Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 63


Yinhua College is a top aristocratic college that all students aspire to, not only because the children who study here are the children of rich and powerful families, but also because they are outstanding.

Therefore, a student like Cheng Yu with mediocre grades and no special skills does not attract attention, because when students here greet each other, they always greet your parents. Cheng Yu will say that his mother's name is Cheng Cheng as he has done many times. Some people will associate it with Cheng Yu and his damn name. This association will not associate Cheng Cheng with the one who was named the youngest scientist many years ago, because the person named Cheng Cheng was named after too many people. , they would only think that Cheng Yu might be the illegitimate son of a certain company boss. Cheng Yu is the kind who can't even bear his father's surname. Therefore, Cheng Yu's background is at most a little rich, but there are rich people in this school. There are too many, and if you don’t have the strength of Dawson or Yuezhi or the recently rising Jueshi Jewelry, don’t use them to embarrass yourself.

"Jing'er, look at that boy who gave you a love letter, isn't he?" Zhu Lan pointed at Cheng Yu who was still awake and yawning as he walked into the cafeteria.

Lan Jing, the daughter of a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, has her own pride. Her future husband is not the best and cannot be like Cheng Yu. Coupled with her pretty face, she is always a popular figure in the college, so about The fact that Cheng Yu "chased" her also made the unknown Cheng Yu a little angry. However, there were too many people pursuing Lan Jing. One wave overwhelmed the other, and the waves died on the beach. So after talking for a while, Cheng Yu Like many pursuits, Yu was buried on the beach and forgotten.

"You're really good-looking, but we Jing'er can't just pursue good looks." Zhu Lan curled her lips, with amusement in her eyes.

"Xiaolan, stop talking." Lan Jing also glanced at Cheng Yu, but was not very interested. Li Si, who had been pursuing Lan Jing for a long time, couldn't help but look at Cheng Yu with a sarcastic look on his face. Wanting to pursue the princess in his mind, he overestimates his ability.

In fact, the rumors about Cheng Yu pursuing Lan Jing are completely untrue. When he was sleeping in the self-study classroom, Lan Jing took away his paper. It happened that another love letter fell out of her book, and he pursued it with the love letter in his pocket. He followed her all the way, hoping that she could return the paper to him, but he hadn't spoken yet. When Lan Jing saw his love letter, she just took it coldly and said goodbye. God knows that his paper hasn't been returned to him yet. , but this scene was seen by many people who paid attention to Lan Jing, and they said that he was lazy and wanted to eat swan meat. Cheng Yu thought that he was wronged. He later rewrote the paper, and he had no interest in pursuing it. Wen Na, a woman begged for help, and others said he was a shameless person. Cheng Yu didn't bother to explain the rumors, as they would fade away over time.

However, college is the most pleasant time in any study career. In this era where you can show off as much as you want, many students are not willing to be so peaceful. This transfer student from Italy once again caused a sensation in the entire Yinhua College.

"Let's go see the transfer students."

"What catches your eyes."

"You don't know, her name is Lucy Ibranda, the only daughter of the Dawson family. She is very beautiful. I think she is prettier than Lan Jing. If she falls in love with her, she will be prosperous in this life. "

"Yes, do people like you?"

"It's okay to go and join in the fun."

Cheng Yu was destined not to have a peaceful sleep today. He had just finished reading Yuezhi's quarterly report yesterday and wanted to take a chance to sleep. However, the chatter outside the window made him feel like thousands of flies were squawking in his ears.

"Let's meet the new classmates." The head teacher led Lucy into the class. She was also happy that a very outstanding student came into her class. Lucy Ibranda was outstanding in behavior and cultivation, and her entrance examination scores were also ranked first. The first among students in the same class.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lucy Ibranda. I am very happy to come to Yinhua. I hope everyone will take care of me."

"Take care of me, of course." Many boys cheered, but Lucy kept her perfect smile.

"Okay, okay, class is on." The teacher stopped the students from shouting, "Find a seat and sit down."

Lucy nodded and walked forward. Many boys gave up the seats next to them in the hope that she would be honored to sit next to them. However, Lucy walked to the last row before sitting down next to the man who was sleeping uneasily.

As soon as she sat down, Cheng Yu, who was still very alert even if he fell asleep, immediately felt many piercing eyes staring at him. He opened his eyes in a daze and raised his head, seeing the angry eyes of a group of boys, touching Touching his head, he turned around and saw a dilated eye next to him, which startled him.

"Hello." Lucy greeted him with a smile.

Cheng Yu really didn't know many of the classmates in the whole class. He probably didn't know any of the new or old classmates. He nodded blankly: "Hello." He turned his head and continued to sleep.

His indifference to the beautiful woman aroused the indignation of all the male compatriots at the same time. In an instant, they all agreed that an ignorant person like Cheng Yu should be thrown out and cut into pieces.

During one class, Lucy looked straight and took notes carefully. She just nodded and smiled politely in response to the attention or direct expressions of affection that came from time to time.

When he heard the bell ringing, Cheng Yu finally woke up and got up to pack his schoolbag.

"You didn't take notes, so I'll lend them to you."

Cheng Yu looked at the neatly written notes in front of him and took it: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Cheng Yu put his notes into his bag and walked towards the school gate. Lucy followed closely behind him. Sometimes when Cheng Yu turned around, Lucy would smile at him. Cheng Yu laughed at his nerves. How could one think that she was following him

After walking out of the school gate, Cheng Yu stood facing the sun for a while, thinking about the direction of home and walking slowly. Lucy saw the man's long figure under the golden sunshine, with a happy smile on her face. After more than ten years, she finally got her wish. When she came to his side, it didn't matter even if he didn't remember who she was. She picked up the glass beads she brought with her, and they shone brightly in the sunlight.

Cheng Yu yawned and walked into the house. When he saw his sister yelling at the phone, he put down his schoolbag as he had long been accustomed to. He detoured to the kitchen and saw his father cooking dinner: "Where's Mom?"

"In the laboratory, go change clothes and have dinner later."


When Yue Du brought out the food, he saw Yue Nuo's curly red hair, and the number of already numerous ear piercings had actually increased. His eyes darkened: "Dye your hair back."

Looking at her father who was obviously unhappy, Yue Nuo picked up the key on the table and said, "Dad, have you entered menopause early? Mom went into the laboratory and didn't come out for a week, so you took it out on me."

Cheng Yu saw Yue Nuo going out: "Where are you going?"

"I ran away from home. My dad doesn't like me anymore, so I can only go find my little dad." Yue Nuo waved her hand indifferently.

Cheng Yu smiled and shook his head. She was a girl who was spoiled by Uncle Beitang. In fact, Yue Nuo's temperament was not like that of her parents, but more like her grandma's.

His own children kept running to his old enemy. Yue Duyi was still a little concerned. Damn Beitang Jue. He had a son but he still snatched his own daughter: "Cheng Yu, go ask your mother to eat."

"Oh, I'll try my best." My mother would forget to eat and sleep as soon as she did the experiment.

"Tell her if she doesn't come out, I'll pull the detonator." Yue Duyi was unhappy. His daughter didn't make anyone worry, and his wife didn't make anyone worry even more.

My sister is right, my father has entered menopause early.

Cheng Yu sighed and walked into the classroom. He still didn't seem to wake up. Yesterday, his parents were so noisy about the laboratory that he couldn't sleep. He walked directly to his fixed seat. He didn't know where the foot came from and tripped him. . He took two steps forward on one foot, stopped, turned around and looked at the owner of that foot.

"Sorry, I didn't see you coming."

Apparently the owner of the foot apologized very insincerely.

"Oh, it's okay. I didn't expect to step on pig's trotters when I went out." Cheng Yu is not bad at being venomous. He was influenced by his grandma when he was a child, but he is lazy and does not have as much energy as Yue Nuo to argue with others. .

"Haha." Lucy, who was surrounded by boys, covered her mouth and smiled when she heard Cheng Yu's words. That sly smile lit up her already extremely beautiful face and stunned the boys surrounding him. .

Cheng Yu also glanced at her and seemed to remember something. He took out a notebook from his schoolbag and handed it to her: "Ah! It's yours, thank you."

"You're welcome." Lucy responded with a gentle smile.

Cheng Yu yawned again and walked to the last row, while Lucy also said sorry to the people around her and walked to Cheng Yu's side. This class is an elective class, so students from different classes will take the class together. Unfortunately, Lan Jing chose this class because there were so many boys taking this class. Plus, now Lucy has also chosen this class, so More and more people came to listen, and the classroom was overcrowded for a while. Some people who had no seats simply went to the stairs. Lan Jing walked in surrounded by many boys. Seeing how crowded the classroom was, she couldn't help but frown. When the beauty frowned, many men naturally volunteered to give up their seats.

Lan Jing was unmoved. Seeing that there was some space in the corner over there, she walked over. Zhu Lan saw Cheng Yu sleeping on the table, thinking that he didn't want to go to class and was still occupying the space: "Hey! Get up, just walk away if you don't want to go to class, save some space for others!"

Lucy was not happy that someone disturbed Cheng Yu's sleep. She frowned and was about to make a sound. Cheng Yu raised his head in a daze, glanced at the person, didn't recognize him, turned over and continued to sleep.

When Zhu Lan saw that this guy wasn't chasing after Lan Jing, she asked him to make a show of giving up his seat to them: "Hey! Give up your seat for me and Jing'er."

Cheng Yu was disturbed one after another and became a little impatient. He moved his body towards Lucy to make some space for the two of them.

Zhulan's original intention was to ask him to sit somewhere else, but he just moved his buttocks.

"Xiaolan, forget it." Lan Jing motioned for her to sit down, and Zhu Lan reluctantly sat down with her lips pouted.

Lucy, who was not happy with the two of them at first, is now closer to Cheng Yu because the two of them squeezed in. Think about it and forgive them for their unreasonableness.

The teacher who was teaching walked into the classroom. He was obviously frightened by the formation. He adjusted his glasses and started to teach.

Cheng Yu was half asleep when he felt his phone vibrating. He got up in a daze and picked up the phone: "Hello."

"Brother, where are you? Are you in class? I'm near your school. Lend me your car." Yue Nuo's unceremonious voice came.

"Where's your own car?"

"Don't mention it, drag it away." Yue Nuo seemed unhappy.

"All I have is a bicycle."

"Brother, let me ask you, can your dignified CEO of the Yuezhi be less shabby?" Yue Nuo said a little shamelessly.

What's wrong with bicycles? They are environmentally friendly and can exercise: "Do you want me to love you?" Cheng Yu wanted to hang up the phone, but Yue Nuo quickly flattered her: "Yes, I'll be there right away, wait for me."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yu also woke up and saw Lucy looking at him with a smile: "You ride a bicycle to school? Can you trick me next time?"

"Oh." Cheng Yu didn't hesitate to lend him the seat on the back of the bicycle for the sake of borrowing his notes.

"Counties, why are you riding bicycles these days?" Zhulan laughed mockingly, but the two of them didn't mind, and they didn't care what irrelevant people said.

The whole class was noisy, and the teacher could see that these students did not come to listen to his class at all, and they were intolerable. When he got angry, he saw Cheng Yu talking, and shouted angrily: "You, take the text." Please translate this paragraph.”

Cheng Yu looked around, then pointed at himself. The teacher was so angry that he said, "Yes! It's you."

This is an economics class, but the following passage is a quote from a Greek philosopher, so it is in Greek. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether it is spoken or not, but the dedicated teacher looked up the dictionary and translated the entire passage one word at a time. In one word, it is because he is serious about teaching that he cannot bear students not paying attention in his class. He just wanted to scare the monkeys and embarrass this student to see if these unserious students dared to make noise in his class.

Lan Jing frowned. This was Greek. Although she had studied it a little, she could only translate a few words. The teacher was obviously in trouble. All the students' eyes were focused on Cheng Yu. Everyone knew that the teacher was giving them a blow, and the classroom was quiet. They were glad that they were not named, but they also gloated that other students had made a fool of themselves.

Lucy read the passage. She could roughly understand the meaning, but she still had to think about it word by word in order to translate it. Cheng Yu stood up expressionlessly. He had not opened the book at all and had no idea what the teacher was talking about. After a while, he leaned over to read Lucy's book. Lucy pointed to the page number for him. He turned to that page slowly. His attitude almost made the teacher vomit blood. He spoke so enthusiastically that the student actually I don’t even know which page it is on. Children cannot be taught!

After finding the place, Cheng Yu translated sentence by sentence without pausing in the middle. His fluent speaking speed stunned many students watching the show, including the teacher. The teacher wanted to find out where Cheng Yu had made a mistake in translating, but he saw Looking at the meaning of his own translation, there were actually many different parts that he translated differently, and everyone felt suddenly enlightened after being translated by Cheng Yu.

When Cheng Yunian finished, the teacher was stunned.

"Teacher! Teacher!" Cheng Yu called twice, and the teacher came back to his senses and coughed twice unnaturally: "Ahem... Yes, pay attention next time. Don't desert in class. Sit down."

"Oh." Cheng Yu sat down obediently, while Zhu Lan and Lan Jing looked at him in disbelief.

Lucy smiled happily at him, she knew that her Cheng Yu was very powerful. After what happened with Cheng Yu, the classroom was very quiet until the end of get out of class. Everyone was afraid that the teacher would accidentally pull him out to translate the textbook again. They didn't know much Greek.

The bell rang, and everyone ran out of the classroom as fast as they could be relieved. However, the leading boys stopped and looked at the girl sitting on the railing outside the classroom door.

The girl has flamboyant red curly hair and seven piercings on one ear. She wears a tight-fitting leather jacket that fully shows off her curvy figure. She stares lazily at their classroom. Although she is only fifteen years old, she is tall and well-developed. The wonderful Yue Nuo has long been born into a beautiful embryo. Yue Nuo's facial features are a little more like Yue Yi's, and she is not like her father who always has a straight face. She loves to act and laugh, which always attracts people. Many people were looking at Yue Nuo's slender fingers tapping the railing under her butt in boredom.

"What a pretty girl. I don't know whose girlfriend she is."

Cheng Yu also walked out of the classroom and looked into the eyes of many people. His eyes suddenly became sharp and he walked towards Yue Nuo with a serious face. He pulled her down the railing and blocked everyone's eyes: "You won't wait for me at the door! "

Yue Nuo looked behind him indifferently, where Lan Jing frowned at the girl's dress and left, but Lucy stayed for a long time: "Brother, girlfriend? Not bad."

"What girlfriend?" Cheng Yu turned around and saw Lucy. He didn't understand why her face looked pale, but he didn't care. He pulled Yue Nuo up and said, "Let's go, don't you want to borrow a car?"

Although Yuenuo was careless in everything she did, she was considerate and thoughtful, unlike her inconsiderate brother. Of course, she could see that the girl looked at her brother differently. She hugged Cheng Yu with evil intentions, and she did not forget to throw a tantrum at Lucy. He gave me a provocative wink: "I changed my mind, please take me back."

"Are you sure? I'm afraid my car won't be able to carry our daughter."

"Okay, okay! It's your blessing that I can let you carry me."

Lucy watched Cheng Yu ride away with the girl, and her heart ached. She thought he had forgotten her, but as long as she tried hard, he would definitely remember her. But he actually had a girlfriend, and according to Cheng Yu's temperament He was so close to that girl, did he not have a chance

Lan Jing, who was waiting for the car to pick her up at the school gate, also saw Cheng Yu and Yue Nuo passing by her. During class, she was a little impressed by the boy, but when she came to school on a bicycle, she heard that he was the son of a mistress, who was the same as her. impossible. Even Li Si, who has been chasing her, is just the second young master of Zijin Construction, and that kind of second-rate company is not something she can look forward to.

"Miss." The car that picked her up stopped in front of her door, interrupting her thoughts.

Lan Jing nodded. She came from a general family and was proud of herself. Every move she made was full of arrogance and propriety. She got into the car and the car whizzed past Cheng Yu and Yue Nuo.

"Brother, dad came to me yesterday and said he wanted to give Nuo to me." Yue Nuo hugged Cheng Yu's waist and said casually.

"I don't care, what do you mean." Although dealing with Nuo and Yuezhi's affairs at the same time makes him a little tired, dad has not come here like this, and Yue Nuo is indeed more suitable for Nuo than himself.

Yue Nuo was silent for a while: "Brother, are you tired?"

"It doesn't matter if you're tired or not, if my precious sister doesn't want to, I won't force you. Besides, don't you still have the Juesi Jewelry business that Uncle Beitang gave you?"

"My father gave it to me to play with. At the worst, I can leave it to Hei Ya to do it. I heard that Uncle Lei is on strike." So my brother seems to be very busy recently.

"Uncle Lei said that his father abused his employees. He couldn't find a wife even at his age because his father gave him too much work."

Yue Nuo curled her lips: "I think he has too many women, so I don't know which one to marry!"

Cheng Yu smiled.

"Brother, please hand Nuo over to me." Yue Nuo seemed very determined.


Yue Nuo walked into the living room swinging the key. She saw Cheng Cheng, whom she hadn't seen for two weeks, holding a baby in her hands. She was surprised and said: "Mom, where did this child come from? Ah... you are miserable... It can't be the illegitimate child you gave birth to outside, right? You will definitely be miserable if dad finds out... "

Cheng Cheng played with the baby in his arms and looked at his daughter, turning a blind eye to the red hair and pierced ears. Cheng Cheng had always been herding sheep and educating. As long as he didn't do anything extraordinary, he could do whatever the children did. He was not single at that time. Shengzi: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"That's not right... You stay in your laboratory all day, and you don't even have the chance to cheat. Ah... Could it be that this child is a robot." Yue Nuo said, looking at the baby's head, trying to find the switch, but failed It made the baby cry, "Mom, your robot is too real." It looked like it was still crying.

"Go!" Cheng Cheng knocked Yue Nuo's hand off, "They threw it in front of our house."

"Mom, don't you want to raise it yourself?" Cheng Yu, who had never spoken, asked.

"Can't you? It's very cute." Cheng Cheng teased the baby in his arms.

"No, I just thought why not throw it somewhere else, just in front of our house." Don't blame him for thinking too much.

After so many years, Cheng Cheng has certainly become more thoughtful, but he is still reluctant to let go of the child in his hands: "You can check it for me. If there is nothing wrong, we will raise it."


"Have you chosen a name yet? Boy or girl."

"Boy, your dad said today is the first day of the lunar month, so it's called the first day of the lunar month." Cheng Cheng didn't care much about his name.

Of course Cheng Yu knew that his parents had always chosen names casually, but Chu Yu was too casual. Fortunately, his name was not too unpleasant. At the beginning of the month, let's just say it, Cheng Yu teased the baby boy in Cheng Cheng's arms. He giggled and smiled happily at Cheng Yu, and Cheng Yu's usually indifferent heart warmed up.

Yue Nuo got into the kitchen and saw that Yue Yiyi had already prepared the food. Now Yue Yiyi has gradually handed over the affairs to his two children. Sometimes he will give some advice, but basically as long as the little guy doesn't take care of the company He doesn't have any problem with the organization if he praises her, so he usually cooks at home and spends time with his wife, and lives a pretty comfortable life.

"Dad, you always cook, don't you feel unbalanced?"

"You want to eat your mother's cooking?" Yue Yiyi didn't care. He got used to the taste after eating it.

Yue Nuo quickly shook her head, still worried about Cheng Cheng's taste: "I don't want to."

That’s not for nothing: “Go, wash your hands, and eat.”

"Dad, I told my brother about taking over Nuo."

Yue Yiyi saw her daughter's expression was calm: "I won't force you, but I think this is more suitable. If you don't want to, your brother can't handle it."

"It's okay. I've been crazy for so many years, so I should calm down. It's just dad, I won't be responsible if you praise me." Yue Nuo returned to her playful smile.

Yue Duyi touched her daughter's head and said, "The four hall masters you assume are free earners."

(End of chapter)