Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 108: 108The brain is a good thing


With everyone's help, Gu Mengmeng's gang's ignition plan was successfully implemented in a short time. Gu Mengmeng saw that the fire was still strong, and she was about to praise Colin and Walkley, but she saw that the two guys had already clenched their back molars, causing their facial nerves to look slightly ferocious.

Hey, it is the nature of animals to be afraid of fire. Gu Mengmeng shrugged and expressed her helplessness.

Unable to count on these two fearful people to help, Gu Mengmeng had no choice but to add the wet branches to the fire bit by bit.

After a while, thick smoke curled up, as if thick ink had been dripped into a clear water tank, brewing enchanting and beautiful ink marks.

The place where Gu Mengmeng lit the fire was naturally upwind. The wind blew from behind, blowing all the billowing smoke towards the hive.

At first, a few worker bees came out to check the situation, and then groups of bees burst out of the hive like rapid water, flying in the opposite direction of the smoke as if they were running for their lives, without even noticing that they were coming. The culprit Gu Mengmeng stood in the distance.

After the bees had almost flown away and the few remaining ones were fainted by the thick smoke, Gu Mengmeng put out the fire with wet grass leaves.

The smoke looks quite intimidating, but in fact it is not very hot.

After finishing the aftermath, Gu Mengmeng patted her small hands, which were stained black with soot, and looked at the three stunned males with her chin raised, accepting the admiration and shock in their eyes with a smug look on her face.

"Okay, do you know what to do with the rest?" Gu Mengmeng's dirty little face was embedded with big smart eyes, and she gave Colin and the other three a look of "do it", but she saw The three people still looked at her with dull eyes, as if they didn't understand what happened from just now.

Gu Mengmeng held her forehead, hey, brains are a good thing, but they don't even have them...

If she hadn't been afraid of Leia and Ervis stopping her, she really should have brought them two.

Unfortunately, these are the only three people that can be used at the moment, and Bode is someone who can't be counted on at all.

Gu Mengmeng sighed, had no choice but to cheer up and patted Colin on the shoulder and said, "Colin, give me a hug."

"Eh?" Colin blinked his big eyes, then dared to smile and nodded. He stretched out his arms and shyly lowered his head to one side, not daring to look directly at Gu Mengmeng, like a person who wants to refuse but welcomes. Like a little girl.

Gu Mengmeng frowned and said with a look of disgust: "You are a strong man who is almost two meters tall, why are you pretending to be shy?! It doesn't match your personality!"

"Huh?" Colin was so complained by Gu Mengmeng that he didn't know how to answer. He just felt a little aggrieved and lowered his head, thinking to himself: I am really too stupid to make Gu Mengmeng angry again...

"Don't blush!" Gu Mengmeng went crazy. She really couldn't stand a strong man who could almost catch up with Schwarzenegger, acting like a little wife in front of her. Who the hell was the one who rushed into the tower last night and was covered in blood? kindness? Damn it, Beast God, come and take away this effeminate piece of shit!

"Oh." Colin nodded like a fool, but he didn't know how to keep his face from turning red, and the more anxious he was, the redder his face seemed to get.

what to do? So desperate...

Gu Mengmeng held her forehead and gave up on Colin's character. He turned to Walkley and said, "Walkery, please give me a hug."

"Okay." Walkley nodded, walked up to Gu Mengmeng and hugged her gently, then let him go in a polite manner and stood back where he was.

Gu Mengmeng clearly saw a group of crows flying over her head in groups...

She just wants people to pick her up and harvest the beehives, why the hell is it like she's rippling in the spring breeze and begging for hugs everywhere? Can't you have fun playing!


Thank you for the 100 Reading B reward from QQ Reading's little baby "Bubble Milk Tea"

Another reply to the question from little baby "Mo Xi":

Regarding what will happen to Leia, I answered it in the reader group. It’s not convenient to say more in the comments. Trust me, I have my own reasons.

If you want to know, you can join the QQ group 492779273, and we will talk in private~