Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 67


"Xiaoya." Xuan Yi stood behind the Li family and woke up Su Xiaoya who was silent in her thoughts. Her eyes passed through Li Cheng and landed on the tall and straight man. Su Xiaoya felt a sense of sudden enlightenment. Damn Li Cheng!

Li Cheng watched her walk into the man step by step, then hooked up his arm with a sideways smile and walked towards the seat under the rostrum that none of them had the right to approach.

The emcee has already started the party: "Thank you all for coming today. Now I would like to invite our president."

Cheng Yu walked up to the stage in the spotlight. His calm face showed that he was only in his twenties: "Thank you to all the seniors in the business community for coming. I hope you will take care of me in the days to come."

Hearing Cheng Yu's polite words, the senior shopping mall seniors in the audience couldn't help but sigh. Young people nowadays are becoming more and more oblique. I hope Yuezhi can take more care of him in the future.

Generally speaking, when a new official takes office, he must do something great. Those who have cooperated with Yuezhi are worried about whether the cooperation can continue. Those who have not cooperated with Yuezhi hope to take this time to get this young president. Favor, I can rely on it more in the future.

The young man who suddenly appeared on the podium at this time undoubtedly shocked their attention once again.

"Brother Cheng Yu, I'm sorry, I'm late." Bei Tangli, who was only fifteen years old, had the same temperament as his father, with a refined and gentle temperament. The eldest son of Canlang made him attract attention at a young age. He handed over a document Bag, "A little thought, even if it is a gift for your new appointment."

Sharp-eyed people have already seen the words "Chengbei Construction Plan" on the file bag. The Diyue clan in the north of the city is bound to win, and plans to build the largest leisure and green square in G city there. Originally, the north of the city was a remote place. If Yue His plan to take charge of the development will undoubtedly open up another world in G City, and the benefits of it can all be understood with one's buttocks. Now Beitang Li personally delivered the land in the north of the city, saving the Yuezhi a lot of trouble. It was undoubtedly a great gift.

But Cheng Yu, who got the advantage, naturally doesn't mind giving Beitang Li some gifts in return: "If you chase him out now, you might be able to catch up with Xiao Nuo."

Beitang Li looked at the empty seat where people were sitting just now, his eyes darkened, and his face remained calm: "Then Brother Cheng Yu has a chance to get together."

Cheng Yu smiled hurriedly when he saw Beitang Li leaving. He was not good at speaking in scenes. The reception officially began. Li Cheng came to Cheng Yu with a wine glass in hand: "Hello, President Cheng, I am Zijin. The construction of Licheng." Today, Beitang Li sent the land to Cheng Yu, undoubtedly announcing to everyone that the construction plan for the north of the city has officially begun. If Zijin Construction can also get a share of the pie, then Zijin can defeat the current Shen family and become the leader. The leader of real estate development, but Cheng Yu didn't seem to see him. Shen Ziheng, who was standing in the corner with a wine glass, took two steps forward: "Uncle Shen."

"Xiaoyu." Shen Ziheng, who is still single in middle age, is undoubtedly a diamond king in the eyes of women, but he just doesn't know what woman can attract the attention of CEO Shen Da.

"Is Uncle Shen interested in the city's north construction plan?"

Shen Ziheng was stunned for a moment. Although he also sent the bid, he never thought that such a big piece of pie would fall on his own head. Cheng Yu didn't care. He was doing it for whom. Of course, the money would not go to anyone else: "Uncle Shen, it's me. My godmother’s brother is also my uncle, and Shen’s is also a company I trust, are you interested?”

A simple sentence or two made the powerful relationship clear. Shen Ziheng's face tightened. Cheng Yu made it clear that of course he would give the benefits to his own people first, but he was also evaluating Shen's future cooperation possibilities. .

"Of course." After Shen Ziheng smiled slightly, the two settled the matter.

Some people with sharp eyes and ears have already listened to what the two said word for word. It seems that this real estate will be Shen Ziheng's world sooner or later. From now on, he will have to fawn on Shen Ziheng more. Li Cheng's hand holding the wine glass had veins popping out.

"Cheng Yu." Lan Jing stood behind him, wearing an aqua blue evening dress that perfectly set off her slender figure. Her snow-white skin that could be broken by blowing paper glowed softly under the light. She saw Cheng Yu. Yu turned around with a slight smile on his face, "Don't you want me to dance?"

Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment and handed the wine glass to the waiter: "Uncle Shen, if he is free, we will discuss specific matters next week."

"Nice girl, you have good taste." Shen Ziheng saw Lan Jing and couldn't help teasing Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu didn't explain and walked towards Lan Jing.

He stretched out his hand like a gentleman, and Lan Jing's boneless hand was put into his palm. Cheng Yu led her onto the dance floor. Li Si watched this scene and clenched his fist unwillingly.

Under the soft light, the lines on Cheng Yu's cheeks were unusually soft, which fascinated Lan Jing's eyes. However, she knew clearly that this was just the surface. Cheng Yu was much more indifferent than he looked, even though he treated everyone very well. Be polite and courteous.

"Actually, the love letter from last time wasn't yours, right?" Lan Jing suddenly asked.

Cheng Yu smiled: "You took my paper away."

Lan Jing suddenly realized that she remembered the paper she read in the book later. It turned out that Cheng Yu, who had been chasing her all the way, had made a mistake. Thinking about it, she found it funny. Lan Jing laughed unconsciously: "Then why don't you explain? ?”

"What's there to explain? What others say has nothing to do with me."

"Really." Lan Jing murmured, "My feet are so sore. The driver has gone back beforehand. Can you please take me back?"

Cheng Yu stared at Lan Jing's unusually beautiful face and nodded: "It's my pleasure."

Lan Jing always had a perfect smile on her face, holding Cheng Yu's arm with her hand, as perfect as a golden boy and a beautiful girl, and stepped out of the venue under the gaze of everyone. It seems that tomorrow's newspaper headlines will inevitably feature the dispute between the two.

Cheng Yu opened the car door and Lan Jing got in the car: "I thought you only rode bicycles."

Of course, I could hear Lan Jing's teasing, and Cheng Yu put on his seat belt: "There's nothing wrong with a bicycle, hugging is good for fitness."

When the car stopped in front of Lan Jing's house, Lan Jing took off her seat belt: "Thank you."

Cheng Yu rolled down the window and saw a man standing in the floor-to-ceiling window on the second floor. He stared there for a moment: "You don't like me but you smile at me. Your father can really make you sacrifice so much for him." ?”

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yu suddenly said such words. Lan Jing stopped getting out of the car, and the smile froze on her face. Cheng Yu didn't say anything for a moment, but Lan Jing felt a little relieved: "How do you know I don't like it?" you."

"You are a proud person. You didn't pay much attention to me before. Even after being rejected by me twice, you never approached me again. But today you are uncharacteristically. Your father and Fan Zhen are running for general. You appear in this position, which is easy to associate with."

"No wonder my father said that Nuo was not as simple as I thought."

Cheng Yu's tone was still calm. He looked at Lan Jing coldly, and did not change because of the beautiful woman in front of him at this moment: "But I think your father's abacus was in the wrong place. My little sister will take over Nuo now." , and the title of Minister of Security is naturally the same. If you have a younger brother, you can suggest your father to give it to my little sister. Of course, it is her decision whether to accept it or not."

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yu would speak so sharply, Lan Jing raised her eyebrows: "But unfortunately, I am the only daughter of my father, and after all, you are also Yue's only son. Yue Nuo is now Nuo's head and is also your sister. , everything you say will have some influence."

"Yes, but I am a businessman. I will not do anything without any profit value. I support your father and do not feel that I can get equal benefits from it."

Lan Jing watched Cheng Yu's car disappear into the night. Don't you like him? The night wind blew over her bare shoulders, giving her a chill.

Cheng Yu rode his bicycle to school as always. Wherever he went, he could see those curious and cautious eyes. He was stopped by people from time to time. He received a bunch of gifts inexplicably. When Cheng Yu held a bunch of unknown things in his hands, Who gave the gift? When he walked into the classroom, he walked to the seat he liked. Lucy had already been sitting next to his seat. When she saw him holding a pile of gifts, she curled her lips and said sourly: "President Cheng, now the new kid on campus. .”

Cheng Yu didn't quite understand. Lucy held up the latest campus Xintiandi in her hand. The cover clearly said "The youngest president of the Yuezhi and the most aristocratic prince of Yinhua—Cheng Yu." She was a little ashamed of Sun Linghui's gossiping ability. : "You want to give them to you." Putting the things in his hands in front of Lucy, he was worried about where to put them, and wanted to sleep for a while. Lucy accepted them all unceremoniously and was on fire as soon as get out of class was over.

Lucy took out a delicately wrapped gift box from the table: "This is for you. Congratulations on taking office. I'm sorry that I couldn't attend the banquet yesterday."

"What is it?" Cheng Yu opened his curious eyes, looking like a cat who was not awake.

"Open it and take a look."

Cheng Yu's slender fingers untied the beautiful-looking bow and ring! At this time, even if Cheng Yu's head was in good shape, he couldn't turn around. What does it mean to be given a ring by a girl? Isn't it true that rings are usually given by men to women

"Does it look good?" Lucy looked as if she didn't give him a ring, but just a watch or tie.

She seemed to be asking herself a question. Cheng Yu glanced at the ring still in the box and commented pertinently: "It's not bad."

"Then put it on." Lucy took out the ring and put it on the ring finger of Cheng Yu's left hand. "Look, it's quite beautiful."

Cheng Yu, who was looking at the ring on his hand in a daze, asked uncertainly: "Are you proposing to me?"

"Do you agree?" Lucy asked him, blinking.

"My mother said it's not good to get married early." Cheng Yu thought for a moment.

"But I heard that your mother gave birth to you when you were that old."

"That's right." Cheng Yu touched his chin and thought seriously.

"Then you have no objection." Lucy cautiously tried to please her, "Actually, there are many benefits to marrying me. Look at me, I'm not ugly, and I won't affect the appearance of the city when I go out. I will definitely provide the next generation of your Yue family with a lot of benefits. Excellent genes, I am very good at cooking, Chinese food, Japanese food, French food, Italian food. Of course, if you like other countries, I can also learn it. I am also good at housework. You marry me and go home. In the future, my family can save money on hiring a nanny. My dowry is also very generous. If you marry me, Dawson will be yours. Although I know you are not short of money, no one will mind having too much money, right? I promise to be obedient, gentle and considerate to you after we get married. If you say you want to go east, I will never go west in front of you."

"Hey, brother, get married. This girl's conditions are so good, so don't be angry with me." The boy sleeping behind him suddenly raised his head and gave Cheng Yu his most sincere advice.

Cheng Yu lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head to meet Lucy's eyes, and asked unusually and seriously: "Then should you say you love me?"

"I love you." Lucy was temporarily unable to keep up with Cheng Yu's jumping thoughts, but Cheng Yu asked her and she replied.

Cheng Yu nodded to show that he heard: "Oh."

Oh what does it mean: "You agreed?"


"That's great." Lucy couldn't hide her excitement. She would try it today. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yu would agree. She threw herself on Cheng Yu and generously left a mark of love on his cheek. It attracted the glares of many men who dared not speak out. Maybe he still had the courage before, but now Cheng Yu's identity is different.

"Now that you are my man, can I make some small requests?" Lucy asked pitifully.

Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment and felt that Lucy's request was natural: "You say it."

Lucy clapped her fingers: "First of all, from now on you can only have me in your heart, and your eyes can only look at me. You are not allowed to dance with inexplicable women, and you are not allowed to send inexplicable women home. You are not allowed to Accept gifts from incomprehensible women and do not talk to incomprehensible women. Secondly, you must answer my phone when I call you. You must tell me where you are as soon as possible. If you need to go out for something, you must ask me for leave. The leave time cannot exceed If it exceeds one hour, you must explain the reason. Third, you must take me to meet your parents and tell me the preferences of everyone in your family. Fourth, you are not allowed to carry women other than me on the back of your bicycle. Chapter Five, every time I'm unhappy you have to kiss me to make me happy. Sixth, you have to tell me about the woman who came to pick you up last time..."

Although the other kisses were very light, this was the first time Cheng Yu kissed him. The faint and refreshing smell of mint lingered on the tip of Lucy's nose. Lucy was stunned: "...who is it?"

She grabbed Cheng Yu's hand: "You kissed me! Did you really kiss me?"

"He really kissed you, I testify. Great Student Council President, can you please stop being so surprised? I still want to sleep."

Lucy ignored the boy behind her and treated him as a passerby. Cheng Yu thought Lucy was really cute like this: "It was my sister who picked me up last time. Next time I will introduce you to my father. His name is Yue Duyi. The one I like most is my mother. My mother’s name is Cheng Cheng. What she likes most is her laboratory. I have a sister you met last time. Her name is Yuenuo. She doesn’t have a favorite thing. If you must give it to her, she I seem to have said recently that polar bears are very cute, and I really want to keep one. I also have a teenage brother named Yue Yue. His favorite thing is pull-out napkins. If no one is looking at him, he can pull them out in a day. More than a hundred boxes, and I enjoy it. You should already know my phone number, but I usually only answer calls from acquaintances. If it were you, I would be on standby 24 hours a day. I would usually be at the company if I wasn't At home, if I want to go out, I will ask for leave as soon as possible, what else do you want?"

"No... no more." Lucy was now in a state of dementia, so she just talked casually. She didn't expect Cheng Yu to really agree to her, but she didn't expect that Cheng Yu agreed to them all without saying a word, causing her brain to be deprived of oxygen for a moment. , haven’t recovered yet.

When Lan Jing walked over, she happened to see the ring on Cheng Yu's hand. For a moment, she felt that the ring was a bit dazzling, but she still maintained a perfect smile: "Is there a seat here?"

"Sorry, there are no more seats." Lucy smiled at Lan Jing and Zhu Lan. This damn woman actually seduced her man while she was away. It was so shameless. Lucy had already sat the morning paper with flowers drawn all morning under her butt. We must block those newspapers that write random gossips when they have nothing to do.

"There's obviously room for this." Zhu Lan couldn't bear to see Lucy open her eyes and tell lies.

Lucy dumped the pile of "garbage" that Cheng Yu had just brought over on that seat: "It's gone now."

"Don't go too far."

"Forget it, Xiaolan, Cheng Yu thanked you for taking me home yesterday." Lan Jing pulled Zhu Lan to the seat in front.

Lucy pinched Cheng Yu unwillingly, but she was not willing to hit her hard. She was just unhappy that he sent Lan Jing home. Lucy's little gesture made Cheng Yu smile slightly: "Where did you go yesterday? Didn't you sleep well?"

"Grandpa is not in good health." Lucy was a little sad when she mentioned her grandpa. Although she had known for a long time that her grandpa was getting older and would leave her sooner or later, but when the time came, she still couldn't accept it.

"It'll be fine." Cheng Yu's faint comfort made Lucy feel warm in her heart.


"That classmate who is talking." The economics teacher pointed in the direction of Cheng Yu, wondering why there are always students talking during his class.

Cheng Yu saw that he was being pointed out and stood up: "Teacher, did you call me?"

"Of course..." The teacher was halfway through. He thought why this classmate looked so familiar. He must have read it somewhere. It seemed to be a newspaper. He looked at the newspaper on the desk and saw the "President of Yuezhi Heavy Industry" next to the young man. He swallowed, "Of course not... I mean the classmate behind you."

"Oh." Cheng Yu sat down again in boredom, feeling bitter about the male classmate behind him who had done nothing.

"What are you looking at! It's you, translate the following paragraph." The teacher pointed at the male classmate behind Cheng Yu and ordered angrily. The poor boy was not very proficient in translating French. Although everyone knew that the economics teacher would always ask someone to translate when nothing happened, and they were all prepared, but it was always unpleasant to be asked to translate a language that they were not good at.

(End of chapter)