Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 70


"Lucy... Lucy... I love you..."

"Bowen, you are crazy, I am your sister!"

No matter how Lucy resisted, Bowen seemed to be trapped in his own inner demons. At this moment, he only saw Lucy's seductive red lips and kissed her regardless of her resistance.

"Bowen! Wake up!" Lucy pushed him away with all her strength. After running two steps, he caught him and pushed him to the ground.

"I'm very sober. I've loved you for so many years. It was because of grandpa in the past. Now that he's gone, I won't let you go!" Bowen buried himself in Lucy's neck again, and his wet kiss made her feel sad. Lucy felt sick in her heart.

Her lower body was pressed and unable to move. She took advantage of Bowen's head to raise his head and slapped him in the face. This slap also woke Bowen up. Seeing him stunned on top of her, Lucy pulled up her torn pajamas in humiliation. , staring coldly at this brother who seemed strange to her: "Get out! I don't want to see you!"

When Bowen saw her tears, he wanted to raise his hand to wipe them, but was afraid of seeing her disgusted eyes. His clenched fists turned pale: "I don't regret what I did today."

The door opened and closed. Lucy bit her lip and couldn't figure out why this happened. Bowen had always been very kind to her. When did he start to have other ideas? But even so, he couldn't do this to her. Something like this happened. She dialed the number she was already familiar with, and when she heard the voice on the other end of the phone, her fearful and panicked heart calmed down, and she cried into the phone.

"What happened?"

His voice always made her feel at ease. Lucy wiped her tears and didn't want Cheng Yu to know what happened just now: "No, grandpa's condition is not very good. He may not be able to survive for a few days. Cheng Yu, I feel so terrible. Why is death so close to us?"

"Lucy, we will all grow old and we will have to leave one day."

"I won't allow you to leave before me." Thinking that her lover would leave her, Lucy panicked.

"I try my best."

Hearing Cheng Yu's helpless agreement, Lucy laughed: "You're so stupid. Telling lies to make me happy will kill me."

"It's getting late, go to bed early, otherwise you won't have the strength to take care of your grandpa."

"Yes." Lucy hung up the phone reluctantly.

Cheng Yu ended the call and did not go to bed. Instead, he walked to the end of the room and knocked on Yue Nuo's door. He saw the little girl looking at the computer screen with her feet up and holding a large can of plums in her hand. Seeing Cheng Yu walking into her room, she smiled kindly.

"I want to know what happened to Lucy." Cheng Yu didn't beat around the bush.

Yue Nuo will not be so cheap to her brother: "Now you know the importance of me having people follow you, you know your sister's rules."

Cheng Yu was not Xuan Yi. He took out his mobile phone and said, "I think I'd better call Xiaoli. He should be very happy to know where the little girl runs every time."

"Okay, okay, I surrender!" Yue Nuo quickly grabbed his phone. She was very convinced that her obscene brother would betray his sister for his sister-in-law. She turned the computer screen to him and played back the image that had just been sent. , Cheng Yu pursed his lips and tapped the table with his fingers unconsciously. Yue Nuo held her Meizi and ran away far away. Every time her brother showed that expression, someone would be in trouble, that Jiemie Shunbian named Bowen.

The sky; the remaining glimmer of hope was blocked and wrapped tightly, leaving no room for breathing. The drizzle of rain made the whole sky desolate. Lucy was wearing black mourning clothes, and the black gauze on the edge of the black hat covered her pale face. She listened to the priest's holy words indifferently:

“Almighty God the Father, you are the source of life, you saved us through your Son Jesus, please look on Dawson Ibranda and accept him into eternal light. Since he believes that your Son died and rose again; may you When he is resurrected in the future, he will also be able to share the blessings with your Son. I ask the above because of our Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Son and he is God, and you and the Holy Spirit live forever and ever. Amen. "

The rain fell along the length of the black umbrella, splashing wet shoes; tears splashed wet the face. How many people cried together, so that there would be such a steady stream of rain, and the sky would shed tears non-stop. It used to be a rainy day. There was always a grandfather who held up half an umbrella for her, but now there is only half a drop of missing her.

Lucy didn't know how she got home. She pushed open the study room where her grandfather loved to sit. It had the same desk, the same bookcase, the same sofa, and the same rocking chair, but now she felt different because her mood was different.

Knock knock knock…

"Come in."

"Miss Lucy, I am Mr. Dawson's lawyer and I am reading his will on Mr. Dawson's behalf."

"Yes." Lucy nodded, indicating that they could come in. Following the lawyer was her aunt who had rarely been seen in hundreds of years, and then Bowen. Lucy looked away unaccustomed to seeing him. , it is impossible for her to treat Bowen as casually as before.

Everyone sat down. The lawyer took out the will from his briefcase, but did not read it out. Aunt Kelly became impatient: "Hurry up and finish the announcement. I will get my share and leave."

"I'm sorry, I clearly have to wait until all the recipients of the will are present before it can be read."

"Who else?" Kelly asked excitedly in a sharp voice. There was already one more outsider sharing the property with her. If some random people came to her, wouldn't she get less

"Sorry, I'm late." A boy wearing a blue T-shirt walked in. He looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a student's hair and pure eyes like an unpolluted white lotus. He looked into the study room The person sitting smiled and said hello, "Hello everyone."

"Now that all the heirs have arrived, I will begin to read Mr. Dawson Ibranda's will."

"Wait, who is this boy? Why is he also a beneficiary of the will?" Kelly asked the question Bowen also wanted to ask.

"According to what is written in the will, Mr. Hua Xize is the son of Mr. Gal Ibranda and Ms. Hua Xiangxiang, that is, the grandson of Mr. Dawson Ibranda. Naturally, he has the right to inherit his property after his death."

"What! Gal is still raising an illegitimate child outside. I know if he is real. For no reason, multiple people come out and claim to be the heir."

"Here is his DNA firm certificate, no doubt about it."

"Aunt, since it's grandpa's intention, let's respect it." Lucy felt her head hurt. Kelly was holding back her grievances after being told by Lucy. How could she say that her niece was her brother's most beloved granddaughter? In the future, she Still relying on her.

"Dawson Ibranda's castle and more than thirty properties in England were divided between Kelly Ibranda, and 60 percent of Dawson Electronic Technology's shares were inherited by her granddaughter Lucy Ibranda, In the future, if Lucy Ibranda gets married, she can transfer it to her husband's name with the consent of Miss Lucy. The remaining 20% will be inherited by Mr. Huazexi, and the remaining 20% will be given to his adopted son Bowen. Ibranda, but stipulates that it shall not be transferred, sold or gifted. The above is the will of Mr. Dawson."

"Impossible! There must be a mistake. How come a picked-up person who appeared out of thin air has 20% of the shares, and I have nothing!" Kelly felt it was unfair. She was his sister.

"Sorry, ma'am, that's what Mr. Dawson's will says."

"Auntie, the total number of castles and real estate in the UK is more than 100 million. You have never come to visit my grandpa. Grandpa has left you so much inheritance, which is considered to be taking care of you. Don't be dissatisfied."

"Lucy." Bowen called to her as she was about to leave.

Lucy held the door: "I will go to Dawson tomorrow, and you notify all managers and above to hold a meeting." She didn't want to do this, but Bowen forced her.

"Follow me." Lucy nodded to Hua Xize who was always smiling.

"Humph! After all, we are not biological. It was obvious when we divided the property. Lucy will get back control of Dawson sooner or later. I think you have been busy for so many years in vain, haha." Kelly looked at Bowen with gloating. Also left the study.

Lucy led Hua Xize to the living room: "Sit down, what do you want to drink?"

"Water, thank you."

Lucy handed him the water glass: "Is your name Hua Zexi?"

"Yes." Hua Zexi touched the rim of the cup.

"Is your mother Chinese?"

"Yes." Hua Zexi nodded with a smile, his face as bright as the sun.

"My mother is also Chinese. Sorry, I have no ill intentions towards you, but I am always a little surprised when I suddenly hear that my father has an illegitimate child outside. After all, my grandfather told me that he loves my mother very much."

"I can understand." Hua Zexi nodded.

"But since grandpa's will is set like this, I will respect grandpa's choice. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me. After all, I am your sister." Putting aside the grudge in her heart, in fact, many things have happened since grandpa passed away. Even if he takes it lightly, it is a blessing to still have someone in this world who is connected to him by blood.


Lucy felt that this dull afternoon became brighter because of this boy's smile. However, the change of a dynasty is not something that can be solved with just a few smiles. Dawson's foundation is very deep, and each generation always has its own confidants, not to mention that there are people who deliberately cultivate it. From Dawson, Ibranda let Bowen go. When he started to get in touch with the company, he slowly developed his own power. Although some people still supported Lucy, after all, Lucy didn't have much contact with the company's operations, so when Lucy sat in the president's office, a group of people unanimously agreed. submitted his resignation.

This group of people all occupy the main positions in the company. If they resign suddenly, there will be a gap in the company's operations. Lucy looked at Bowen on the side, hoping that he could say something. Dawson had always been led by him before. Taking care of it, but Bowen didn't seem to see Lucy's gaze, looking down at the documents in his hand.

"Miss Lucy, we were all promoted by Manager Bowen. Manager Bowen contributed a lot to Dawson's success today. Miss Lucy is not familiar with the company's operations. If Dawson is handed over to Miss Lucy, he will No better than Manager Bowen, if Miss Lucy insists on returning to Dawson, we will resign collectively." The marketing operations manager took the lead in delivering the speech that had been discussed long ago.

When things got to this point, it was impossible for Lucy not to see that this was a premeditated plan. They were sure that she would not be able to find talent for a while and threatened her to hand over the power of the company. If she objected, they would really If she resigns, it will be the end for Dawson. If she agrees, she will comply with Bowen's wishes.

Just when Lucy was in trouble, the door of the conference room suddenly opened.

"Since you insist on resigning, we will not retain you."

Cheng Yu was dressed in a black suit and had a commanding aura. He walked slowly to Lucy, kissed her forehead, and said softly: "Sorry, I'm late."

Lucy's eyes were sore and she shook her head: "No."

Cheng Yu leaned close to her ear: "Actually, I don't like wearing suits. I made an exception for you, but you have to make it up to me."

What Cheng Yu said was very ambiguous. Lucy's ears were red and bleeding, her face and cheeks were stained with a blush, and Bowen's eyes were red with jealousy.

(End of chapter)