Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 54


There is another thing that Yue Yiyi is obsessed with, and Cheng Cheng has nothing to do about it, and that is the prenatal education before going to bed every night. He always holds Cheng Cheng and reads some stories before going to bed until Cheng Cheng falls asleep. Since she found out she was pregnant, From that day on, if he still had work, he would put himself to sleep first. He never stopped doing this for anything.

In fact, Yue Yiyi's quiet voice was also very pleasant when he was reading. So even though she already knew the story he was reading, she was still happy to listen to it, but today's story made her a little bit dumbfounded - The Three Little Pigs s story…

"Yue Yiyi, did you listen to this when you were still in your mother's belly?" Although he was very sure that he loved this man, Cheng Cheng was still used to calling him by his first name, except for those days when he was delirious. , but she probably can’t remember it either.

"No, the one I hear most is Snow White." Yue Dui thought for a moment.

Cheng Cheng asked casually, but he actually answered seriously: "You weren't born yet at that time, could you really hear me?"

"No... After I was born, my mother told me many times."

"But why Snow White?"

"She calls herself Snow White. She hopes that when I, the little knight, grow up, I will destroy all those who bully her."

Cheng Cheng's mouth twitched and he held it in for a long time: "Your mother is very... talented."

"Do you still remember the photos of me as a child that you found in the closet?"

"Of course I remember. I asked you and you still haven't replied to me."

"Actually... I'm not from this dimension to be precise." Yue Dui thought for a while and finally told Cheng Cheng his secret, which only the professor and Louis knew.

After listening to Yue Yiyi's statement, Cheng Cheng stared at him and almost drooled. She was really surprised: "Travel? Parallel space? SHIT! Although we have been studying it, we have never made a breakthrough."

"Don't think about taking me back to study as an alien." Yue Duyi glanced at Cheng Cheng's fanatical eyes.

Guessing what he was thinking, Cheng Cheng smiled and said, "Didn't you say that you probably traveled through time because of that glass bead? What about the bead?"

"At home, but that thing is probably useless. I tried to put it back on at first, but it didn't work."

Cheng Cheng lay back in Yue Duyi's arms in disappointment: "Didn't you say that you have a half-brother? You just threw him into the palace? You don't even like being an emperor?"

"What's so good about being an emperor, otherwise my father wouldn't have given up for my mother." Thinking of his father, Yue Yiyi, he curled his lips.

"Most of your facial features should be inherited from your father, and your father should also be very good-looking."

"Sleep." Yue Yiyi tucked the quilt for Cheng Cheng and turned off the light unhappily.

Well, Cheng Cheng at least understood a little bit. Yue Duyi disliked his father very much.

Early the next morning, while Cheng Cheng was still dreaming, a loud noise woke her up from her dream. She stood up from the bed. Yue Duyi got up early to get eggs for her. and milk, so when a man and a woman appeared out of thin air in front of her, Cheng Cheng almost bit off his tongue.

"Damn, those old immortals didn't mean to send me to my son. What the hell is this place? I'll be the first to chop off their heads when I get back!" The woman in ancient costume cursed while arranging her messy hair. , She is already in her forties and still takes care of herself like a girl in her twenties. She doesn’t know how.

"What is this?" The man in ancient costume stared at the TV with cold eyes. When he saw someone talking inside, he waved his hand immediately.

"Don't!" Before the woman could stop her, the TV was broken.

Ahem... Turtle style Qigong? Cheng Cheng's mouth twitched when he saw the smoking TV.

The woman who was addicted to money immediately felt distressed: "Boss, the one who has to pay for it is money."

"There is a strange woman talking inside." The man did not admit any fault for what he had done.

"That's called a TV, country bumpkin!" The woman glared at the man angrily.

Yue Duyi opened the door and looked at the man and woman in front of him in astonishment. He couldn't believe his eyes for a moment. The woman also looked towards the door, and then she saw her surprise and immediately jumped towards Yue Duyi happily, with her legs still He hung on Yue Youyi in a shameless manner, and kissed Yue Youyi's face fiercely: "Little Youyi, mother misses you so much! I miss you so much! Damn boy, do you miss your mother?"

Regarding the woman's behavior, there was a chill around the man who came with her. Cheng Cheng felt a little cold even though he was so far away. Cheng Cheng absolutely believed that if the woman hadn't been hanging on Yue Duyi, the man would have acted like he did to the TV just now. The only opportunity for the moon is the same.

"Mom, come down first." After being surprised, Yue Duyi calmed down first. When he saw people who heard the noise walking out of the corridor to see what happened, he immediately pushed Leng Yue into the room and closed the door. Come to the door and block all prying eyes.

Mother... Cheng Cheng heard Yue Yiyi's call, and finally remembered that the woman was the one she saw in the photo, but there was a mature charm between her eyebrows, so that man was his father... Looking at the facial features, it really matched Yue's. Youyi really wanted to, but the coldness between his eyebrows was even worse than that of Yue Youyi.

Yue Duyi did not rush to ask why Leng Yue suddenly appeared here, but handed the still hot breakfast to Cheng Cheng. Leng Yue seemed to have discovered that there was another person on the bed, and looked at it curiously with glum eyes. Cheng Cheng, Cheng Cheng looked very awkward to her. In fact, according to her relationship with Yue Yiyi, should she call her: "Hello, mother-in-law."

"Mother-in-law?" Leng Yue suddenly ran into Yue Qingqian's arms and cried, "Ms. sir, are you very old? Such an old girl has the nerve to call me mother-in-law, woo woo woo..."

Cheng Cheng really didn't mean it. She just felt that she should be polite when meeting her elders for the first time. Seeing Leng Yue crying so sadly, she was about to cry. She asked Yue Yiyi pitifully: "I Was it the wrong name?"

"It's okay." Yue Yiyi was of course used to his mother having convulsions from time to time, "Mom! You scared her."

"Oh." Leng Yue raised her head from her husband's arms, wiped away her tears, and smiled carelessly as if nothing had happened just now. Even Yue Yiyi couldn't keep up with such a change of face, "Hello, I My name is Leng Yue, she is the mother of Xiao Duyi, and this invincible and super handsome guy is my husband-in-law, his name is Yue Qingqian. I didn’t prepare any gifts for our first meeting, so come on, these will be the meeting gifts.”

When Cheng Cheng saw Leng Yue put the priceless green bracelet on her hand, he kept digging out things from her body, such as necklaces, ingots, hairpins, and silver nuggets. The more she took out, the more she took out. Cheng Cheng was surprised that she could take out so many things from her body. She couldn't hold it in both hands: "Mother-in-law, that's enough."

"Why do you carry so many things with you?" Yue Qingqian's face turned dark.

"I want you to take care of it! Of course you have to bring more gold, silver and jewelry when you go out to hang out in the world. Otherwise, what will you do when you are at the end of your rope? I bought you to be a cowherd. Looking at your coffin face, no one will want you!" Leng Yuecai Regardless of her husband's black face, she was used to it anyway, "After taking so many things from me, stop calling her mother-in-law. She's not that old, so just call me Leng Yue. Little girl, what's your name?"

Her son was really discerning, and she liked this little girl.

"How about calling me by name... My name is Cheng Cheng."

"Okay! Why not!" Leng Yue's face turned cold. This girl took the money and still didn't do it.

Being frightened by Leng Yue, Cheng Cheng instantly blurted out: "Leng Yue."

"Hehe, be good, eat some candy." Leng Yue took out the candy from her pocket and handed it to Cheng Cheng. Then Yue Qingqian grabbed her and motioned her to sit down and don't move.

"Mom, how did you get here?" Leng Yue finally calmed down, and Yue Duyi also breathed a sigh of relief. Only his father could control his mother.

"That time you disappeared, you couldn't be found anywhere, and with the missing Liuli Zhu, I think you should come back here and tell the matter to Weiyi. Looking for a way to travel through time, no, this shitty luck made him find five old immortal guys to send us here."

"Then will you go back?" Yue Duyi was very concerned about this issue.

"Go back!" Yue Qingqian answered on Leng Yue's behalf. He would not let her stay in this world with that man.


"Those old guys said it might last for a month." Leng Yue picked up the apple in the room, took a bite and spat it out. It tasted really bad! That one was so good at eating and drinking that he had it in his mouth.

Yue Duyi stopped talking. Disappointment was inevitable. He thought he would never see his mother again, but after they actually met, they separated again. Leng Yue saw what the kid was thinking, walked over and pinched his face: "I remember that I taught you since you were young not to imitate your father's coffin face. Could it be that things must be reversed at the extremes? No matter what, it's okay for the boss to have such a face. It's ugly."

Cheng Cheng saw Yue Yiyi's face being ravaged by Leng Yue. Her mother-in-law was really cold and unscrupulous. There was really no one who dared to treat Yue Yiyi like this. She suddenly admired her so much.

"By the way, where is this?" Leng Yue looked around and determined that she didn't recognize him. However, she hadn't been back for many years, so it was normal that she didn't recognize him.

"This is a resort. I will bring Cheng Cheng here to change the air. I will return to Nuo in two days."

Leng Yue saw Cheng Cheng's bulging belly and looked at her son ambiguously: "Boy, that's good, he's a father."

"I have already accepted it. I have a son named Cheng Yu, who is seven years old this year." Yue Duyi smiled at Leng Yue. He was not as cold to the mother he loved as before.

"Ms. sir, have you heard? I'm a grandma." Leng Yue didn't expect her son to be so powerful, but Yue Qingqian didn't have much joy or anger, as if it had nothing to do with her. Cheng Cheng thought he didn't like her, and was a little disappointed. Leng Yue patted her shoulder and said, "Don't leave him alone. He's just dying like that. In fact, he's happy in his heart."

Happy? Cheng Cheng glanced at Yue Qingqian. To be honest, she didn't notice it at all.

Yue Duyi helped Leng Yue buy some clothes. It was too ostentatious for the two of them to dress like that. Fortunately for Yue Qingqian, Yue Duyi's clothes fit him just right. Leng Yue was tall and could not wear Cheng Cheng's clothes. , so I could only buy a house casually and open a room in another room. After doing these things, the whole morning passed. The four of them went to the restaurant to dine together. Although it couldn't compare with my own Wangyou Valley, the environment was pretty good.

They ordered some Western-style meals. Yue Qingqian didn't find it strange that these foods were often found in Wangyou Valley. However, after eating a few bites, she still frowned in disgust. As soon as she put down her chopsticks, Leng Yue glanced over: "Don't Think about it for a while and I’ll help you cook something, whether you like it or not.”

Yue Qingqian frowned and thought for a while before raising her chopsticks and continuing to eat. If it doesn't taste good, it tastes bad.

"Sister Cheng, you are eating here too." Qin Xuer and the two women around him also passed by the restaurant to eat.

"Well, what a coincidence." Cheng Cheng nodded.

Qin Xuer glanced at Leng Yue and his wife: "What do you call this sister?"

Hearing such an older girl call her sister, Leng Yue couldn't help but smile: "Little girl, you have a sweet mouth. Come and sit with us."

The two older leftover women on the side had been staring at Yue Qingqian all morning with their eyes shining brightly. Although Yue Duyi was also very attractive, he was young after all, but it was different for a mature and charming man like Yue Qingqian. It was like bees seeing honey, staring at them without moving. When Leng Yue asked them to do something, they immediately felt happy and wanted to sit down.

But of course Leng Yue noticed the two shameless women staring at her husband-in-law with naked eyes, and then said rudely: "Did I let you sit down?"

"Didn't you say we were going to sit together?" The two women were also unhappy. They were the pride of heaven, how could they be treated so unfavorably.

"I asked this little girl to sit down. Are you suffering from brain damage and unable to understand Chinese, or are you suffering from a perforated eardrum and unable to hear others speaking?"

Mother-in-law, you are so poisonous! Cheng Cheng kept quiet. Just because she didn't like arguing with others didn't mean Leng Yue didn't like it. She hated it most when someone was chattering while she was talking.

However, the two older leftover girls are not very economical. You didn’t let me sit down, so I sat down anyway. Their legs were on their bodies, and they wouldn’t leave even if they didn’t want to.

Obviously Leng Yue didn't have much patience to deal with them. When he saw their buttocks touching the stool, he hooked his feet and the two nymphos fell to the ground. Without saying anything, Leng Yue aimed his knife at the two women with his backhand. The two women were obviously frightened, staring at Leng Yue without saying a word in fear.

Leng Yue smiled: "What? You still want to stay for dinner?"

"No… "

The two women ran away. Many people in the restaurant were staring blankly at the scene just now. Leng Yue stroked her somewhat messy hair and maintained the most elegant posture towards everyone: "We've finished watching the free show, everyone. Eat and drink as you should.”

After seeing Leng Yue's skills, those who watch the show don't want to appreciate it, and feel like they are just eating their own food.

"Sister, you are so awesome." Qin Xuer looked at Leng Yue with admiring eyes.

Leng Yue patted the little girl's shoulder: "This girl has a bright future." It's been a long time since I heard someone flatter me... Wuwuwuwu... She was so touched... Now even her four shopkeepers don't like her anymore. In her home One person who lives and eats for free is more powerful than the other. Doesn't she just want to hear people praise her great achievements? It's really difficult.

Qin Xuer didn't understand. Didn't he just say that she was great? What does this have to do with the future: "Sister, you are so kind. What is your relationship with Senior Sister Cheng?" Of course Qin Xuer could see the silent man over there. She looks very similar to Yue Yiyi, and this woman seems to be very close to that man.

"I am the only mother in my family." Leng Yue giggled.


Leng Yue was displeased. She hated people saying she didn't look like Youyi's mother. Although her father's genes contributed a lot to Youyi being so handsome, she also contributed. Could it be that she didn't look like the mother of Youyi? Such a handsome son

Sensing Leng Yue's displeasure, Qin Xuer hurriedly said, "I mean, my sister is so young and she doesn't look like Mr. Yue's mother at all."

"Really?" Leng Yue smiled again and rolled her eyes, "Girl, eat more." Leng Yue listened smoothly to the flattery, and ordered many more dishes when she was happy.

When the dishes were all served, Leng Yue patted Qin Xuer's shoulder: "Girl, eat slowly and finish it, otherwise my sister will be unhappy."

Finished eating? Wanting to suffocate her to death: "Sister, don't you want to eat?"

"We have already eaten. These are all ordered for you. Don't waste them. Do you want to let down your sister's feelings?"

"Of course not." Qin Xuer quickly shook his head.

Leng Yue nodded with satisfaction, circled her husband and kissed her husband, and walked out of the restaurant with her son and daughter-in-law. Along the way, Cheng Cheng finally couldn't help but asked: "Po... Leng Yue... did you do it on purpose just now?" Leng Yue's sharp expression The look in her eyes said that she didn't dare to say the word "mother-in-law".

"What do you think?" Leng Yue asked in a sullen tone.

"But why." Mother-in-law hadn't always said that she liked Qin Xu'er very much and was very enthusiastic, so why did she want to tease her

"Cheng Yatou, sometimes you can't be too innocent in life. Although I believe that my son is not a cat that steals sex, but my son is so handsome, it is inevitable that some fish will want to come to my door. It is better for my husband to keep a close eye on him." Leng Yue signaled to Cheng Cheng that Yue Qingqian was standing at the door waiting for them. After standing there for a while, two hot women took the initiative to strike up a conversation, "But fortunately, you have a super protective mother-in-law like me here." , Don’t worry, I added ingredients to Na Qin’s and other women’s dishes, just to teach her a little lesson."

"When will you go back?" Leng Yue felt that this place was not very interesting.

"It was originally the day after tomorrow, but if you want to go back early, we can call a car and go back by ourselves." Cheng Cheng felt that her mother-in-law had not been back for so many years, so she must have wanted to go home early.

"Did you pay the money when you came here?"

"I paid a little." The institute paid most of the burden, and they paid a small part.

"Forget it, after paying the money, of course I will take the free bus back, otherwise it won't be a loss."

(End of chapter)