Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 2: 002 Elvis


If it hurts, then it’s not a dream!

Gu Mengmeng felt like she was about to cry without tears. She wanted to scream to the sky and ask who could tell her what the situation was now.

She had just gone through the inhumane abuse of the college entrance examination and successfully entered S University. Her four-year college career without shame had just begun. Why did she swim here for Mao? This... where is this? !

Gu Mengmeng's mind was blank. She couldn't think at all at the moment. There was only one inexplicable thought in her mind: traveled through time? Is it the same as the plot in the novel

Thinking like this, Gu Mengmeng noticed again the man in front of her who was hugging her but never said a word.

According to the conventions of novels, the first male to appear is usually the male protagonist. So…

Prince? emperor? Cult leader or miracle doctor

"May I ask your Excellency...?" Gu Mengmeng selectively forgot that she had already set up a romantic persona for herself due to her teasing others a moment ago, such as forced kisses, and 'I will not be responsible'. It’s just a floating cloud, let’s forget it together.

The man was full of curiosity about the little female in front of him. Her moods were very changeable. Her delicate little face always had an expression that people couldn't take their eyes off. Sometimes she was joking, sometimes naughty, sometimes charming, and sometimes frightened like a deer.

"Ervis." Ervis blurted out his name.

"Hello, Mr. Er, my name is Gu Mengmeng." Gu Mengmeng smiled stiffly and nodded as a salute. Her mind quickly went through all the people named Er, but unfortunately, the only thing she could think of was "Also" Erkang in Zhugege. But she vaguely remembered that Erkang's surname seemed to be Fu.

"Gu... Mengmeng." Ervis repeated Gu Mengmeng's name playfully, feeling something strange in his heart, as if telling him that this strange clear word would have extraordinary meaning to him.

"Sir, may I ask what dynasty we are in now? Is it the Qing Dynasty?" Although Gu Mengmeng knew in her heart, it was weird to ask this. It was like someone suddenly holding your hand on the street and asking you if it was the People's Republic of China now? You will definitely think that the other person is a psycho!

If possible, Gu Mengmeng would also like to find an opportunity to test the little maid next to her, but the current situation... Hehehe, he appeared here in a polka-dot bikini, even if he didn't ask what dynasty he was in, it was already weird enough. Yes. If there are too many lice, don't be afraid of being bitten. The worst thing you can do is be considered a lunatic.

"My name is Ervis, not Mr. Er." Ervis corrected him coldly. He didn't like her calling him by the wrong name.

Gu Mengmeng looked at Ervis looking directly at her, and she actually saw what was going on with the expectation

Somehow, Gu Mengmeng followed Ervis's wishes and called out: "Ervis."

Seeing Ervis nodding with satisfaction, Gu Mengmeng also laughed heartlessly. Completely unaware that her smile dazzled Elvis's eyes and occupied his heart.

Gu Mengmeng only had a bikini that covered her important parts. Ervis had already looked her up and down when he pulled her into his arms. There was no mark of a couple or any other male marks on her body. smell. This further confirmed his suspicion that Gu Mengmeng was a young female.

This knowledge made Elvis feel very happy, because it meant that as long as he brought Gu Mengmeng back to the tribe and raised her by his side, he would become her first partner. Thinking that this quirky little guy would one day become his partner, the corners of Elvis's lips curved up slightly, revealing an evil and seductive smile.

He took off the animal skin from his waist and wrapped it around Gu Mengmeng's body. He didn't mind being naked. Anyway, this was often the case for both men and women in the world, but he did mind that Gu Mengmeng was looked at. The thought of someone seeing her beauty made him feel tight in his chest, and he even wanted to gouge out the eyes of all the beasts.

Gu Mengmeng was in Ervis's arms, wrapped tightly by him, with only a pair of clear big eyes exposed. The male hormones on the animal skin made Gu Mengmeng's heart beat wildly. , and even forgot the question he was asking just now.

What does it matter which dynasty it is? !

There are beautiful men, that’s the point, okay!

Ervis was very satisfied with the way Gu Mengmeng looked at him with covetous eyes. There was only his reflection in those clear eyes. This made Ervis extremely satisfied in his heart. He began to understand why those males would become like idiots once they got married. Even if their partners told them to die immediately, they would not hesitate to cut open their chests and gouge out their beating hearts and hands. before the female.

Compared with the little female's smile, what's a life


Regarding names, please forgive Jin'er for being a bad name maker. All names are chosen using the automatic naming function of coding software. If they are similar to someone else's name... that only proves that we are using the same coding software~

Of course, if there is a baby with a good name, please let us know in the message area. Both male and female names are required, and a lot of them are needed for a long time...

But it is best to avoid the names of people in other similar articles to avoid any misunderstandings.