Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 21: 021The latest trick to flirt with girls?


Gu Mengmeng took advantage of Ervis's distraction and used a strong force to break free from his arms and ran towards Barritt.

This scene seemed to Barritt to be heaven, but to Elvis it was an endless abyss.

After all, Ervis did not pursue Gu Mengmeng, but turned around and left with a frown.

Yes, males feel pain too.

Elvis's palm touched the left side of his chest. The suffocating pain penetrated into the bone marrow but there was no blood. The culprit who caused him such suffering was running towards other males, taking care of the skin diligently. trauma.

Gu Mengmeng was completely running for her life at this moment, so naturally she couldn't care about Ervis's mood. All she could think about was how to avoid Saint-Nazaire's people as much as possible so that she could take the opportunity to escape. This was also the real reason why she chose Barritt. Compared with Ervis, who was breaking branches with his bare hands, the seriously injured Barritt was obviously a more suitable candidate.

When Gu Mengmeng ran to the creek, what she saw was a bit strange.

Most of the males went with Elvis to visit Nina in Leia's cave. Although a large number of people here have decided to pursue Gu Mengmeng, females are the most important treasures in the tribe, and males have the obligation to protect all females in the tribe before getting married. Now that Nina is seriously injured, they must find out.

There were only two or three of Gu Mengmeng's die-hard suitors left by the creek. They stayed not because they didn't care about Nina, but because the reason for Nina's injury was unknown. If it was an invasion of stray beasts or a ferocious beast, It is very dangerous for females to rush in and be unable to protect themselves, so every female must have a male beside her for protection.

It would be easier for Gu Mengmeng to find a chance to get rid of these three silly guys than the large army that followed Ervis.

But compared to these three people who couldn't be named, Barrite in the creek seemed extra... special.

He maintained a weird posture, half lying in the creek, and his wounds were soaked in the water. The flesh and skin that had been opened were wrinkled by the soaking. The water from the creek poured into his mouth and body. In the nasal cavity, he was obviously in pain, but he remained motionless.

"Barit? What's wrong with you?" Gu Mengmeng didn't have time to think too much, and hurriedly ran forward to help Barit up and let him sit down.

Barritt looked at Gu Mengmeng and asked with some embarrassment: "Can I move?"

"Huh?" Gu Mengmeng couldn't react for a moment.

"Didn't you just tell me to sit down and don't move? So..." Barrit felt a little guilty. In fact, he secretly moved once to avoid the sharp stones on the edge of the creek when Elvis threw him over. Although he knew in his heart that Gu Mengmeng would definitely not know, he still felt guilty, so his voice became lower and lower.

"Ah?!" Gu Mengmeng slapped her forehead, dumbfounded, "So you didn't hide when Ervis threw you just now. So many people surrounded you and you didn't run away. Is it because I told you not to move?"

"Yes." Barritt nodded honestly.

Gu Mengmeng's head dropped weakly, and she twitched the corners of her mouth and asked herself in her mind: Is this the latest trick to tease girls


"I just told you not to move because I was afraid that if you stood up, your wound would be involved, which would be detrimental to your recovery. I didn't tell you to be a sandbag here and not dodge if someone hits you." Gu Mengmeng held up Barritt's arm and held it. He helped it up.

Barritt, who stood 1.9 meters tall, was being scolded by Gu Mengmeng so that he couldn't lift his head. The scene was a bit cute.


Gu Mengmeng, who is 1.7 meters tall, and Barit, who is 1.9 meters tall. As long as Barit looks at Gu Mengmeng, he will always bow his head~

Gu Mengmeng: Damn it, I didn’t expect that my height advantage could be used in this way.

Barritt: It doesn't matter, I will bow my head for you no matter where and whenever you want.