Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 69


"Sorry, we're late." Lucy came in and apologized shyly.

"It doesn't matter, the meal is just right." Cheng Cheng stared at Lucy, seeing that the girl behaved very appropriately, and she seemed to be a well-educated person. Although she had no sense of family status as long as her son liked her, even if his son had a wild girlfriend She would be a housekeeper for a few months at most when she came back, but her daughter-in-law was gentle and decent, so Cheng Cheng was still happy.

"Hello uncle and aunt, my name is Lucy Ibranda."

"The little girl from the Dawson family?" Cheng Cheng has a good memory. Hearing this name, he remembered the girl who used to follow his son.

Cheng Yu smiled and hugged Lucy: "Mom, stop standing all the time. Let's talk at the dinner table."

"Yes, look at me, please sit down."

"I didn't expect my aunt to still remember me."

"Can you not remember? It's because of you, Cheng Yu..."

"Mom, let's eat." Cheng Yu suddenly handed the bowls and chopsticks to Cheng Cheng. Cheng Cheng was interrupted mid-sentence, and Lucy looked suspicious.

"eat first."

Beitang Jue sat opposite Yue Duyi. After taking one bite of the food, he began to dislike it: "Xiaomili, this dish is incomparable to what I cook. I know you have a big appetite. I will cook something delicious for you when you get back."

Beimi rolled her eyes, knowing that this was not meant for her anyway, and continued to tell Cheng Cheng about what happened at the beginning of the month.

Yue Duyi's cold eyes glanced over: "I didn't invite you either. Who knows that there are people who are so shameless that they come uninvited."

"Xiaomili is Xiaoyu's godmother, and I am his godfather. It's normal for him to bring his girlfriend back, so we can come and visit."

"I just can't figure it out. Even though I have children myself, I just like to shamelessly identify other people's children as my father."

As soon as they started eating, the two of them were tit for tat, and the others were not affected at all. During the day, Shui waited on his wife to eat, Xuan Yi also took care of the dumbfounded Su Xiaoya, Qing Ya simply discussed parenting with Cheng Cheng and Beimi, and Beitang Li While Yuenuo was eating his own rice, only Lucy and Su Xiaoya were frightened before they even finished eating.

"Are they okay?"

"It's okay, you just get used to it. Eat this. My mother loves this fish the most, so my father cooks it best." Cheng Yu simply brought the fish in front of him.

"I just like to accept your children as my father. Xiaonuo and Xiaoyu are also willing. If you have the ability, you can also take my little Li home." Beitang Jue is already thick-skinned, so it's not easy for someone like Yue Duyi who is not so shameless. He was frozen to ice.

As soon as she heard that her little dad wanted Beitang Li to come over, Yue Nuo couldn't sit still, fearing that her father would really get angry with her little dad and bring back Beitang Li's little fox: "Dad, impulsiveness is the devil. , I can’t do it, I can’t do it!”

"Uncle Yue, if you are willing, I don't mind calling you dad." Beitang Li said elegantly while eating.

Yue Yiyi is not that stupid. Asking Beitangli to call him "Dad" means that he has compromised his daughter. It turns out that the father and son had this idea. If Xiaonuo hadn't reminded him, they might have actually gotten in. He snorted coldly and lowered his head to eat.

Seeing that the good opportunity had been missed again, Beitang Li glanced at Yue Nuo sadly, only to see the latter let out a sigh of relief and looked frightened.

"Dad, you are so wise."

Seeing that they stopped arguing, everyone started to eat again. Cheng Cheng asked some questions about Lucy's preferences and did some household chores. Yue Duyi and Beitang Jue also gave their future daughter-in-law face and stopped quarreling.

After finally working all night, calm returned to the Yue family mansion. After taking a shower, Cheng Yu sat in front of the computer. Yue Nuo ran in and sat on the huge doll beside him, which Yue Nuo had placed in his room just for the purpose. She visits from time to time: "Brother."

"What's wrong?" Cheng Yu wiped his hair, his wet forehead sticking to his forehead, and Yue Nuo was stunned by his handsome face.

"No wonder Sister Lucy has been eyeing you since she was a child and has always been obsessed with you. Brother, you are so beautiful." Yue Nuo raised a smile.

Cheng Yu wiped his hair dry and looked at his little sister: "If you have anything to say, just say it. I won't accept your tricks."

"Brother, why did you agree when Sister Lucy gave you the ring?"

Cheng Yu was stunned when he turned on the computer. No wonder Uncle Qingya's eyes and ears are so long. Her family would probably send someone to follow her. Is there anything else she doesn't know? "I thought about it, so I agreed."

"Is it that simple?" Yue Nuo didn't believe it.

Cheng Yu smiled slightly: "How complicated is it?"

"But didn't Sister Lucy say that she is rich, good-looking, and very gentle and considerate? Shouldn't these be the reasons for you to agree to her?"

"Does that have anything to do with me?" Cheng Yu looked at Yue Nuo seriously. He was so smart that he now knew why his little sister suddenly came to ask him these questions, "Because she is Lucy, because I wanted to, so I agreed, no So many whys.”

Is it okay to do it just because you want to? Yue Nuo remained silent.

But don’t expect Yue Nuo to stay calm for a long time. After a while, she started gossiping about Cheng Yu: “Brother, Mom said you went to the base because of Sister Lucy, is that true?”

Cheng Yu stared at the screen and kept typing on the keyboard: "Don't Miss Yue Da know everything?"

"I heard that it was because Sister Lucy was bullied when she was a child and you were unable to protect her, which made you realize the importance of strength to a person, so you plan to go to the base to train so that you can protect the people you want to protect in the future. right?"

"..." The sound of keyboard tapping continued.

"Sister Lucy transferred to Yinhua for you, but you didn't recognize her at the beginning. When did you recognize her?" Yue Nuo approached Cheng Yu and stopped him from looking at the computer, "You take her to the student union That time? Was it the day when the drug trafficking incident was solved? Or maybe you recognized her from the beginning, but you didn't admit it... Oh brother, you are so bad! You actually followed the example of that kid from Beitang Li, and you cheated on others."

Cheng Yu stopped typing on the keyboard and pushed Yue Nuo away: "Actually, I feel that those who follow me have seriously violated my privacy. I think maybe they don't need to follow me all the time."

"No, brother, they are here to protect your safety too." It was a joke. What his brother meant was to let her take back those people, so she would lose many opportunities to peep into other people's secrets in the future.

"Then I have to see how someone performs."

"Brother, I swear, I will only use your affairs for my own enjoyment, and don't share it with others." Yue Nuo raised her hand.

Cheng Yu's phone rang. He glanced at the number, picked up the phone but did not answer it in a hurry. He gestured with his eyes to Yue Nuo, who was trying to eavesdrop. "Now, is there anything else?"

"Haha, no more." Yue Nuo giggled, "Sister-in-law's phone number."

Cheng Yu raised his eyebrows, Yue Nuo ran away quickly, and then Cheng Yu pressed the answer button: "Aren't you asleep yet?"

Lucy was extremely happy when she heard his faint voice: "Not yet, I miss you."

"I know." Cheng Yu put the phone to his ear with a smile on his face and continued what he was doing.

"Sister-in-law, my brother has actually liked you since he was a child!" Yue Nuo suddenly opened Cheng Yu's door and shouted, then grinned at Cheng Yu and ran away.

Cheng Yu shook his head helplessly, and the other end of the phone was silent for a while: "Are you still there?"

Lucy suppressed her inner excitement and tried to sound calmer: "Xiao Nuo... is what you just said true?"

Cheng Yu's hand tapping on the keyboard listened for a while, and then Lucy heard the voice that still had a calm and cold voice that fascinated her.


There was silence on the other end of the phone again, and Cheng Yu didn't urge him this time.

"Do you know that I've been waiting for you in the rain for a long time, but you didn't come." Lucy complained a little.

"I'm very sorry."

Lucy felt that she was childish. It had already been so long and she still had to worry about it: "Forget it, it's late. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Good night."

"Good night."

Cheng Yu put down the phone and stood up, walked to the table and poured himself a glass of water. He opened the balcony window and looked at the mountains in the distance with a gentle smile on his lips.

But he didn't see Lucy at school the next day. The seats next to him were empty. Cheng Yu was a little uncomfortable. He played with the phone in his hand for a long time. After waiting for a class, Lucy didn't show up. Finally, at the end of class, , the phone rang, but it was Lucy's somewhat anxious voice.

"Cheng Yu, my grandfather is seriously ill. I have to rush back to Italy and take a few days off from school."

Cheng Yu frowned slightly: "Do you want me to go with you?"

"No need, I'm already at the airport and in contact."

Beep beep beep beep… .

Cheng Yu stared at his phone in a daze for a while, then packed up his things and left the classroom.

When Lucy hurried home, Dawson Ibranda had already fallen into a coma. Lucy looked at her grandfather wearing an oxygen mask and cried beside his hospital bed.

The night was very cold. Lucy blew the night wind, thinking that the sadness in her heart would be taken away with the wind. She knew that birth, old age, illness and death were inevitable, and her grandfather was already so old, but when it came to the moment she faced it, she still couldn't Accept it, how can you accept it? Her parents died early, and her grandfather raised her when she was a child. She held it in her hands for fear of breaking, and held it in her mouth for fear of melting.


Lucy quickly wiped away her tears and turned around: "Bowen."

Bowen Ibranda was also a child adopted by Dawson. At that time, he was afraid that Lucy would be too lonely alone, so he adopted a child to keep Lucy company.

"The doctor said that grandpa is suffering from illness, and it has been dragging on for a few days. It is better to give him an injection and let him pass away peacefully." She cried again.

"Let me think about it again." Lucy turned around. She also understood that her grandfather was not sleeping peacefully on the bed, but that was her grandfather. How could she...


"I told you to let me think again!" Lucy suddenly turned around and shouted to Bowen, "You want me to end grandpa's life with my own hands, but I can't do it!"

"But this will only make grandpa more painful, don't you understand?" Bowen stepped forward and took her arm.

"I know! But knowing and doing it are two different things! Wuwuwu..."

Bowen hugged her into his arms: "Cry... you will feel better after crying." The fragrant breath in his arms made Bowen's heart beat faster. His hands happened to be around Lucy's soft and boneless waist, and he felt through her pajamas. He could also feel the smooth touch. He was confused and held the person in his arms tighter and tighter. He could finally hold her in his arms. No one could stop him, no one could. Dawson was him. Yes, Lucy is his too. Such psychological hints continued to spread in his mind, slowly turning into a cancer that could not be erased.

"Bowen, you hurt me." Lucy felt like she couldn't breathe being held. Although Bowen was her brother, they were not related by blood. Now Bowen was an adult, so it was inappropriate to be held like this. .

(End of chapter)