

"Of course, Jason is here too. He is the young master's personal doctor."

Cheng Cheng opened the door, and Jason, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, raised his head and saw Cheng Cheng nodding as a greeting. Cheng Cheng also nodded and smiled, then looked at Hill on the bed, although he didn't know why he was inexplicable. was shot, but Hill was also injured while trying to protect her, which made her feel guilty.

(End of chapter)