Beautiful Wife And Genius Son

Chapter 77


Yang Xinyan has been following Cheng Yu these days. She can be seen wherever Cheng Yu goes. No matter whether Cheng Yu talks to her or not, she follows him and talks to herself, with the same spirit as an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. As powerful as she was, although Cheng Yu admired her persistence, she was very happy and there were always people following behind her. So when Yang Xinyan followed him through the school's overpass, he turned around and stopped.

Yang Xinyan's narrowed smile was very bright, and she was always in the perfect state in front of Cheng Yu. Since Lucy had already said it, why should she hide her motives? She wanted this man.

"Don't follow me." Cheng Yu's cold tone revealed impatience, but obviously some people ignored him automatically.

"This is the first time you've spoken to me in three days."

"You're wasting your time." You're wasting mine too.

"I don't mind." Yang Xinyan chuckled.

If women all over the world are so unable to communicate, then he refuses to talk: "I mind, your behavior affects my normal life, I don't like you, please stop doing such useless things."

She didn't expect him to refuse so directly and without hesitation. Even though Yang Xinyan's ability to withstand blows was strong, and the heart she gave with her hands was not taken seriously, it didn't matter, and she fell heavily to the ground, but she was already prepared, knowing that she would After being rejected, he took a deep breath and smiled hard: "It's not all useless. At least you are talking to me now, right? And it doesn't affect you that I like you."

"Your behavior will make Lucy unhappy." That's the key.

"Just because she is unhappy, you can hurt my sincerity so casually?" The smile on Yang Xinyan's mouth slowly faded, and the pain in her heart was bleeding again because of Cheng Yu's indifferent words.

"Yes." Cheng Yu looked at the girl in front of him strangely, "Your sincerity has nothing to do with me. I don't know why I should care about a stranger's mood. Don't follow me anymore." Otherwise, he might not mind letting Xiao Sister takes action.

Cheng Yu turned around without any hesitation. Yang Xinyan shouted at his back unwillingly: "Believe it or not, I will jump downstairs from here right now." She wanted to make him feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"It's up to you." The two faint words floated into Yang Xinyan's ears with the wind. The cold wind brought it into her heart through the periosteum. It was already so cold that she had nothing to say. Yang Xinyan didn't believe that he was really so cold. As soon as he gritted his teeth and raised his feet, he was about to jump down, but an unknown man suddenly appeared and grabbed him by the collar.

"Who is it?" Yang Xinyan didn't understand the man who suddenly appeared, but he was definitely not from the school. This man had no expression, and his whole body was cold and seemed to have no trace of popularity. She didn't even understand how fast it would take for someone to appear suddenly, and she was scared.

Ren handed the phone to Yang Xinyan, and his master's voice came from the hands-free phone: "You are not afraid of jumping off the building, but you are still afraid of a living person? Ren, look at you scared Miss Yang, haha."

Ren's expression didn't change at all, he was used to his master's sarcasm.

"It's not easy for Miss Yang to live a life. You just jump down and expect that my brother will feel guilty and remember you forever? You are so naive, but naive is good. What I like most is to kill other people's hopes, although my brother most of the time He is very kind. When killing people, he will choose to shoot him in the heart because he is an old man so that the other person will suffer less pain. However, his kindness is definitely not directed at you, so if you really jump from here today, believe me. He will definitely forget about you, a passerby, tomorrow. After all, you are not Sister Lucy. My brother has loved her for many years, and now we are finally together. Do you think he will allow you to be so destructive? "

Yue Nuo's voice was very kind, and what she liked most was to repeatedly stimulate the fragile soul that was on the verge of collapse. Although Ren was not ashamed of his master's behavior, he had no sympathy for the woman in front of him.

"Don't think you have a good chance just because my brother looks like he can be approached by anyone. Let me tell you, my brother doesn't have a conscience like I do. If you jumped, he wouldn't even bother to collect the body. If it were changed I will at least wrap your body in cloth and throw it into the sea to feed the sharks and recycle the waste, you know."

Yang Xinyan didn't know where the sudden appearance of the mobile phone came from. What she said made her feel like ice piercing her butt. She casually discussed people's life and death, as if she was an arbiter, and everyone's life was on the line. She was so insignificant in her eyes. She didn't believe that Cheng Yu was like this. She didn't believe that someone could disregard the law so much. Isn't there no law? "You cheated, you lied, why should I believe you?" .”

Yang Xinyan threw away the phone, grabbed it, and smashed it on the ground, as if this would soothe her panic, as if smashing it would smash the woman inside.

Ren looked at Yang Xinyan's running figure and felt sad for her. How far could the person the master targeted run

Cheng Yu walked to the student union hall, where Lucy was standing at the window. From that angle, she could see all the scenery on the overpass. When she saw Cheng Yu walking over, she showed a beautiful smile. Smart women know how to control their own. Man, Lucy had been planning to take the man in front of her since she was six years old. Of course she would not let any woman sabotage her efforts, so she just made a phone call and made a deal with Yue Nuo. She wanted to Ozawa would definitely not mind making some small contribution to his sister's happiness.


"Well, are you hungry? Let's go eat." Cheng Yu's eyes always looked cold and mixed with a hint of softness when he stared at Lucy, which was only directed at Lucy.

Yang Xinyan had been restless all day and was absent-minded in class. Wu Mingmei thought she was just a little depressed chasing after her senior. For Wu Mingmei, Yang Xinyan did nothing wrong. She just fell in love with someone everyone liked. Senior, and worked hard to fight for it. If you can't win, then it's not a big deal. Does everyone have the right to pursue their own happiness? Moreover, there are many people who have sent love letters to Senior Cheng Yu, and Yang Xinyan is just one of them. One, for Yang Xinyan, she felt that she had done nothing wrong, but the fault was that she had a little more courage than others. She dared to chase Cheng Yu and dare to challenge Lucy in person. The fault was that she The mother was Qin Xuer, and she also told Yue Nuo to be punished twice for threatening her father.

Yang Xinyan returned home exhausted, only to find several police cars coming next door and blocking them. Yang Xinyan was too tired to see so many things, so she opened the door, changed her shoes, and took a bottle from the refrigerator. Who, after drinking a large bottle in one breath, felt a little relieved.

"Xiaoyan, are you back?" Hearing the sound, Qin Xuer came out of the kitchen.

"Mom, what happened next door?" Yang Xinyan asked.

"I don't know. Everything was fine in the morning. Why are the whole family dead in the afternoon? It's so pitiful. The youngest child was just one month old. I heard it was a shooting. I don't know who the family has offended. The police are still investigating."

Qin Xuer's words made Yang Xinyan feel as if she had fallen into ice water. She felt cold all over, and bursts of sweat broke out from her vest. She felt that she had grasped something key, but it passed quickly. Qin Xuer did not notice anything strange about her daughter. , a voice came from the kitchen: "By the way, you have a letter without a signature. I put it on the shoe cabinet."

Yang Xinyan had no intuition and relied solely on her body to move. She moved blankly to the shoe cabinet. She stared at the letter for a long time before stretching out her trembling hand. She tried hard to restrain herself from trembling, but the terrifying feeling was as if it was coming from her. It was coming from the depths of her soul and she couldn't control it. When she opened the letter, the sweat on her forehead dripped on the envelope. Yang Xinyan dropped the letter on the ground in fright. Her vision went dark. She rushed towards the shoe cabinet and the vase on it fell to the ground. She almost lost control. Can't control my own body.

"Xiaoyan, what's wrong?" Qin Xuer ran out of the kitchen, saw the vase, and walked over, "Why are you so careless?"

Picking up the letter by the way, he handed it to Yang Xinyan: "Whose is it?"

Yang Xinyan shook her head. Seeing her daughter like this, Qin Xuer simply opened it for her. There was only one English word written on the paper inside: "surprise."

"What do you mean?" Qin Xuer asked Yang Xinyan, who shook his head desperately. Qin Xuer shrugged, thinking it was a prank by her daughter's friend and didn't take it to heart, "You don't look good, are you sick?"

"No, maybe I didn't sleep well. I'm going to take a nap." Yang Xinyan avoided Qin Xuer's hand.

"Go ahead, I'll call you after dinner."

Yang Xinyan ran up the stairs, hid in her room, locked the door from the inside, and quickly wrapped her whole body with her life. On a hot day, she was actually chilled and shivering.

Ring ring ring…

Ring ring ring…

Ring ring ring…

Her cell phone vibrated in her pocket like a reminder, but she didn't dare to answer it. She intuitively thought it wouldn't be a good thing. But the other party seemed to not give up over and over again. Finally she mustered up the courage to pick up the phone: "Hello?"

"Xiaoyan, why does your voice sound like this? Are you feeling unwell? I noticed something was wrong with you during class. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." It turned out to be Wu Mingmei.

"Oh, that's good. I want to tell you that I won't be going to class tomorrow morning. Please help me take a leave."


"That's it, bye."

Yang Xinyan breathed a sigh of relief and got out of the quilt. She felt that she must have scared herself. In fact, nothing was wrong. The person next door really offended someone and was shot by an enemy. The unknown letter really belonged to a classmate. It was just a prank. When she remembered the phone call, Yang Xinyan didn't have the strength to open her eyes and answered the phone directly: "Hello."

"Are you satisfied with the surprise I gave you?"

The familiar female voice was very pleasant, but Yang Xinyan felt that the other party was a devil. She was simply crazy. She stood up from the bed and yelled into the phone: "You madman, what do you want to prove to me! Prove that you can do whatever you want. The child next door is just one month old! How could you do this, you devil! You are not a human being!"

"NONONO... I didn't kill them, it was you! It was you who foolishly thought that you could pursue my brother just because you are charming. I don't like others to question my ability. Since you doubt it, why don't I prove myself? , so it wasn’t me who killed them, it was you, do you understand?”

"No! I don't want to talk to a madman!" Yang Xinyan immediately hung up the phone and unplugged the power board without turning off the phone. Tears fell on her phone. She was anxious and at a loss as Yue Nuo's voice repeated over and over again. It was floating in her ears that she killed the family next door because of her... No! It's not like that, it's really not like that...

(End of chapter)