Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 5


"Grandpa Professor, can you please stop asking me to pretend to be sick next time?" Cheng Yu complained and pouted. The old man and the young man were sitting in front of the large and exaggerated display screen, playing a fighting game.

"Why did you come to my house to play if you didn't pretend to be sick?" The professor pressed the game controller desperately.

"Yes... I can come to your house to play if I pretend to be sick, but as a man, he always pretends to be sick and becomes as frail as a girl. Xiaoqiang always laughs at me."

"Then what's the best way to avoid pretending to be sick?" After being kicked again, the character in the game lost a third of his health.

"Next time it's your turn to pretend to be sick. I'll come out to see you. This way I can ask for leave and show that I'm a good kid who respects the elderly." After winning again, Cheng Yu put down the controller. He won every time. It was no fun at all.

"Why did you lose again? Let's play another game." The professor was extremely unbalanced. Why did he always lose to a child

"Stop playing. You will lose every time. There is no challenge."

"Hey! Kid, your mother didn't educate you not to discriminate against the weak, but to give them opportunities and encouragement. Don't tell me that you have never lost since you were a child!" The professor looked at the little adult Cheng Yu, and the more he looked at the child, the more he liked him. .

Cheng Yu shrugged: "I've been losing since I was a child, but I always lost to the same person, my mommy. Whether it's playing games, developing software, or solving equations, mommy said I will surpass her one day. , I firmly believe this, hehe."

"Look, your little tail is raised to the sky." The professor touched the top of Cheng Yu's soft hair and wanted to know more and more what kind of person his mommy was, although every time Cheng Yu mentioned his mommy They all looked helpless, saying how stupid his mommy was, that she was an experimental maniac, and an idiot in life, but his eyes with twinkling stars let him know that he loved his mommy very much.

As soon as Yue Duyi entered the room, he saw the game screen frozen on the huge screen. The professor was talking to a child. Although he was suppressing anger in his heart, he sat down on the sofa behind them. A cold voice sounded from behind the professor: " I think instead of having time to play games with a little kid, you might as well think carefully about how to explain why that woman Xie Sili knows my whereabouts in Thailand!"

When Cheng Yu heard the voice, he turned around and his mouth formed an "O" shape: "Grandpa Professor, this uncle looks like me."

Not only Cheng Yu was surprised, but Bai Tianshui and Qing Ya behind him were also very surprised. Not only did they look like them, they looked just like the young master when he was a child.

Cheng Yu ran over and climbed onto Yue Duyi's legs. Yue Duyi's calm eyes showed no emotion and he looked at the little guy calmly. Cheng Yu seemed to be looking in the mirror: "Okay, I admit that you are very handsome. La, but I should be cuter. My mom has always said that my dad is British, but uncle, let’s do a DNA test. Maybe from now on you will have a son as cute as me."

"What's your mommy's name?" Yue Dui said.

"My mommy's name is Cheng Cheng."

This name couldn't be such a coincidence, Qingya thought of the girl that day.

Yue Duyi's eyes dimmed, and he looked at the professor and said, "Give me the information, and I won't hold you accountable for revealing my whereabouts to Xie Sili."

"What information?" The professor pretended to be stupid.

"Don't tell me that you didn't investigate this child's affairs. If you don't want to, I can still investigate, but it's just a waste of time." Yue Duyi picked up Cheng Yu and walked out. The professor roared behind him: "You will kill me if you ask me for help." Ah! It’s not cute at all. Come back for dinner tonight! Did you hear that?”

Yue Duyi did not answer, but the professor knew that he had heard it and was in a particularly good mood: "Xizawa, the young master will come back for dinner tonight and ask the kitchen to cook more dishes. The young master likes the sweet and sour carp."


"And broccoli."


"Oh, and there's more..."

Caesar is a typical British butler. There is a smile on his face when he turns his back. The master has not been so happy for a long time.

"Uncle, where are you taking me?" Although he is an adult and does not need to be hugged anymore, he is still happy to be hugged by his father.

Yue Yiyi walked forward and got into the car: "Call Daddy."

Cheng Yu raised his mouth happily: "How old is Daddy?"


"It turns out that Daddy gave birth to Cheng Yu when he was twenty-four. What does Daddy do?"

"Buying and selling arms."

"Cool! Triad!" Much cooler than Xiaoqiang's daddy, "Daddy, will you teach me how to use a gun?"

"When you turn eighteen."

"Daddy, will you wait for me to take me to McDonald's after school?" Although he doesn't like McDonald's.


Cheng Yu happily hugged Yue Yiyi's neck: "Will you kiss mommy later?"

"This can be considered."

After all, he was a child. When he was tired from playing, he fell asleep on Yue Duyi's shoulder. Cheng Yu was so happy that he smiled even while sleeping. It felt really good to have a daddy.

(End of chapter)