Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 71


"Who just said that he wanted to resign?" Cheng Yu's deep voice was as cold as ever, echoing throughout the conference room.

Everyone is looking at me and I am looking at you. They don’t know who this person suddenly appeared. He is so close to Miss Lucy. They are not sure about Cheng Yu’s background, so no one dares to make the first move. They also He was just making a fuss because he was sure Lucy wouldn't copy them. It was a joke. If he quit his job here, where could he find a company with a salary comparable to Dawson's

Cheng Yu was not in a hurry. He sat next to Lucy and tapped the table with his fingers. Even some people who were not afraid of death felt that Cheng Yu was just following Lucy's example. The manager of the R&D department stood up: "If Dawson's If the president is replaced by Miss Lucy, then I will resign today."

The R&D department is the core department of the entire Dawson. His resignation is undoubtedly the biggest loss for Dawson. Cheng Yu opened the folder he brought. His gentle face made him look gentle and easy to talk to, but his words made the R&D manager His face turned blue: "George Browne, male, forty-two years old, entered Dawson right after graduating from college. He started as an apprentice and became a manager due to his participation in the development of the fourth generation defense system, which was a great success. Performance is mediocre.”

Cheng Yu threw the information in his hand on the table: "Actually, in my opinion, Dawson's fourth-generation defense system is not much different from the third-generation. Knowing that Dawson's defense system still relies on acquisitions, I really don't know Why are you, the manager of the R&D department, still sitting in that seat? Since you have offered to resign, it will save you a lot of trouble, CFO."

"Yes!" The financial director didn't know why he replied subconsciously. In short, this young man put more pressure on him than Chairman Dawson.

"Settlement to Manager George."


Cheng Yu saw George Browne standing there motionless: "What? Are there any other questions?"

"What right do you have to drive me away!" I didn't expect him to really do it.

"I think Manager George made two mistakes. The first is not that I drove you away, but that you took the initiative to apply for resignation. Everyone here who is not deaf can hear it. The second is that I am Lucy's fiancé. She is now Is there any problem with hiring me as the CEO of Dawson Group?" Cheng Yu's voice has always been so smooth and indifferent, and any quarrel seems to be meaningless in front of him.

"You will regret it!" George Browne waved and left.

"Wait." Cheng Yu stopped him, "Security, Manager George checked carefully when he left. Anything related to Dawson is not allowed to be taken away. Manager George should be considerate of my approach, right? If he takes it out Now, it will be difficult for everyone to hold Manager George accountable in the name of stealing trade secrets."

"You! Humph!" George Browne glared at Cheng Yu and left angrily.

The conference room had been quiet since he left. When no one said they wanted to leave, Cheng Yu saw the female secretary recording the meeting saying: "Go to the R&D department and call Robert up."

The female secretary glanced at Bowen opposite and hesitated: "Yes."

An internal meeting was also held in the R&D department to conduct research and discussion on the independently developed sixth-generation defense system. As a grassroots employee, Robert had no right to speak and just took notes silently. The door of the conference room suddenly opened and it was the chief secretary of the president.

"Is there anyone named Robert here?"

"That's me." Robert stood up, not knowing what the person on the top wanted to do with him. John next to him also pulled on his clothes: "Why is the president's secretary looking for you?"

Robert tilted his body and whispered: "How should I know."

"Follow me to the top floor for a meeting."

"Me?" Robert was in disbelief. He felt like a piece of pie fell from the sky and knocked him dizzy. There was a meeting at the top, and even the deputy minister was not qualified. How could a small employee of his be qualified

"Yes, don't dawdle."

Robert followed immediately because the president's secretary was already a little impatient. Robert walked into the silent conference room, and everyone's eyes were suddenly focused on him, making him feel as uncomfortable as a piercing glow.

"Sit." Cheng Yu gestured for him to sit on the empty seat he had just left: "If no one wants to leave, then we will officially start the meeting."

The secretary quickly sent a piece of information to Robert, and Cheng Yu motioned for everyone to open the documents he had compiled: "This is the annual growth rate of Dawson's turnover of 5% compared to Cinda and Kexin in the same industry in the past three years. , Dawson is almost standing still. Nowadays, the competition in the information technology industry is fierce, and everyone knows that without growth, it will be regression. Last year, Dawson spent 400 million just to acquire defense systems. Of course, Dawson is rich, but he has always relied on defense. If Dawson, which has a well-known system, relies on acquisitions every year, Dawson will collapse sooner or later.”

Cheng Yu's words made the people who were doing it look ugly: "Why is this situation happening today? The most serious reason is the formation of cliques and favoritism to promote cronies, the inability to know people well, and the loss of talents."

Cheng Yu's words hit their hearts word for word, and those who relied on connections to get into positions were all on tenterhooks.

"Since I, as the CEO of Dawson, will not allow things to continue to happen. I have hired Heiya as an executive consultant. He will develop a strict internal supervision system based on the specific situation of Dawson, and all employees of the company must carry out the inspection. During the review, those who fail to pass the next post may resign." Cheng Yu did things more thoroughly. If it hadn't happened this time, a company as old as Dawson would have been rectified.

Black cliff? That Can Lang's golden abacus and black cliff? What is the origin of this man? How could he invite Heiya? Who wouldn’t know that with just a word from Young Master Canlang, Jueshi Jewelry suddenly became a company comparable to Yuezhi and Dawson, and it only took three years? time. It is said that Hei Ya has a sharp vision and can rehabilitate companies that have been rectified and audited by him, but it is not just a matter of money to hire him.

"If there are no other questions, today's meeting ends here."

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other, and finally the financial director took the lead to leave, and then everyone dispersed.

"Mr. Cheng, I am Bowen Ibranda, Lucy's younger brother."

Cheng Yu looked at Bowen and put his outstretched hand in front of his eyes. Cheng Yu only glanced at it and had no intention of holding it: "I just have something to tell you, please wait."

Lucy gritted her teeth. She knew that even if she didn't like someone, she wouldn't be so rude unless he was angry. She always felt that Cheng Yu might know something, but she wasn't sure. Bowen suppressed his anger and asked him to wait so casually, without taking him seriously at all.

Robert Moji was at the end when he saw Cheng Yu approaching him. He was also shocked by what he said just now. This young man wanted to destroy Dawson so casually. Even if the old chairman was in office, he would not dare to make such a drastic move. Not only is he really sure, but he still doesn't care about Dawson's future.

"Robert?" Cheng Yu always remembered this competitor from back then.

"Yes, President."

"Congratulations on becoming the new R&D manager."

Cheng Yu stretched out his hand, and Robert took it uncertainly: "Me? But I just joined the company not long ago."

"It's not about your longevity in joining the company. I think you, the champion of the Three Worlds Youth Science and Technology Information Competition, are qualified for the job. I have read the papers you published, and the ideas are very good. Work hard."

Cheng Yu patted him on the shoulder, then looked back at Lucy, who followed him with understanding: "Mr. Bowen, I think we need to talk somewhere else."

Bowen nodded, and Cheng Yu hugged Lucy and left. The figure on the back reminded Robert of déjà vu. As he walked back to the R&D department, he lowered his head and thought. He always felt that the name Cheng Yu was very familiar.

When John saw Robert coming back, he immediately got close to him: "I heard that the R&D director was fired, and I also heard that you became the R&D director. I'm really lying. You kid didn't just step on shit and have shit luck. Alright."

Robert suddenly shouted: "It's him! It's really him! No wonder!" He was really lucky. He grabbed John and said excitedly, "Do you remember that I participated in the competition in my senior year of high school? Only got second place.”

"Remember, the championship was taken away by a kid." Of course John remembered, but why did Robert bring this up

"Do you know who our new president is?" Robert was mysterious, and John shook his head.

"That's him! Cheng Yu!"

"That little devil? Our new president?" John seemed to remember, "No way, I heard that the company hired Heiya to reorganize and may lay off employees. I have offended him before, will he lay off me too? ! Robert, you know I still have to support my wife and children, can you tell the president not to lay off me? It was all a misunderstanding before."

Robert looked at John's nervous look and said, "Don't worry, the president just wants to catch those who rely on nepotism to get to the top. If you have real skills, you won't be laid off."

"Really?" John breathed a sigh of relief and then thought, "Is there still a chance for promotion?"

"Apparently so."

Dawson is like every company. Rumors spread faster than viruses. For a time, people inside Dawson were panicked. There were whispers everywhere. The most discussed matter was the new president. Some people who were well-informed told Yinhua College After getting all the internal school magazines, John shook the magazines in his hands and ran to Robert's new office. Robert was sorting things. He raised the magazines in his hands: "You see, our president is not simple, he is also a big boss." The young master is now the president of Yuezhi Heavy Industry. I heard that his godmother is the young mistress of Can Lang, so no wonder he invited Hei Ya. There is even more exciting news that you must want to know."

Robert smiled. Seeing the admiration on John's face, it was hard to imagine that he hadn't given the young CEO a little face many years ago: "What news."

"The fifth-generation Dawson defense system is the most perfect one in the history of Dawson, but unfortunately it was acquired externally, and the developer is C.Y, whom you admire very, very, very much."

"Everyone knows this." Robert shrugged.

"The question is, do you know who C.Y is?" John raised his eyebrows, still being a good boy. He didn't believe Robert would be as calm as he is now if he knew the answer.

Robert paused while organizing his things: "Who is it?"

"It's our great president. Look at this passage: 'The most perfect upstart in Yinhua's history is actually the most mysterious C. Y-Cheng Yu'?" John showed Robert the magazine in his hand.

Robert took the magazine calmly, but the slight trembling of excitement in the hand holding the magazine did not fool John's eyes, so just let him pretend to be calm. After Robert read the report about Cheng Yu, he returned it to John: "Where did you get the magazine?"

"Ha... you didn't know, right? Lisa's cousin's brother's friend's neighbor's child has a good friend who is studying at Yinhua College, because Lisa's cousin's brother's friend's neighbor's child particularly yearns for Yinhua. So I asked him to borrow it every time, and after going around and around, it ended up in Lisa’s hands. She took it to the company to have a look, and everyone recognized at a glance that the person on the cover was very similar to our great president. After confirmation, I finally figured out this shocking secret.”

Robert's head was cramped because John was bothering him.

"You said that if our president was C.Y, wouldn't the sixth-generation defense system be less troublesome?"

"You mean there is no need for my R&D department to exist?" Robert smiled, laughing at John's simple-mindedness.

"Yes, then we have to go home and eat ourselves."

"If he wanted to get rid of the R&D department, why did he promote me to manager?"

"That's right." John thought about it again, but Robert ignored him. His simple mind would not be able to think about it for a while.

In the private room of the cafe on the first floor of Dawson, Cheng Yu and Bowen sat face to face. Cheng Yu didn't want to waste much time on this man. To be honest, he really didn't like this man, so he didn't say anything. The previous distant politeness was replaced by direct coercion: "Lucy is my fiancée. Obviously I don't like anyone having any undue thoughts about her, so please move out of Dawson Mansion before tomorrow night. In addition, Dawson Group I will take over the affairs of Dawson. According to Mr. Dawson’s will, you still own 20% of the shares of Dawson Group, so you can still stay in Dawson as your general manager and exercise your rights, but I also want to Let you know that your vote does not change any of my decisions."

"This is our Dawson Group's own business. Even if you are Lucy's fiancée, it doesn't mean anything. After all, you are not married to Lucy yet." Bowen didn't know Cheng Yu's background yet, so naturally he just thought he could This arrogance is entirely based on the name of Lucy's fiancé, "Lucy, don't be deceived by this person. He just wants the Dawson family's property. Once you transfer the shares to his name, he will Dumped you."

"Bowen, I don't allow you to say that about Cheng Yu!" Lucy was angry.

Cheng Yu smiled slightly. He had said everything he needed to say. There was no need to waste time here: "I have already said that I will move out of Dawson Mansion before tomorrow night. You definitely don't want me to enforce it."

Seeing Cheng Yu hug Lucy and leave, Bowen picked up the cup on the table and smashed it on the ground: "Why does that man!"

"Why? His father is Yue Yiyi, his godmother is Can Lang's young master's wife, and the president of Yuezhi Heavy Industry is his side job. I forgot to tell you that he also has a name called C. Y, oh... of course the most important thing What's more, he has a super invincible and lovely sister like me. Hello, my name is Yuenuo. This is my business card. I am a lawyer. If you are dissatisfied that my brother is about to obtain 60% of the shares of your Dawson Group, don't you? If you are satisfied, you can come to me and I promise to take away your 20% as well."

" did you get in." Bowen looked at the little girl who suddenly appeared in horror. She was squatting on the sofa chair, eating ice, smiling, but her appearance was so silent and terrifying. .

"The ice cream in Dawson's Cafe is pretty good, I wonder if I can take it away." Yue Nuo swallowed a mouthful, looked at Bowen and asked innocently. If she couldn't pack it, she would ask Beitang Li to come over and learn from their chef, so that she could eat it every day in the future.

"Oh... I forgot to show you something good." Yue Nuo seemed to suddenly remember something again. She hooked her fingers at Bowen. Bowen walked in unexpectedly. Yue Nuo took out his handheld computer and typed on it. After a few clicks, he happily turned the monitor to Bowen. Bowen's eyes widened as he stared at the monitor.

"No! It's impossible! How do you know! This film must be fake!" Bowen's fingers quickly tapped the keyboard in an attempt to eliminate the image of him persecuting Dawson Ibranda.

"Delete it, delete it, I have backed up hundreds of copies." Yue Nuo ate the ice without caring, "Sell it as a pirated CD someday and the market will definitely be good. Let's call it Nie Yuan Er. Isn't that good? Good, The Prince’s Revenge II is not good, Call the Wolf’s Ambition is good.”

"Give me the CD." Bowen wanted to get close to Yue Nuo and threaten her to hand over all the backups. Yue Nuo dropped the ice to the ground in order to get out of his way. Yue Nuo looked at the ice bully who had not finished eating. He frowned, pouted, and was obviously angry. He took out the whip from his waist and raised his hand and said, "Damn! Even my precious wealth can be touched by a scum like you! If you touch my sister-in-law, you think my brother won't settle the score with you." Just forget it? That’s because my brother doesn’t take you seriously at all. He thinks even talking to you is a waste of saliva! As soon as you walk out from here, there will be many people making trouble for you, huh! You’re still dirty after beating you. my hand!"

Yue Nuo angrily stepped on Bowen who was lying on the ground and was faintly whipping out. She was already crippled by the whip. She was still unhappy and yelled at them, and decided to go to the bar and ask for another ice cream to make up for her. The fly spoke in a disgusted mood.

(End of chapter)